The Echo

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The Echo Page 5

by M C Sheridan

  Quesys tapped the gnome lightly on the shoulder, “Perthus? Perthus are you alright?”

  The gnome blinked twice and his eyes returned to their normal hue. Perthus rubbed at his face, “Forgive me,” he said clearing his throat, “healing magic… it always did take a bit out of me.” He took a deep breath and picked up her hand again. “There now. I think you’re all set. I do hope that was helpful, Miss.” His smile returned, lifting up his rounded pink cheekbones.

  The warmth that was in Quesys’ hand had now disappeared and was instantly replaced with a fleeting cold sensation.

  She inspected her now uninjured hand and grinned as she opened and closed it without pain. “Hey, it’s like new! Thanks Perthus!” she said shaking his hand.

  Perthus bowed his head, “The honor was mine. Do you happen to have any medela herb? It’ll help with the pain.”

  Quesys shook her head, “No. Not on me.”

  Perthus nodded, “Here then.” he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cloth bag. “You can take mine.”

  “Are you sure?” asked Quesys, “I can pay you.”

  “Don’t.” replied the gnome waving his hand dismissively, “I have plenty of it. Mind you, it’s not potent. Not like the local apothecary’s herb. It’s the same bland stuff that the royals put in their tea. Go on, I insist.”

  Quesys smiled, “Thank you.”

  The gnome nodded, “Now, as for the rest of your cuts, they were minor so they were easy to heal. Your nose shouldn’t swell but it’ll be tender for a while so be mindful not to get into any more brawls for a bit. Think you can handle that, Missy?”

  Quesys nodded, “I’ll do my best.”

  “Good.” said Perthus as he stretched his back. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I believe there is a hot chocolate with my name on it waiting for me in the galley.” The little gnome flung his long beard over his shoulder and gently hopped from the stool he was standing on, heading toward the mess hall with his beard dragging lightly across the floor behind him.

  Lake, who had been patiently watching from a nearby bed, stood and walked over to the half-elf. “You had me worried there for a minute, you know.”

  “Yeah?” she asked, “Only a minute?”

  Lake smirked, “Maybe half a minute. I’m glad you’re alright though. I’m sorry I didn’t warn you about the rules. I suppose I should have said something before you came aboard but I just assumed since you were female…”

  “That nobody would think to fight me?”


  Quesys stood from her seat and dusted off her crumpled skirt, “You’d be surprised how many people want to hurt a half-elf.” She sighed. “Honestly, there’s no need to apologize, Lake. I learned a lot from Perthus, my nose is fine and my hand’s all better now. See?”

  Lake lifted her hand to his lips and delicately planted a kiss on her palm.

  Quesys batted her lashes, “Hmm, well… much better now at least.”

  “Glad to hear.” he said still holding onto her hand. After an awkward silence, Lake realized he had been staring at Quesys for far longer than he had meant to. He cleared his throat and let her fingers slip from his, “So, um, you want to take a stroll on deck? See the waves go by?”

  “Maybe go and collect my winnings?” she said innocently rocking back and forth on her heels.

  Lake chuckled, “That too. And I promise to offer protection from any crewmates that try to challenge you for their money back. Not that you need it mind you.”

  Quesys smirked, “Well, with a heroic offer like that, how could a lady refuse?”

  He offered his arm to her and Quesys happily clasped onto his bicep, which she assumed at that moment was purposefully flexed.


  Quesys counted her winnings as they strolled along the deck. When she finished, she tied her purse back around her belt with a smile.

  “Well?” asked Lake looking at the coin purse dangling from her belt. “What are you going to do with all your winnings? Nice dress? New shoes?”

  Quesys gave out a hearty laugh, “More like pay taxes on our home. Living in the Silver Sector isn’t exactly cheap.”

  Lake scrunched up his face in embarrassment, “Oh. I guess I just assumed that since you’re a half-elf…” He shook his head, “Gods I’m sorry. N-never mind.”

  Quesys waved a hand at him dismissively, “It’s fine. I get that a lot. We’re not rich if that’s what you were wondering. In fact, we’re barely hanging by a thread. My moms a seamstress for a lot of the elven lords and ladies in the Silver Sector. She stays because she doesn’t want to lose her clients or give up on our family home and I stay to help out my mom however I can.”

