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Jade Page 26

by Davenport, Maryann

  “That’s a relief! I forgot myself and got so excited about what you all were talking about that I started talking, too. I was afraid I had stepped in where you might not want me to.” Tessie put her centerpiece in her little compact car and leaned against her car to talk to Jade.

  “Not at all. They had no idea you’re younger than they are. You have a lot of confidence. Is that because you started helping your mother in her shops when you were in grade school?”

  “I suppose. I got so used to talking to adults that I got kind of old myself.”

  Jade laughed. “Don’t say old. We old folks like to say you matured.”

  “Whatever makes me marketable. That’s my motto. Well, I got to do another couple of arrangements before I get back to my studies. Have a great weekend.”

  By the time Jade pulled into the yard at Agate Farm, she was singing a favorite old song and thinking about what she wanted to do with Matt to celebrate her good day. She missed Matt’s old pickup and Cedric’s shiny one. Then she remembered that the two men had offered to help Henry finish the gallery he was building for his furniture and Delta’s sculptures. She looked around for the limousine which was normally parked in the yard when the men were gone, in case Pulau showed up. The men all seemed to think Pulau had skipped the country so everyone was pretty relaxed the last few days. She appreciated Rafael’s caution and decided the men were running an errand for Rafael when she heard a rough voice which made her wish she had a rifle in her car. She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket only to have it knocked to the ground.

  “No, you don’t, you little witch. Now that you got old Omano eating out of your hand, you and that kid you married think you’re hot stuff. Before I leave this lousy backwater I have a score to settle with you. Just because you shot your mouth off in that stupid little courtroom no one else bid on my place and Omano dropped his price down. I deserve better and you deserve to have someone kick you around the pond a few times for all the trouble you caused me.” While Winks ranted on and on and trapped her against her car with his heavy body, the smell of his sweat and sour whiskey threatened to empty her stomach.

  Jade searched frantically for a rock she could reach. Suddenly, she heard the angry voice of Tilly behind her.

  “Get off this place, you mangy dog! I’ve already called the sheriff so you better get on out of here.”

  Winks pulled back away from Jade to confront the little woman while she pounded him with her broom. “Get back in your house before I take that stupid stick away from you and pound some sense into you. There’s nobody here right now to care. Go on, before you get hurt.”

  Jade picked up a fist sized rock and swung at Winks’ head but he moved enough that it only scraped his ear.

  “You’re only making things worse, you stupid broad. What I ought to do is kill you!” His hand was so tight around her wrist she was sure it was crushed. She screamed in pain just as she saw a huge man in black clothes clear her fence as he came toward them like a human tornado. “I ought to…” Winks voice sank to a gurgle as the big man picked him up by his neck and threw him over the hood of her car and onto his back. He laid there and moaned while Hadu, Omano’s bodyguard, gently lifted Jade’s chin up and peered into her face as if he were afraid she was not really alive.

  “Is Miss Jade okay? I’ll get the doctor pretty quick. You don’t move, please.” He vaulted away, over the fence again, and charged back to Omano’s place.

  Jade tried not to cry but her wrist hurt so much she could only lean against the car and sob, her forearm cradled in her lap.

  A siren made her head hurt worse than ever but she was relieved to see the deputy screech to a stop and jump out with his handcuffs in one hand. “You make any move at all, you rotten dog, and I’ll make these so tight you can’t breathe.”

  Winks screamed obscenities and then there was stony silence. When Rafter walked into her view he had Winks’ hands cuffed against his back and attached by another chain to cuffs around his ankles. Rafter threw him into the back seat, slammed the door, and walked over to squat down to talk to Jade. “I am so sorry this happened. He was told to leave the county and stay out or his five years of probation would turn into seven at the state pen. Do you think your wrist is broken?”

  Jade could only reply in a faint whisper. “I don’t know. I’m only glad you got here when you did. He was going to harm Tilly, too.”

  An ambulance appeared in the yard as if it was a dream. The dust from their sudden stop made Jade cough which seemed to make her arm hurt worse than ever.

