The Everdon Series- the Complete Set

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The Everdon Series- the Complete Set Page 64

by L C Kincaide

  “What is it?” Rachel craned her neck for a better look.

  The item was a disk with a winder and bow poking out of the opening of its protective velvet sleeve.

  “It looks like a man’s pocket watch.” Matthew said.

  Emma pulled out the gold watch. The front of the case was engraved with a monogram — MRE.

  “It was Mason Everdon’s.”

  She unclasped it and read the engraving on the inside — All my love until the end of time, Amelia.

  “How romantic.” Rachel breathed.

  Emma scowled at the timepiece. It was old and valuable if its weight was any indication. The crystal was unmarred and the moving parts that have been frozen for decades seemed intact. Why would mum keep it locked away in a bank vault when she had her own safe at home? It didn’t make sense. She peered closer, and a shudder ran through her.

  “What is it?” Rachel asked. Emma gave her the watch.

  “Oh, that is creepy! Matt, look.” The hands were positioned at six minutes past eleven.

  She handed it back to Emma who tucked it back into its sleeve.

  “What are you going to do with it?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe stash it in mum’s safe. There’s something creepy about it.” She dropped it in her bag.

  “That could be said of anything coming from the manor.”

  Back at the condo, Emma collapsed on the sofa exhausted from the day and leaned against the brocade cushions. Jen appeared, limbs tangled in a bloody mess on the asphalt. Her eyes snapped open. How long would she not be able to close her eyes without seeing the carnage? The undiluted animosity on the woman’s face minutes before the accident also etched itself in her mind.

  Emma didn’t blame her for the way she felt toward them. If anything, her feelings were of pity and compassion. Jen had lost a friend she loved and had not recovered. She herself was a mess after Ivy’s disappearance; shortly before too if she remembered correctly. Blaming Jen for her feelings would have been wrong. The two shared their grief for Ivy and had the situation been different, they could have been friends. In comparison, she got off easy; Jen would never have had closure nor experience peace for the rest of her life because neither Ivy nor her remains would ever be found. The Stuarts were all the poor woman had to focus her despair and frustration on, and even that had led nowhere. Her circumstances were tragic long before today’s accident.

  As far as Elinor was concerned, she had been a nuisance to blight their days, but in reality, she was just another casualty of Mason Everdon’s wrath. It was over for her now though Emma found little consolation in that remembering how she had died. It should have been finished, but after today, she realized it was not. His reach was long. But why? Would it never end? She took a ragged breath and slouched to her bedroom and dropped onto the bed. The cluster of cheerful baby roses poking out of the thatched roof planter caught her eye.


  If only Adam weren’t so far away. She wanted the comfort of his arms around her and breathe the warm clean scent of him as he pressed her against his chest. That was not going to happen tonight, nor the night after. Emma curled against the pillow and hugged it instead.



  The coffee cup steaming beside her, Emma opened the file and consulted her list of the checked off items and those still left to attend to. She could visualize the ballroom decorated to resemble the courtyard lush with blooming plants and shrubs. There was not enough time to fabricate the dramatic four-story rise of stone walls with Gothic arches and balconies, but there would be visual references to them, and the pillars.

  The palazzo style museum would have been ideal, but she needed the space to accommodate her guests and have plenty of room for dancing, and no less important, a podium for Carrie’s baby grand piano and the string quartet and the jazz group that followed. She made a note to make sure they had plenty of fairy lights and candles available. This event had to be a success, an occasion people would talk about. A big name would have been a good draw, but her family wasn’t social nor acquainted with any famous people; Elinor Everdon-Stuart was known for her philanthropic work and had never sought the accolades and limelight.

  From what Emma had discovered, her mother was a generous patron of many causes and it would please her to receive acknowledgement if she could know about it. Maybe in some mysterious way she did. At any rate, Emma did her best to exploit the list and mailed invitations to everyone on it, cross-referencing it with those who had sent flowers to the funeral.

  She glanced at Elinor’s desk calendar — the page still showed the month of May. Their trip to England seemed so long ago. Already it was nearing the end of July giving her two months to have everything in place, including her own costume.

  So much work ahead, but considering she had never been an organized person, things were going remarkably well. She turned the calendar pages to July and opened the desk drawer to look for a calculator. Rummaging to the back, her hand found a slim book, and she pulled it out. On closer inspection, it wasn’t a book, but her mother’s planner. Her fingers grazed the relief on the silver front cover. As had been typical of her style, Elinor would never have stooped to using a diary that was plain paper. Emma smiled and hoped the result of her efforts would live up to those standards.

  She opened the planner to where an envelope poked out from between the pages and read the last entry which was a reminder to see Graham Morrow the day after their return from England. He had not mentioned anything, so he may not have known what she wanted. She was about to open the envelope when her phone rang and answered it without looking expecting to hear Rachel’s voice.

