Joshua Healy (Mitchell Healy Book 10)

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Joshua Healy (Mitchell Healy Book 10) Page 7

by Jennifer Foor

  I stare at the screen like my life depends on it, also reminding me how interested I am in this new woman. I couldn’t have picked her better if I had a selection. My only fear is that I’m going to screw it up, because I don’t know the first thing about being a boyfriend, if that’s even what I am. At this point I’m just taking it day by day and seeing where it leads.

  My stomach jumps when I see her online. I immediately turn on the game we talked about and we start on a joint mission.

  Then I hear her sweet voice on my headset. “You there?”

  “You’ve got me.”

  We start getting in to the game for a few minutes, me throwing some grenades, while she focuses on taking out some enemy forces hiding behind some metal storage bins. When we complete the task I pause my side so I can talk. “You say you moved into a new room?”

  “Yeah. Someone isn’t returning this semester. She was in one of my classes, but I didn’t know her well. When I went to the housing office they told me I could move in right away. It was just a matter of paperwork.”

  “That’s great, right?”

  “I may still run into them, but it’s better. Now I can stay in my room and avoid them if I have to.”

  “What about the new roommate? Is she hot?” I tease.

  “Do you want me to bitch slap you through the television screen?”

  “I might like it.”

  “You would,” she laughs. “I met her this morning. She’s a sophomore. I’m pretty sure she’s into girls. If you saw her you’d think she was a guy. She dresses and talks like one.

  “Maybe I should feel threatened. They say most girl on girl experiences are in college.”

  “You’re ridiculous.”

  I keep on her. “If it does, make sure you call me, or at least video it.”

  “Josh, be serious.”

  “I am, darlin’.”

  “How was your day?” She changes the subject.

  “Not good at all.”


  “I was missing you,” I say with an ornery grin.

  “You’re crazy. It’s only been hours. I’m sure you’ll survive.”

  “I think I may need mouth to mouth. You better brush up on your CPR technique and come right over.”

  After she laughs the line goes silent again, only the music from our paused game remains.

  “Is it bad if I miss you too?”

  “It’s real good to hear.”

  My stomach knots up. I’m excited. It’s unlike me to react this way, and it’s how I know I’m going to be able to get over my unresolved feelings for Liv. It may not be with Tamsyn. At some point we could part ways, but at least I’ll know there’s a chance at me finding someone who wants me. It’s all I could hope for at this point.

  Chapter 10


  It’s now been six days since Joshua Healy swept in to save me from myself. In that amount of time we’ve talked every single free moment. We’ve made a pact not to see each other until tonight, but it hasn’t been easy. I can’t remember wanting another man the way I crave him. Just hearing his voice over the phone or an internet connect gets me all hot and bothered, and heaven forbid some other person was listening to our online gaming conversations, because they tend to get a bit racy, and dirty.

  He hasn’t told me where we’re headed tonight, but said not to get too dressed up. He’s also asked me to bring a change of clothes, so I can’t begin to guess what I’m about to experience.

  I hardly make it through a few hours at the dealership because I’m so eager to get to the date.

  My new dorm room has been a blessing. I keep to myself, and appreciate that the girl I share the room with is hardly ever there. Apparently she’s part of a sorority, but still spends half her time at the dorm.

  She’s nice. I can see myself being friends with her while I’m in school. I’ve made her aware of my situation, so she’s been pretty supportive, always asking if I’m okay. It’s nice to feel cared about. She even offered to beat Shaun’s ass, which I don’t think is entirely possible, but I appreciate the thought just as much.

  I’ve changed my clothes so many times that I’m running out of options. Josh is due to pick me up any minute, and even though I’ve showered, done my hair, and applied a little makeup, I’m standing in my underwear dumbfounded.

  A knock on the door causes me to jump. I run in the direction, but don’t open it right away in case it’s someone else.

  “Who is it?”

  “Just a lonesome handsome cowboy, looking for his beauty queen.”

  I crack up, move out of the way, and allow him entrance.

