Little Red

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Little Red Page 5

by Justin Cairns

  The board slowly came to life, small branches protruding from the centre, single words placed on them: Male, Van Driver, Observes and Educated.

  ‘Right, so where would you go from here?’

  ‘Well… would be nice to have a little piece of the puzzle from either the CCTV or an eye witness’.

  ‘Can you stay here for the day and do your thing?’ begged Jack

  ‘I can stay, but I’ll need an empty room……I need to be alone Jack’

  His friend understood. Nathan had always worked better when his brain was working alone… added comments coming in, no extra cogs cranking his gifted mind.

  ‘I can sort that for you!’ he assured.

  ‘Also, a map would be ideal. Start plotting the locations of the victim’s home, the place her body was found and other information we receive throughout the hunt, sometimes a picture can appear, a sort of pattern’.

  ‘We have one on the way up, large scale… in twenty five thousand grid squares, I believe!’

  Jack ushered him to a small office barely big enough to house a desk, the walls were bare and in the corner sat a lonesome metal chair, the type that caused you to sit up straight as if you were leaning against an ironing board.

  ‘I’ll take it’.

  ‘Thought you would, you’re a bloody recluse Nathan!’ he laughed.

  ‘That’s the way I like it, you should know better than anyone’.

  ‘True, look, seeing as though you’re in here and we’re out there just be sure to pass any details you may find, on to us and we will do the same!’

  ‘Of course Jack, when have I ever left you out of the loop?’

  ‘Never, I just wanted to make sure that this wasn’t the first time, that’s all. This case is my retirement, I need it.’

  ‘Trust me Jack. I’m not going to screw you over just to solve this for myself…….those days have long gone!’ he smiled reassuringly.

  Nathan grabbed a copy of the file and began dissecting it as he had done in the hotel room. He believed that if things were in a similar, if not perfect order, then it was easier for the information to be absorbed when at either location. Jack left him to crack on with his task, organising a coffee re-fill every thirty minutes to help Nathan keep going. They had a long night ahead of them. Both men preferred to work through the darkest hours, there were less distractions from their surroundings and more of a chance in finding something in total concentration. The waxing moon glowed behind clouds of black, the steady snowfall increased, the ground hid under a blanket of glistening white. The time was approaching; the night was nearly upon them.

  Chapter Five

  The familiar screams of a school morning surrounded the entrance. The children ran jumping like lambs, their bags thrown to the ground and parents shaking their heads as they retrieved them, dusting the gathered snow from the parts of impact. Mr Oliver Breen stood at the gates welcoming each child as they passed him. The call had come in at twenty to seven that morning. The school needed a substitute teacher for an unknown length of time……he gladly accepted. The parents leaving their children sparked up small talk with the young teacher, his fresh cut look and sharp dress sense caught the eye of many of the women, single and married. He explained his position, re-emphasising the word English Degree, as if it would woo them instantly. He enjoyed the flirting and came across as a well-mannered gentleman, at the age of twenty six and with a well-toned body he was a catch for most ladies.

  The bell rang, telling the parents to go home and the children to come in. Mr Breen said goodbye and flashed a slight smile to the parents as he turned to enter the school. Nobody noticed the van parked by the roadside.

  The children sat down at their own individual desks, some fidgeting with the child next to them. Mr Breen entered the room and closed the door behind him.

  ‘Morning Class’

  ‘Gooood morning Sirrrrr’ they answered, the words dragged.

  ‘I know you normally have Miss Carrigot today, but sadly she is feeling slightly under the weather, so I will be in her place until she is feeling better’ he turned to face the white board and began writing his name for the kids to see.

  ‘My name is Mr Breen……let’s try…Good morning Mr Breen’

  ‘Gooood morning Mista Breeeeeen’ over emphasising several words.

  He was sure a child had changed the ‘B’ for a ‘G’, but wasn’t too fussed. He began emptying his satchel, removing an A4 notepad and a packet of Bic Biro’s.

