The Echo

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The Echo Page 3

by M C Sheridan

  Quesys batted her lashes, “I don’t know, I think you’re pretty charming.”

  Lake’s eyes opened wide, “You do? Wow. At this point I’d try to ask you out but I’m not very impressed by how low your standards are. This isn’t even my good material.”

  Quesys narrowed her eyes on him, “Is everything you say dripping with sarcasm?”


  Quesys paused, “Will you meet me at the library after school?”


  As the sun was setting over the academy Quesys wandered the history section of the library. She breathed in the faint, musty smell of dust and old parchment and exhaled with contentment. Although not much of a scholar, Quesys enjoyed the quiet, less sterile feel of the library. The warm browns of the oak desks and the soft, dim light from the magical lamps that adorned them were a welcome change from the cold and unfeeling hallways she often got lost in.

  The sound of heavy doors opened and Quesys looked over her shoulder to see Lake rounding the corner. With a gentle smile, he waved as he walked over to her. Quesys’ face brightened in his presence. He seemed so sweet for such a brawny male. It was a pleasant surprise that she more than appreciated.

  “What have you got there?” he said eyeing the she-elf whose face was half obstructed by large works of various magical scholars.

  “Oh these?” she said fumbling to keep a stack of books from falling out of her arms. “They’re for some project I have to do. I fell asleep in class, so the professor gave me extra work and its due on Monday.”

  “So… you asked me here to do homework?” he asked, taking the heavy books from her arms and placing them on a nearby table.

  Quesys smiled in appreciation. She shook the pain from her now unburdened arms. “Yeah, well I got this paper I have to do, then there’s riding lessons on Sunday and you did say you wanted to ask me out. I figured we could chat for a bit and get to know each other while I search for books. I know it’s not perfect but it’s either this or you watch me ride a horse for half an hour.” Her eyes scanned the shelves for information on the Echo while her fingers ran along the spines of books as she passed them.

  Her shirt rose as she lifted onto her tiptoes, exposing more of her already bare, pink legs.

  Lake’s cheeks burned and he averted his eyes, “Ahem, I uh, I think I’d prefer the second option to homework. Wait, does this mean we’re on a date?”

  “Maybe.” she shrugged. “Consider this a trial run. We’ll see how we feel after today. Who knows, maybe by the end of this you’ll find me ridiculous and be glad it wasn’t a real date.”

  Lake smirked, “Just so you know, ridiculous isn’t exactly a deal breaker.”

  The corner of Quesys’ mouth quirked up. “Good to know.”

  Lake moved his eyes along the shelves of books, “What are you looking for anyways?”

  “I’m looking for a book about the Echo.” she said sticking out her tongue and straining to reach the volumes above her. “Professor Lang wants me to write a paper on why it’s so great. I don’t see the big deal. I get by just fine without knowing any magic. This project sucks dirt.” said Quesys reaching for a large tome.

  “Ah, Professor Lang huh?” replied Lake. He effortlessly reached up and pulled down the heavy book for the tiny she-elf. “Yeah, I had him last quarter. He’s tough but fair. I wasn’t his best student but he appreciated that I always tried.” he looked down at the book in his hand. “You don’t need this.” Lake casually flung the large text onto a book return trolley behind him. It landed perfectly atop the pushcart with a loud thud followed by a cloud of dust that sprang from the ancient book cover. The specks of fragmented dirt curled and billowed above the tome, swirling like fairy dust caught in a beam of light that shone from one of the many long and ornate library windows.

  “Hey! I was gonna read that.” snapped Quesys, “It was a complete history on the Echo. What gives?”

  Lake dusted off his hands, “You don’t need that stuffy old book. It’s boring as all hells. Besides, you strike me as more of a hands-on learner.” He took Quesys by the hand, “If you want to write about the Echo, you have to experience it in a different light. Come with me.”

  Quesys let him lead her toward the doorway, “Alright. But if I fail, I’m holding you personally responsible.”

  Lake raised an eyebrow and looked back to her, “If this doesn’t help with your assignment then I promise I’ll march to the front of your classroom and eat your paper right there in front of your teacher and classmates.”

