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Damned and Cursed | Book 10 | Fallen Skye

Page 23

by Bullion, Glenn

  “Why did we do this again?” he muttered.

  Marie walked ahead of him, and he enjoyed the view. But Marie couldn’t be quiet. She couldn’t let him complain to himself, whisper to no one. She had to answer every question, every complaint.

  “I told you I’d carry the cooler, if it’s too heavy.”

  “Shut up, wolf. It’s not the weight, I told you. It’s just pissing me off.”

  “A cooler pisses you off?”

  “We didn’t need to bring this much shit. You drank an iced tea. Skye, some water. Tiffany, nothing. This is ridiculous.”

  “Damn, you cry a lot.”

  “What did you say?”


  “Dad!” Tiffany called, who led the entourage. “What are you and Marie doing on your date?”

  “Nothing, if he keeps his shit up,” Marie said.

  “Can I have some friends over?” Tiffany asked. “Skye hasn’t met my friends.”

  “And she never will. No, no one over. You’re lucky I’m letting Skye watch you. Don’t push it.”

  Relief was in sight as they rounded the corner to their street. His truck was just ahead, as well as Marie’s rental. His couch and shower were calling his name.

  Marie stopped on the sidewalk. Jack went to move past her, but she stopped him with her arm.

  “Wait,” she said. Her nose twitched. “Tiffany, Skye! Wait!”

  Tiffany was already halfway on the front walk. Skye stopped behind her. Jack watched Marie, watched her work. She sniffed the air, her brow furrowing as she locked away scents.

  “Someone is in your house.”

  Jack dropped the cooler.


  Marie sniffed again.

  “A human. Male. Rosemary and daffodil. Maybe a little garlic. His aftershave needs some work.”

  “Is there anyone else?”


  She listened.

  “He’s using a smartphone, I think. Maybe a tablet. He’s drinking a soda.”

  Jack’s eyes narrowed.

  “He’s raiding my fridge?”

  “I think so.”

  He groaned and moved past Marie. The front door was unlocked. Taking the lead, he stepped into the living room and surveyed the kitchen. As Marie had said, a man sat at the breakfast bar, browsing his phone. A glass of diet Coke sat in front of him. He sat with his legs crossed, his foot bouncing, as he hummed a tune, without a care in the world. With khakis and a dress shirt, his clothes rivaled Jack’s. Sandy blond hair, steel-blue eyes. No doubt he had no issues finding a date.

  Jack dug deeper.

  Wealthy, ruthless, used to getting what he wanted. He favored his left leg, from an old injury. He’d seen battle before. The man flashed a bright smile, which was genuine. He was a businessman, liked to use words to manipulate and control.

  Jack set the cooler and chairs down in the corner. Marie stayed close. The stranger looked past Jack and Marie, his gaze settling on Skye. Skye still wore her bikini, with a pair of jean shorts, but the display of skin was not what caught the stranger’s attention.

  Finally, he looked at Jack.

  “Jack! Jack Kursed! Look, I’m sorry for just busting in like this. But, you are a hard man to get a hold of.”

  “Skye, Tiffany,” Jack said, never taking an eye away from his uninvited guest. “Would you go upstairs for a few minutes? I won’t be long.”

  “Is everything okay?” Skye asked.

  “Yeah, it’s all good.”

  Tiffany grabbed Skye’s hand and led her away. The stranger watched Skye the entire time, until she vanished. Jack nodded at Marie, silently asking for privacy. She nodded in return and touched his arm.

  “Let me know if you need me,” she said.

  Marie went upstairs as Jack opened the fridge. He poured himself a glass of water.

  “So,” he said, sitting across from the intruder. “Who are you, and why did you break into my home?”

  “Again, I’m really sorry about that. But trust me, it’s all for a good reason. You’re going to be thrilled by the time I leave. I’m Harry. Harry Tillman.”

  A simple, unassuming name. An obvious alias.

  Harry extended his hand. Jack refused to shake it.

  “Harry, you’re running out of time,” Jack said. “And I’m running out of patience.”

  Harry leaned back, undeterred.

