Blood and Light

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Blood and Light Page 15

by Rue Volley

  wanted to go someplace without…you know. Caine…he said he could help me...

  He came to me in a dream, told me where to go in the city to get out.”

  “And your brother?”

  Elin started to cry...

  “Oh god Ben..he. Caine was...he fed on him slowly, made me watch…oh god.”

  Grace came to her and she backed away from her.

  “Elin…I am not like Caine, I will not hurt you… Let me see your arm.”

  Elin reluctantly raised her arm to her…it was blackened with bruises.

  Grace held her hands together and a small glow started to form in her palms...

  “Please,” Elin said.

  “Just sit very still Elin I can help you… Looks like Caine fed on you too.”

  Elin looked up to Grace and her face became calm.

  Grace ran her hand over her arm just skimming it above the surface, Elin"s skin started to shimmer...she sucked in her breath.

  “Thank you Grace that does feel better.”

  Grace stood back up and walked over to the bed and sat down.

  “Well...looks as if we are in a pickle here huh?”

  Elin stood up and Grace tapped on the bed beside her telling Elin to come sit next to her.

  “Listen Elin...I have every intention of getting out of too, but you have to trust me, whatever I tell you to it okay?”

  Elin nodded her head.

  “I... I can't believe you want to help me… I'm human.”

  “Not all protectors feed on humans Elin... My family does not we survive on other things.”

  “I didn't even know you could do that.”

  “Well we can...listen there are a lot of humans who live free and quite a few of us who live with them peacefully.”

  “I would of never imagined that… Caine said he was the only one who could help us outside of Valon.”


  “I know you've never known anything outside of Valon, but there is a big world out there.”

  Elin looked off like she was imagining a life different than the one she had ever known.

  “I... I didn't know anything was wrong not until Caine started showing me things...

  you know in my dreams... I started to see through the glamor…it was then that I knew I had to leave, there are humans in Valon so sick but they don't even know they are sick.”

  “I know… I...well a few of us we left Valon long ago, wish we could have saved more but we were few and they were many. Caine was the reason Valon turned to what it is today, it wasn't always like that I promise you.”

  “You know Caine.?”

  “Unfortunately... I've known him for a thousand years.”

  “ are one of the...from the first families?”

  “Yes Elin... I'm Grace Valon.”

  “Your family founded the city…?”

  “We did... It was built to be a safe haven for us... Some humans came at first, they wanted too. People who had no hope. Lives wrecked, sick, or just out of curiosity, they came, became host families for us. We fed on them but never did we cause harm… The only glamor at that time was to make Valon invisible to the world not to change the memories of the humans living among us. Never was it supposed to be that way. The Graphs were one of the first families too. We remained living there peaceful for years until Caine was born. He was Sophia Graph"s creation. She should have never...”

  Grace sat still for a moment.

  “Anyway Caine didn't believe that humans deserved to be respected... He thinks of you…all of you as cattle.”

  Elin looked at Grace...

  “There was a war... My Husband and I fled with others... Caine also fled, he wasn't welcome in Valon anymore...after he started the war.”

  “But Sophia...she's still there?”

  “I know, she convinced everyone that she had nothing to do with Caine"s want for she's the head of the council.”

  Grace and Elin looked at each other for a moment.

  “I trust you Grace... I do.”

  Grace smiled at her and then they heard the door start to open. Grace looked at Elin.

  “Lie down quickly…here on the bed.”

  Grace threw the blanket over her and stood up in between the door and Elin.

  Caine walked in.

  Caine looked at the bed and at Grace.

  “Oh, I see you put your meal to bed.”

  Grace stood her ground looking him in the eye.

  “Well…I don't blame you Grace...don't know how long she'll need to feed you, have to be conservative.”

  “I don't think my eating habits are any of your business Caine.”


  “Oh testy…well, I don't blame you I get that way myself when I am hungry.”

  “I can guarantee you that there is nothing we do the same.”

  Caine walked past her over to the side of the bed.

  “Tastes good doesn't she...? Just old enough to have that teenager spark. It's a weakness of mine I must admit.”

  “You disgust me Caine.”

  Caine tossed the blanket off of her and Elin sucked in her breath and started to move away from him.

  “Ahhh awake I see?”

  Grace grabbed her and threw her behind her.

  “Leave her alone Caine... Haven't you done enough?”

  Caine turned his head slightly and got a grin on his face.

  “Ohh…I see bonding with the food still I see Grace... Bad business really, don't you think?”

  Caine looked at Elin and suddenly he waved his hand and knocked Grace against the wall. Grace grabbed the back of her head.

  “What did you do Grace?” He had flashed to Elin and was gripping her arm.

  “Did you heal her...? Unbelievable! Why would you waste your talents on such a thing?”

  Grace tried to scramble to her feet but it was too late... Caine lifted Elin up to him with her facing Grace... Blue flames started to lick at his feet and Elin moaned.

  “Stop!” Grace screamed.

  “You did this my dear…she dies for you!”

  Caine started to groan and Elin screamed out.

  “Grace please...please help me.”

