Little Red

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Little Red Page 11

by Justin Cairns

  He lowered the sun glasses from his head onto his nose as the rear door was opened. The sun glared from above him, he squinted as he allowed his eyes to adjust. The door slammed shut as he entered the driver’s seat, he could smell the girl……..her fear………her pain. He looked into the rear view mirror, searching the back of the van as if she would appear from a dark corner. His eyes met the reflection, the young face gazed back at him. Its hair, black and shiny hung down against the ears, the comb over clung to one side. He raised his head and the image in the mirror followed his lead. He opened his lips to reveal clenched teeth, the breath forced out between the gaps to create a muffled sound. The tip of his tongue ran across the top row, polishing them as it moved. The tapping noise filled his ears as he brought his teeth together several times. He faced forward as the engine was started, he admired the reflection that played with him. The image had shown the slow transformation that he felt deep inside him, his teeth feeling larger; the tips still not sharp enough to rip flesh……..that can be fixed, he thought as the van rolled forward from the drive way.


  ‘Hello?’ the word bounced off his surroundings and came back from every angle. There was no answer. He raised his arms and extended them fully to his front, his fingers searched for something to touch. Nothing offered itself. He moved his arms to the sides, performing a slow full rotation on his heels. Nathan stood in complete darkness; his location was unknown and seemed sparse. It was as if his eyes were closed, unable to be opened. He lowered his body down to one knee and placed his palms upon the ground. The snow bit at his bare flesh, numbing it instantly.

  ‘Shit’ he jumped.

  He remained low and began to crawl forward, each time he advance a hand was placed up in front to feel for anything. Nothing appeared. His hands and knees felt the pain from his freezing surroundings, he began to feel his warmth breath as he exhaled, his cheeks absorbing the heat from his core.

  The whistling increased to his front, the purr of an engine appearing gradually. He stood and made his way towards the noise, it grew as he neared it. The wall broke his advance and he stumbled rearwards as his face made a connection with the brick. He landed on his back side, the ground nipping at him. He gathered himself to his feet and felt the obstacle to his front, the surface felt rough against his skin. His hands brushed the wall in circles as he looked for a way past. The engine growled angrily as he placed his cheek to the brick. He stepped back and brought his leg mid height, stamping forward and striking the wall. He kicked harder, the aggression building inside him.

  The dust obstructed his view as the wall collapsed into a pile of rubble. He wiped his eyes free of the particles, blowing through his nose as the dust blocked his nostrils. The snow fell upon his bare head, his brown greying hair becoming damp as the flakes melted. He attempted to store his inner heat by reaching for his jacket, aiming to pull it tight to his skin. His chilled finger tips caused his skin to flinch as they touched his naked torso. He shivered and a plume of warm air escaped his mouth. He was naked……….naked and freezing.

  He collapsed to his knees and curled over into a ball shape, his spine arched to close his chest to his knees. The ground pinched his skin, he felt vulnerable and weak. The girl screamed as she was removed from the vehicle, the sound softly drowned out by the engine. Nathan raised his head, keeping his body tightly closed. His face stung, his lips started to crack under the arduous conditions. Small droplets of blood escaped the splitting skin, they landed by his knees and disappeared into the arctic floor. He could see the beast, its large frame dragged the girl from the depths of the van. He tried to call out to him……to distract him, but the words were silent. It was as if they froze when fired from his mouth. The second attempt also failed. He watched from a distance as the girl was position in front of the van, the headlights emitted a blinding light, amplified by their black surroundings. The thing approached her from the rear, its head lowering to hers. Nathan could hear the breathing of the Wolf, as if he were leaning into his own ears. He felt the warmth it brought, the tingling sensation it delivered. The words caused him to stiffen, his body seized to tremble. Run little red riding hood…run…run….run. He heard them clearly and so had the girl, she darted towards the illuminated trees. Nathan fought the freezing extremities and gathered himself to his feet, his skin becoming pale.

  The music brought life to the quiet wood, animals stirred as they were awoken. He moved unsteadily to the van, his steps appeared short and he spotted the Wolf as he leapt into the darkness.

  ‘NO!’ he bellowed, the walls of tissue surrounding his lungs appeared to split as he forced the words over the music. He collapsed against the vans side, managing to stay on his feet he ran towards the girls choice of path, his aim was to get to the girl before it did………before it could pounce on to her weak shell.

  He moved in a zigzag motion, unable to concentrate as the hypothermia sunk into his muscles causing them to seize. The music disappeared from behind him, the howl faded into the thick bark of the woods occupants. He saw the entrance to the white field, knowing that the girl would have entered here he moved with speed. She was out of sight……..her tracks ended where he stood. He searched with aching eyes……where are you...where did you go? The force knocked him down onto his side, his head thudding to the ground. The cold blades tore at his body, the pain numbed by the temperature. He could feel the warm liquid as it trickled from the wounds……his body shuddered as his life was slowly released. The slices kept coming, his arms and legs ripped open as the claw was thrust at him……he had no energy to fight, he felt useless.

