Taking Chances (Pleasant Grove Book 1)

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Taking Chances (Pleasant Grove Book 1) Page 17

by Tara Lee

  “Yeah I love that my girl likes it rough.” He chuckles.

  He pulls out of me. I love feeling Eli bare, the feeling of him filling me is a sensation I can’t explain but it makes me feel closer to him.

  As we get dressed I look at the time, Eli needed to get back to work and I need to have a sleep before work tonight. Eli pulls me into him kissing me hard.

  “You my baby are fucking breath-taking.”

  Giggling I playfully slap his arm.

  “Well Romeo you need to get back to work before Carter fires you.” I say trying to move him along.

  “Mmm, if I get fired then we can just stay home all day and fuck each other's brains out.” He replies, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

  “Well you need a job so that can't happen, I'll see you tomorrow morning.” I reply.

  “Carter won’t fire me baby, he needs me, besides he’d understand my need to have your pussy as much as I need.” I laugh he really is a charmer.

  “I don’t think my pussy would survive any more sex from you, I may already need a new one.”

  Eli chuckles he thinks I am joking but I am very serious, my pussy has never felt this used.

  With a kiss to those lips I am so fond of, I watch as he leaves me winking as he closes the door behind him. I hear him chuckle.

  Lost in my thoughts, I wonder if Eli still wanted to propose or was he not going to anymore. He hadn’t brought up marriage since we had our— kind of— break. I quickly snapped out of my train of thought. I need to have a nap before work.

  Work seems to drag, my thoughts wander to Eli even though I had told myself I couldn't think about him for the rest of the day. Is it sad how much I need him, how much I want to be with him all the time?

  I don't care

  He is amazing and I love being with him. It is crazy how much I needed Eli? How much time I want to spend with him but that is normal right?

  Eli makes the smallest things amazing, even if it’s as simple as sitting on the couch watching a movie, I smile to myself thinking about the last time we “watched a movie”, we didn’t watch much at all.

  Eli had started to play with my hair while he rubbed my neck, then he pulled me on top of him. I could feel his erection digging into me. His cock is huge. I often wonder how he fits, but he always did but every inch filled me. Things had started to get heated and we ended having sex on the couch, Eli over me pumping into me while I screamed his name as he drove me wild with pleasure. Once we had finished he pulled me tighter and we had laid there and had falling asleep naked.

  Thinking about that memory had me wanting Eli again, he always manages to make me wet just thinking about him.

  Would I ever get enough of this man?

  I don’t think I will.

  Chapter 26


  HAVING CHARLI BENT OVER LIKE that spread open for me is like we are creating our own porno.

  Damn, it is hot as hell.

  She keeps me hard, my cock always jumps at the sight of her. I am starting to think I’ll never be soft again. Just thinking about her hot little ass stuck up in the air for me while she was bent over the couch, my cock slammed in to her, has me as hard as a fucking rock again.

  Stop thinking about fucking her and you won’t be hard, dip shit.

  I roll my eyes at my thoughts. Like not thinking about Charli was even an option.

  I try to rid my thoughts of Charli’s hot little ass before I step out of my truck.

  My mind has to get back to work, these hot sex sessions before she started work are amazing but very distracting.

  I am lost in thoughts about my sexy woman. I try not to think of her but I’m only human.

  Lucas comes up and slaps me on the back, distracting my thoughts

  “Dude where having you been sneaking off to every day at lunch time huh?” He said sarcastically, knowing full well where I have been going.

  I smile and flip him off.

  “None of your goddamn business,” I reply.

  Working together with your friends is a bonus, but can be annoying at times.

  Especially when they want to poke their noses into your sex life.

  Working at Carter's construction business is good, he had given us guys a job.

  He said he trusted us and he knew we would work hard.

  Christian was a Dentist, Tyler was a firefighter and Jensen was doing his internship at the hospital, he isn’t far off becoming a doctor. We had all at one point in our lives worked for Carter but they chose other paths to follow and they loved their jobs.

  Carter had inherited the business off his father when he passed away, Hamilton construction and the business is great.

  Carter’s dad rarely had success with the business but since his death Carter has made it a thriving business and he was making some great money.

  “Hey so if you have been sneaking off to have some hot sex with Charli, at least give us details man.” Lucas says, holding his stomach as he let out a full belly laugh.

  Like this shit was that funny

  Sometimes I really wanted to punch Lucas in the face, he can be a smart ass. He loves to the stir the pot and get you riled up it isn’t one of his best qualities.

  Chuckling I shake my head, he knew full well I would never talk about Charli like that to him or any of the other guys.

  “So, you still proposing?” Max says carrying three sheets of plywood over to us, for us to put up.

  Max is huge, he is a fucking bear, but he is loyal he will do anything for you.

  “Yeah, I'm still planning to, just working out how. I want it to be romantic. And I don't want Charli to have a clue.” I say.

  “Well just use roses and shit.” Max says. Placing the plywood down in front of us and waving his hands in the air for emphasis of roses and shit.

  Max is the quiet one of the group he kept to himself.

  I laugh out loud.

  “Roses and shit hey.”