  He immediately takes me in. “I’m good with the clothing choice, but I’m not sure it’s allowed in public restaurants. You at least need shoes and a shirt.”

  I pat him on the chest as he pulls me into a welcomed embrace. “I forgot how nice you feel.” We kiss slowly, as if nothing else is waiting. “It’s good to see you, Tamsyn.”


  I back away and open my arms. “I’ve tried on everything in my closet and you show up here in a pair of jeans.”

  “I told you don’t get too dressed up. Wear anything. I’m sure you’ll look fantastic. Just hurry up. Our table is ready in fifteen minutes.”

  “Our table?”

  “Did you think we were going to a drive-thru?”

  “No,” I hesitate. “I honestly didn’t know what to expect.”

  He clenches his jaw as he attempts to read me. “Normally I’d take a female to a nice place to eat with hopes that I’d impress her enough to warrant a late night thank you, if you catch my drift.”

  I smirk. “Yeah, I get it.”

  He lifts my chin so I’m unable to look away. “It doesn’t apply to this date. Unless you think I need to work to get into these panties.” He tugs on them as he explains.

  “What if I said I wanted to slow things down?”

  Josh takes a step back. He crosses his arms and shakes his head with a big smile forming at each side of his lips. “Then I’d have to respect your wishes, but I won’t like them.”

  “Because you’re used to getting what you want?”

  A nod says it all. “Yeah, that’s right. I am.”

  “Because you’re used to being with people who will give you what you want, and if they don’t you’ll move on, right?”

  He shrugs. “I reckon that’s right.”

  “So by me saying I want to slow down, it’s possible I could be ending whatever this is between us.”

  “You’re putting words in my mouth that I didn’t say.”

  “I just need to make sure this isn’t all fun and games for you, because if it is, we need to quit while we’re both ahead.”

  I can tell he’s shaken by my buoyant behavior, so I reiterate. “Sorry. I’m only saying it because I don’t want to get to hurt.”

  “I can’t promise I won’t hurt your feelings. I’m a simple man with simple needs. I’m interested in you and I’d like to keep seeing you, but if you’re having second thoughts I’m willing to step back.”

  “Let’s start with dinner.”

  He points to a pair of jeans on the bed. “Wear those. Oh,” he states while sitting down in a chair to wait. “Don’t forget a change of clothes.”


  “I’ll tell you in a while.”

  I want to trust this man, because he’s beautiful and wholesome and a lot more things I’d love to explore. That’s what scares me. I feel like he’s too good to be true, and far be it from me to assume any man would want to change for me.

  Regardless of my doubts, I dress quickly and pack a bag of necessities, including my toothbrush that he has me toss in at the last minute. “What are you up to?”

  “You’ll see. By the way, you look gorgeous.”

  I’m blushing again. “Thanks.”

  He pulls his fingers through some of my long hair. “How long have you been blonde?”

  “A coupl
e years, why?”

  “No reason. I just wonder how you’d look as a brunette.”

  “Plain,” I reply.

  He snickers. “I highly doubt that’s possible.”

  “It’s true. Are you into brunettes?” I suddenly want to know, like I’d go and change my hair if it would win his heart. How silly is that?

  “I don’t have a preference, but in my honest opinion, after seeing you without makeup, I’d say you don’t need to do all the work you put into your hair and face every day.”

  I shove him. “You’re totally trying to have sex with me, aren’t you?”

  He nods. “No. As much as I’d enjoy it, I’m being serious.”

  “I thought it was my blonde hair that got your attention.”

  “I wasn’t looking at your hair.”

  After a short drive down long country roads, we pull into a packed parking lot. The building itself looks rundown, but it’s obvious the place is popular, so I’m optimistic I’ll like it.

  Josh meets me at the front of the truck and walks beside me. When it’s time to walk inside he takes my hand. We’re greeted by a hostess who leads us to a room in the back where candle lit tables are all that aluminate the space. As we’re seated, Josh orders a beer, so I follow his lead and get the same, but change my mind at the last minute when I see they have a wine menu.

