Zectas Volume III: Malediction of Veneficatl Valley

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Zectas Volume III: Malediction of Veneficatl Valley Page 1

by John Nest


  Malediction of Veneficatl Valley

  This book is dedicated to the people suffering in Syria. May peace return to their lives soon.

  A special thanks to Timaeus, Vaanouney,

  and you, for enjoying Zectas.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 01 - Expanded Horizons

  Chapter 02 - Common Goals

  Chapter 03 - New Posse

  Chapter 04 - Lakeside Adventure

  Chapter 05 - Soul Searching

  Chapter 06 - Unique Indoctrination

  Chapter 07 - Failed Experiment

  Chapter 08 - Goblin Crucible

  Chapter 09 - Forged in Flames

  Chapter 10 - Wishful Words

  Side Story - A River of Emotions

  Smoke and Sierra's Status Windows


  Chapter One: Expanded Horizons


  It was four in the morning and the swift sound of wooden Eskrima sticks echoed loudly inside a closed but well ventilated garage.

  Seth and Donny were engaged in a fast paced training session. Seth had the upper hand against his younger brother.

  Both of them were careful and stopped at the last moment, before actually hitting each other. A swift strike aimed at Donny's skull was blocked inches from its intended target.

  "You'd have to do better than that if you want to beat me."

  Donny had a hard time catching his breath, but was still smiling. His older brother may have overpowered him, but he liked the challenged. It gave him a purpose and a goal.

  Both of them were focused on sharpening their Eskrima skills. They didn't want to see a repeat of their defeat in the previous AUTOMATA (Amateur Unarmed Tournament Open Martial Art Techniques Association). As they kept on fighting, Seth noticed that their eldest brother was watching them.

  "Time out, Donny."

  With short breaths, Seth pointed to the doorway where Nash stood.

  "Don't stop on my account. I was really enjoying your session. You two have gotten really good, and it's only what, a year?"

  Suddenly, Donny threw his Eskrima sticks at Nash without any warning

  "Come on, Nash. Why don't you have a go at Seth? Don't be afraid of getting bruised up a bit. Seth has excellent control."

  Nash smirked. He knew his brothers thought that they had gotten better than him because he couldn't join their practice sessions, but what they didn't know was that Nash secretly kept on training by himself.

  "Nah, no thanks. I know you just want to show off your skills."

  This time, Seth was the one who goaded him.

  "Come on, I promise that I'll take it easy on you. Besides, you've been doing Eskrima way before we did. I'm sure you're still decent at it somehow."

  "Alright, if you insist. But remember not to strike the face. Otherwise, Mima will see my bruises."

  "Don't worry. Like Donny said, I'm pretty good at controlling my strikes."

  Nash readied the two Eskrima sticks that Donny threw. He made the sticks form an "X" and took a defensive stance.

  "You even want me to initiate the attack?"

  Nash didn't answer. He remained focused on Seth's left extended stick, pointed straight at his defense.

  Seth's right hand and stick were hyperextended behind his back. Seth's offensive stance was poised to strike at any opening.

  The younger Smoak jabbed his left stick towards Nash's chest. Nash responded by raising his crossed sticks upward.

  As soon as Nash raised his defense, Seth's right stick came from the side and was about to hit his brother's side obliques.

  Nash's right stick remained blocking Seth's first attack while he smoothly slid his left stick downwards and parried Seth's side attack.

  Seth's eyes widened when he saw his surprise attack was easily deflected. A flurry of exchanges began and Donny stood captivated by his older brothers' rapid exchange of blows.

  A few minutes of continuous strikes kept on and Seth finally got a hold of Nash's left stick. He managed to disarm it, but at the price of his own right stick.

  The brothers simply exchanged weapons as they disarmed each other simultaneously.

  Seth backed away as his exhaustion was setting in. Nash stood firm and after a second slowly moved towards Seth.

  This time Nash took on an offensive stance, whereas Seth was forced to take a defensive one. The brothers had another exchange of quick attacks, until Seth's arm began to slow down.

  Immediately, Nash took a quick step backward and raised his defense. He saw that his brother was having a hard time and wanted to stop their spar.

  "Time out! I think that's about enough."

  Seth was panting heavily.

  "Okay, as long as you remember that you're the one who asked to stop the fight."

  Seth instantly fell down to the floor and laid there as he was catching his breath.

  Donny threw a towel over to Seth and walked towards Nash.

  "How in the world did you do that? I thought you stopped Eskrima?"

  "When did I say that? I did have an unfair advantage. Seth was already tired from your intense sparring session and he underestimated me. Which I thought he would have learned his lesson by now."