  Shaking my head at his stupid remark.

  “Don’t worry I have a few ideas,” I say.

  Lucas looks up and whistles.

  “Damn, isn't that Charli's friend, Aria?”

  Tipping his head for us to look. We all turn and sure enough it is Aria. She is talking to Carter about something. It seems kind of heated, like they are arguing.

  I didn't think they even knew each other.

  Aria looks upset and Carter looks annoyed.

  But those two arguing is not what Lucas is looking at, no he is talking about Aria’s tiny shorts and tank top which showed off her body.

  Her body is alright but it has nothing on my Charli's though.

  “Wonder what they are talking about so deeply?” Max says looking concerned.

  Lucas and I shake our heads and shrug.

  I guess we will never find out. We bend our heads so it looks like we aren’t eavesdropping anymore.

  “JUST STAY OUT OF MY LIFE, YOU ASSHOLE.” Aria screams at Carter she shoves him and takes off crying, we all looked up then.

  Carter stands there with his hands-on hips looking at her, like he wants to go after her.

  I can see him struggling with himself.

  He looks upset and annoyed but I’m not sure if it is at himself or Aria.

  He hangs his head in frustration, his hands hang on his hips.

  I headed over to him knowing the other guys haven't picked up on his mood.

  “You good?” was all I say to him.

  “You saw that?” He replies shaking his head pointing after Aria.

  “Yeah, we all did.” Tipping my head to the guys.

  He looks up and lets out a loud breath.

  “Fan fucking-tastic,” he says under his breath.

  “Dude. You want to talk about it?”

  Shaking his head.

  “No, just get back to work.” he barks at me, as he heads into his office.

  “Asshole,” I say under my breath.

  I head back to help the guys finish t
he wall we are putting up.

  This house has taken us longer than expected but we were nearly finished.

  I'd love to be able to have a place like this with Charli.

  Maybe once she says yes, we can look at buying our own place.

  I have saved a lot over the years I want a place we can raise a family in.

  I want a big family but I don't know if Charli does, I'll have to talk to her about that when the time comes.


  AT THE END OF THE day, I send a text to Charli.

  Hey baby, just about to leave I will see you when I get home xx Charli replies

  I’m going to have a soak in the tub, I’ll see you when you get

  home. I'm guessing all the sex we have been having is making her sore and tiring her out.

  I like that, no, I fucking love it. I need to treat her tonight, I'll give her a massage when I get home.

  I’m heading to my truck, I’m the last one left at the sight. I open my truck door


  What the fuck was that?

  It sounded like it came from the jobsite office. I head that way, I hear yelling as I get closer.



  What the heck was Carter doing?

  I pick up a jog and open the door to Carter's office.

  It is destroyed!

  My eyes go wide when I see what he has done.

  “S-hi-t.” I draw the word out.

  He is in the middle of the floor.

  Blood on his knuckles,

  Has he hit something?

  Everything is destroyed the windows are broken, glass is

  everywhere. His head is in his hands and he is breathing heavy and shaking.

  “Carter, man everything okay?” I ask softly in case he is going to lunge at me for asking.

  He doesn't answer I make my way to him. I am kneeling down in front of him.

  “She left me,” he whispers.

  “Who, buddy? What are you talking about?” I ask him, putting my hand on his shoulder. He looks up and I can see he has been crying.

  I can see the devastation on his face, He is heartbroken.

  “Aria,” he simply says.

  That explains a lot, they must have been seeing each other. Not that I knew, I have been so wrapped up in my life with Charli to notice anything.

  That would also explain their argument earlier in the day.

  He looks like I did, when I thought Charli and I were over, when I thought my life was over.

  I help him up and he starts to explain that he has been seeing Aria for about two months, He helped her get home one night and things just kind of happened.

  “I've lost her, I'm such an idiot,” Carter says

  “Bud, you haven't lost her, not yet there is still a chance.” I reply

  “No, Eli, she said we were over, that she never wanted to see me again.”

  He lets out a breath as he starts pacing.

  “I can't lose her, I love her.”

  I pat him on the shoulder.

  “Just give her some space bud, and then go after her.”

  He nods. Not that I think he agrees with me, he knew how messed up I was when I thought I'd lost Charli.

  “Her parents don’t approve of me,” he says as he picks up a piece of broken wood.

  “Huh?” I say back to him.

  “They’re rich folk who have her whole life planned out for her.”

  I nod.

  “She’s marrying Reed Cardwell.” Carter says

  “Shit, does she want to?” I ask

  He shrugs.

  “I guess, that’s why she ended things between us.” He says

  Carter’s a great bloke, he owns his own business I would think that makes him a a pretty good future son in-law, not to mention he seems to really care for Aria.

  I pat him on the back.

  “Just don’t give up dude not yet, fight for her.” I tell him.

  He nods and starts picking up the mess he made.

  I could tell he isn’t so sure. I know Reed Cardwell he is a douche but his family is made of money just like Aria’s. I have never seen Aria be positive towards him so I assumed she hated him.

  I help Carter clean up and we put up boards on the windows so nothing will get stolen. We talked while we worked and he had broken down on me again.