  “Sounds like you really love her.”

  Quesys nodded, “I do. She’s the best mom I could ever ask for.” Quesys chuckled to herself, “And as long as I promise to give her grandbabies one day, she’ll support me in pretty much all of my decisions.” She looked up to see Lake blushing awkwardly at her as she spoke. She cleared her throat, “Sooo,” she said wanting to change the subject, “you say you work aboard this ship. Do you live on it too?”

  “During the summer,” replied Lake, “when I travel with them and whenever it’s in port. Other days I just stay at this bar and Inn, The Seasick Sailor. Have you heard of it? It’s in the Copper District.”

  Quesys nodded, “I’ve been to the Seasick Sailor quite a few times, but I prefer Swizzlestix’s Brawl Pub to be honest. Cheaper booze and I can make some extra coin from the matches.”

  “Yeah.” said Lake, “I’ve kinda put that one together. I’m amazed though, since most people from the Silver Sector, don’t really spend much time in that part of town.”

  “It doesn’t upset you that I fight for money, does it?”

  Lake waved his hands in front him defensively, “No, no. Not at all. I just… I mean, well I suppose I shouldn’t have been too surprised. You handled yourself quite well in self-defense class. I guess you’re just a bit more rough-and-tumble than I thought.”

  “Maybe just a bit.” she said crinkling her nose at him, “I warned you that you’d find me ridiculous.”

  “And I said ridiculous wasn’t exactly a deal breaker, remember?”

  “You did, didn’t you.” she said trying to ignore her own stupid grin. “So,” she continued, “the seasick sailor huh? I’m surprised I never bumped into you, especially if you’re there that often.” She let her fingers run along the ship’s ratlines as she passed them.

  “I’d be in the kitchen mostly.” replied Lake, “During the week I work as the night chef. Doesn’t pay anything but I get a bed to sleep on and dinner when I cook and the money I make from the Rusty Rod usually lasts me until the next time she comes into port.”

  “Yeesh, Lake.” she said pulling a face, “How do you have time for anything like homework or family?”

  “Well, homework I usually do in the mornings or in the library at lunch. As for family time, I don’t really have one. I grew up in a place called Holly House. It’s a group home for abandoned children run by a really nice hobbledehoy named Holly-Anne.”

  Quesys cocked her head, “You mean… you’re an orphan?”

  Lake nodded.

  Quesys ceased walking, “Oh Lake. I’m so sorry.”

  “Nah, don’t be.” said Lake stopping beside her, “It’s not all bad. As a kid I was well taken care of and once I turned fifteen the orphanage set me up with a bed and a job at a steel workhouse. I survived, barely. Then one day Captain Rusty found me when I was fishing near the docks trying to catch my breakfast. The old softy took me in right then and there and showed me the ropes. He’s a good man. A little off his rocker but a good man. I owe him a lot.” Quesys took Lake’s arm again with a smile. He smiled back at her and continued their stroll. “What about you?” asked Lake, “You have any family besides you and your mom?”

  Quesys shook her head, “My parents never married and my dad left when I was six. I miss him, but
I understand why he felt he needed to leave. He’s spending his last few years seeing the world. Well… that’s the short version anyway. My mom explained to me at a young age how important it was for humans to have their freedom since their lives are so much shorter than elves, but I think everyone needs to feel that way. To want to explore and travel and just… enjoy life. You know what I mean?”

  Lake nodded, “I understand completely.”

  “So, yeah,” continued Quesys, “since then it’s just been my Mother and me fending for ourselves. I don’t mind it so much, but I wish I could see him again. Just once.”

  Lake gave her a gentle smile.

  “Ah gods, I’m sorry.” said Quesys. “Here you were telling me that you didn’t have any family and I’m going on about mine. That doesn’t seem fair. I’m not complaining really. I’m happy with what I have. I’m sorry Lake. I couldn’t imagine how lonely that must feel.”

  Lake shook his head, “Nah. Rusty and the rest of the crew are my family now, and one day, gods willing, I’ll make a family of my own.”

  Quesys lips lifted into a grin, “Hmmm. Y’know, for someone who’s been dealt all the wrong cards you sure have a sunny disposition. Sunny and bright. Just like your tan. Yeah, you look like a Sunny.”