  “Hello.” She said cheerful to hear the latest news on Ella’s progress.

  “Well, hullo, Miss Emma! You seem to be having a good day.”

  The sexy, accented greeting sent her heart fluttering.

  “Adam! What a nice surprise!”

  “I made an effort to not roust you out of sleep this time.” He laughed.

  “You wanted to make sure I’d be coherent, in other words.” She grinned into space. “What’s new?” She hadn’t heard from him for days and wondered what was keeping him busy.

  “Slogging away overseeing things, looking into new ventures.”

  “Sounds intriguing.”

  “And you? How are your plans coming along?”

  “Surprisingly well considering I’ve never done this sort of thing before. I had no idea event planning was so detailed.”

  “Ah, welcome to my world. But the reason I called isn’t to share with you my daily grind. Do you have anything planned for next weekend?”

  Her pulse quickened. “Not really.” She replied calmly, though after the last time he had asked her that, she was not calm at all.

  “How would you like to come to New York?”

  “It depends.” She teased. “Are you going to be there?”

  He gave a throaty laugh. “I was planning on it, yes.”

  “So, what’s the occasion this time? Another conference?”

  “More like networking. But you haven’t answered my question. Can you come or will I have to roam the streets on my own without your expert guidance?”

  “You are assuming I know the city.”

  “You’ve never been there?”

  “Not since I was younger with my parents.”

  “Then compared to me, you are an expert because I’ve only seen it in films. So can you? I am dying of suspense.”

  “I think I can manage it. Where are you staying? I want to book a room nearby.”

  “I’ll be at the Jane for its historic significance.“

  Of course he would choose that. The hotel was famous for sheltering the Titanic survivors and he would appreciate it.

  “When a
re you arriving?”

  “The day after tomorrow. I have a full schedule and seeing you after will be heaven.”

  “I’ll do my best to show you around.”

  “I have complete faith in your abilities.”

  “Then I better brush up on the attractions.” She laughed.

  “Emma?” His voice was suddenly serious. “Will you stay with me? At the hotel?”

  Emma’s breath caught at the invitation. He didn’t mean for her to take a separate room. Was this his way of telling her he wanted to take their relationship to the next level?

  “Did I just frighten you away?” He chuckled though she detected a hint of unease.

  “I would love to stay with you.” She replied then added feeling self-conscious again, “Just think of all the time we’ll save not saying all those goodnights.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  “Let me know your flight number so I can collect you.”

  “Will do.”

  “I’m looking forward to the weekend.”

  “Me too.”

  They ended the call and Emma shoved Elinor’s diary and envelope into the drawer and opened her laptop to book her flight. She had an overwhelming urge to dance around the room.

  “Hey stranger, how are you? I haven’t heard from you. Call me back.”

  Has it been so long? Emma scowled at the phone. Since Adam’s call, she had been getting as much done on her project as possible to make up for three lost days of potential work. And dreaming about her upcoming weekend. Preoccupied as she was, the time moved quickly along, and Thursday arrived, tomorrow being THE day.

  “Hey, Rachel. Sorry — I’ve been a little distracted.”

  “I thought it might be something like that. Everything’s okay otherwise?” Emma knew Rachel still worried about her since Jen’s accident. Some days, it hardly crossed her mind.

  “Yep. Everything is great.”

  “Good. Glad to hear it. We’re going up to Salem — mom wants to see where the witch trials took place and everything spooky before she goes home. Matt finally broke down and got us a cottage on the beach so we’re staying the weekend.”

  “She’s leaving already?”

  “Yeah. The last few weeks went by so fast. Poor dad has gone through all his frozen rations. So, why don’t you come with us? I don’t want you to be alone.”

  “Thanks, Rachel, I’d love to, but I have plans.”

  “You’re not working on the Ball, are you? It’s great you’ve found something to be passionate about, but you need to have fun too.”

  “I’ll be having fun.”

  “Hmmm…. are you going to tell me or do I have to drag it out of you?”

  “I’m going to New York.”

  “Okay… I want details.”

  Despite doing her utmost to not gush everything to her best friend, Emma couldn’t help herself. If not for Rachel, she had no one else to share her excitement with.

  “Adam called. He’s in New York and he wants me to come up.”

  “Ah. So you have something else you’re passionate about. That’s amazing! So, he flew across the ocean just to see you? That’s so romantic!”

  Emma blushed, giggled and rolled her eyes. “No, not only to see me. He’s meeting with other people… business types and he decided to stay longer.”

  “Uh-huh. I think it’s the other way around and the business people are an excuse. The main thing is that he’s finally coming to his senses.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that, I’m just glad we’ll have the weekend.”

  “And I’m sure it will be fantastic! When are you leaving?”

  “After lunch.”

  “Okay, that’s not bad. Tell me you’re not going to JFK. Slogging through traffic is a nightmare from there.”

