Pieces of My Heart

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by Sinéad Moriarty

  Pieces of My Heart




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  First published 2010

  Copyright © Sinéad Moriarty, 2010

  The moral right of the author has been asserted

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  ISBN: 978-0-14-191150-2


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58


  About Eating Disorders and the Lack of Public Health Care for Sufferers

  For Amy

  A smooth sea never made a skilful mariner


  I examined myself in the mirror. I hadn’t worn this black dress in years, but it still fitted, which was a relief. I moved closer and peered at my face – daylight was harsh: all I could see were lines everywhere, mapping out my life so far.

  I decided to focus on the positive – the dress fitted. Having children young definitely helped you to maintain some kind of waistline.

  Sally came up the stairs and walked into the room. She looked stunning in a black trouser suit. Not having children at all helped you to maintain a sensational waistline.

  ‘Nice suit,’ I said.

  ‘Prada. My present to myself for my forty-third birthday,’ said my best friend. ‘New boobs for my fortieth, Botox for my forty-first, Restylane for my forty-second and now designer clothes.’

  ‘Well, you look brilliant. I think I’ll have to ask Paul for a full face-lift for my birthday.’

  ‘Hey, you’re the hottest mother I know. My sisters all look like old women.’

  ‘I don’t feel remotely hot. Look at all these wrinkles.’

  ‘That’s why they invented Botox.’

  ‘I know, I know. I just hate needles.’

  ‘Muuuuum!’ yelled Sarah, storming into the bedroom. ‘There is no way I’m wearing this nun’s outfit.’

  ‘I want you to look respectable. Just put it on.’

  ‘If I have to wear it, I’m not going.’ She threw the navy dress onto my bed and folded her arms.

  ‘Sarah, I haven’t got time for this.’

  ‘Come on, I’ll help you find something,’ Sally said, ushering my bolshy sixteen-year-old out.

  As they left, Alison walked in, wearing a simple but elegant beige shift dress. ‘Is this OK?’ she asked.

  ‘It’s perfect, Ali.’ I smiled at my eldest daughter. ‘You look lovely. Come on, let’s go check on Charlie.’

  My father was standing in the hall in his best suit, looking very pleased with himself.

  ‘Are you feeling all right, Charlie?’ Alison asked, laying a gentle hand on his arm.

  ‘Never better. I’ve been waiting for this day for twenty-three and a half years,’ he said, beaming.

  ‘Charlie!’ I scolded half-heartedly.

  ‘This is the best day of my life.’ He grinned. ‘I’ll celebrate the tenth of August every year.’

  Sarah came strutting down the stairs in a black mini-skirt and a black top with Babe emblazoned across the front. I glanced at Sally, who threw her arms into the air. ‘This is mild – you should have seen what she wanted to wear.’

  ‘Sarah, you do know we’re going to a funeral, not a nightclub,’ I reminded her.

  ‘Legs like this deserve to be shown off,’ she said, flicking back her long dark hair.

  ‘Sarah –’

  Charlie put his hand on my shoulder. ‘Leave her, Ava. She’ll liven things up.’

  ‘Where’s Dad?’ Alison asked.

  I sighed. ‘Stuck in work. He said he’d meet us out there. Come on, everyone, into my car.’

  Paul was waiting for us at the church. ‘Why is our sixteen-year-old daughter dressed like a hooker?’ he asked.

  ‘Talk to Sally. I left her in charge,’ I replied.

  ‘You should thank me.’ Sally laughed. ‘She wanted to wear hot pants, so we compromised.’

  ‘Ava left you in charge of Sarah’s wardrobe?’

  ‘Are you implying that I dress inappropriately, too?’ Sally said, playfully punching his arm.

  ‘Did you forget your shirt?’

  ‘Smartarse. Prada trouser suits don’t require shirts,’ she retorted. Then, turning to me, she asked, ‘I’m not showing too much cleavage, am I, Ava?’

  Before I had the chance to reassure her that she wasn’t over-exposed, Charlie jumped in: ‘I’d like to see a lot more,’ he said. ‘I’ve always been a boob man.’

  Sally, Paul and Sarah tried not to laugh, while Ali looked embarrassed.

  ‘Charlie!’ I hissed. ‘We’re at your wife’s funeral.’

  ‘I can’t help it. I haven’t had sex in six years!’

  ‘That is a serious famine,’ Paul agreed.

  ‘Ewww, Char
lie, do old people still do it?’ Sarah asked.

  ‘Any chance they get,’ Charlie assured her. ‘And now that Catherine has finally died, I’m free.’

  ‘Was she really that bad?’ Ali asked.

  ‘She was out of her mind with drink for twenty years. I’ve been cleaning up vomit for decades.’