  Nash had resumed practicing Eskrima right after Seth lost badly in their first AUTOMATA .

  Grandmaster Cacoy gave Nash a few drills that he could do on his on. His master also told him that 'Eskrima is about focus, understanding, and routine. You don't have to think when your body reacts for you. Focus on the basics because that is the foundation of all techniques.'

  Donny shook his head after he heard Nash's answer.

  "I think the match would have ended the same even if Seth was at his best condition."

  Slowly, Seth tried to sit up. "Yeah! I think you've also taught me a new lesson today, and that's to increase my stamina. Your jogging must have really helped, huh?"

  Nash smiled. He helped his brother get up on his feet. He didn't want to mention that his increased stamina was from all his odd jobs before he started playing Zectas.

  "I told you that treadmill wasn't for decoration. Now come on. It's time for breakfast. Donny, you go get Mima from her room."

  Donny dragged his feet as he stepped out of the garage.

  "I really wish I wasn't the youngest, then I'd have someone else to pick on and order around."

  "Oh, come on Donny. It's not like I'm asking you to re-tile the roof. Anyway, I have a surprise for you."

  "Really? What is it? What is it?"

  "You know, Donny? I still think of you as a seven year old brat whenever you do that. I'll tell you at the table. Now, go and get Mima."

  "Fine! But you better not be lying about the surprise."

  A few minutes later, everyone was gathered at the table. Nash made banana pancakes since Seth and Donny were getting plenty of fresh bananas from their Eskrima master.

  Mima Daphne broke the silence as the brothers were busy devouring their breakfast.

  "Nash, I heard Donny say you had a surprise for everyone?"

  "Oh, the surprise. Right, you know how my birthday is coming up and I've always skipped on celebrating it? I was thinking about changing that this year. I have some spare money and I thought that we could go somewhere nice."

  Donny quickly answered.

  "Like Hawaii?"

  "Actually, I found something better than that."

  "Better than Hawaii? Are we going on a ski trip or something?"

  "Nope. There's this new place, up
in Sheboygan. They say they have comfy lodge houses, and their activities include horseback riding, archery, kayaking, zip line, they even have that new thing. That flyboarding, you know the one that makes you fly in the air like Ironman with jets of water propelling you up?"

  Donny was losing interest, but changed tunes when he heard about the flyboarding.

  Mima Daphne looked concerned when she heard about the activities.

  "That sounds like fun, but it sounds expensive and I think an old fuddy duddy like me would only be in your way."

  "No you won't Mima. I've already planned on having a nice and easy nature trek with you. We could also make a kite like we used to when I was younger, like the one Papap used to make. A big green dragon kite."

  "Hmm... That does sound like a good time. Alright, I'm in."

  Nash turned to Seth as he was the only one left.

  "Of course I'm in! You don't expect me to be stuck here, alone in this house while you guys are out there having a blast, did you?"

  "Great! The best part about this place is their promo. They offered 75% off to the first 1,000 customers who registered on their website."

  * * * * * *

  Smoke, Sierra, and the rest of his private army were quietly gathered inside Verbrannt castle's throne room. They sat around a long rectangular table as they waited patiently for Caid to arrive.

  The three massive Maneators had to sit on the floor because they were too big to fit in any chair. Their height was just the right size as they sat around the rectangular table.

  Gandiva had always been impatient, and the tigress Lioumerean couldn't help herself. She stared at Espion and asked.

  "You're sure your father's gonna arrive today?"

  "Relax, he's only been late for ten minutes."

  The room had an awkward silence. Originally, there were two factions about the guild creation. One group was afraid of letting other Sonstwelters in, while the other wanted their strength and numbers.

  Given their war against Duke Burmistrz and the Brandals, the creation of a guild was agreed upon. Yet, the ill feelings about the decision remained.

  Espion could no longer take Gandiva's impatience and stood up.

  "I'm going outside to wait for my father."

  Smoke stood up as well.

  "Wait up. I'll join you."

  The DarkElf and the Spy went out of the throne room. When they got to the hallway they met an intimidating middle-aged man clothed in a black suit.

  Caid stood still for a moment, and slowly walked towards Espion. The young Spy ran towards his father and hugged him tightly.

  Caid whispered to his son.

  "I knew you'd be alive. I believed in you the whole time."

  The Beggar Evocati released his hold of his son and faced Smoke.

  "Thank you for keeping your promise."

  + Completed Quest: Find Caid's son, Espion

  You have reunited Beggar Evocati Caid and his missing son, Espion. You have earned Caid's trust and respect.


  * Beggar Evocati Caid's Recommendation

  * 300,000 exp

  + You gained Beggar Evocati Caid's Recommendation to rank up to Beggar Evocati.

