Pieces of My Heart

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Pieces of My Heart Page 6

by Sinéad Moriarty

  ‘What did Jane do?’

  ‘She was like the News of the bloody World – she told everyone as soon as it happened. She fancies David, too.’

  ‘Is there anyone who doesn’t?’

  ‘Me! I wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole. Besides, I’ve got a new boyfriend.’

  ‘Who and since when?’

  She beamed. ‘Bobby! He asked me to go out with him this morning.’


  ‘Oh? Mum, it’s the most amazing news ever. He said I’m the coolest chick in transition year, which coming from a jock is, like, major!’

  ‘Well, I’m delighted to hear it. Is he a nice boy? Is he bright?’

  She shrieked. ‘He’s the youngest guy ever to play winger on the senior rugby team. He is God.’

  ‘Yes, but is he clever?’

  ‘I dunno. He’s not super-bright like Ali, but he’s not thick. He’s normal, like me.’

  ‘OK. Well, just make sure you don’t get too distracted with your boyfriend and neglect your studies. And be nice to your sister. The poor thing’s had a very tough time.’

  ‘I am being nice to her. I’ve given her my ten-step programme to get David to fancy her again. It’s foolproof. It’s never let me down.’

  ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think she should forget about him and move on to someone the whole school doesn’t want to go out with.’

  ‘The whole point is that she gets him to fancy her again and then she can dump and humiliate him. So, do you want to hear my ten steps?’

  ‘Go on then.’ I sat back, prepared to be entertained.

  Sarah reeled them off. ‘Step One: Always look your best, but don’t look like you’re trying too hard. Step Two: Whenever the guy you fancy is around, look like you’re having the best time ever. Start laughing and smiling. Step Three: Flirt with everyone else when he’s around, but not with him. Step Four: If it’s Valentine’s Day, send yourself cards to the school. Step Five: When you know you’re looking really hot, roll your skirt right up and bump into him on purpose and drop your books. He’ll help you pick them up and you can flirt just a little bit. Step Six: Find out what he’s interested in and read up on it – I’m now an expert on rugby. I know all the names of the wingers on the other schools’ teams. Step Seven: If he’s really thick, you’ll have to pretend you’re not intelligent. If he’s really clever, you’ll have to study harder or maybe decide to fancy someone else. Step Eight: If he has brothers or sisters in the school, make sure you become friendly with them. Step Nine: If he’s playing a match – rugby, hockey, tennis, whatever – turn up and pretend you’re supporting someone else on the team. Obviously make sure you look amazing. Finally, Step Ten: Move in for the kill. Look all sad and pretend your dog just got run over. It has to be a dog because guys don’t care about cats. Don’t actually cry, because your mascara will run, but just be all down and “I loved Scooby so much”, blah, blah, blah. He should put his arm around you and then you can tilt your head and – voilà – snog.’ She took a bow.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. ‘You’re something else, Sarah Mullen. If you put as much effort into your school work as you did into your ten-step plan, you’d be a straight-A student.’

  ‘All work and no play …’

  ‘And all play and no work …’ I replied. ‘Now, go upstairs and finish your homework.’

  She left the room, dragging her feet as she went. I went up to see Ali with a bowl of her favourite ice cream – Häagen Dazs strawberry cheesecake. I opened the door to her room and she looked up from her book. Her eyes were puffy from crying.

  ‘Oh, Ali,’ I kissed her, ‘I’m so sorry. What a crappy thing to happen. Are you OK?’

  She covered her face with her hands and sobbed. I wrapped my arms around her and tried not to cry. I wanted to call over to David’s house and smash his face in.

  ‘I just – uh-uh-uh – I just don’t understand, Mum,’ she sobbed. ‘We were getting on really well and then in the last few days he started being all weird and kept saying he was too busy to hang out with me and then today he said he didn’t think it was working out and he wanted to break up and then I saw him snogging Tracy.’

  ‘Bastard! He’s clearly an idiot if he can’t see what an amazing girlfriend you were. He doesn’t deserve you.’

  ‘I’m not amazing, I’m crap. And I have to go to school and face everyone tomorrow and I can’t bear it. Everyone will be talking about how I got dumped for Tracy. It’s so humiliating.’