  “I know you’re a rich guy, Jack. Can I call you Jack? I know you run with some dangerous folks. So, believe me, I’m not trying to get on your bad side.”

  “You’re already there, Harry.”

  “Well, let me see if I can change your—”

  “Why the fuck are you in my house?”

  Jack’s tone froze Harry. His expression changed. His salesman-smile disappeared.

  “I want to buy the woman,” Harry said.

  “The woman?” Jack looked over his shoulder, toward the stairs. “The ones that came in with me? Which one?”

  “Don’t play stupid. You know which one.”

  Jack smiled. Progress was being made. Harry’s mask lifted a bit, revealing his true self.

  “I’m listening,” Jack said. “Tell me more.”

  Harry paused, and Jack could see the hesitation in his eyes. But Harry knew the best way to get what he wanted was to be honest.

  “I barely lost her a few years back, in an auction. I just didn’t have the funds. Michael Tavers took her right out from under my nose. I’ve kept an eye on him ever since. I know he … expired, a while back. I’ve been watching him, and her, for so long. Your friends cleaned her up, brought her here, bless their hearts. And I’m glad they did, and you should be, too. Because we’re businessmen, and we can both get what we want.”

  “Wow. I’ve been involved in a lot of shady shit in my lifetime, but trafficking, that’s new to me. How does that work? An auction? Is it like on TV? Where some clown stands behind a podium with a microphone and does that crazy-fast talking? Or maybe it’s like those storage shows? You get to look at her, but no-no on the touching, for ten seconds, then decide if you want to buy her?”

  Harry was quiet for a moment, and not amused.

  “Don’t fuck with me, Jack. Please. I’m being respectful. Show me the same.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your little feelings. Tell me, why do you think she’s for sale?”

  Harry laughed, a bit of that salesman persona slipping through once again.

  “Come on. We both know, with the checkbooks we wield, everything is for sale. I will give you five million dollars for a simple one-word answer. Yes.”

  Jack leaned back in his chair, thinking it over.

  “Ten million.”

  Harry almost choked. He had to take a sip of soda.

  “That’s a little steep.”

  “Is it? Let’s not fuck with each other. We both know what she is, what she’s capable of. You won’t lock her in a basement so you can rape her whenever you want. You’ll make that money back in three weeks, with the magic she’ll give you.”

  “Seven million.”

  Jack laughed.

  “Ah, yeah. That part where we go back and forth, trying to find a middle price. Let’s try this again. Ten. Million.” He gestured to Harry’s glass. “And I won’t even charge you for the soda.”

  Harry tried to pretend the amount bothered him, but Jack knew better. He wouldn’t let the mortal short-change him.

  “Ten million it is,” Harry said.

  “Great! We have a deal. But, I have one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Give me a few days with her. Three days. Just through the weekend.”

  “Why?” Harry said, confused. “You want to fuck her? From the looks of it, I thought you and the other lady—”

  “Let’s leave the other lady out of this.” Jack lowered his voice and leaned forward. “It’s for my daughter. She’s grown attached. I don’t want to just rip her away, and our business,
I don’t want to do in front of her.”

  Harry sighed and relented.

  “I’ve waited a long time. Three more days won’t kill me.”

  “Wonderful. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Harry, I have a date to get ready for—”

  Harry reached out and snatched Jack’s arm.

  “Jack, listen to me,” he said, his tone menacing. “In three days, I’ll be back here at nine in the morning. I’ll have five million in cash. The other five, we’ll wire it. You’ll get your money, and you’ll hand over the woman. We’ll go our separate ways and never see each other again. That’s how it’s going to go. Do you understand me?”

  “If you don’t let go of my arm, now, I will kill you. I’ll bury you in my backyard, to keep you close. You’ll be fertilizer for my garden. I’ll piss on your grave every morning. That’s how it’s going to go. Do you understand me?”

  Harry released Jack, but wasn’t intimidated. His smile returned.

  “Sorry. It’s just, I’ve been wanting this a long time. And I want nothing to go wrong. People have tried to fuck with me on business before.”

  “You don’t get to where I am by fucking others over on business.” He held up his fingers. “Three days. I’ll see you then. And you bring breakfast.”