  “Hmm, sounds like I win either way. Alright then.” she said grinning. “Lead the way.”


  Quesys stepped quickly, doing her best to keep up with an enthusiastic Lake as he eagerly pulled her through the Neutral Zone. Out of the academy, through the bustling market, past the livery, and just ahead of the discipline square. As they rushed through the street dodging horse-drawn wagons she knew exactly where they were headed.

  They approached the docking area and she let her eyes close as a smile wandered over her lips. The gulls sang out their song of hungry cries accompanied by the gentle lapping of waves against the shore. She let the scent of rusted chains and salt fill her lungs, enough that she could almost taste them at the back of her throat.

  Lake mumbled to himself, “Now where in the many hells…”

  Quesys, taken from her reverie, opened her eyes and ran her vision across the many ships lined up along the docks. “So, what exactly are we doing here?” she asked.

  “We’re here to get you a passing grade remember? Aha! There she is. You coming?” he asked the half-elf as he extended his hand to her.

  Quesys tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear and put her hand in his. Lake’s pace quickened as they made their way to the end of the dock. “There.” he said stopping near the edge of the pier, “That’s her.”

  Quesys’ eyes darted around the pier. “What’s who?”

  “The Rusty Rod.” he said pointing to the old vessel in front of them, “It’s a cargo ship.”

  Quesys’ eyes scrutinized the ship, “Yeah, I gathered that. Look, don’t get me wrong Lake, I do enjoy spending time watching the ships come in and out of harbor but how is this going to help me with my paper?”

  Before Lake could answer, a long gangplank swung down from the ship and hit the docks with a bang. A tall man, built like a large tree trunk, stood on deck before the plank. He had on a wide-brimmed captain’s hat with a long plumed feather sticking out of it. The man put his hands on his hips and shouted in a raspy voice, “Lake my boy! Is that you?”

  “Aye Sir! Welcome back.” replied Lake using his hand to shield his eyes from the sun.

  Quesys shifted her gaze back and forth between the two men.

  The man in the feathered hat barreled down the ramp, his long black coat flapping behind. Stomping madly with each step, he caused the plank to bow and shake beneath him. Quesys was sure it would buckle under his weight at any moment. The large man stretched his arms out wide in a demanding, if not affectionate, gesture. “Ah Lakey my boy.” he said wrapping his large arms around Lake, nearly suffocating him. “Come here you scallywag.” The large man stood at 5’11”, tall enough to look down on Lake as he held onto him.

  Seeing a burly man like Lake almost being smothered by an embrace was enough to make Quesys titter under her breath.

  “Oh. And who’s this then?” said the large man smiling as he released Lake from his iron grip.

  Lake reached for Quesys’ hand, “Rusty, this is Quesys. Quesys, meet Captain Rusty.”

  The captain squinted his golden-brown eyes at Quesys, “Quesys, huh?” Captain Rusty smiled, revealing a mouth full of stained yellow teeth with the two front missing. With a flourish, he removed his captain’s hat revealing a very bald head and bowed low to her. His voice whistled through his absent teeth as he spoke, “My dear, it is an honor to meet you. For any friend of Lake’s is a friend of ol’ Rusty.” Rusty kissed her h
and and winked, wrinkling the tanned skin around his right eye and cheek.

  Quesys felt something odd as he took her hand. More like the absence of something. She quickly shook off the feeling and responded, “A pleasure.” said Quesys bowing her head. “You have a lovely ship, Captain Rusty. Lake said it was a cargo ship but it’s sort of built like an F.V. class. Do you do much fishing aboard?”

  Captain Rusty, still with a firm grip on Quesys’ hand, looked over at Lake with a wide grin, “Well, well. A girl who knows her ships. I approve lad. I approve.”

  Even beneath his tan, Quesys could tell Lake was blushing.

  “It is.” continued the captain as he placed his hat back atop his bald head. “Started out as my own fishin’ vessel but the Fairlight folk have all but cornered the market on fishin’ it seems. So now we make our money haulin’ cargo from port to port. I had it remodeled a bit a few years ago to accommodate for long tradin’ hauls but we still catch our own supper, don’t we Lakey boy?” he said finally letting go of Quesys’ hand and playfully jabbing Lake in the arm.