  + (1/2) Beggar Evocati Recommendations until next Beggar rank up.

  Smoke beamed at his reward. He wanted to increase his Beggar rank as soon as he saw the 75% reduction to his equipment and certain abilities.

  "Thank you very much, Beggar Evocati Caid. I'm truly honored to be recommended by such an esteem Beggar. I was just very fortunate to have found your son in the labyrinth. Espion has been a great asset from the moment I saw him."

  "Really? You didn't find him too rash and impetuous?"

  "Well, to be honest, it was a little difficult at first. But right after we killed a few monster mobs, he understood what he needed to do."

  Caid faced his son, and gave him a pat on his shoulder.

  "Good for you, Espion. Huh? What happened to your eye? Why is it all glossy?"

  The Beggar Evocati finally noticed Espion's injured eye. Smoke was about to explain what happened when the young Spy stopped him.

  "Da, it was my fault. I got careless and a krampus scratched me. I would have died if it wasn't for Smoke."

  Caid watched his son and noticed that he was not the same person. He had matured somehow.

  "You never used to take responsibility for anything before. You always used to put the blame on someone else. It looks like you really learned something from Smoke."

  "Yeah, that's why I've joined his private army. I want you to know that this isn't a form of rebellion or anything like that. I just think that I'll be a better vessel to your Beggar legacy if I continue to travel with him."

  Smoke subtly joined in on their conversation.

  "Umm... Beggar Evocati Caid, You should also know that Espion is free to leave my private army whenever he feels like it. In fact, that goes for all the members of my private army."

  Smoke knew that Espion was intimidated by his father, which was why he tried to smooth things out between them.

  For a split second the shadows of three people appeared around Caid. They were the past holders of Caid's Beggar stone. Their melded minds converged and voiced out each individual's opinion.

  Caid took a deep breath and sighed.

  "Looks like that's all there is to it then."

  Espion smiled with relief as he gained his father's approval.

  "Since that's been decided let's talk about your war with Duke Burmistrz."

  The Beggar Evocati's voice deepened and became serious as soon as he spoke about Coatl city's mayor.

  "I think we better join the others before I continue."

  Smoke, Caid, and Espion entered the throne room together. Smoke sat at the center of the long rectangular table with Igniz hovering around him. Sierra sat at his right side and Adder to his left, while Caid sat opposite to him.

  "Everyone, I'd like you to meet, Beggar Evocati Caid. He's here to share the intelligence his men have gathered in Coatl."

  Everybody gave Caid forms of acknowledgement, most of them nodded except for Gandiva, Laernea, Ichaival, and Rasant who waved at him.

  "Please, Beggar Evocati Caid, be as blunt as possible. What's the Duke's plans on our rebellion?"

  Caid nodded at Smoke's request of the hard facts.

  "According to the intelligence I've gathered, the Duke is in serious trouble. His current campaign against Centzo City isn't doing very well. The villages outside of Centzo's main defenses were evacuated and taken inside the main city itself. The Duke only has 100,000 Brandals left. It would be suicide if he would make a direct attack on Centzo city now."

  Every one of Smoke's private army had smiles on their faces, but Caid said something troublesome before anyone could speak out their minds.

  "Due to this major setback, the Duke has changed strategies. He has his entire army of 100,000 Brandals encircle Centzo city. His plan is to cut off the trade and supply lines of the city. Although the main city has livestock and some scattered farm lands, I doubt that it could feed the city's enlarged population from all the refugees."

  Rasant, the orange Maneator, thought about Burmistrz plan and Centzo city's size. The Maneator quickly expressed his thoughts on the Duke's plan.

  "If he only has a hundred-thousand Brandals, then there's no way the Duke could cover Centzo city's entire area."

  Caid looked at the Maneator and nodded.

  "Normally, that would have been the case, but the Duke divided his Brandals into ten legions of ten-thousand men each. Eight legions were scattered around Centzo and blocked all the main roads. Centzo can't attack each legion one by one because that would leave their city defenseless for the other legions."

  Thyrsus' inquisitive mind wondered about the other two legions.

  "What special assignments did the Duke have for the ninth and tenth legions?"

  "Well, he has those two legions provide food and other war supplies from Coatl to Centzo.
Both provision legions run at opposite directions, this made sure that their food supply is constant. They would run out of food in no time if they relied on the supplies that they brought."

  Smoke, Sierra, and everyone else's faces became sullen. They were hoping that the Duke's plan left his men vulnerable. To the point where they could take each legion by force and slaughter them one at a time, but ten-thousand Brandals was still beyond their military power.


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