  I finally get him into his truck.

  “I will come in early to help you clean up the rest,” I tell him

  “Thanks Eli, you are a good friend” he replies.

  I follow him in my truck to his house to make sure he gets home safe.

  After getting Carter home, I finally make it home myself, walking in the door I find Charli curled up on the couch asleep she really must have been exhausted.

  Smiling I pick her up and take her to the bed and put her down covering her with the sheet. I kiss her lips then her forehead, she mumbles something I can't quite hear, I chuckle to myself god she is fucking adorable.

  I leave Charli and head for a quick shower, I need to wash the day off me and then curl into bed with my woman. I grab a quick bite to eat, Charli had left dinner in the fridge for me. God my woman takes care of me.

  Finally slipping in next to Charli I pull her into my chest, she comes willing slinging her leg over mine, she mumbles and rubbed her head in my chest.

  Smiling to myself knowing how lucky I am, god I love this woman. How I got this lucky, I will never know.

  Putting my arm around her and rubbing her waist I drift off to sleep.

  Curling next to my woman is the best stress reliever ever.


  WAKING UP TO MY ALARM, I groan. It feels like I have only just gotten to sleep, I hadn't gotten home until after ten last night.

  Fuck! I groan.

  I don't want to leave my warm bed or the warm body lying next me. I turn off the alarm before it wakes Charli up, she is a heavy sleeper especially at five in the morning. She is used to doing her night shift at the bar and still being curled into bed now.

  I kissed her and roll over to get a shower, dress and get ready for work.

  Carter's ass better be there when I get there, if not I’m going to kick his ass for making me get up early and leaving my woman still curled up in bed.

  Charli wakes up. Rubbing her eyes as I re-entered our bedroom.

  “Eli where are you going? Its five thirty in the morning,” she says her voice croaky.

  The sheet falls and I can see her hard nipples poking through the fabric of her pyjama top.

  It is so tempting to forget about Carter, get my woman naked and slide into my sweet heaven. I dip my head and curse Carter.

  “Carter needs me in early, I was going to tell you when I got home but you were kind of passed out. I didn't want to wake you,” I say.

  “Okay,” she mumbles, yawning while rubbing her eyes again. She is exhausted, I really am wearing her out.

  “Go back to sleep baby, I'll see you tonight.”

  God, she looks adorable rumbled from sleep.

  I wish I could curl back into bed with her.

  I kiss her plush lips, I stop myself from going any further before I have her naked and underneath me.

  I kiss her nose.

  “Get some more sleep baby, I'll text you later.”

  “Mm… Okay.” She mumbles laying back down.

  “Love you sweetheart,” I say kissing her cheek.

  “I love you too,” she mumbles.

  Chuckling softly, I head out to get coffee before I headed off to the job.

  Leaving my woman alone in bed now fucking sucks. Carter owes me big time.

  Getting to the site I see Carter's pickup truck there, he is lucky.

  Heading inside he looks up from the pile of trash he is picking up.

  “Hey thanks again for helping me, I'll give you extra this week,” He tells me.

  “No problem dude, happy to help you. You’re just lucky you came, if I showed up and y
our ass wasn't here I was going to beat the shit out of you.” I tell him with a chuckle.

  He chuckles.

  “Glad I showed up then.” He says smiling.

  It takes a few hours but we have the place cleaned by the time the other guys start to show up.

  Carter tells me he had rang and texted Aria all night but hadn't heard from her.

  I tell him to give her some space and maybe she would come back, he agreed but I can tell he wasn't so sure she would come back.

  I decide to call Charli she should be up now.

  “Hey baby,” she says in her voice soft.

  “Hey baby, sorry I missed you last night, Carter needed some help with something and he needed to talk.”

  “Oh, I hope everything is okay?” she says.

  “Yeah all good baby.” I don’t want her worrying about Aria or Carter.

  “I'll see you tonight,” she says.

  “Okay baby. Can't wait to see you. I missed you last night.”

  “I love you. I missed you too.” She replies I know she was smiling on the other end of the phone.

  “I love you more baby. Have a good day.” I say to her hanging up.

  I have to plan this proposal and I think I knew just how to do it.

  I will set it all up, I want it to be perfect!


  CARTER IS FINE WITH ME taking off at four especially after I explain tonight was the night I wanted to propose, he basically pushes me out the door.

  I make it home just before four thirty, I know Charli won’t be home until six. She does some day shifts at the bar as they opened at noon, the days aren’t as busy or full on as the nights and I think she likes doing the day shifts.

  I make my way through the door, carrying everything I have brought today. I place tea-candles everywhere and lay down rose petals. The floor is covered, I want her to see it as soon as she walks in.

  I may be a guy but I think it looks romantic. I put some music on in the background as it is five-forty-five, Charli will be home any minute now.

  I call Charli, “Hey I'm on my way home now, I'm just getting in the car.” She tells me

  “Okay, baby. I'll see you soon. I love you,” I reply.

  “Love you too see you in a few minutes,” she says.

  I get changed into jeans and a nice shirt and light all the candles.


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