  ‘Were there no warning signs in the beginning, before you got married?’ Sally wondered.

  ‘I just thought she was good fun, lively. I didn’t realize she drank half a bottle of vodka before every date.’

  I patted his back. ‘You’ve had a tough time, but it’s over now.’

  ‘Alleluia! I’m back on the market, so watch out, ladies.’

  ‘You can come out with me and my single friends,’ Sally offered.

  I pinched her. Why was she encouraging him? He was like someone escaped from prison – he needed to calm down. I was worried he’d go out and shack up with the first woman he happened to bump into. After my mother died, Catherine was the first he’d met and look what a disaster that had turned out to be. Charlie had never been on his own. He liked being in relationships. I’d need to keep a close eye on him.

  We headed inside and sat up at the front of the church. Sally was in the pew directly behind us. There were barely twenty people in all, including us. Catherine had clearly alienated almost everyone. The priest cleared his throat and began …

  He talked about Catherine’s ‘fun-loving nature and her unfortunate decline in health’. He said she had been ‘a loving wife to Charlie for over twenty years’.

  ‘There was no loving,’ Charlie grumbled, under his breath.

  The priest noted what a wonderful carer Charlie had been, looking after Catherine through some very hard times. He then asked us to take a few moments to reflect on our own personal memories of Catherine.

  After we had reflected, the altar boy carried the water and wine to the priest. As he approached the altar, he tripped on his vestment. The water and wine went flying, most of it spilling at the priest’s feet. There was a deathly silence. Then Charlie began to laugh. Soon half of the mourners had joined in while the other half looked appalled.

  The priest peeled the boy off the floor, muttered, ‘I’m terribly sorry. If you’ll excuse us a minute while we regroup. This is most unusual, never happened before,’ and led him, red-faced, to the sacristy. Once they were out of earshot Charlie said loudly, ‘I can tell you now it was Catherine who tripped that poor boy up. She doesn’t want us having any wine without her.’

  ‘Heaven must be a drink-free zone.’ Sally grinned.

  ‘Or else she’s drunk it dry already.’ Charlie and Sally erupted into a fresh fit of laughter.

  ‘For God’s sake, you two,’ I hissed at them. ‘We’re supposed to be the chief mourners here. Everyone’s staring.’ They struggled to compose themselves.

  Paul leaned across me and whispered to Charlie, ‘You’re a saint for staying with her all those years. Were you not tempted to do a runner?’

  ‘I was, I was, but I’m an old-fashioned fellow,’ Charlie admitted. ‘Till death us do part and all that. That’s why I’ll never marry again. From now on I’m going to look after myself. No more lost causes.’

  ‘Maybe you should breathalyse them on the first date,’ Sally said, her shoulders shaking again.

  I shot her a warning look. ‘Stop encouraging him.’

  ‘Is it over yet?’ Sarah yawned, thoroughly bored by the whole thing.

  ‘Nearly,’ Paul said. ‘And don’t even think about putting that iPod on. I can see it in your pocket.’

  ‘But Ali’s been texting David the whole time and you’re not giving her grief.’ Sarah pouted.

  ‘Ali, put your phone away,’ Paul told her. She finished a message quickly and stuck the phone in her pocket.

  The priest returned, the altar boy following with replenished containers. ‘I’m terribly sorry for that interruption,’ the priest said. ‘Fred here would like me to apologize to you all on his behalf, especially the grieving family.’ I suppressed a smile. We couldn’t have looked less like a grieving family.

  After the final blessing, the undertakers moved in quietly to bring the coffin outside to the hearse. The congregation followed. People came up to Charlie and said they were sorry for his loss … She was better off now … At peace …

  The rest of us stood apart, basking in the hot sun.

  ‘Oh, my God,’ Sarah squealed suddenly, ‘he just pinched that woman’s arse!’

  We spun around to see Charlie groping someone’s bum.

  ‘That is truly the definition of mutton dressed as lamb,’ Paul marvelled. We watched the woman kissing Charlie’s cheek, leaving a bright red lipstick mark, then tottering away in six-inch heels and a very tight short dress, with a slit up the side.

  ‘I can’t believe he made a pass at someone at a funeral. At his wife’s funeral,’ Sally gasped. She grinned. ‘Charlie’s going to be so much fun now he’s been set loose. I’m raging I’m going away. Ava, text me the juicy stuff.’

  ‘I can’t believe he’s my new house-mate,’ Paul said.

  ‘Charlie’s moving in?’ Sally looked at me.

  ‘It’s only for a few months. He sold his house and bought an apartment, which isn’t quite ready yet.’

  Charlie bounded over, rubbing his hands together. ‘Well, well, well, it looks as if I’m already in demand. Lily said she’d like to meet up for a drink some time to see if I’m doing OK.’