  Lake looked down at his tanned arms, “Heh. Thanks. At this rate, I’m sure I’ll be all leathery and crispy by the time I hit thirty.”

  Quesys gave him a flirtatious look, “You’d still be handsome.”

  Lake grinned, “Well, Miss Lujor. I do believe you’re the one who’s flirting with me now.”

  “Lakey!” shouted Captain Rusty as he climbed down the ratlines. “Stop flirting and kiss the girl already. Have I taught you nothing boy?”

  Lake gave Quesys an awkward grin. The she-elf turned as red as Lakes’ tan.

  “So,” said Lake scratching the back of his neck, “I figured I’d show you one last thing, but you’d have to wait until after the sun sets. That is… if you’re not in a hurry to get home?”

  “Not at all.” she said, her violet eyes looking up at him through her lashes, “What is it?”

  Lake swallowed, “It’s uh- a surprise.”

  Quesys clapped her hands together, “Oohh, I like surprises. Well then, it looks like you have me for the rest evening. I just hope I remember everything about today so I can write it down later. I think I took that last blow pretty hard, haha.” she said rubbing her forehead.

  “Don’t worry. I have a mind like an elven steel trap.” he said tapping the side of his head, “In the morning I have to load up the ship for departure but I’ll be free in the evening if you want help. You could read me your finished report and I’ll act as your audience.”

  Quesys smiled up at him, “You’d do that for me?”

  Lake shrugged, “Well yeah. I wouldn’t be a very good date if I didn’t cater to your every need. Even if it’s just homework.”

  “So… Does that mean tomorrow will be our second date?”

  “If you don’t object.” replied Lake.

  “I’d like that… Sunny.”

  “Sunny, huh?” he smirked, “Well we’ve got an hour until nightfall, let’s say we get you something to eat from the galley. I bet you’re famished.”

  Quesys grabbed at her stomach, “Ugh, starving. Got any sweets?”

  Lake chuckled, “We’ll see what we can find you.”


  Lake stood, red-faced, in front of Quesys who was now sitting on the bulwark of the ship beside Captain Rusty. She was looking utterly enthralled as the captain regaled her with stories of the young Lake. “So,” said Captain Rusty, “I had said to Lakey boy here. ‘Are you done patchin’ the sails yet?’ As pleased as punch, the boy came strollin’ up to me and declared his first sail was properly stitched and hoisted. So, I look up to the mast. Well, me and the whole crew about near bust a gut laughin’. I put my hand on his shoulder and tryin’ hard to hold it together I says ‘Lake my boy, those were not the new patches for the sails. Those were Lady Winifred’s bloomers’. Oh, we had a good laugh that night, didn’t we Lake my boy?” Rusty let out a hearty laugh that could be heard across the docks.

  Quesys chortled, “Oh Lake. How could you confuse the two?”

  Lake put his hand to his face and sighed, “Lady Winifred was a big woman, okay? Besides, it’s not my fault the Captain here let one of his port lilies leave her things lying about.”

  “Port lily?” asked Quesys. She could hear Captain Rusty stifling a laugh.

  Lake sheepishly turned his gaze downward, “Aaah, yeah… It’s just what we call the females that wait for men to arrive at port and uh, heh… like to entertain them.”

  “I seeee.” said Quesys smirking. She turned back to the Captain, “Thanks for sharing your stories with me Rusty. I’m not gonna lie, I’m a tad jealous of you all. It’s been my dream since I was a little girl to sail a ship of my own. I’ve always wanted to visit new and exotic places and have amazing stories to tell about my adventures.” she sighed dreamily, “I can’t wait until my life is as exciting as all that.”

  Captain Rusty laughed from his belly, “Excitin’ as all that, eh? She-elf, you say that like you didn’t just wallop an eighty-year-old elf with just a stomp of your foot haha. Can’t say he didn’t deserve it though. That snippy Crestien has had it comin’ for a while now what with the way he talks to the lady folk. Beggin’ your pardon but, how did you manage that anyhow? You put daggers in your heels? Haha.”

  Quesys gave a sly grin, “Well, in the mess hall I noticed his plate was all meat. Not a single vegetable in sight which I thought was kinda strange since most elves live off plants. Then toward the end of the fight, I saw him limping, favoring his left foot. So I just assumed… gout.”