  ‘No, they won’t. People are far too wrapped up in themselves to care about anyone else. It’ll blow over.’

  ‘How am I going to cope? I have to see David and Tracy every day. It’s going to be torture.’

  ‘Oh, Ali, I know it seems like the end of the world now, but you’ll get over this and find a new boyfriend who appreciates you.’

  ‘But I love David!’ She began to wail again.

  I tried to think of something reassuring to say. What words would make a seventeen-year-old girl whose heart was broken feel better? I had no idea.

  When I first got my heart broken my mother was dead. Charlie found me sobbing into my pillow and when I told him what had happened he threw his hands up in the air and said he didn’t know what to say, he had no idea how to make me feel better, that this was a job for Mum and he wished she was here, and we both cried.

  I racked my brains, but all I came up with was, ‘He’s a loser and you’re better off without him.’

  ‘He’s not a loser. I’d give anything to go out with him again. Maybe it’s just a phase. Maybe he’ll get bored with Tracy soon.’

  ‘Ali,’ I said as gently as I could, ‘you need to let him go. Let him and Tracy have their silly relationship and just ignore him. Pretend you don’t give a damn about him and his stupid new girlfriend. Go into that school tomorrow with your head held high and a smile on your face and pretend he doesn’t exist.’

  ‘That’s what Sarah said – but I can’t bear to see them,’ she said, welling up again.

  ‘If you really want you can stay at home tomorrow, but you’ll have to face it the next day and I think it’s better if you get it over with.’

  She sighed. ‘I’d rather do that.’

  I hugged her and then, kissing her forehead, I said, ‘I’ll get you some cucumber for those poor puffy eyes and we’ll make you up so you look incredible tomorrow. He’ll be kicking himself when he sees what a mistake he’s made.’

  ‘Mum, Tracy’s like a model. I’m nothing compared to her.’

  ‘You’re a super-model to me. You’re beautiful and sweet and smart –’

  ‘Muuuum,’ she said, pushing me gently away.

  ‘All right, I won’t smother you,’ I said, reluctantly letting go of her. ‘I’ll get you that cucumber, and if you want to come down and cry all night, I’m here for you. Or, if you like, we can watch a movie and order a take-out or go for a walk, whatever you want, pet.’

  ‘I just want to be miserable up here.’

  ‘Well, I’m here for anything you need.’

  I went back down and met Paul coming in the door. ‘Ali got dumped.’

  ‘Oh, Jesus.’

  ‘It’s awful.’

  ‘That little fucker.’

  ‘My sentiments exactly. But the worst of it is, he broke up with her to go out with Tracy in her class who looks like a model.’

  ‘No girl could be more gorgeous than Ali.’

  ‘I agree, but now she has to face the happy couple every day. It’s so humiliating for her.’

  ‘Is she really upset?’


  ‘Will I go up to her?’

  ‘Yeah, do.’ I went into the kitchen, Paul following me. ‘Here, bring her up these cucumber slices.’

  ‘Cucumber?’ he said, staring at me as if I’d lost my mind.

  ‘For her eyes. They’ll help with the puffiness.’

  ‘I’ll kill that little shit.’

  He was back down
a minute later.

  ‘Long chat, then?’ I smiled.

  ‘I had no idea what to say. You know what I’m like when they cry, I just panic.’

  ‘So, what did you say?’

  ‘I just said I was sorry and that she’s wonderful and he’s an arsehole.’

  ‘You covered all the angles, then.’

  ‘Women are better at this stuff.’

  ‘Not really. I didn’t know what to say either. I just listened to her and said pretty much exactly the same things you did.’

  ‘Where’s Sarah?’

  ‘Supposedly doing her homework, but I’d say she’s texting everyone she’s ever met to tell them she’s going out with Bobby.’


  ‘Sarah is, as of this morning, going out with Bobby Masterson-Brown, who apparently is a total stud.’

  ‘Is he?’

  ‘Nope, he looks ridiculous – badly highlighted hair and his jeans hanging down around his knees, but she seems very excited.’

  ‘The last thing that girl needs is a boyfriend.’

  ‘It might not be such a bad thing. It might settle her down a bit. Apparently he’s not super-smart but not thick either.’