  “I will.” Harry finished his drink and was kind enough to put the glass in the sink. “It’s been a pleasure. I’ll see you soon.”

  Harry left through the front door. He cast a longing look toward the upstairs as he left, as if dreaming about Skye. A car emerged from around the corner to pick him up.

  A minute later, Marie walked downstairs. Her posture was apprehensive.

  “Hey!” Jack greeted. “We should start getting ready. You want to shower here? There’s a steak out there calling for me.”

  “Jack,” she said. “You’re not really going to … ” She couldn’t finish.

  “Ten million dollars. That’s a lot of money.”

  “You’re not serious.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “Selling Skye. That would go over well with Victoria. I’ve bought some time. I’ll put her in a safe house, hide her away, then deal with Harry. Probably give him five million just to forget her.”

  Marie breathed a sigh of relief. She kissed Jack, a preview of their evening to come.

  “I just never know with you.”

  He held her close around the waist.

  “You still have a lot to learn about me.”

  “Yes. I definitely do.”


  “I KNOW LIFE can be crazy with Victoria,” Zoey said. “But I didn’t think I’d be partying it up in the sewers.”

  Victoria chuckled. She skipped a rat as it darted in front of her. Zoey squealed and stumbled behind her, almost falling to her knees. Kevin shouted in surprise as Zoey clutched his shoulder, a little too tight.

  “Hey!” he said. “Don’t kill me.”

  “Sorry. I don’t like rats.”

  Dylan chuckled as they rounded a corner. He’d been leading them through the sewers underneath Sumerset for the past twenty minutes.

  “Keep that rat close by,” he said. “You never know when you need a snack.”

  “That’s just gross.”

  Dylan stopped and turned to face Zoey, taking her in.

  “You’re new, aren’t you? A newborn.”

  Zoey looked to Victoria for guidance. Victoria simply nodded, suggesting it was okay to tell the truth.

  “I am. Victoria’s been teaching me.”

  “I see. I was that way, once. You might find out one day that a rat is your best friend, when starvation is holding your hand. And these nasty sewers? They’re a four-star hotel when the sun is poking over the horizon.”

  “You drink from rats?” Zoey asked, wincing.

  Dylan smiled and continued to lead.

  “This is a small town,” he said. “There’s a vampire community, but we can’t just feed at the club every night. Sometimes, a rat, a stray dog, whatever, just has to do. A friend of mine, Lonnie, he lives down here. He’s been having trouble holding a job, and of course, he can only work at night. So, rats are nothing new to him.”

  “And what’s your story?” Victoria asked.

  “I’m luckier than most. I live across town, got a night watch security job. Doesn’t pay much, but just enough to keep the apartment lights on. One of the women you kicked the shit out of back at the hotel is nice enough to give me blood when I’m low.” He turned to smile at the two vampires. He studied them, just like Victoria studied him. “It’s not like the movies. Glamour, sex, skin, parties, money. No, being a vampire is fucking hard. And most of the time, I hate it.” He looked Victoria up and down. “Although you look like you’re doing pretty well for yourself.”

  “It took me a long time to get where I am.”

  Dylan shrugged.

  “Eh, good for you. But I miss pizza.”

  “Aww, man,” Zoey said. “Pizza.”

  They passed a ladder leading to an access hole. Dylan recited what street they were passing as they continued on. Victoria fell back in pace a bit, letting Zoey pass her, to meet with Kevin, who was bringing up the rear. She frowned as she glanced behind them. Kevin had left a trail of mothballs. He’d imbued them with his magical touch, all floating in the air, a rainbow of colors that marked their path.

  “What?” he said, meeting her gaze, as he left another floating over his shoulder. “I can’t see, Victoria. I can’t see in the dark, like you.”

  “Do you need help?” Zoey called. “Do you want me to hold your hand?”

  Kevin shook his head and kept walking. Victoria stopped him with a hand to his chest. She didn’t utter a word, as she knew Dylan could hear. She delivered her message with her eyes and a subtle head nod toward their vampire guide. The meaning was clear, and Kevin understood. She didn’t entirely trust Dylan, and Kevin needed to be ready for anything.

