Blood and Light

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Blood and Light Page 27

by Rue Volley

  “Isn't this just night, what fun,” Theodore said...obviously excited.

  Josh started to laugh. “Yes…just awesome.”

  The movie started and I wanted to focus on it and I did for the first fifteen minutes, until Johnathan pressed up against me and I felt his breath on the back of my neck. He leaned in and kissed the back of my neck and let his lips linger, just a bit too long. I pulled my shoulders up a little and I know he knew he was flustering me, because he leaned in and whispered in my ear. “I can feel your heart beating faster, Rue.” Just then, the room laughed at something on the screen…

  I whispered back, “You need to quit it.” I could feel him laugh.

  “Did you say that your cold…? I could grab a blanket for us.”

  I turned my head and grinned. He jumped up and came back with a blanket, covering us with it. I knew the game was about to begin, but I didn't fight it. The room was dark and we were positioned to the side, pretty much out of sight of everyone else, who had taken the couch.

  Johnathan put his hand back around me and let his hand slide over my stomach. I sucked in my breath with a slight tremble, he reacted by pulling me back against him. Another laugh roared through the room and I jumped from the noise. He interlaced his fingers in mine and pressed me harder against him.

  He whispered in my ear again, “Can I sleep in your bed tonight?”

  “Oh my god what?” I said.

  I could feel him laugh quietly. “No Rue, it's not like that, I just want to lay next to you…just for the night... Will you let me?”

  I turned to him, “Just lay there right...sleep?”

  He smiled and how could I deny him…he was so pretty, so warm.

  “I guess… Just lay there…? Okay I guess…”

  I turned back towards the television and noticed Josh looking at us from the couch. He quickly looked away when our eyes met.

  Johnathan leaned up in my ear… “I love you Rue...I do.”

  I felt a wave of warmth come over me… I wanted to hear the words, but I couldn't return them… I just couldn't. We laid there for another hour, Johnathan stopped doing little things to drive me crazy and I felt myself start to drift, my 188

  eyes were getting heavy... I slept for a month, so the thought of sleep surprises me. Maybe it was the fact that Johnathan was so warm and this moment felt so normal, something I had not enjoyed in over a year. I snapped out of my stupor when the credits started to roll.

  Josh rose up off of the couch. “That was ridiculous Theodore… You are officially out of the rotation on movie night.”

  Theodore laughed. “Come on Josh...romance and comedy…completely charming.” He turned to Samantha, “You agree, don't you?”

  Sam grinned, “Oh yea…very realistic.”

  “What a shame that I am the only one, of the three of us, who believes in love.”

  Johnathan started to laugh, “I don't believe in love Theodore…it's a wasted effort.”

  Theodore got up and came up to Josh… He took his hands and started to immolate ballroom dancing with him. Josh pulled his hands out of his grip.

  “Love is a war worth fighting… You should not dismiss it so easily.”

  “Whatever…I'm going to bed.” Josh headed for the stairs.

  Theodore grinned and called after him, “So grumpy… ” He looked at me and winked. “He's really quite the romantic…just wastes time on harlots.”

  Sam smacked him on the arm, “Talk this century Theodore, please... I guarantee this town has not one bordello in it.”

  Kai picked up the empty popcorn bowl and walked towards the kitchen. “What the hell is a bordello?”

  Sam rolled her eyes. There she was, good. “A bordello is where men used to go to pay women for their services.”

  He came trotting back in. “Their services…?” A light went off in him, “Ohhh…


  Sam rolled her eyes again and added a disgusted sigh, “I am going to bed.”

  Kai walked after her. “I've got a twenty in a pair of jeans… You think maybe?”

  She turned around and stopped him dead. “I will slap the stupid out of you, I swear to god Kai.”

  I pressed my face into the pillow to quiet my laughing, but Theodore took care of that by laughing out so loud that no one would of heard me, except for Johnathan anyway.

  Johnathan stood up and reached down to me, I took his hand and he pulled me up from the floor. I bumped against him as I rose and he let me stay there for a moment longer then needed.

  I looked up at him, “I'm going to bed, Johnathan.”

  He grinned, “I can just sleep on the couch, it's cool.”

  I thought about it for a moment… I wanted him to come up, I really did.

  “No…you can come with me…it's fine,” I said, as I started to regret it immediately.

  I put my hand back in his and we headed upstairs.

  Theodore called after us, “Be aware of what house you are in children.”

  We looked back and he winked at us. “It's not like that Theodore…trust me,” I grinned and climbed the stairs, with Johnathan behind me.



  We entered my room and I closed the door behind us gently. I don't know why I felt like I was sneaking him in… It's my room and we are just sleeping, that's it. Johnathan walked over to my bed and pulled the covers back. He sat down and took his socks off and laid down. I looked at him for a moment and started to get nervous. “I…umm, I'm changing into my pajamas K?”

  I opened my closet and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and turned back to him. He was laying there watching me. “We are just going to sleep,” I reiterated.

  “Yes Rue…just sleep, I promise I will do nothing to make you uncomfortable, I swear,” he said smiling.