  ‘I don’t see anyone from Mensa going out with Sarah.’ We laughed. ‘Where’s Charlie?’

  I rolled my eyes. ‘He’s gone to meet that woman Lily from the funeral.’

  ‘The one whose bum he pinched?’

  ‘The very same.’

  ‘Way to go, Charlie.’

  ‘Apparently she’s fifty-four, which is borderline. He won’t go out with anyone over fifty-five. It’s too old, despite the fact that he’s sixty-eight.’

  ‘He’s right. You don’t want them too wrinkly.’ Paul laughed.

  ‘I just hope he doesn’t attack her in the car or something. He’s like a teenager with raging hormones.’

  ‘I admire his –’ Paul was stopped short by the sight of my father strolling into the kitchen with a stumbling Lily in tow.

  ‘Evening, all,’ Charlie said, grinning from ear to ear.

  ‘Well, hello there, Charlie,’ said Paul, grinning back.

  ‘I’d like you to meet the lovely Lily.’

  ‘’S lovely to meesh you,’ slurred Lily.

  She looked a lot worse than she had at Catherine’s funeral. Her skirt was askew, her lipstick was all over her teeth and the middle two buttons on her blouse had come undone so we had a bird’s-eye view of her bra. She was absolutely legless and it wasn’t a pretty sight.

  Paul guided her to a chair. ‘Can I get you a drink or some coffee?’ he asked.

  Charlie stepped in, grabbed her by the hand and hoisted her back up. ‘She’s had enough drink. I just forked out for a bottle of wine that cost thirty-five euros. I didn’t think I was going to have to take out a bank loan to get laid. Come on, Lily, the bedroom’s this way.’

  I looked at Paul. ‘Should I stop them?’

  ‘He’s sixty-eight.’

  ‘But she’s a total stranger. What if she gives him a disease or robs him or something? I’ll have to give him protection. Get me some of your condoms.’

  And so it was that a forty-two-year-old mother of two found herself knocking on her father’s bedroom door at midnight.

  ‘I’m busy,’ he roared.

  ‘Charlie! Open the bloody door.’

  ‘What?’ A grumpy red face appeared.


  ‘What’s this?’

  ‘It’s a condom.’

  ‘Lily might be a bit old to bear me children, Ava.’

  ‘It’s to protect you from other things,’ I whispered.

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Venereal disease,’ I hissed, pushing the condom into his hand.

  ‘Have you only one?’ he asked.

  ‘Jesus, Charlie.’

  ‘I’ve taken some of that Viagra so I’m feeling good.’

  ‘For goodness’ sake,’ I muttered, as I stomped down the corridor to get my father some more condoms.

  I knocked on the door again. This time he opened it immediately.

  ‘Here you go,’ I said, handing him the box.

  ‘I’d put ear-plugs in if I was you.’ He grinned. ‘I think Lily might be a screamer.’


  Over coffee in the office Sally asked me how Ali was coping with her new single status.

  ‘She’s very subdued. I wish I knew what to say to make her feel better. I keep telling her she’s gorgeous and there are lots of fish in the sea.’

  ‘STOP! Don’t say another word. That’s the kind of stuff my mother is still saying to me and, believe me, it does not make me feel better. You mothers need to come up with some new material.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘I suppose telling her that copious amounts of alcohol help numb the pain is out of the question?’

  ‘It most certainly is.’

  ‘Honestly, there’s nothing you can say. Some other drama is bound to happen in school and everyone will forget about it, although Ali never will. I still cringe when I think of Rozzer Dickson asking me to his end-of-school dance and standing me up. I waited for two hours, looking out the window in my midnight-blue satin meringue dress, while my parents kept trying to make up excuses as to why Rozzer was late. The best was when Mum suggested that maybe he’d tripped up on the way over, got concussed and was suffering from amnesia. At which point Dad muttered that if Rozzer ever darkened our door he’d know all about amnesia. I didn’t leave the house for two weeks.’

  ‘Oh, Sally, that’s terrible.’

  ‘It’s probably the reason I’m still single. I wonder if you can sue someone for standing you up at seventeen thereby ruining your chances of getting married?’

  ‘Do you think it’ll take her ages to get over it?’