  “We?” asked Quesys, discreetly rubbing the circulation back into her fingers.

  “Ah yeah,” replied Lake, “I work aboard The Rusty Rod. Well, on some weekends at least. Mostly cleaning and prepping her for long hauls and then I sail with them on summer break.”

  “Really?” asked Quesys, “That’s so amazing! Can I come on board? Can I?”

  “Haha!” laughed Captain Rusty. “A pretty female like you impressed by a simple cargo ship. By gum I’ve seen it all.” Rusty pointed at Quesys with his left hand, revealing the reason for the odd-feeling grip. His ring finger was only half that. Something or someone had taken it and left only a small stub from the knuckle down.

  “Well,” continued the captain, “come on you two. Lake my boy, it would be rude not to give your lady friend a grand tour when she seems so intrigued. Go on, go on.” Captain Rusty hurried them both up the ramp with a burst of laughter coming deep from his belly.

  Quesys’ eyes opened wide as she took in the sight of the old vessel. The Rusty Rod lived up to its name. The ship was old and in need of a good repair. Its deck was worn and uneven in color, the steering wheel rough and splintered and the loose hanging sails had more than just a few patches on them but it might as well have been Her Majesty’s ship the way Quesys gawked at it. “Can you show me around, Lake?” she said linking her arm around his.

  “You keep holding onto me like that and I’ll show you the Queen’s knickers if you want.” he replied.

  Quesys laughed, “And how would you pull that off might I ask?”

  Lake leaned in close. Softly, he whispered as he pointed downward, “I’m actually wearing them right now.”

  Quesys snorted, “Oh really? And are they as stark white and uncomfortable as I imagined?”

  Lake shook his head slowly. Giving his most serious face, he replied, “Red. Solid silk and crotchless.”

  Quesys snorted again, “Hehe. I’d like to see that one day.”

  Lake smirked, “I’m not going to lie to you, I look quite good in them. No one can pull off red silk underpants like me.”

  “Lake!” yelled Captain Rusty from across the ship. “Stop yammerin’ about the Queen’s bloomers and show the girl around for fuck sake!”

  Quesys giggled.

  Lake sighed, “He’s got really good hearing… for an old coot.”

  “I heard that!” shouted Captain Rusty.

  “You were supposed to.” yelled back Lake. “Now,” he said turning his attention back to Quesys, “Let’s give you the grand tour.”


  After showing a more than enthusiastic Quesys around the deck of the ship, Lake brought her down below to meet some of the crew. Below deck was the mess hall filled with row upon row of long wooden dining tables. Placed on either side of each table were mismatched benches of varied sizes and grain colors.

  From the ceiling hung small magical lamps, all glowing brightly from the white and yellow orbs that floated delicately inside them. The walls were mostly bare save for a crudely painted portrait of a half-naked female dwarf posing in a rather suggestive position. Certain parts of her were covered in a thick fox fur, but barely enough to spark the imagination. Scrawled below her feet in black ink were the words, “To my wittle snuggle buns, thanks for the spices. XoXo - Huggie.”

  Along the many wooden tables, sat an array of males from many races; elves, humans, goblins, dwarves and even a half-zorn. They all raised a glass and gave a hearty “Arrgg!” Welcoming Lake back on board. Lake gestured for the men to calm down when a few of them whistled and hooted at the red-headed she-elf. Quesys waved back to them with a grin. She scanned the room full of seasoned sailors, wondering which one of these seafaring males was the beloved ‘snuggle buns.’

  Lake shouted down to the end of the galley, “Miller. Miller! Come here I want you to meet someone.”

  A thin, silver-haired elf in red robes smiled up from his table. He took a bite of his bread before dusting the crumbs from his garment and gracefully sauntered over to them.

  “Miller,” continued Lake, “I’d like you to meet Quesys. Quesys, this is Miller.”

  Quesys tilted her head back to meet his stunning, light-gray eyes. Standing over 6’3” he was almost the tallest elf she’d ever seen.

  “He’s a fire mage,” continued Lake, “and he works aboard the Rusty Rod.”