  “Newark. I figured the locals will be fleeing the city so it shouldn’t be too bad driving in.”

  “Good thinking. Still, how bad can a long drive be trapped in the car with your own James Bond?”

  “It’s bound to be a hardship, I know, but we’ll find things to talk about.”

  “Well, that’s the best news I’ve heard in a while. I hope you have the most awesome time!”

  “You too.”

  “I’d buy you a love spell, but I don’t think you’re going to need it.” Rachel laughed. “Pack something sexy, not that you’ll need that either.”

  “Rachel…” Emma warned.

  “Okay, okay… I’m going.”

  It had, in fact, crossed her mind to pack something sheer and seductive, but she decided not to. Being with Adam was different and special and she wanted him to see her as no one else had. They were on the threshold of an epic affair; she felt it in her bones. If them being together would be like her dream had been, she may never be the same again.

  The cynic in her tried to be heard reminding her of a vow made recently about not entering any more long-distance relationships that led to certain heartache, and she silenced it not wanting anything to spoil the next two days. All the wise gurus claimed living in the moment was all that existed, and for once, she would heed their wisdom. Before leaving, Emma watered her roses — home. Maybe her heart would find a home too.



  As promised, he was waiting for her at the airport. She recognized him immediately and ran into his open arms as the departing passengers moved around them.

  “Let me look at you.” He held her at arm’s length, his eyes dancing. “It seems ages since I’ve seen your beautiful face.”

  Emma warmed under his gaze and lovely words. He cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs stroking her cheeks, then bent his head to kiss her. Her legs weakened. “Mmmm… so good to see you too.”

  Their eyes locked in a silent communication.

  “Maybe we should leave before we cause a public disturbance.”

  “Good idea.”

  “Is that all you have?” He indicated her carry-on.

  “You should know by now I travel light.”

  “Ah, that is true.” He grinned remembering her visit to his manor.

  They were still holding hands when they arrived at the hotel. During the hour-long ride, they caught up on what they’d been doing. Emma tried not to think about what awaited them later, but she couldn’t help seeing him differently. He was no longer just a friend.

  He opened the door to their room, a rather small space with white dado and peacock feather-inspired wallpapered walls. Sconces set into a large mirror provided soft lighting and sunlight streamed through the French doors that led to a balcony. Her gaze fell on the deep red coverlet on the bed.

  “This is the Captain’s Cabin. It’s a Queen mattress. I remember we both fit on that size.”

  What Emma remembered went far beyond just fitting on a mattress, and she searched his eyes for any telltale sign it had been only a dream, but she found no answer.

  “Unless you’d prefer bunk beds, it’s not too late.”

  “Then we’d just argue who’d be on top.” Emma teased surprising herself with her boldness.

  His arms encircled her waist. “We can always flip a coin over it.”

  “Or take turns.” She purred.

  “Oh, Miss Emma you’re treading in extremely dangerous territory now.” His eyes were nearly black.

  “Oh. What am I thinking? It’s suppertime and you must be hungry.”

  “Hmm… yes. A good observation.” His lips curved in a smile as he inclined his head to gaze upon her. “Perhaps we should go then.”


  “I passed by an interesting restaurant on Thirteenth. It’s four blocks from here if you’re not tired from the trip.”

  “I don’t mind st
retching my legs. I’ll just freshen up before we go.”

  He released her reluctantly and watched from the chair as she unpacked her clothes and hung them quickly on the hangers, her mum’s words about wrinkles a not too distant reminder. She touched up her make-up and smiled at her reflection. It was not an expression she had seen for a long time. She looked happy and glowing in anticipation.

  She paid little attention to her meal and ate only to ease her hunger pangs. Even their conversation that flowed easily before seemed awkward at times. During the walk back, they hardly spoke, and when the first rumbling sounded overhead, they picked up their pace. By the time they ducked under the hotel’s entrance awning, they were soaked.

  “Not the best timing!” Emma giggled running a hand through her hair. “Ack!” She glanced at her reflection. “What a mess!”

  “You’re thoroughly drenched. You should get out of those wet clothes before you catch cold.”

  She met his eyes in the mirror. His hair sprouting in wayward strands and shirt clinging to his contours, he took her breath away.

  “I wouldn’t want to see you with a cold either.” She turned to him and reached for a shirt button. Seconds later, their clothes were lying in a crumpled pile. It was just as well she had no lingerie to model for him. There really was no time for dressing up.

  She awakened to a soft breeze wafting over her bare skin.

  The previous night’s rain had cleansed the air of the oppressive humidity and was wonderfully sweet and refreshing. Adam was looking outside at the open French doors discreetly hidden by the chair. A smile curved her lips.

  “You have a lovely butt, Mr. Kinsley.”

  Adam turned around “Not nearly as lovely as your bottom, Miss Emma, which I may say is exquisite. How did you sleep?”


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