  “Well, we just passed the police station,” Dylan said, pointing up. “The hospital is another ten minutes away.” He paused, seeing a map in his head. “That’s like a right, two lefts, another right. We’re there a lot, for obvious reasons. Is there anything else you want to see?”

  “I’m just trying to get a lay of the land,” Victoria said. “I appreciate your time.”

  “Look, Victoria, right? Why don’t you tell me what you’re really looking for down here? Maybe I can help.”

  Victoria froze and glanced at Kevin and Zoey, searching for advice. She loved her companions, but her silent search went unanswered. Kevin squinted to see in the darkness ahead of them. Zoey’s expression was blank, lost.

  Zoey finally shrugged.

  “Can it hurt to ask?” she said. “We outnumber him, and already kicked his ass once.”

  Dylan laughed.

  “Cute, real cute. Look, if the magic man doesn’t have a vampire cure, and you don’t need me, then can I go? I should probably check on my friends, the ones whose asses you kicked.”

  Victoria pulled the printed photo from her pocket.

  “Do you know him?”

  Dylan studied the photo near one of Kevin’s mothballs.

  “Nope. Sorry. He’s from here?”

  “Yeah. This picture was taken at an old laundromat, a few blocks over.”

  “Ah, I know the place.” Dylan frowned. “Something is off about this. This … isn’t bloodlust. It’s like he’s in pain.”

  “I know. It’s got something to do with magic.”

  “More magic? From him?” He gestured to Kevin. “Like black magic?”

  Kevin sighed and adjusted his coat.

  “There’s really no such thing as—”

  “Yeah. Look, I can’t go into details. But Zeke said he’s clueless. And I think he’s telling the truth. So, whatever is happening, with magic and vampires, I thought might be happening down here. I’ve seen my own share of underneath the streets. Enough to know there are plenty of corners to do bad things.”

  He handed
over the photo.

  “Well, I don’t know the guy. I can’t help you.” He held up a finger. “But maybe … ”

  He resumed the walk again, moving down the open tunnel. Victoria followed, with Kevin and Zoey behind. Kevin continued to deposit magical mothballs in the air.

  “Yes?” Victoria pressed.

  “Like I said, Lonnie never leaves. Let’s go see if he can help. He knows way more about down here than I do.”

  Dylan led for another five minutes before a sound touched Victoria’s ears. She stopped and motioned for Kevin and Zoey to do the same. She focused on the sound, reached out, ignoring the dripping water and cars driving above them.

  “Guys?” Kevin said. “Is everything okay?”

  “What is that?” Zoey asked.

  “What’s what?”

  “That sound. Ah, forgot. Your ears suck.”

  “Shh,” Victoria said.

  Victoria held in a laugh as she recognized the sounds of sex. A man and woman. Panting, moaning, sweating. It amazed her at the surprises her long life still threw her way. She’d been in many relationships, made love in many unusual and exotic locations. A sewer was never one of them.

  “Jesus, Lonnie,” Dylan muttered. “Seriously?”

  Zoey wrinkled her nose in disgust.

  “This day just keeps getting better and better.”

  “What?” Kevin asked. “What’s going on?”

  The tunnel opened up to a larger intersection connecting three other tunnels. The intersection had been converted into a crude living space. Several beat-up sofas, a refrigerator, a bookshelf against the concrete wall. A clothes rack stood off to the side, reminding Victoria of the one she kept in her basement. Extension cords hanging from above powered several lamps.

  Victoria’s ears were wrong about the sexual encounter. There were three people, a man and two women. One vampire, two mortals. Zoey turned away at the sight. One woman straddled a man on the couch, facing away from him, while he fondled her breasts, his fangs buried in her neck. The second woman was silent, her face between the first woman’s legs.

  “Lonnie!” Dylan shouted. “Come on, man! We all sit on that couch!”

  All three jumped at the interruption. One woman sprinted across the living space, aiming for a pile of clothes near a table. The other didn’t care about the intrusion, inviting the attention, and stared at Kevin with hungry eyes. Victoria moved in front of him, almost without realizing.


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