  I lingered a moment, messing with my hands and went into my bathroom, closing the door. I changed slower than usual and emerged to find him taking his shirt off. I stopped and started to look away from him.

  “You sleep without your shirt on…? Of course you do.”

  “If it bothers you, I'll put it back on… I just get hot when I sleep.”

  I grinned. I had heard that before, only it had come from the boy sleeping in the next room.

  “No…no it's fine, really.”

  I climbed into the bed and laid on my back, pulling the covers up to my chin.

  Johnathan giggled.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You…are a very peculiar girl.”

  “I don't see why you think that,” I tugged on the comforter.

  “Rue…really, you need to relax, I'm not a serial killer or anything.”

  I rolled on my side and he turned. He reached over and pushed my hair over my ear.

  “I really just wanted to be close to you…that's all,” he smiled as he said it.

  “I know…I'm sorry. I just don't want you to think that I, you know…wanted things.”

  He got a crooked grin on his face, “"Stuff and Things"? I know.”

  I had to turn over on my other side, before I impulsively reached out and pulled him to me. The moonlight was lighting my room just enough to make the features on his beautiful face glow and I felt my heart start to beat harder.

  He rolled over and held me close to him. He didn't let his fingers trace my skin, but I won't lie and say that I didn't want him too, because I did…very badly.

  “Johnathan?” I whispered.


  “I do love you.”

  I felt him release his breath and he hugged me from behind. We laid there very still and we drifted off to sleep holding each other, with no intention for the first time.


  I knew this place…it was the library floor. I looked out and could see my parents pinning Caine to the floor on top of the large mirror. I cried out and 190

  reached for them… I stood up and ran, with each step, they moved away from me. I cried out my m
other"s name and the room went still. I turned my head from side to side and all the chaos was frozen still. Theodore, blades drawn, fighting off a blow from a boy looking his same age, a wicked grin on his face. Samantha on top of another girl with long blonde hair, bringing her blade down toward her chest, Sam's face looked cold and calculated. The girl under her held a blank expression, maybe acceptance of her fate. I looked back toward my parents and my mother stood alone on top of the mirror, my dad and Caine gone from the sight. I looked at her and she smiled at me.

  “Mom?” I said, in what came out as an echo.

  “Rue…an ending always brings a new beginning,” she replied.

  “I don't understand mom.”

  “Think of yourself lightly… Think of the world deeply.”

  “Mom...” I whispered.

  She smiled and started to sink into the mirror under her feet. I lunged forward and caught her hand. Her fingers slipped from mine and the silver wedding band, my dad had given to her, was left in my palm. I rolled it over in my hand and read the inscription on the inside of it. “You and no other,” I muttered.

  I looked up and the mirror above me started to shatter into a million pieces… I raised my hands to protect myself from the falling shards. I sucked in my breath and jerked up in bed.


  Johnathan sat up and asked, “Are you okay Rue?”

  I placed my hand on his… “Yea…yea…I think so.” I raised my hand to my hair to run my fingers through it and lowered it, opening my hand up, to reveal a small silver band...

  “Oh my god,” I whispered.

  Johnathan sat up in my bed. “What Rue...what is it?”

  I turned to him, my eyes wide… “I saw my mother.”

  Johnathan put his arm around me. “I know, it will take time to...” I had to interrupt him.

  “No…no, you don't understand… I saw her and now I have this.”

  I opened my fingers and he took the band out of my hand. “What is this?”

  “She was wearing it... It's her wedding band, the one my father gave to her.”

  He sat up in the bed and held the ring up, pinching it in between his thumb and index finger.

  “How did you get this Rue?”

  I reached over and took it from him… “She gave it to me…in my dream Johnathan… She had it on and now I have it.” I pushed myself off of my bed and started for my door.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I'm going to have to tell Josh…he'll know what to do.” I reached for my door and Johnathan was in front of me in an instant.

  “What Johnathan?” I asked, as I stared up at him.


  “It's the middle of the night Rue… I think you are upset.”

  “I am completely sane Johnathan… I need to talk to Josh.”

  He stood there, blocking my way for a second and then moved to let me pass by him.

  “I'm sorry, this cannot's important Johnathan.”

  He put his hand on my face, “Of course it is…I know that.”

  I walked to the door of my parents bedroom and didn't feel the need to knock… I was determined to tell Josh that I had just retrieved my mother"s ring, in a crazy. I opened the door and walked in. The room was dark, but the moonlight lit it just enough that I could make his shape out on the bed. I crawled up and started to whisper his name.

  “Josh?” He didn't move. “Josh...wake up.” I placed my hand on him and shook him.

  He grumbled and rolled over, blinking at me.

  “Rue…? What the hell are you doing?”

  “Josh, listen I had a dream and now look…” I held my hand out and he pushed himself up halfway, staring at my hand.

  “Rue…what are doing…? Bed hopping?”

  “No…I am not… Listen, put your hand on my head…I want you to see my dream, the one I just had.”

  “What?” he said, as he blinked a couple of times.

  I grabbed his hand and put it on the side of my head... “Do it.”

  “Do what?” he asked me.

  “Suck the memory right out of my head… It's okay…do it.”

  “Are you insane…? It's three in the morning,” he grumbled at me.