  His body was dragged several feet, he opened his eyes to the full moon. The scene was surreal……… calmed him, warmed his bloodied skin. He never felt the killer’s knees as they were lowered against his biceps, his body now pinned to the sparkling sheet of white. The glimmer caught his eye as the blade was raised in the air, he moved to see it. The last breathe escaped his burning lungs, the sighing sound followed with the mist. The knife pierced his chest and broke through the rib cage; the cracking noise told him this. He watched from his place of death as the killer removed his beating heart, the red stuff pumped out onto his face and chest, the white snow was attacked by random arterial sprays.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The water ran down Nathans face, the refreshing liquid snaked its way down the contours of his ageing skin. He found himself needing a cigarette and became slightly agitated as he realised he didn’t have any. The dream had caused him to awaken rapidly, his heart pounded behind the bone guard. He rubbed his chest to make sure there was no damage then moved to the toilet of the Met Headquarters to freshen up. He tried to piece together yesterday’s events. He recalled the epiphany in the woods and talking with Jack in the car. He remembered lowering his chair………….then came the blank section. His reflection appeared older, the eyes sunken slightly and the skin cracking in places. It made him feel old and he moved towards the coffee machine slamming the door as he left. Jack met him in their un-assigned meeting place. He was midway through filling his cup.

  ‘Morning…… did you sleep?’ rubbing his eyes

  ‘Like shit……’

  ‘Same same’

  ‘Jack, what happened after we got in the car yesterday……I mean, how did I get back up to my office?’

  ‘You were out like a light. I woke you once we arrived here and you slumped up the stairs and headed straight into your office……….that’s the last I saw of you mate’.

  ‘Jesus…….I’m getting old’

  Jack chuckled at his friends comment. He also felt the same but didn’t want to admit it. He hated that he looked older than Nathan, his mind was as young as it was in his twenties…..but his appearance showed his true self. They stood by the wall and rested their backs upon it, the hot coffee went down well. Jack removed his packet of cigarette’s and Nathan accepted the offer. They moved slowly to the nearest exit to light up and take in the satisfying

  The car park was dead, they stood by the doorway as it shielded them from the light wind. The lighter clicked as the flame was brought to life, Jack protected it with his hands and both men lent in to burn the white sticks.

  ‘Look, I think it’s wise that we keep your issues to ourselves mate. We don’t want any shit storms appearing mid case, especially if your past is brought to the surface’. Jack aimed to make the words sound concerning but Nathan could hear the direct order hidden inside them, he knew Jack wanted to close this case before retirement and also knew he would do anything in his power to achieve this.

  ‘I don’t plan on anything being leaked Jack. I’m the last person who needs that kind of information coming up’ he assured.

  ‘If the stories of the Golden Boy case were brought back to life, and not forgetting the mental issues you suffered……………well, let’s just say we would no longer be on the case!’ Jack flicked his smoke as the flame reached the butt, the wind tossed it far to his right. Nathan followed suit and watched as the small stick was blown away.

  ‘Don’t worry Jack…….nothing is going to damage this case….I promise.’

  They headed back into the building, the door creaked to a close behind them.

  Doctor Lime pulled his head back in through the window and closed it tight. The conversation he had overheard and now felt an intriguing sensation within his body. He pondered from his leather chair and looked out of the ground floor window, his fingers balanced against one and other in a pyramid shape under his chin. The past…….digging up the past…….may be worth a little look.

  The task room was filled with chatter as Jack and Nathan neared the door. The talk was of ideas the team were throwing at each other about the case. They waited and listened to the varied opinions on the matter. The mixed ranks within the room had begun debating the evidence collected to the day. Some fired remarks on why the killer was doing what he enjoyed, others argued the reasons why it was at a similar location each time. But Jack welcomed his team’s conversation, he approved of their agreements and disagreements, to him it showed initiative and comradeship. He decided to enter the briefing room and the silence engulfed him. The team froze and all chatting stopped.

  ‘Morning team’ he welcomed, Nathan entered closely behind.

  ‘Ok, this morning we are going over the case file. We have more evidence and need to explore all areas of the case, I also need the reports from the individual teams that deployed yesterday. I understand that you worked hard on the assigned tasks but am disappointed that no information was trickle fed to me throughout the day……..I should not have to call you and request your findings, it stops now…………understood?’

  ‘Yes Sir’ in unison.

  Nathan was unaware that Jack had spoken to the teams whilst he was asleep, it agitated him that his friend had failed to inform him with a current update. Jack moved over to the large white board and located a free section that wasn’t cluttered with images or different coloured pens.

  ‘Firstly, we had a breakthrough yesterday thanks to Nathan’ the class looked towards the helper, their heads flicking in his direction. Jack began to write a series of bullet point notes, the tip of the pen squeaked as it moved across the smooth surface. The tapping on the glass behind them alerted their attention and everybody turned to see who was intruding into their team time.

  ‘Come in’ bellowed Jack as he placed the lid back onto the pen. The door eased open and Doctor Lime poked his head through the gap.

  ‘Do you mind if I sit in for a while Chief Inspector?’ the hissing sound stinging the listening ears.