  I wait until we’re alone again to speak. “So, what kind of food does this place have?”

  “The best steak you’ll ever sink your teeth into. The filet minion is what I always order.”

  “What if I don’t eat red meat?”

  He closes his menu and slides it forward. “This date is over.”

  “What?” I’m a bit taken back.

  Then he laughs and picks it up again. “They have vegetarian meals and other entrees to choose from. Pick something you’d like.”

  “I happen to enjoy eating meat, Josh. I was only kidding.”

  “I knew that,” he taunts back.

  Josh’s mild mannerism continues as we order and start enjoying our meal. When we finish, I’m on my third glass of wine and feeling a bit buzzed. He pays for the meal and holds my hand as we exit the establishment. Then, much to my surprise, he walks me to the passenger side of the vehicle and helps me inside. When he joins me in the driver’s seat, he waits to start the truck. “How am I doing?”

  I smirk. “So far so good. Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”

  Josh leans on the steering wheel while keeping his gaze on me. “I’ve only ever eaten here with my family and Wes. That’s the truth.”

  “Should I feel honored?” I’m speechless. It certainly makes a girl feel special, that’s for sure.

  “You should.”

  “Where to next?”

  He starts the ignition. “I’m taking you home, beautiful.” He waits for me to react before continuing. “To my home, I mean. You and I are going to hang out.”

  “In the barn?”

  “No. My house.”

  “Are your parents home?” I’m worried. I’ve stuffed my face. I’m bloated. Not to mention having way too much to be able to keep my composure while they look me up and down and judge me.

  “They’re playing cards with my family over at my Uncle’s place. They won’t be home until after midnight. Besides, I thought you might be interested in checking out this new game I picked up earlier today.” He reaches in the back seat and pulls a video game from a plastic bag. I can hardly believe my eyes. It’s been sold out since it released on Tuesday. I know, because I’ve had one ordered and got a notification that it was delayed.

  “How did you get this?”

  “I preordered it. My buddy works at the game shop. He called to tell me it was there earlier in the week and I’ve been too busy to pick it up.”

  “Tell me you have more than one paddle at your house.”

  “I’ve got a lot more than that. So are you up for an all night duel?”

  I bite on my bottom lip and smile from cheek to cheek. I know it’s nerdy and most people won’t understand, but this makes me giddy. “You bet your ass I am.”

  Even though I've been to the ranch before, I still feel a bit overwhelmed when we enter the property. It's dark, so I'm unsure exactly which road we've taken to arrive in front of his parents large country home. From the outside lights, I can see it has a wrap around porch, and that the color of the house is either yellow or tan. Josh waits for me to grab my bag before he leads me up the stairs and then inside.

  Immediately I smell cinnamon. A small lamp has been left on in the front living room, and one of those wax warmers sits beside it, probably where the scent emanates. A set of stairs face me, and up them are tons of pictures strategically hung on either side of the walls. In the distance I can see the entryway to the kitchen, but Josh doesn't give me the tour. Instead he takes my hand and pulls me up the stairs. We get to a foyer at the top and he turns to face me. "Promise you won't judge me?"

  "How bad is it?" I'm picturing naked posters and bottles of Vaseline on his nightstand with porn magazines all over the floor. Instead he opens the door and I realize it's nothing less of a disaster.

  "Wow. Is anything dead in here?" It doesn't smell. I'm just praying that there's nothing under the heaps of dirty laundry that's going to jump out and attack me.

  He's laughing, like my disgust amuses him. "Another thing you don't like about me. You wanted honest, well it doesn’t get much more real than this."

  Being a neat freak has its benefits. I don't lose things. "You bring women up here like this?"

  "On occasion." He sits down on his bed. "Deal breaker?"

  "That depends," I say as I pick up a few empty cans of soda.

  "On what?"

  "On if you're willing to help me clean it, because there is no way I’m sleeping in here with it like this. I feel like I’ve entered my fifteen year old boyfriend’s room. Your mother must want to hog tie you up and bleach you."

