The Everdon Series- the Complete Set

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The Everdon Series- the Complete Set Page 70

by L C Kincaide

“Matthew won’t be able to keep his eyes off you. That’s one hot-looking blouse you’re busting out of!” Emma giggled.

  “Thanks to Ella I have a mighty fine cleavage so I may as well show it off!” She twirled letting the colorful, multi-tiered skirt fan around her legs.

  “It’s going to be fun, isn’t it?”

  Rachel gave her a hug. “Yes, it will be a very special night.”

  “It’s going to be phenomenal!” Theresa exclaimed in the middle of the yet empty ballroom beneath the crystal chandeliers trying to visualize how the spacious room will look decorated and filled with guests.

  “I’m so nervous!” Emma confided.

  “Don’t worry, it’s like stage fright. Once the curtain goes up, you’ll be fine.”

  “I hope so.” She glanced at her clipboard with a list of items to cross off.

  Theresa held an identical board, and she checked it. “That’s why we are here, to make sure everything is taken care of.”

  “I’m so grateful for your help. When I first had the idea, it never occurred to me so much went into it. It’s overwhelming.”

  “You’re welcome and it was my pleasure. We all want the evening to be a great success as it will be. So, let’s get started with this mile-long list.”

  By noon, they had everything crossed off and final chores assigned. Tomorrow, the setting up would begin.

  After dinner, Emma drove to her apartment where she had left everything from Mabel’s list to have ready for Sunday not wanting any of those things in the same place where she slept. It had been days, maybe longer since she had been there last, and the air was stale and the space un-lived in. Just as well she had never bothered with plants except for those Adam had given her. Miraculously, the roses had survived her attentions.

  She opened the windows to the cooling evening breeze and retrieved the tape recorder from her desk drawer. The tape from the first session was still there, and she replaced it with the new one. She listened to the medium as she set out the “wares” Mabel had advised her to buy; salt — she got two cartons, five black candles, a box of matches, a good size carnelian pendant for protection and sending negative energy back to the owner, and a bundle of wormwood. Mabel said burning the herb offered protection against wandering spirits and would enable them to leave this plane, and hopefully prevent them from entering it too. Emma had enough for a mass eviction though she’d have to be careful about inhaling the smoke. She hoped it — the exorcism or whatever it was — would go well and not like her last mission into the unknown. No one would have her back this time as she fought for the people she loved and their future.

  Why hadn’t she told Adam of her feelings? Was it because she needed to hear the words first and she was afraid if she spoke them he may not reciprocate? Yes, there was that risk. She and John had never made such an exchange. Emma longed to tell Adam now, but he was far away and it wasn’t something she wanted to blurt out over the phone, nor the way she wanted to hear it from him the first time either, provided he felt the same way.

  Not yet too late, she called him, reminding herself to not give anything away.

  “Hullo love.” He answered cheerfully and her knees melted.

  “Hey there. I’m not calling too late, am I?”

  “Never. I was just thinking about you.”

  “Is that so?” A smile spread across her face.

  “I was imagining you in your costume. You must be terribly excited about tomorrow night.”

  “I am. Nervous and excited. I tried on my outfit today.”


  “It looks pretty good.”

  “Pretty good? I imagine you’ll look utterly fantastic!”

  “I’ll see what I can do. Are you still working?”

  “Just tying up loose ends.”

  She imagined him at his desk strewn with papers. “Don’t stay up all night.”

  “I won’t and when I go to sleep, I’ll dream of you. I rather miss you not being within reach.”

  “I miss you too.” If he only knew how much.

  “I wish I were there if it helps to know.”

  “It does. So, how’s your weekend looking? Not all work, I hope.”

  “No, not all, but busy. I have plans to see a friend I haven’t seen in far too long.”

  “I hope you enjoy yourself.” She fought back a rising tide of tears. So many words waited on her lips and went no further. She’d have to say good night soon before her composure fell away.

  “Be sure to get your rest before the big event.”

  “I will. Everything seems under control, but there’s always the last minute complication.”

  “Don’t I know! But I’m sure it will all go smoothly.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate your confidence.”

  “I will be with you in spirit.”

  Emma smiled wishing he’d be by her side instead. The spirits, or the spirit she’d deal with the day after. “I know. I should let you finish what you’re doing so you can get some sleep too.”

  “As much as I don’t want to let you go, I must. Sleep well tonight and have a wonderful evening tomorrow.”

  “I will. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, love. We’ll talk again soon.”

  She wiped her eyes and transferred her supplies, including the pocket watch into her larger bag and left it on the desk so everything would be ready when she came by on Sunday to drive to the manor and once and for all deal with Mason Everdon and his undying grip on her life.



  The momentous day arrived on a sunny October morning. Was it already three and a half months since she first had the idea for a fundraiser in mum’s honor? She huddled under the blanket in the cool room. Not long ago she was running the air conditioning and suddenly it was time to turn on the heat. With everything on her mind, she had forgotten to do that and put off climbing out of bed.