  ‘Right then, I think we should start today’s lessons with a story’ the large book was pulled from a separate compartment of the satchel. The thud echoed as he lowered it to the desk. The children all oooooo’d and ahhhhhh’d as the large emerald coloured book lay before them.

  ‘Ok, who is the oldest in the classroom?’ all hands went up.

  ‘Ok………who is the youngest?’ again, all the children’s hands were fired into the air.

  ‘I see…….who’s name begins with an……..A?’ two hands went up

  ‘Good……who is the oldest out of you two?’ one hand remained.

  ‘Great, would you like to pick the story?’

  ‘Yes please’ the girl answered and she ran up to the desk.

  ‘What’s your name then?’ he asked as he lowered to her eye level.

  ‘Abby’ she replied with a pleasant smile.


  The news crews were ushered in like sheep, the equipment clanging as tripods connected with door frames. Jack had requested six rows of chairs to be placed in the room, eight in each row. He made sure there was enough space at the back and the sides to place the cameras and their stands. The room began to look like a circus or, cluster fuck, as Jack professionally put it. He had asked the victim’s parents to arrive thirty minutes before the reporters did, to ensure they weren’t hassled on the way in. The couple sat with a nervous posture, the mother’s hands trembled and her husband clasped them in his. She fired a small smile then allowed her face to return to the previous grief stricken look. He couldn’t imagine what the pair had gone through, he didn’t attempt to comfort them. In his head there were no available words to use that would put them at ease. He decided to bring them a polystyrene cup of coffee each, lowering to their level as they sat.

  ‘It’s not the best stuff on the market, but it will warm you up’ his eyes smiled to them.

  ‘Thank you Sir’ the woman’s voice sounded timid, as if she was made of glass and a loud sound may shatter her into a million pieces.

  ‘Please, call me Jack. Do you want me to run through the layout we have in mind…….it’s the quickest method we have to get the reporters out and on their way!’

  ‘Please’ again whispered.

  ‘I will enter the room first, be aware there will be a lot of camera flashes from all directions. I have already spoken to the crews outside when they arrived, I asked that no questions be asked until you have the floor. I will tell you when that is. I believe you have a speech you would like to make?’

  ‘Yes, we do’ this time the answer came from the husband.

  ‘Ok, well take your time. If you need to stop at any time please feel free, the interview will take as long as you want it to’.

  With that said Jack stood and sipped some of his coffee, fuck that’s awful, his face displayed the thought as it imitated him sucking on a piece of lemon.

  He checked his watch, the hands told him it was nearing ten thirty….nearly show time.

  Meanwhile in the small room he had accepted as an office, Nathan walked from wall to wall absorbing the information he had highlighted like a sponge soaking up water. He had worked all night, the coffee helped with keeping the eye lids open, the details that stood out to him were highlighted with an illuminate green colour. Each lap that he completed he found himself marking more and more words………this is what he wanted to achieve. He checked his watch, he thought of the victim and her parents as the large hand landed on the number six, the small sat still
upon the number ten. The interview was starting.

  Jack blinked as the first flash hit him, let me get through the door you fucking vultures. He stood for several seconds, one hand behind his back. The hidden hand was open to the parents, telling them to wait. The thumbs up told them it was time and he stepped to one side allowing them through. The array of camera flashes was immense, it was if a storm cloud had entered the room and lay over their heads. The lightning crashed down before them, blinding their eyes with each flash. Jack raised a hand towards the crews and gently placed a palm onto the mother’s back.

  ‘Follow me’ he whispered into her ear

  They moved to the front of the room where several chairs had been placed, he gestured to a pair of seats and the couple sat down looking slightly shocked.

