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Jade Page 22

by Davenport, Maryann

  By the time they headed for dinner Jade felt a lot more hopeful about making her security agency pay than she had felt before.

  When they joined Cedric and Tilly, the next morning for breakfast, Jade noticed a stack of phone notes by her place at the table. “What on earth? Let me guess. Jack and Wolf had some kind of catastrophe at the company.”

  “No. A few of them are from a man named Ben Crowley and the others are from Mr. Omano’s people.” Tilly poured coffee for everyone before she joined them.

  “Good grief! Crowley is the most persistent man I’ve ever met, except for that idiot Winks.”

  Matt’s eyes flashed anger. “Is he becoming a problem?”

  “Relax, love. He’s not after romance. He wants me to run his security agency in Flagstaff. I told him I have no intention of moving anywhere and he’d have to find someone else. I also told him it’s Mrs. Dixon. Maybe nobody wants to work for him but that’s not my problem and I’ll tell him so.”

  She paged through the notes and pulled out two of them. “I see Lee is expecting a shipment of top dollar gems and pearls in two weeks so I’d better stick my toe in the waters of security shipping and find out how it works.”

  “Any way I can help, just let me know.” Matt stood up and stretched before taking his dishes to the sink to rinse them.

  “It just so happens that I need you to look at the cards I got from the safety equipment companies and tell me if any of them make your designs. I know Rafael is going to ask me if I’m ordering your stuff for him. He likes to know he has the best stuff.”

  Matt smiled his appreciation of the compliment. “My pleasure. I’ll go through them right now.”

  Sunday morning Jade looked up all the security companies whose cards she had gathered at the convention center. The one which intrigued her the most was called Sentinel Carriers. It was based in San Francisco and served only the west coast. Their prices were competitive with the other, older security carriers and they offered a free consultation at their sites in Portland and Seattle. Also, they had bonded specialists who would work out of Eugene and serve remote areas of the state. She called and left a message for the scheduling agent at Eugene that she wanted the free consultation at the Portland office for some time during the next week. Then she reviewed the cards Matt had set aside for her. None of them produced all his designs but several of them produced something he had designed or patented. She chose the three closest ones and filled out the postcards which requested their catalogs.

  Tuesday night, during their late evening walk, Jade touched Matt’s cheek to get his attention away from the gorgeous star display in the darkness above them. “I’m beginning to sound like a little kid who can’t go anywhere by herself but I’d love to have you go with me to Portland on Thursday. I have an appointment to talk to a security agent at Sentinel Carriers. What do you think?”

  “I think we should use the opportunity to take in a concert that night, or maybe a movie, and come home the next day.” His eyes sparkled from the light in the middle of the yard.

  “You have the greatest ideas! I’ll make the reservations.”

  On Thursday morning, while Matt met with one of his new contacts from the convention, Jade joined Susan Marley for a business lunch at her office in downtown Portland. “First, Miss Dixon, I’ll give you the standard rundown on our regulations and services and all the details you need to understand what those really are, in layman’s terms. There’s also a copy of each of the forms that most businesses need to fill out for using our services.” Miss Marley handed her a bound booklet and some loose forms. The booklet was over an inch thick.

  “Make it Jade. It’s easier. I am married, by the way, in case it comes up.”

  “Fine. Call me Susie and let me congratulate you. I’ve yet to find a man who can put up with me for more than a year. Now, while I have our lunch delivered, why don’t you glance through the booklet and jot down some questions? We’ll go from there. By the way, I see by your card that you live a half hour south of Eugene. I’m moving down there so I’ll be your contact down there, too.”

  “I like that. I’m not anti-men but it’s kind of fun to be doing business with a woman for a change.”

  Susie punched some numbers on her desk phone. “I know what you mean. I love guys but they can sure take a lot for granted. Yes, Lulu, I need lunch for two.” After she finished placing their order she sat back and gave Jade a piercing look. “From what you told me when you made this appointment you’re coming into this field from sales and being a small business owner before. Right?”