  Light started to flash in the room and started to engulf Elin"s body, she shook and screamed... Caine tossed her lifeless body to the floor.

  Grace looked at Caine with hate filled eyes. She ran to Elin and held her hand.

  “Why Caine...why did you have too do that...? So unnecessary!”

  Caine laughed...

  “Don't worry I'll get more for you Gracie... You'll have to feed sooner or later.”

  Caine walked to the door and turned back to her...

  “You killed her Grace not me...don't play with your food, just take my generosity seriously next time.”

  Grace sat on the floor holding Elin and started to cry.


  The rest of week went by without incident. I went to school and finished up everything I could...kinda cool because I really didn't want to deal with anything.

  Johnathan did not come back to school and I did not call him. Thought maybe it was best, just to let things settle for a moment. We all went Friday…last day...

  maybe after this we can move forward on figuring out what the hell is going on.

  I want to find my mom...want to see my dad too. We all settled into a routine at the house together. Kai and Josh got along just fine. Sam had softened towards 105

  me and even had started joking around some. I was glad she shed her bad ass chick persona... She was actually pretty cool to hang out with. Josh and I didn't talk much... We both just kinda acted like the kiss thing didn't happen. I still caught him looking at looking at me and vice versa but for now the romance thing was on hold, thank god. A week ago I only fantasized about Johnathan and now I was dealing with two pretty boys...ugh. Anyway half way through Friday... one more class...Lit. Awesome, pretty much a study hall. The minutes were ticking by.
Then I had a text on my phone.

  “The party starts at eight...I'll pick you up at seven thirty:) Love your BFF.”


  Oh god I totally forgot about the big blow out party thing at Red Woods. I started to laugh , because I knew Josh was locked in with Sara and I had prepped her, just to make him miserable...sweet.

  Maybe sweet…I don't know, I'm confused. Truth was I like Josh…maybe not in that way…I don't know. Can't think about it right now. God. I don't want to multi task my emotions right now...not now. All I know is this class is almost over and we are about to embark on some craziness for the summer...

  Sam showed up right on time... Josh had sat in the back with me every day since know. I think Kai was really feeling cocky about Sam, truth is she"s softened up to him too. I guess I should feel bad for Sophie…although Kai is taking her tonight, I know he"s a one thought goldfish so she's in for a fun ride...yea for her. He has been swimming in Sam"s bowl since she showed up...

  Ooo a castle…then back round... ooo a castle. Truth is I would rather him have a girl like Samantha, she won't take his crap, so that's cool. I think she really stole his heart when she beat him on one of his video flinger seven or something, yep she beat him...awesome. Josh and I have come to an understanding I think but I know he comes into my room at night, I act like I'm sleeping and he stands there for a moment like he's checking on me. Still my room, but it kinda makes me feel safe so I haven't said a word about it, no need really.

  I decided a bath was in very hot. I leaned back and put the washcloth over my"s over, normally I would be stoked but everything is different now. I sunk back in the tub, I wonder if Johnathan will come tonight? There's the masochist side of me that really hopes he does. I know he wasn't physically sick the rest of the week and I can't help but feel responsible. I want to see him if for nothing else but to say I'm sorry... Really, really, sorry....

  “Ohhhh crap!”

  I almost peed in the tub. I threw the washcloth off my face into the water.

  “What the fudge Josh!”

  I pulled the bubbles up around me. (yes I use bubbles…and?) I looked up and he had his back to me.

  “I...ummm...I didn't see anything if that makes you feel any better...swear.”

  “Why are you still in here?” I said.

  “Ummm…good point.”


  He walked out of the bathroom and into my room.

  “I just came up to let you know chef Kai has dinner ready.”

  I flopped my arms in the water.

  “So...when you walked in and didn't see me you naturally assumed to look in the bathroom?”

  He started to laugh.

  “Well at least you were not on the toilet.”

  “Oh shut up Josh!”

  “Yea...well food"s on the table.”

  “Okay message received...ummm, could you leave so I can get out?”

  “Oh...yea…okay, sorry.”

  Josh left my room. Swear to god I need a lock on my door.

  I jumped out and peeked out to make sure he was gone...that he was. I grabbed all I needed to not feel like I was romping around on a nudist beach and went downstairs. I could smell it before I even got there...oh my. I sat down at the table, across from Josh and didn't make eye contact. I looked down at the plate.

  “Mmmmm Kai what is this?”

  Kai came over from the stove. “This is manicoti.”

  I looked at it...sad little thing on my plate.

  “Is it supposed to be green?”

  Kai smiled... “I think I used too much spinach.”


  The whole time Josh is fighting the laughter across from me. We heard the front door and Sam came trotting in bags in hand. She came to us and set them down in the middle of the table.

  “Here's some Chinese...dig in”

  Truth is...oh my god thank you Sam.

  Kai looked at her.

  “Ummm...Sam…I cooked manicoti.”

  She looked at him and smiled, “Like I said here's some Chinese.”

  Kai put his hand on his hip... Uh oh.

  “Sooo what are you saying Sam?”