  “Do you want to go to the hospital at Eugene and get x-rays?” The young voice was soft and concerned. He touched her arm gently but it felt like a needle to Jade. She fought to keep silent.

  A second later, Matt was kneeling on the other side of her, his face full of terror and sorrow. “Do you want me to ride with you?”

  “No, I want you to take me to Doc and have him do the x-ray or Sari can do it. I just can’t face that trip to Eugene right now. I’m so scared I’m ready to vomit and I just want you to take me so I know I’m safe. Please, Matt.” Jade hated her pathetic voice but she could not stop crying and she wanted to be sitting on a soft seat instead of teetering on cold, sharp rocks.

  “I’ve got you. Sam will help me. Let us do all the work. Lean against me.”

  Afterwards, Jade remembered only bits and pieces of what happened after Matt and Sam got her into Matt’s pickup. She woke up, at one point, when Dr. Shipley moved her arm and felt around the wrist bones. Jade gasped and then was surprised that there was no pain. “Just lie there quiet, young lady. Sari gave you two shots because your arm is so bruised and big as a baseball. It’s not broken but bad sprains and bruises can hurt just as much as a break. You let Matt pack your hand and forearm in wrapped ice and let your folks pamper you a bit. It’ll take a few days for the pain to subside so I gave Matt some pain pills. Even if you don’t take them during the day, take one before you go to bed. You need sleep.”

  A few days before Thanksgiving, Rex Drumm came to see them at the farm. “I hope you’re feeling a lot better now. You gave Matt an awful scare. I was talking to Rafter and he told me what happened with that creep Winks. I called a friend of mine to ask him to arrange to call me or you when Winks gets let out of the penitentiary and he said it won’t be a problem anymore. I guess he started to pick on some kid at the prison and another big guy broke his neck with one fist. He said he’d been waiting for his chance because Winks had raped his little sister and got out of jail time on some technicality his lawyer dug up. Maybe now you guys can get on with your lives.”

  “Thanks, Rex. We plan to do just that.” Jade held up her sore arm. “It’s out of the sling and I’m able to use the hand again. I just have some physical therapy I have to do for a while. Thank you for everything.”

  Matt thanked him and shook his hand. “Are you joining us on Thursday?”

  Rex looked as pleased as a kid at Christmas. “I wouldn’t miss it. It’s been a long time since I had a Thanksgiving dinner with a family.”

  After he left, Tilly called that lunch was ready and they gathered in the kitchen.

  “So all you have to worry about now is that old gangster you call Pulau.” Cedric gave Jade a warm smile. “You got a lot to be thankful for, girl.”

  “Yes, I do.” Jade looked at Matt. “I forgot to ask Rex if he’s heard anything about Pulau. Did Rafael say anything at your meeting.”

  Matt shook his head. “Not a word. We can ask him Thursday.”

  “Rex was right about his comment about us. Rafael’s people and all of us really are a family. Genetics aren’t everything. As adults, we have the right to choose who we call family.”

  “That reminds me, have you heard from your father lately?”

  “Daphne called a couple of days ago. She said she’s going to drag Dad down here for Christmas if she has to hogtie him. She said they both need a change of scene so I guess that’s settled.”

  “Oh, gr
eat. We get the fun of entertaining the old sour puss.”

  “Cedric! If you didn’t want him here why did you ask about him? Land sakes, there’s no pleasing you.” Tilly flounced out of her chair and poured more coffee for everyone. Matt grinned at Jade while she shook her head and looked at the ceiling.

  Thanksgiving Day dawned crisp and clear. Jade couldn’t think of a more perfect day while she helped Tilly to put her pies into two boxes and carry them out to her station wagon.