  A wry smile came across Captain Rusty’s lips, “Gout. Ha! How ‘bout that! Well, I would have never… aren’t you the clever one.”

  She shrugged, “It was a shot in the dark. If I was wrong I just woulda looked like a fool stomping on his toe.”

  “Don’t let her fool you.” said Lake looking over to the captain, “Quesys is plenty good at what she does. She even fights for coin at Swizz’s.”

  “So I gathered.” said Captain Rusty stroking his chin, “So you’re a real scrapper then, huh? You know, I’ve seen some of those boys that fight at Swizzlestix’s. They can be pretty brutal. You win often?”

  “More now.” replied Quesys, “I used to get beaten up a lot at first, but I got better with time. I have a good teacher. He’s taught me a lot.”

  “That’s how we met,” said Lake pointing his thumb back and forth between him and Quesys, “we’re taking the same self-defense class.”

  Captain Rusty grinned at Quesys, showing off his missing teeth, “A feisty little thing like you, takin’ on the big boys, huh? Well goody for you. Yeah, our Lake here fancies himself a bit of a fighter too. Did he tell you he wanted to join Her Majesties Military? I keep tellin’ him, the military isn’t gonna hire a non-elf to join their ranks. Not anymore. Not since the Spice Wars. They’re too slow and too stubborn to change their minds about such things—oh uh, beggin’ your pardon miss. I meant no offense.”

  Lake rubbed his face in embarrassment.

  Quesys shrugged, “I understand why most people feel that way but change happens slowly everywhere. Not just with elves. Some elves would even agree with you. I bet Miller would.” she looked over to Lake whose hands were now in his pockets, “They’d be silly not to want Lake.”

  Lake Bladeflow turned his head and blushed as red as a tomato.

  Captain Rusty gave an approving smile and nodded, “So then,” he said trying to re-direct the conversation, “who was your last match up against, half-elf?”

  “At Swizz’s? A half-zorn.” said Quesys beaming, “I was bloodied up pretty bad at the beginning and I thought for sure he was going to win but I noticed his drawstrings were loose, so I did some quick thinking and I pantsed him. Then I clocked him good.” she said, demonstrating b
y taking a swing at the air, “He went down like a sack of onions.”

  Captain Rusty laughed from his belly, “You are a dauntless female I’ll give you that.”

  “Dauntless?” asked Quesys.

  “It means bold,” replied the captain, “fearless. I could use more crewmen like you. Say, would you like to work aboard my ship this summer? The pay wouldn’t be great since you’d just be startin’ out, but you’d travel. You’d get to learn the ropes of managin’ a ship and I imagine the company would be to your likin’.” he winked at Lake. “So, what do you say my dauntless girl? Will you give it some thought?”

  Quesys gasped, “Do you really mean it? Oh yes, of course, I—I mean… ahem… I’ll definitely have to think about it.”

  Lake shuffled his feet.

  Captain Rusty nodded, “You don’t have to decide now. Anytime you want to come aboard, you’re welcome to my dear. And I’m sure Lakey boy would have no objections.” Captain Rusty patted Lake on the back and stood. He let out a groan as he stretched, his knees crackling as they straightened, “Well on that note, I’ll take my leave. It’s almost time. You two stay here and enjoy the show.” He gave Quesys a short bow and headed toward the port side of the ship.

  “What show?” asked Quesys.

  “You’ll see.” replied Lake. He hopped up, planting himself on the bulwark beside her. “Sorry about all that. Captain Rusty likes to tell my most embarrassing stories to anyone who’ll listen.”

  Quesys shimmied in her seat, “I rather enjoyed learning about you and your life here. It’s all so exciting.” she said as she pulled a pipe from her pack and stuffed it generously with the herb she got from Perthus. She lit the end with a flint, drew a long breath from the pipe and handed it to Lake.

  Lake shifted closer to her, “You’re not like most females, are you? I bet you like to roll in the mud too.” he said letting the smoke from the pipe linger in his mouth.

  Quesys shook her head, “I have nothing against rolling in mud. As long as I’m doing it with someone I enjoy. And I get a bath afterwards of course.”


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