  “Listen to me you ass…this is important. I had a dream about my mom… She had this ring on and now I have it in my hand…see?” I held it up to his face really close, so close, he almost crossed his eyes.

  “Geezus god Rue…fine, let me wake up a little ,okay?”

  “What…you"re this bad ass warrior and you need a moment?”

  He grinned… “You think I'm bad ass, huh?”

  “Oh my god…I swear I'm going to slap you. This is important…please just suck.”

  He laughed.

  “Good thing your a girl…it would be an awkward request otherwise.”

  He sat up and pushed the sheet off of him. He was shirtless with his boxers on. I didn't say anything...I was in a hurry. He closed his eyes and then opened them, staring me in the face.

  “Get on your knees,” he said.

  I did it in protest. He faced me on his knees.

  “Why are we on our knees?” I whispered.

  He smiled, “No reason really…I just thought it would be sexy.”

  I hit him on the arm. “Stop messing around, I'm freaking out here you jerk!”

  “I see that... Listen I need you to relax okay?”

  “Fine...that's fine, just get it over with Josh.”

  He got a wicked grin on his face.


  “I would think that „slow" would be something you would enjoy,” he said, as he nodded at me.

  I got up and started for the door.

  “Rue…! What are you doing?” he said ,surprised that I left his bed.

  “I'm going to Theodore... You are ridiculous.”

  He flashed in front of me. “Hey…hey, I'm sorry… Just get on the bed…no more jokes, okay?”

  I crossed my arms. “One more comment and Theodore will do this for me…got it?”

  “Got it,” he said.

  We sat back down on the bed. “I want you to close your eyes and relax...slow your breathing down.” I closed them and started to feel my body relaxing. He took my hand and pressed his thumbs to my wrists.

  “Good…good Rue… Try to slow it down, just a little more.”

  I nodded.

  He placed his hands on the sides of my neck and slowly moved them up, letting his fingers run up the back of my head, until he cupped the back of my skull.

  “Your heartbeat sped up a little… Calm back down for me, okay?”

  I nodded again. Colors started to swirl behind my eyelids.

  “I see colors Josh,” I whispered.

  “You should…that's"re focusing… Just breath slowly for me.”

  I started to feel a vibration on the back of my neck and small flashes of light started to well up in the darkness.

  “Should I be seeing flashes of light Josh…?”

  “Shhh…don't talk, just allow me to see it… Concentrate.”

  I felt light headed, I was glad he was hanging onto me, because I think I would of fell over if he wasn't.

  He suddenly took his hand off of my head. I opened my eyes.

  “Did you see it?” I asked. He looked at me with confusion.

  “I didn't see a damn thing,” he sounded irritated.

  “What...? Nothing…? Why didn't you see anything?” I asked.

  “Well…I don't know Rue… I've never had that happen before.”

  “How many times have you said that to a girl?”

  He started to laugh… “Nice Rue…really nice.”

  “I couldn't pass up that opportunity…sorry.”

  He reached up and touched my face… I crinkled my eyebrows. “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “I…I just don't understand… It was a void…like you had no memory.” He stood up… “Listen, get some sleep…maybe I didn't try hard eno
ugh… You've only been awake one day… I will try tomorrow… If I can't do it…then we will have Theodore do it.”

  I got up. “He can do it now,” I said.

  Josh reached me before I got two steps and grabbed my hand. “Rue...listen, I know your feeling all kick ass, but keep in mind...we didn't even know that you would survive a week ago… Please, go to bed and I promise we will figure it out in the morning, okay?”


  I looked up at him…my eyes did feel heavy, maybe he was right.

  “It's not like I can fight you I guess.”

  He grinned and looked at his bed.

  “That was a quick surrender for you,” he got a wicked grin on his face.

  “Wanna make out?” he asked.

  I stared at him smiling...had too. “No, I do not.”

  “Listen, I know we are missing our cherub friends here, but it is a nice bed...nicer than yours.”

  “Johnathan is probably wondering what I'm doing in here, Josh!”

  He moved closer to me, “And?”

  “And…I'm going back to my room now.”

  I opened the door. Josh started to laugh… “You'll be back.”

  I didn't look at him. “I doubt it,” I added.

  Johnathan was sitting up in the bed when I quietly came back in. I saw him, but I acted like I thought he was asleep. I crawled back into bed and pulled the covers up to my neck. I let out a sigh.

  “Okay…so what did he say?” he whispered.

  Oh shit now I have to talk…

  “Nothing…nope, he didn't have anything to say.”

  “You were in there for like twenty minutes, Rue.”

  I rolled over and he was staring at me.

  “Well…the „amazing" Josh wasn't able to see my memories… I have no idea why.”

  “What did he do?” Johnathan asked.

  Okay…I guess we are moving into the weird jealousy part of the evening. I sat up against my headboard.

  “He put his hands on my… ”

  Johnathan shifted towards me... “On your what?”

  I smiled, “On my HEAD…and he said he couldn't see anything, nothing at all…

  So, I'm going to try tomorrow. If he can't do it, I'll have Theodore suck it out.”

  “Ohh,” he whispered.


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