  She stretched then braced herself and scampered to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Turning in profile, she assessed the reflection in the mirror looking for telltale physical changes and found her once flat abdomen had become noticeably swollen. Her hand moved over it tenderly. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” She promised in the gathering mist.

  Emma found Theresa in a ballroom bustling with activity.

  “The panels look good. When they’re all hung,” Theresa said scanning her notes, “we’ll check the lights then arrange the plants.”

  Emma took a deep breath. “I was just thinking this morning, I can’t believe the day’s already here. In only a few hours the ballroom will be full of guests.” She glanced around. “Has the piano been delivered?”

  Theresa checked her notes. “It should be here within the hour.”

  “Good. The tuner is on his way. Carrie is very particular about that, she can detect an out of tune string a mile away.”


  “I should say, Miss Caroline Ruskin, the musical prodigy extraordinaire who’s been playing since she was a toddler, and I don’t mean swatting at the keys either. I’m glad she had the time. She’s coming down from New York to play for us.”

  “Sounds like it will be quite a performance.”

  “Oh, it will be. Her parents are bringing half of New Haven.”

  Theresa grinned over her glasses. “Nicely done.”

  A stocky man appeared beside them. “Miss, where do you want the pillars?”

  “Oh, good they’re here.” Emma said and showed him the floor plan with Xs. “We’ve marked the floor too.” She led him to the first location and showed him the rest.

  “And the candelabras?”

  “Those locations are marked with the red Xs.” She pointed to where they should be set up. They had bee
n a later addition. All those party nights on the Weekends spent in the ballroom were at least good for something, but instead of lit candles, she had opted for LED lights instead.

  An hour later, the men brought in the potted trees and placed them at the base of the pillars and the flowers would arrive shortly before the event to keep them fresh longer. Emma glanced across the room at Theresa, her right hand throughout all of this. She caught her eye and gave her the thumbs up.

  Her cell phone rang.

  “Emma, hi. It’s Carrie.”

  “Hey there. Where are you?”

  “I’m at the hotel. I got in last night. How’s everything going?”

  “It’s all coming together. They’re bringing in the piano as we speak, and yes, the tuner is here too.”

  Carrie giggled. “Sounds like you have everything under control.”

  “Yeah. I’m checking things off a very long list to make sure I do.”

  “I’d like to come down later and practice if that’s okay, the others too.”

  “Sure, whenever you like. Do you want to meet for lunch?”

  “Okay. I’ll meet you there and have a quick look while I’m at it.”

  They ended the call and Emma watched the activity glad to have a busy day. Any free moments would have her thinking about tomorrow and she wanted to avoid that until the last minute.

  At the appointed hour, the double doors to the ballroom opened, and the costumed guests entered to the strains of the string quartet. With military precision, the wait staff deployed from the shadows carrying trays of champagne and sparkling water. Soon after, the hors d’oeuvres came out.

  “Quite the turnout.” Rachel whispered beside her. “The ballroom looks awesome!”

  “In some ways it reminds me of our ballroom.” Matthew noted looking around at the pillars, the chandelier and the candelabra.

  Emma shrugged. “They had good taste, so I borrowed a few things except the creep factor.”

  “Wouldn’t it be a nice touch to have a chandelier crash down in the middle of the proceedings?”

  “Don’t even think it, Matthew. How’s the speech, by the way?”

  “There won’t be a dry eye in the house.” Rachel said. “Is that the settee from the manor?”

  “It is. I picked out several pieces and brought them here from the warehouse. Might as well use what I have.” Her gaze swept the room and the guests who were finding their places before the concert. For a large space, the cozy groupings gave the ballroom an intimate feel which is what Emma had hoped to accomplish.

  “That dress looks so good on you.” Rachel said.

  “I’m glad I got this one instead of the one with the fringes. I think I would have looked like a Christmas tree.”

  Rachel laughed. “Not for a few weeks yet!” She lowered her voice. “How are you? Have you talked to Adam lately?”

  “I called him last night. Oh look! There are the Ruskins!”

  “I might have guessed she’d come as Queen Elizabeth, the First with that color hair.”

  “She’s always been flamboyant.” Emma took a deep breath. “Time for me to mingle before the concert.” She said and joined the crowd.

  As expected, Carrie got a standing ovation after her technically perfect and emotionally stirring concert. Her parents beamed from their seats catching the eye of all their friends and those whom they’d just met. Emma hadn’t heard Carrie play since the night of the last Weekend, and it seemed that her skills had improved, though she would not have been able to imagine how. She was humbled by her talent, discipline and unaffected demeanor, and found it extraordinary that Carrie didn’t consider herself any more special for having this gift.

  Well over feeling self-conscious, Matthew appeared on the stage with an enormous bouquet and gave it to Carrie, invoking even more applause and several shouts of, “Brava” which the young musician responded to with a becoming blush. When the applause subsided, Matthew took to center stage, and a spotlight illuminated Elinor’s portrait, the one that had been on display at her funeral.