  Jade nodded and finished writing her questions before she looked up. “I’m studying the courses I think I need at the university in Eugene and I plan to take my test for the security agent license within the next six weeks. For right now, I’m setting up deliveries for an old friend who was also a customer and a supplier of mine. I’m considering a Spanish outfit to carry the stuff from San Francisco to here unless you can cover that, too. They do the armored car type stuff.”

  “No problem. We can provide complete pickup and delivery from any of the West Coast port cities all the way to anywhere in California, Oregon, and Washington. We can handle it as a package deal for one time, do only the local deliveries or we can set up an ongoing contract for a regular service that works on a monthly or quarterly basis. We’re very flexible.”

  “Perfect! This is going to make my transition into this kind of work a whole lot easier than I thought. Now, about the way you rate your bodyguards...”

  By the time they finished their meeting Jade had a fist full of notes and a signed contract for the upcoming delivery from Lee to Matt’s sculptor clients.

  She met Matt back at their motel at two-thirty for a sexy rest and a chance to freshen up for the concert they planned to attend that night. While they finished dressing Matt sounded excited about the project he was offered by a new contact from the convention. “This guy is really dynamic. They create lasers for all kinds of uses in manufacturing and they want to start providing state of the art safety equipment for using these lasers. I found it hard to believe the way they have replaced old steel working methods with laser impacts, really fast ones, to make much thinner steel a whole lot stronger and more flexible than ever before.” He stopped and fastened a silver chain around Jade’s neck. It held a lovely dark jade heart. “I’m sorry. I’m probably boring you to death with all this technical stuff.”

  “Not at all. Fortunately, I read some of that literature you picked up at the convention so I have an idea what you’re talking about. I don’t know a lot about how lasers are made but I do know that they are the magic workhorses of today.”

  “Before I forget it, I got a call from Lee while you were in the shower. He wants to meet with us to finalize the details. I think he’s getting nervous having those gems in his safety deposit box. He sounds like he’s taking the fact he and Rafael have been followed by some kook pretty seriously. What’s your calendar look like?”

  “Can you stand another interruption? We can go see him day after tomorrow. Otherwise, I’d like to keep my nose in my studies until my license test in two weeks.”

  “Saturday will work fine for me. I need to really get busy in my office after that. I’ve got a deadline coming up at the end of the month. I’m sure glad you took over the delivery arrangements. It’s a real load off my back.”

  On Saturday they enjoyed a fine seafood lunch at Rafael’s estate, overlooking Half Moon Bay. Jade was surprised at how laid back everyone seemed to be, for a change. “Is this because it’s Saturday or because Miss Chin is retired?” She was whispering to Delta while the serving boys placed their plates in front of them in the glass deck above the ocean view.

  Delta laughed and nodded her head. “We’re still pretty hectic around here on weekdays but weekends are a lot of fun now. And, no, I don’t think we would’ve carried it off with the Dragon Lady glaring at us all the time.” She leaned over and whispered the last part in Jade’s ear. �
��We miss her but not a lot.”

  Rafael gave her a scolding look and then chuckled while Delta shrugged and began to enjoy her shrimp.

  Jade noticed that Lee looked a little subdued and the lovely blond singer avoided looking at him at all. She sighed when she looked at Lee and assumed he and his lady were fighting. He avoided her eyes.

  The servers brought in coffee and gathered the dishes when the others left the room so Rafael, Lee, Jade, and Matt could have their meeting.

  “This Sentinel Carriers, do they wear uniforms so we know who the real guys are? Sudo’s going to go to the bank with me and we’ll watch them put the stuff in their floor safe but I’ve never met these guys. Have you?” Lee kept clicking his ink pen.

  Jade wondered if he was worrying about the jewels or his girlfriend. “I’m going to meet them Monday morning at the Sentinel office in Eugene but here are photos of each of them. There are useful particulars on the back.”