  “You suck at cooking Kai... That's why everyone in this house is exhausted...we don't eat.”

  Kai started to stutter... “I... I…don't SUCK Sam.”

  “Oh yes…yes you do Kai... Really I am touched that you try so hard, but it seems the more you try the more I die a little inside.”

  Josh choked on his drink and I put my napkin up to my's hard not to laugh... I'm watching my brother be the girl. I guess Kai decided he was gonna go down with the ship.

  “I, for your information, have been cooking for two whole years.”

  Sam picked up my plate and said....

  “THIS is manicoti?”

  “Yes it is Sam,” Kai said to her.

  “Well why is it green?” she asked.

  “Spinach Sam…spinach,” Kai said as he rolled his eyes.


  “Okay, then why the hell is there elbow macaroni floating on the plate?” Sam asked.

  “It's a twist,” he added, like he invented something new.

  Sam put the plate down.

  “A twist...? Or just twisted?” she muttered.

  Kai was flustered...I don't think I've ever seen this... I knew I should sneak out but I couldn't leave.

  “Well... your hair is too red!” he said.

  Sam laughed... “Too red...? Really...? What does that even mean?”

  Kai just had to keep going... “It's not red is that red.”

  Sam stood very still for a moment and then she stepped around the table and got right in his face.

  “That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard from anyone in two hundred years... You need to take a shower more often”

  Kai snorted, never heard that before.

  The table jolted and Josh and I looked at each other... Sam must be pissed.

  “Well Sam…your taste in music sucks.”

  Blue flames started to lick at her feet and the liquid in our glasses started to ripple. Josh and I reached up at the same time to stop them from vibrating off the table. Sam cocked her head... “I don't even listen to music.”

  “ never play anything...! Your car is quiet…it's not normal.”

  “Ohhh…you want to talk about normal...? You live in a video game Kai…! No wonder you don't have a girlfriend.”

  Kai took a moment to decide his next chess move...

  “At least I don't repel people…Sam.”

  Sam"s palms flashed… Josh and I jumped up right in time for the table to scoot away from us. And he did it... He grabbed her and kissed her hard on the mouth I thought for sure she would light up like a Christmas tree and blast him into eternity but instead she grabbed the back of his head and probably did the craziest thing ever...she kissed him back. Blue flame engulfed them both…it was the most beautiful thing I had ever Sam pulled her mouth away from him a faint trace of blue mist lingered in the air. Josh looked at them and looked at me then he cleared his throat...

  “Could we get the table back?”

  They pulled apart fast, Sam looked like she was shocked and she slapped him across the face.

  “I did not say you could do that,” she said.

  Kai smiled at her...she stormed out of the room. Kai followed. Josh and I started to laugh so hard I thought I was going to pass out from lack of oxygen.

  Josh looked at me... “About freakin time...good for Kai, give her a what for.”

  I smiled at him and he gave me a know...the look. I grabbed a box of lo mien and headed upstairs.

  It's six thirty and I don't know what to wear...can't believe I care, but Johnathan may be there…odds were low but none the less I want to look, I guess… Pretty? Geez. I was standing in front of my closet...god really? I don't know what is going on in this thing really I don'
t. I caught a glimpse of someone 108

  at my door... Please don't be Josh…please don't be Josh... It was Sam…thank god.


  She just stood there leaning on the door.

  “Hey Sam. Listen I will apologize for Kai he...” I said.

  “Don't,” she muttered.

  “K?” I said.

  She looked to the floor…couldn't tell if she was mad or something else.

  “So I know your going to this party thing. I have something you could wear if you want.”

  “Really?” I said.

  “Yea, it's something of mine,” Sam said.

  She pulled it out from behind her...she handed it too me.

  I held it up… It was a, the material felt strange almost like a mixture of silk and metal woven together. It was sleeveless and when I turned it in the light, I could almost make out faint symbols on it. It is beautiful.

  “'s beautiful... I couldn't.”

  “You can and you will Rue,” she said as she grinned at me.

  “What is it made of.?” I asked her.

  “It's a dress I wore, when I received my power at the age of twenty one, it's woven with protection... You can't be harmed in it.”

  “Ohhhh, your worried about Johnathan,” I said to her.

  “Well, everything else is shifting...he could too, I can't bind him forever.”

  “Sam, I was wondering why Josh hasn't freaked out about..”

  “He doesn't know what happened, when I found you two in the woods.”

  “How could he not know?” I asked.

  Sam looked at me and winked... “I omitted that little detail from memory.”


  “Why do you think Rue? Josh goes off...he would have killed Johnathan the first day if he knew.”

  “Killed him?” I whispered.

  “We have enough to deal with, I didn't need that first thing...besides, I don't even know if Josh could kill him.”

  “What does that mean Sam?”

  “I mean, Johnathan is a protector, but not like us... His power is twisted, I don't know what...anyway, I want you to wear this...please Rue. It will make me feel better, it's the best I can do, other than being there too.”

  “You are coming right?” I asked her.


  I looked at the dress again... “Okay Sam...thank you.”


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