  He cleared his throat and began to speak, thanking the guests for coming and their generous donations. He then spoke about Elinor, the philanthropist, businesswoman and mother. Emma listened to the words, similar to the speech he had made at the funeral reception. If she were to speak about her mother, her words would have been different, their relationship having been volatile and in the end fraught with disagreements. Rachel was right, she realized glancing around at the faces. Matthew had a gift for public speaking.

  At the conclusion, he raised his glass and invited everyone to raise theirs to Elinor, their mother, to the Elinor Everdon-Stuart Heart and Stroke Foundation, to themselves, and then he paused and looked straight at Emma.

  “And last, but certainly not least, to my lovely sister, Emma for giving us this wonderful evening of music, dancing and enjoying one another.”

  Several hear-hears followed and they drank the toast. Emma’s cheeks burned with the sudden attention.

  ”What did I tell you?” Rachel whispered at her side.

  “Great speech.” She said through a strained smile as she acknowledged the guests who had taken a renewed interest in her. “The last part was a bit unexpected.”

  “You and your hard work deserved to be acknowledged. Get used to it. Ah, here he is!” Rachel kissed his cheek. “That speech sounded even better then it did in the living room.”

  “Thanks.” He turned to Emma. “Sorry if I embarrassed you, but I couldn’t not mention you and all that you’ve done. Mom would have been proud of you.”

  “You think so?”

  He nodded. “Of course she would, in her own way.”


  “Can we eat now? I think I saw something really good go by. You should eat too.” Rachel looked at her pointedly.

  “I will in a bit.” She assured her.

  Emma watched the jazz band set up on the stage beside the piano while the quartet finished their set. The concert over, Carrie had changed into her costume as Princess Leia in the flowing robe and iconic braids at her ears and was chatting with the bass player. Emma grinned remembering her playing at the manor, always more content to be playing music than sitting around with the rest of them.

  “Nice job.” The voice beside her said.

  “Thanks Gray, or should I say Luke? I hope you’re enjoying yourself.”

  “I don’t normally attend these functions, but this is different — in a fun way.”

  “Love the costume.”

  “Thanks.” He said with a self-conscious grin. “I’ve always liked Star Wars , the first movie.”

  “Did you bring a date?”

  “No, going stag.”

  “Well then there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” She hooked her arm in his and led him to the stage.

  By this time, the chandeliers dimmed and only the dance area remained more brightly lit. As she had imagined, the twinkle lights added an ethereal feeling in contrast with the solid shapes of the pillars and candelabra, and the greenery brought a warm summer evening indoors. It almost resembled the Cloister garden especially when the mums arrived to fill in the gaps with their vibrant color.

  The guests were enjoying themselves talking and laughing and complimenting each another on their costumes. Some had elected to keep their eye masks on for a mysterious effect. No one seemed too old for role-playing. Even Frances Ruksin had complimented her on the evening, a far cry from what she’d confided to Elinor about her at the wedding reception.

  Rachel and Matthew were on the dance floor savoring freedom from parenting duties, and Carrie had taken a break from the piano to dance with Gray. They looked adorable, the two geniuses.

  “May I have this dance?” The pirate beside her asked.

; She started. “John! I didn’t realize you were here!”

  He took her by the elbow and led her to the dance floor. “When I heard about your Ball, I had to come. After what we’ve all been through over the years, I couldn’t stay away.”

  “When did you get back?”

  “A few days ago. I love Kyoto, but I missed the familiar surroundings and friends.”

  “And a medium-rare steak.” She laughed.

  “You know me too well! And you? Everything all right in your world?”

  “Yes. Everything’s great.” There was no point in mentioning her trip to the manor tomorrow. It would be the last thing he’d want to hear, and she didn’t need him along. He had been there for her once already, and she’d always be grateful for that.

  “I should have known you’d pick a pirate costume.” She looked into his warm brown eyes. His summer freckles had faded, but his hair still held a coppery gleam. Moving in his embrace in time to the music, Emma realized she was closer to him now than she’d been in almost a year and that her feelings for him had returned to what they had been throughout the years. He would always be a handsome, charming and lovely man, but he was John, the family friend with whom she had grown up in the shadow of the Everdon curse. Once the song ended, he led her back.

  “Thanks again for coming. It means a lot having you here.”

  “Like I said, I wouldn’t have missed it. You did an amazing job here.” He kissed her cheek.

  A vampire slinked over and bared her teeth at them.

  “It was great to see you, Emma. Excuse me.” He said.

  Emma watched him walk away, the hurt and anger of what she had interpreted as betrayal a distant memory. Back then, her getting over it didn’t seem possible, but with the love of her family and time, she found her way through. Then someone else appeared and her life took another path. She wondered what he was doing, what friend he was visiting and where. Her hand automatically went to her little bump, but she brushed her skirt instead.


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