  “Great! I hope they are as tough as they look. Are they known to the law enforcement people up there? I mean, they might get checked at the border or something.”

  Matt gave Lee a puzzled look. “I doubt they bother an armored car. It looks too official.”

  “It’s not that obvious, love. The little motor home they use is armored but it looks like the regular thing on the outside. That way they don’t attract attention.”

  Lee wrinkled his brow. “I’m probably going to lose these customers and so is Matt with this new expense. I figure the only reason they used us was because I gave them a good deal and Matt didn’t charge much to deliver them. They made out like bandits.”

  “Maybe so, but I’m not going to deliver them anymore. They can use other gem sources and pay the freight to have them delivered safely and maybe Jade can help you find out how to be an importer for some of the gem suppliers that you’re talking about. She’s very resourceful.” Matt leaned back against his folded hands.

  “He’s right. She’s doing that for me already.” Rafael turned to look at Lee. “Maybe it’s time you made that your main business. Then you don’t have to worry about our friends getting mugged over a pocketful of gems. It’s not worth the risk.” Rafael gave Matt a nod, his fingers touching at the tips.

  Lee mumbled but seemed resigned to the new way of doing things.

  That night, while they dressed for dinner in their luxurious guest room, Matt gave Jade a stern look. “Don’t let Lee make you feel sorry for him. I know you’re old friends but I’m glad you’re taking over the security for this stuff instead of either one of us risking ourselves to save someone else a few dollars. You’ve taught me a lot about having decent respect for my safety. I tried to teach my dad the same thing and there I was, risking my life for some gems that no one but a wealthy collector may ever see.”

  “Thank you. That makes me feel so much better about everything. Don’t worry about me letting Lee maneuver me. Because he is an old friend I’m used to his flaws as well as his good traits. He’ll get over not getting his way. I think his real problem is his girlfriend may be as spoiled as he is. He may get some of his own back.”

  During their elegant dinner Rafael seemed a little subdued but the blond singer was sitting next to Lee and cast him fond glances, now and then. He looked like he was back to his happy, cocky self. Delta winked at Jade and then glanced at the pair before she chuckled and shook her head.

  When the conversation lagged and Lee seemed to be out of jokes, Jade decided to speak up. “Rafael, I don’t mean to intrude into your private business but you seem worried about something.”

  His gentle smile made her feel appreciated. “Your concern is most kind. I’m afraid Lee and I have noticed a sinister car following us from this estate to the airport, for him, and to a formal reception, for me, when Hadu drove me there. I asked a man I have counted on for years to track the license number and he ran into a dead end. I am hoping he can do better but he has not called back.”

  “Give me a couple of weeks and I’ll see if I can locate an investigator who is experienced in this sort of thing. It would be good practice for me.”

  He gave a little bow. “That would be most appreciated.”

  * * *

  On the day of her security agency license test Jade was still reviewing her notes while she ate her breakfast. All of a sudden the table was quiet. She looked up to see three pairs of eyes looking worried. “I’m sorry I haven’t been listening but I’ll return to the fold after this test is over with.”

  “So what happens if you flunk it?” Cedric looked the most upset.

  “I’ll have to stand on the examiner’s chest until he tells me which section I messed up on and then I’ll be studying a whole lot more. Why?”

  “I just wondered how long it will be until you turn back into the ornery no-nonsense person we all know and love. If I hear you say okay or whatever one more time I’m going to throw up.”

  “Oh, Cedric! Leave the girl alone.”

  Jade chuckled and shrugged and then laughed out loud. The rest of them joined her and made her feel like the luckiest woman she knew.

  She kept telling herself to breathe deep on her way to the test room in the state office building in Salem. Once she got started on the test she forgot her nerves and concentrated on not going too fast. After she turned her answer sheet in she sat down to wait for the results. She was surprised to see only a few other people waiting, by the time the last people turned in their sheets.