  "I like it this way," he argues. “When it gets too bad, my mom comes in and straightens up.”

  "And you think that’s okay? Wow. I knew you were spoiled, but this…” I shake my head some more. “I really hope you don’t expect me to stay here with you."

  Josh shrugs. "I was going to suggest you sleep down the hall, since you want to take things slow. Your words, not mine."

  I pick up a pillow and throw it at him. "If you want to ever have permission to get in my pants again, you’re going to have to tidy this place, or else I'll be forced to take this body somewhere else."

  "You wouldn't dare," he tests.

  I probably won't, but he doesn't know that.

  "Try me."

  He mumbles something under his breath and shakes his head. "I've got a better idea. Go on down the stairs and look around. I saw you eying up the photographs. When you're done you won't recognize the room. You'll see."

  “I’d rather help.”

  “No faith that I can get the job done?”

  “I’m a bit scared I may never see you again. Someone could get lost in the heaps of laundry.”

  He points at me and chuckles. “I want you to know, I wouldn’t do this for just anyone.”

  “I feel unequivocally special. Beyond words,” I say sarcastically.

  Josh takes my hand and pulls me on top of him. We’re wrestling around in the sheets, him tickling me until I scream for him to stop. Then he’s hovering over me, those lime green eyes peering into my soul. My hands reach up and rest on each of his cheeks, his stubble tickling my palms. In that moment nothing matters. This is how he affects me. It’s how I know I can’t let this beautiful man slip away, not when I need this. I’m desperate, but not because I need some boyfriend void filled. It’s something else; something more powerful than I’m willing to wrap my head around.

  Chapter 11


  I’d do anything to impress Tamsyn, and as much as that bothers me, it’s also another reminder that it’s time to grow up. She stri
ps the bed of it’s sheets, while I grab her a new set to put on. While she’s focused on one task, I gather all of my dirty clothes, which is most of the mess, and take them to the laundry room. While downstairs, I gather some cleaning supplies and a broom, but lastly a trash bag. By the time I’m back upstairs, she’s putting clean cases on each pillow.

  Tamsyn smiles when she sees my hands full of items that will get my room in top shape. I shake out the bag and put it over my head, pretending to suffocate myself like being made to do this is enough to warrant a suicide. When I don’t get the response I’m hoping for, I take it back off and begin picking up the packages, cans, and other trash in the room.

  Not even ten minutes later it’s looking pretty damn good. Tamsyn has parked her sexy, petite body on my bed, and it’s distracting, to say the least. If I miss a spot, she points and orders me around. Normally I’d be taking the female home with plans on erasing her number as soon as her ass left the seat of my truck, but she’s an exception.

  When I locate it, I toss her the remote control, so maybe she’ll be distracted from watching what I’m doing. She crosses her legs and begins searching the channels. When I hear screaming my focus turns to the screen. She’s watching a zombie flick and I’m already interested, so I slip in the bed beside her and rest my head on her lap. Her fingers play in my hair, and from this position I could fall asleep easily.

  We’re quiet for most of the movie, but as soon as the credits roll she’s patting me to sit up. “Are we going to play the game or what?”

  “You’re the one who turned on the movie.”

  She rolls her eyes and points to the matching gaming chairs at the foot of my bed, which she can now see because they aren’t covered in laundry.

  A few moments later we’re going at it, each of us being timed on our separate missions. When I’m doing better she opts to physically distract me, by climbing on my lap and grinding her ass around. As much as I’m into the game, she knows she’s messing with a ticking time bomb. I can only take so much humping before I lose my shit and have to have her.

  The game is still on, but we’ve ditched our paddles. We’re rolling around on the floor, our clothes coming off quickly and scattering around the clean space. When she’s shirtless, I lift her body so that I’m able to savor each of her perfect breasts. She’s got her arms around my neck while I work, tiny sounds escaping her lips each time I suck on her hardened nipples.


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