  ‘Ok, can I ask that you keep the flashes to a minimum please? This is a tragic time and difficult for the couple behind me. Please help to make them feel comfortable’ the flashing seized, but Jack knew it wouldn’t be long till another blasted right in his face.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I have called this conference today to inform all the people of London and the UK just what has happened over the past few days. Several days ago a young girl by the name of Jenny Marsch was reported missing by her parents’ a picture appeared on the wall behind Jack’s head. The photo had been blown up in size, the girls welcoming smile and blonde hair in a ponytail. Her parents looked up to gaze upon the girl that used to be their daughter. Her mother burst into tears.

  ‘This is Jenny. She was reported missing last Monday. We believe the time she had disappeared was between three and four p.m. She was wearing her school uniform’ a replica had been purchased from the school clothing store. It was placed upon a little manikin with a blonde ponytail as an aid for any possible witnesses.

  ‘This is what she looked like on the day she went missing. If anybody recalls seeing this girl then I beg that you come forward to help us with this case. Now I would like to introduce you to the girl’s parents, I ask that pictures are kept to a minimum please’ he turned his head and gave a slight nod to the father, he stood slowly. His wife needed to be pulled to her feet. They approached the stand and scanned the room of cameras and reporters.

  ‘I would like to start by saying………..Jenny was a lovely, lovely girl who never hurt anybody…..ever’ the husband’s voice was stern.

  ‘My girl was smart, intelligent and caring. She made us smile and made us feel love’ his wife began crying into his shoulder, a tear forming in his eye.

  ‘For someone to take our baby, to take our life….well… makes me sick. I want everybody’s support given to the police and I want this sick bastard caught’ the rage building in his voice. Jack got to his feet and moved next to the father, he placed a hand on his shoulder. The father looked into his eyes, understanding that the slight touch was a message to calm. He nodded.

  ‘I want this beast caught and I want justice. Our lives have come to a stop……a complete halt now she has gone………..we just want him found’.

  Jack had decided to end the speech, he sensed the mother was close to breaking down and that the father may begin lashing out towards the news crews. He directed them back to the seats and as they sat he leaned into the father.

  ‘I am going to tell the public what we know. This may be hard to hear, I’m thinking more from your wife’s behalf. I would recommend moving you to another room, but that is up to you!’

  ‘Ok’. The father agreed to the idea and began to stand, his wife none the wiser as to what was happening. Jack watched as the couple were helped out of the door.

  ‘The tragedy has touched a nerve in all our hearts. We aim to catch the person who has caused this family so much pain. What we know so far is that the person is male. He will own a large vehicle, possibly a van. He is an intelligent person who has a very distinct and professional method. He goes by the name the Wolf, we do believe this person may live in and around the area of abduction and are, as we speak, undergoing a thorough investigation. I have assembled a team to aid in the capture of this person. He is deemed highly dangerous and should not be approached if suspicion occurs. We do ask that any information you may have be brought to our attention………the quicker this happens the quicker we catch him.’

  ‘Why the Wolf?’ a reporter bellowed from the back.

  ‘He has communicated with us, a package was delivered to us with that name upon the front, the information and images sent to us displays himself in a Wolf mask, we believe he may be suffering or have suffered mental issues.’

  ‘Will he do this again……is it only women he goes for?’

  ‘We believe he has the intent to do this again, yes. Judging by the first victim we have bracketed our group of targets to girls between the age of eight and twelve.’

  ‘So you’re saying that people with children…..girls, should what…..keep them at home?’

  ‘What I’m saying is that it is wise to be with your children at all times if possible. We have sent warning orders to all educational facilities in and around London. We advise any parents to call in any suspicious activity around their homes, we believe the Wolf may observe before he attempts to take. This is a weak point for him if he does so. It means that if a van is spotted then we could be close to catching him’.

  ‘There are rumours flying around that outside help has been brought into the case……is this true, if so who is it?’

  ‘I’m not sure where you got that information’.

  ‘I believe it was an inside source!’ the reporter testing his patience.

  ‘That is highly unlikely’ obnoxious wanker, he thought.

  ‘That is all for the moment, I do promise to keep you all up to date with the investigation……if there are any questions needing answered please ask the staff on your way out.’ He turned and headed for the door, his head throbbing from the repetition of flashes.