  “Mrs. Dixon?” The woman smiled at her while she watched her walk up to her desk. She handed her a form to fill out while she pulled the next sheet in line with her answer grid.

  There was a note clipped to the form. It said, “You scored the highest of anyone I’ve ever graded. You must have already studied law. Congratulations!” There were initials scribbled below the note.

  Jade smiled her thanks and returned to her seat before she filled out her license form. When she headed for the registrar she fought the impulse to dance and sing her way down the hall.

  When she got home she was surprised to see Matt walking toward her by the time she was out of her car. “I can tell by that beautiful smile that you passed your test. Let me congratulate you.” He picked her up, swung her around, and pulled her close. “I am so proud of you, my wife the security agent.”

  “Wow! If I’d known you’d react like this, I would have done this a long time ago.”

  “Cedric is over at the hall, helping with some repairs, and Tilly is shopping in town. Let’s celebrate in the bedroom before they get home.”

  Dinner was a little late that night but no one seemed to care. Even crusty Uncle Cedric laughed like a lunatic when Tilly told them about the encounter she witnessed in Mishap between a stubborn old cow and a local deputy. “She put me in mind of our old milk cow when I was a kid. I mean, this old gal wasn’t going anywhere without that little girl and the child could not have been more than six. Anyway, Sam didn’t realize the little girl was trying to take the cow home to her folks until she walked up to him, tapped him on the knee, and said she wished he’d quit talking to her cow so she could get home for dinner. He just stood there with his mouth open while that tyke grabbed the cow’s halter and led her off the street and down the path to her folks’ house at the end of town. We all laughed ourselves silly.”

  “How do you know she got home okay?” Cedric looked horrified.

  “Because I followed her home before I dropped Millie off. What do you think? That I can’t take care of a thing like that? Huh!”

  “Well, excuse me. I’m glad you did it though. Not everybody would be as thoughtful, you know.”

  Tilly patted him on the shoulder and gave him a smile before she cut the pie.


  Jade woke early and felt as excited as she remembered from her early days getting Favorite Specialties up and running. Starting over in a new career made her feel twenty-two years old again, instead of thirty-two. She looked over at her gently snoring lover and en
joyed the blissful look on his face.

  She spent most of the day reorganizing her files. After removing all the files she had left from Favorite Specialties she put them into a metal file box and took them up the ladder to the attic. She put her files about wood carving in the bottom left drawer of her desk and put new empty file folders behind colorful section holders and changed the label on the top drawer of her tall file to Jade Dixon, Security Agent. After she dusted her desk and the top of the big file, it was time for an apple break.

  While she munched an early apple from one of the old trees in her yard she glanced at her wall calendar and realized that the next day was the first of September and also the first day of the Labor Day weekend. “We’re all losing touch with reality. It’s a holiday weekend. Here we are, business as usual. I wonder if the others are as oblivious as I am.”

  She glanced into Matt’s office and went looking for him. She found him in his ceramic studio, his hands full of clay which he was working into the figure of a graceful mermaid which was lying on a rocky shore. He let out a deep breath and nodded at the door of the shop. “If you’ll get the door and help me with the kiln, I’ll be right with you.”

  Jade could not help admiring the slender flirtatious figure. “Anyone you know?” She hoped her smile hid her niggling feelings of jealousy.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact.” His triumphant smile made goose bumps on her arms.

  “Me?” Jade felt her hand on her chest. “Are you serious? I look like that?”

  “What do you think?”

  “It’s beautiful but I think it’s a bit idealistic.”

  “I don’t. Maybe you don’t see yourself the way I do.” He bent over the sink and washed his hands thoroughly, rinsed them, and applied a thick lotion. Then he pulled her close and kissed her.

  “I love your vision. There’ll be no criticism from me. Did you realize that it’s Labor Day weekend? I can’t believe the summer is gone already.”

  “You’re ahead of me. I’d forgotten that we already had the Fourth of July. Would you like to do anything?”


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