  ‘Seriously, Charlie, Catherine hasn’t even been buried yet.’ I pointed to the coffin lying in the open hearse.

  He put his hand in and patted it. ‘Well, Catherine, I hope they’ve restocked the bar for you up there.’

  ‘Hey, Charlie, you know what would have been hysterical? If you’d played “Another One Bites The Dust” in the church.’ Sarah giggled.

  ‘Or the Jam’s “Going Underground”.’ Paul grinned.

  ‘No, no, Elton John’s “I’m Still Standing”,’ said Sally.

  ‘ “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life”?’ Ali piped up.

  ‘I think Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” is more apt.’ I laughed.

  ‘No,’ said Charlie. ‘There’s only one song that sums up how I feel. It’s Bachman-Turner Overdrive’s “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”.’


  As the mourners began to take their leave, Charlie turned to us. ‘I’d like to invite you all for lunch and some drinks. Let’s give Catherine a good send-off.’

  ‘Sounds good to me,’ Sally said.

  ‘I’m in.’ Sarah tucked her iPod into her pocket.

  ‘Ali?’ he asked, as Ali sent her twentieth text of the day.

  She smiled. ‘Sorry, Charlie, yes, I’d love to come. I’m not meeting David until later.’

  ‘Looks like you have a full house,’ I said to Charlie.

  ‘Uhm, I’m afraid I’ll have to pass,’ Paul said. ‘I need to get back to work. Sorry, but lunch hour on a Saturday is manic. I’ll see you all later.’

  I bit my tongue and fixed a smile on my face as Paul strode towards his car.

  ‘Right then, follow me,’ Charlie said. ‘It’s a little Italian place just around the corner here.’

  Sally linked my arm. ‘You OK?’

  ‘Yeah, fine. I really wasn’t close to Catherine – I hardly knew her, to be honest.’

  ‘I mean about Paul not coming with us,’ she said gently.

  I shrugged. ‘His priority is work. We always come second.’

  ‘Come on, Ava, you know he loves his family.’

  ‘He’s got a funny way of showing it,’ I muttered.

  Sally squeezed my arm. ‘He’ll come around.’

  ‘Come on, you two,’ Sarah called back to us. ‘Get a move on – I’m starving.’

  The little bistro proved to be very nice. We were seated at a cosy round table and Charlie ordered a bottle of Prosecco.

  ‘Bubbles, fantastic!’ Sally said, holding out her glass.

p; ‘Can I have some?’ Sarah asked.

  ‘Of course you can,’ Charlie said, pouring her a large glass before I could object.

  When we all had our glasses filled, Charlie raised his. ‘I’d like to propose a toast. To new beginnings. After years of misery, Charlie Hayes is getting back in the saddle.’

  ‘I’ll drink to that,’ Sally said. ‘Here’s to you meeting a sober sex-bomb and me meeting a gorgeous Spanish billionaire next week when I’m sunning myself in Marbella.’

  ‘That Lily woman at the funeral looked like a sure thing, Charlie.’ Sarah took a large gulp of her Prosecco. ‘And I’d say you’ll definitely get lucky in Spain, Sally. You’re pretty hot for an oldie.’

  ‘Oldie!’ Sally exclaimed. ‘I’m not old, thank you very much. Your mum and I are still young. We discovered leggings, micro-miniskirts, Madonna and Demi Moore long before you did.’

  ‘Did you really wear micro-minis?’ Sarah looked at me doubtfully.

  ‘Your mother had the best legs in college. How do you think she attracted your dad?’ Sally laughed.

  ‘You should show them off, Mum,’ Ali said. ‘They still look good.’

  ‘No way!’ Sarah chimed in. ‘I do not want my mother walking around in minis up to her arse.’

  ‘You don’t need to worry,’ I assured her. ‘My legs only look good from the knee down now. Cellulite has taken over my thighs.’

  ‘They’re still bloody good.’ Sally winked at me.

  ‘I think you’re both great for your age,’ Ali said.

  ‘Thanks, Ali,’ I smiled at her, ‘but everyone thinks Sally’s younger than me.’

  ‘But I’ve had a lot of work done.’

  ‘You should have Botox, too, Mum. Your wrinkles are getting bad.’ Sarah pointed to my forehead.

  I put my hand up and felt the deep lines. Maybe she was right.

  ‘Spanish ladies are very sexy. I might have to take a little holiday there myself,’ Charlie mused.

  ‘You should,’ Sally enthused. ‘I use a great company that does good packages for single people. They always recommend nice places that aren’t full of families or loved-up couples. It makes going away on your own a lot easier.’

  ‘I hear those 18–30 clubs are good.’ He grinned.

  ‘Groooosssssss!’ Sarah squealed.


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