  When everyone gathered in the huge room which had been Winks’ living room, office, and den, Sado and his wife passed through the groups with wine and cider. Jade sat in one corner and looked at every detail of the scene, marveling at the changes. In spite of the remodeling that was going on, Winks ranch house would never be as elegant as any of Rafael’s other homes had been. Yet Rafael seemed content. Clark, the pianist, was in his usual place at the grand piano, playing a soft lovely symphony. Stella, the blonde singer, had run off with a guitar player, some months before. Lee had left in sullen anger and was back with his various girlfriends in San Francisco, Hong Kong, and Paris. Rex Drumm was more relaxed than Jade had ever seen before. Cedric and Hadu were having a friendly argument over fishing while Tilly and Delta were trading recipes. Henry and Rafael were having a quiet conversation and Jade smiled at the young men who were hurrying back and forth with appetizers. They gave her a thumbs up and scurried off to the kitchen. She had arranged to introduce them to Mr. Sado and his wife to do serving at parties and other tasks about the place while they went to college.

  There was the sound of a small, mellow gong announcing that dinner was ready. “Come, my friends, and join us at these tables so we can celebrate this American feast I have heard so much about.”

  Rafael took his place at the center of the circle but remained standing. He picked up his goblet of wine and slowly turned to see the half of the table that was occupied. “I have a wonderful announcement to make and I must share some sad news with you. For now, let us salute each other and this fine gathering of people of like mind.”

  Everyone saluted him and watched him sit down. Sado paraded around the room with a gorgeous turkey surrounded by condiments of brilliant colors. Another turkey that matched the first turkey was carried around by Hadu. The two men returned the platters to the kitchen for carving while the boys brought out small dishes of every kind.

  Cedric glanced around the room and cleared his throat. “Rafael, the ladies would like to know what your wonderful announcement is all about.”

  Jade choked on her cider and had to drink more of it to keep from coughing. She grinned at Matt and was rewarded with a quiet chuckle and him squeezing her hand. A sharp whisper from Tilly caused Cedric to turn his head from side to side and then stare at Rafael.

  “Somebody has certainly gotten comfortable around Rafael.” Jade kept her voice to a whisper while she leaned up to speak into Matt’s ear.

  Rafael smiled and looked at each face. “Very well. Our Mr. Drumm brought me a most welcome report on our common enemy, Otto Pulau. It seems he was caught boarding a jet bound for a certain south sea island. He was in disguise but a friend of mine, from years ago, recognized him and pointed him out to the police at the airport. He disappeared into the crowd and then was shot by a federal agent who thought Pulau was carrying a weapon and that he was going to start shooting. His fingerprints were checked and he was indeed, Otto Pulau. Now we can all relax and Mr. Hadu can begin teaching his beloved martial arts classes.”

  Everyone cheered and saluted Rafael again. He smiled graciously and nodded to each of them. “And now for the sad but necessary changes I am making to this family I am so fond of. I am not getting younger and you younger people need to get on with your lives. Matthew and Henry and I have formed an agreement. Matthew will help Delta pick out the glass pieces at great art shows which I will acquire. Mr. Lee has returned to his former way of life, providing lovely things to many artists and Henry and Delta have decided to marry.”

  Each person smiled at the red-faced Henry and acknowledged Delta while she beamed from her place at the table.

  “Matthew has agreed to sell me his glass blowing safety equipment line and Jade’s fine catalog team will handle the orders and Mr. Drumm will be my salesman.”

  “So what’s so sad about all that?” Cedric looked confused while Tilly turned red and scolded him in a harsh whisper.

  “These people can sell their fine creations to anyone they please and I will have to compete like everyone else. I have been convinced by some of you that this makes for a happy family.”

  “Don’t worry, Rafael. You’ll still get first pick from my stuff.” Delta gave him a fond smile. “It’s just fun to know I have the freedom to choose.”

  “The same goes for me, Rafael.” Matt had a sad smile on his face.

  “You Americans are an interesting lot. You put up with a great deal of uncertainty just so you can be free to stand alone. In other countries, people want the government or wealthy families to protect them from birth on.”

  “Shucks, that wouldn’t be no fun. If you’re taken care of, you get bored and lazy and old. Here’s to Rafael becoming a sure fire American.” Cedric tossed his wine down and looked around for a refill.

  Matt and Jade laughed and noticed that even Rafael joined in the merriment.

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