  ‘Who knows? She seemed really into him. It’s a hard knock.’

  ‘According to Sarah, David’s now in a “super-intense” relationship with Tracy. I don’t know if that’ll help Ali get over him faster or make it worse.’

  ‘Worse, believe me. How’s Sarah faring in her new romance?’

  ‘You know Sarah – her relationships are always completely over the top. Bobby is in our house all the time and they’re permanently wrapped around each other. I’m sure it’s not easy on Ali.’

  ‘What’s Bobby like?’

  ‘He seems nice enough. Paul’s not keen on him because he talks like Sarah – in that California-airhead way – and he dyes his hair, which Paul thinks is very gay.’

  ‘What I don’t understand about teenage boys dyeing their hair is that they do it so badly. It looks orange. Why don’t they get it done properly so it looks good?’

  ‘Come on, Sally, we all dyed our hair with Sun-in and those other bleaches. You have to get it wrong before you get it right. Actually, Bobby’s isn’t that bad – I think he gets it done in a salon.’

  ‘How’s Charlie? Any sign of Lily?’

  ‘Thankfully, no, it seems to have fizzled out. He’s been relatively calm recently, which is a relief. I always imagined worrying about the girls sneaking people home at night, not my father.’

  ‘He probably got rid of all those years of pent-up sexual frustration with Lily.’

  ‘I hope so. He seems happier. But you never know with Charlie. How was your family lunch?’

  ‘You mean my pity lunch.’

  ‘Was it that bad?’

  ‘Worse. Both my sisters were there so it was a full onslaught.’

  Sally had two sisters, one older (Samantha) and one younger (Hilary), who were both married with children. They couldn’t understand why she wasn’t and were always trying to fix her up.

  After college Sally qualified as an accountant, then headed off on a trip around the world. She had met Stuart in Australia. He owned a bar on a beach in the middle of nowhere and offered her a job and to share his bed. She stayed for a year – it was the opposite of anything she’d ever experienced before: carefree, laid-back, no responsibilit
ies, no exams, no suits – she went to work in a bikini. It was exactly what she needed. But after a year her mother flew over and told her, ‘The holiday is over. You need to get back to reality.’ So Sally moved to London, worked and played hard for ten years, got involved with her married boss, Jeremy, and when that went sour, she moved home to lick her wounds.

  I had known her vaguely in college, but it was only when she came back from London and we met up at a mutual friend’s house that we really clicked. A few months later, over drinks in a wine bar, we’d decided to set up Happy Dayz. She wanted out of corporate life and I wanted out of domestic life. Since then she’d never really gone out with anyone for more than a few months at most. She hadn’t admitted it, but I think she’d really believed Jeremy would leave his wife. When he didn’t, she was devastated and hardened her heart to protect herself.

  ‘Tell me all,’ I said, settling in my chair.

  ‘It’s the same old story,’ Sally said, ‘Samantha and Hilary trying to find me a husband …’

  ‘Hi, Sally, any nice men on the scene?’ Samantha asked.

  ‘Nope,’ Sally said, popping an olive into her mouth.

  ‘Well, my friend Suzie’s cousin met this guy on a blind date and she didn’t find him attractive and they didn’t even get on that well, but he asked her out again and they got on a bit better that time and then they went out again, and three months later they’re engaged.’

  ‘I see. So you’re suggesting that if I go on a blind date with a bald, overweight loser I could fall madly in love and marry him?’

  ‘There’s no need to be snippy. I’m just saying you should give it a go. You never know, Sally, you might meet someone you like.’

  ‘It’s worth a try,’ Hilary agreed. ‘You’re not having much luck on your own, so let us help you.’

  ‘I’ll think about it,’ Sally said, to get them off her back.

  ‘I don’t understand what the problem is. You’re an attractive woman with a good job,’ Martin, Sally’s brother-in-law, put in.

  ‘She’s too independent – it scares men off,’ her other brother-in-law, Philip, helpfully explained.

  ‘Excuse me, I’m in the room,’ Sally fumed. ‘Please don’t talk about me in the third person and, besides, that’s crap. If a man can’t appreciate a woman who has her own life and her own career, then he’s the one with the insecurities and the problem, not her.’


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