  The bell had sounded and the children darted up like a Jack in a box. The doors were open and they shuffled outside to burn off some ever growing energy. The laughter filled the playground. Balls of snow hurtled from one to another, several children lay upon the floor making angel shapes in the white powder. The van door opened, sliding back on its hinges. The Wolf stepped out cautiously, looking around for any passers-by. It was clear. He leaned into the van and removed a small white rabbit from a crate. The animal kicked its back legs to free itself from his clutches. He squeezed it harder, the ribcage compressed under the strain. Leaving the door open he made his way to the perimeter fence of the school yard, the bunny hidden behind his back.

  ‘Abby where are youuuuuuuu?’ he sang to himself.

  He spotted her hopping with a group of friends near the door. Contemplating his next move he scanned once again. His eyes followed her as she hopped back and forth on each leg. To his joy they began running around the fence-line, making their way towards him. He smiled, stepping forward cautiously to intercept. He noticed her approaching him and he rested his waist belt against the top of the fence, the children began passing him.

  ‘Hey Abby……Abby’ he called.

  Abby hadn’t heard the first time but as he repeated her name she looked over to his direction.

  ‘Oh, hello again’ she skipped over to him as he kneeled down.

  ‘Guess what I have’ he whispered

  ‘Is it another story?’

  ‘No…….much more exciting!’ the rabbit was placed in view of her eyes. She seemed to light up with joy.

  ‘She’s lovely…..can I stroke her?’

  ‘Well actually……I have a lot more in my van, just over there. I need help sorting them into cages and one has a very sore leg… you think you could help me? I would give you one as a present!’ the blackmail had worked last time. Abby looked over to the van again.

  ‘I’m not allowed out of the gate Sir’

  ‘It’s fine…..I’ll lift you over secretly and we can run to the van… no one see’s us�
�� a game!’

  ‘Like hide and seek?’ she smiled

  ‘Just like that’ he nodded.

  Abby agreed and the Wolf placed the rabbit into her hands, he tucked his hands under her arm pits and quickly lifted her out. He ran quickly with the girl in his hands, the rabbit bounced wildly and Abby clamped down on its back with her hand. He made a large stride, his foot landing on the van’s stepping plate and ducked into the van. The door was slammed shut. The damp rag smothered her face. The rabbit ran free as the girl lost consciousness.

  Nobody noticed the missing child. The other kids were far to occupied with their games of army men and hop-scotch. The van pulled away and left the scene adhering to the speed limit. He had his girl……..he had his Abby.


  The stairway creaked as he climbed cautiously. The flashlight flickered to life for a second to guide the way, the abnormal shadows cast upon the steps, his eyes saving a faded image of what was illuminated. He approached the landing and checked both ways, securing his blind spots, tactics he was taught when working alongside the Armed Response Unit. He made sure that each of the corners were cleared, that the darkness looming within them was not a patient demon awaiting the pounce. The music bellowed through the empty house, the howl startling him as he neared to door. Hey there little Red Riding Hood… sure are looking good, you’re everything a big bad wolf could want….Howwwwwwwwwl……

  The bright light appeared from underneath the door. Slowly, it began creeping up the sides and to the top. The blackened wood was surrounded by a brilliant white……Nathan crept closer, the wheel brace poised in his right hand. He reached for the handle and turned it anti-clockwise. The clunk shook the weak frame as the lock was pulled free, the light intensified as the door opened itself slowly. Too bright to see, he sheltered his eyes from the room, stopping to focus his vision, a free hand guarding his brow. The whimpering from the far side of the room caused him to peek through open fingers. The large figure stood over the metal table, the tune he whistled rang in Nathan’s ears, Hey there little Red Riding Hood…….., the pitch increasing. The strands of matted fur could be seen through the light, they moved slowly as if a light breeze had entered the room with him. He attempted to focus harder, to create an image from the blur that stood before him.


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