  “Oh wow,” said Quesys as she excitedly shook his hand, “It’s not every day I get to meet a fire mage. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Magus Miller.”

  “The pleasure is mine my dear Quesys.” replied the silver-haired elf. “And please, just call me Miller. So, what brings you aboard this rust bucket hmm? Don’t tell me a lovely half-elf like yourself has fallen prey to the charms of this lunk.” he said lightly jabbing at Lake.

  “I brought her here,” replied Lake, “because she has a paper due on Monday about the Echo. I thought she could see why and how it’s used aboard a ship. Get a different perspective.”

  “A grand idea.” said Miller straightening his already straightened mantle. “Well then, ask away my dear.”

  Quesys pursed her lips, “Hmmm. Well, no offense or anything but… why is a fire mage working on a merchant ship? Wouldn’t the pay be better working for the mages guild or the military?”

  “It would,” said Miller, “but as the young folks say, ‘been there, done that.’ I’ve lived a long life and have had plenty of time to devote it to my studies and making knowledgeable contributions to the city. Now, it is my time to go out into the world. See different places, maybe have an adventure or two of my own. Surely a young lady such as yourself can appreciate that.”

  “I can. Very much.”

  Miller replied with a pleasant nod.

  “So,” continued Quesys, “what do you do aboard the Rusty Rod?”

  “Well,” said the fire magus, “as you said, my dear, the military has great use for fire mages. They usually keep them aboard their ships to use as long-range weapons so it’s just as handy for any vessel to have a skilled mage on board. There are also many pirates and thieves that sail these waters and all too often they prey on cargo ships looking for food, wine, and anything else of value. We mages are sometimes hired to keep the people aboard safe and not always with force.”

  Quesys furrowed her brow, “If you don’t always use force, then how do you keep them safe?”

  Miller smiled, “Oh well, a simple illusion spell, let’s say, making it seem like there are more armed people aboard the ship. Also putting up a magical defense shield can help for a time. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that us mages are a tight-knit group. Many of us know each other. On rare occasions, another, more hostile ship would come our way and I would know the magus aboard. With only a simple nod of our heads, we’d communicate to one another ‘Let’s keep our wands out of this, shall we? See you at the next guild meeting’. Just the mere presence of a skilled Echo manipulator on board can be a
powerful deterrent against pilferers of the sea. Why do you think we all wear our robes outside our work? Believe me when I say it isn’t for comfort sake. A gust of wind can make one’s ankles quite drafty.”

  Quesys tugged at her skirt, “Tell me about it.”

  Miller gave out a small chuckle. He looked over his shoulder and sucked at his teeth. With a grimace, he turned back to Quesys, “Forgive me my dear but I think I spy a few of my crewmates eyeing my meal. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  Quesys nodded, “I will. Thank you, Miller.”

  “My pleasure, my lady.” Miller bowed and kissed her hand before making his way back to his supper.

  “Well?” asked Lake. “What do you think so far?”

  “I think it’s incredible.” said Quesys beaming. “I never heard about mages living aboard cargo ships before. And to have them as part of the crew to serve as a warning to pirates? Very clever. I always thought you’d have to fight them off with fists and swords.”

  Lake put his hand over Quesys’ mouth. “Shhh.” he hissed. “Not so loud.” he looked over his shoulder apprehensively.

  “Mff?” said Quesys, her voice muffled by Lake’s palm. She pulled his hand from her mouth. “Hey now. What gives?”

  Lake put his hands on her shoulders and leaned in with a whisper, “We don’t say that word here. It’s like an invitation.”

  “What word? Pirates?”

  Lake shook his head and his lips turned into a thin line. “Look, Captain Rusty’s men take their gambling very seriously and the only time we use the ‘f’ word is when someone’s looking to blow off steam. It’s stupid guy stuff. You don’t want any of that, trust me.”

  Quesys scrunched up her face, “What ‘f’ word? Oh, ooh. You mean a fight?”

  A sudden and uneasy quiet came over the room. Quesys looked over Lake’s shoulder to find several crewmates with their backs straightened and heads lifted from their plates.


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