  ‘If you must’ sighed Jack as he brought his attention back to the board. Doctor Lime fired Nathan a smirk as he closed the door, he shuffled to the rear of the room and found an empty space at a desk. He rested upon it, the cock sure smile plastered on his face. What the fuck are you smiling at?

  ‘Right, eyes on the board. Like I said, we had a breakthrough thanks to Nathan. Here’s what we got’.

  The list displayed several notes; the writing was too small for the people at the back to see so they moved forward and squinted at the board.

  ‘He doesn’t kill the victims whilst making his movie……his film is more of a mock to us, showing us that he can do what he does and get away with it. He transports them in his vehicle to a public wood to finish his ritual’……..the hand was raised from the crowd and Jack dismissed the question asking them to leave any queries they may have until the end of the brief.

  ‘In the woods he leaves the vehicle parked with the headlights blasting into the trees, this, we believe is a guiding method for his victims. He lets them run free into the darkness, the lit section being the place they go to first. He then flanks them, as we found in the last crime scene, and hunts them. Then he catches them and drags them to an open space to complete the kill’.

  ‘Also, if you don’t mind, Jack?’ Jack shook his head allowing Nathan to proceed.

  ‘We believe he kills on a full moon, which is what we need to confirm today, if it’s true then we can plan ahead for the next kill.’ Nathan moved to the front of the room next to Jack.

  ‘This information all leads to one thing……….HE thinks he is becoming the Wolf, he hunts them…..stalks them in the night. He kills them under a full moon and removes the heart……..there is a possibility he eats the organ, that we cannot yet confirm’. The room sat in silence as Nathan finished his speech. Jack stood to his side, arms crossed and nodding his head. The hands remained down, no questions were asked. Jack spotted the hand move towards the ceiling, he moved his head to see Doctor Lime waiting to ask his own question.

  ‘Yes Doctor Lime’

  ‘Sounds intriguing, but I heard a few believes in that speech. To me, believes isn’t strong enough to go on’ his hands placed on his hips.

  ‘Okay Lime, first of all there was one believes in that speech….secondly, why don’t you take your arse out to the location of the body and see what you can conjure up!’ Nathan snapped, it was followed by a low giggle from the crowd.

  ‘Excuse me?’ fired Lime angrily.

  ‘I will……..I’ll excuse you from this fucking room!’ Nathan stepped forward, his focus aimed only on the man he despised. Jack jumped in front of his friend who was on a war path and obstructed him from attacking the doctor.

  ‘Right, everyone out…….NOW, MOVE!’ he ordered. He pushed Nathan back slightly and ushered Lime forward. The door rattled the glass as it was closed.

  ‘What the fuck is going on here?’

  ‘I want to know why this prick wants to throw spanners into the case!’ spat Nathan, his finger aimed at Lime’s face.

  ‘Spanners……..You have no solid evidence, believes are not solid evidence!’

  ‘It’s a damn sight better than what you have offered, which brings me to the question………..what is your fucking position on this case exactly Lime?’ his arms open wide awaiting the answer.

  ‘My position….Mr Crawley, is the lead Psychologist and profiler…….please, what is your position? I do recall being called upon by New Scotland Yard to assist…….were you?’ he snarled back. Jack stepped between them and pushed the men further apart. He knew Nathan too well to allow them to get close to one and other. They had been in this situation many times, which normally ended with his friend delivering a powerful jab to the throat, followed by a clenched blow to the jaw. Though he would have liked to see Nathan wipe the floor clean with Lime, he knew the case would be turned over to new hands.

  ‘Look. Both of you need to calm down right now…..this is my case, I’m the one who goes toe to toe if needs be. Doc, I think you should leave now…..go cool down somewhere and I will give you the updated case file later!’

  Lime adjusted the collar of his brown suit jacket and pushed his glasses up to his eyes.

  ‘Before I leave gentlemen. I would advise you that jeopardising my position within the case is a very unwise call…………….after all, we woul
dn’t want the past catching up and biting you on the arse…..would we?’ his eyes fixed on Nathan. He turned and exited the room at speed. Jack turned to his friend.

  ‘What did he just say?’

  ‘If he said what I just think he said then we may have a big problem Jack!’

  ‘How would he know?’

  ‘He’s a fucking worm Jack…..a slimy little bastard who only cares about his fucking reputation. If he brings this down on top of us……well…he’s a dead man!’

  Jack felt his heart skip several beats as the case became unstable. He asked Nathan to go calm himself for a while and prepared to give the rest of his speech to the class. He ushered the team back into the room.

  ‘Not a fucking word!’ he growled.


  Megan ran back and forth, the snow flicked up from her boot heels and scattered against the pale wooden fence. She ran in anti-clockwise circles around the small snowman, her dad chased her pretending to try and catch her. The giggles and pants of Megan attempting to catch her breath were a welcoming sound as he listened from the van. The new girl played in her safe place, with her safe person………….enjoy it Megan…enjoyyyyyyyy it. He watched from the misted window as she collapsed and was lifted into the air by the large man. They laughed with each other, sharing happiness and love. The Wolf grinded his teeth, the urge to take her was eating away at him. He fought the demon that wanted to escape, keeping it at bay until the time was right.


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