Stardust, Starlust

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Stardust, Starlust Page 18

by Gabriella Bradley

  When he suddenly stopped and strode to the cupboards, she wondered what he would do next. He took out a tube and stood between her legs again, his cock throbbing steadily, ready for her. But he didn’t enter her. He opened the tube and squirted a good amount of lubrication onto his fingers. Then with his other hand he parted her buttocks and slapped the lubrication onto her anus. His finger entered, pushing the lubrication deep inside. Oh, she wanted him. Wanted him so bad, she could scream. But the doors were open and on the off chance that Mary was lurking around, she couldn’t scream, because Mary might think that Paul was hurting her and come back.

  Feeling his fingers inside her anal passage was exhilarating, different, and she felt such hot excitement, she squirmed, now wishing her hands were loose. He squirted more lubrication into the hole and swirled it around, until it was deep inside. Then he positioned his cock against the hole and she held her breath. He was large, and at first entry was painful, but he kept adding more of the gel and finally he had inched into her somewhat.

  “You’re very tight there. This is as far as I can go today, sweetheart,” he said, his voice hoarse with passion. At the same time he ran his fingers up and down her slit, between the folds and then with one finger on her clit, he shoved a finger into her, deep, deeper. Then another, until he had three fingers inside her. Slowly, he moved his cock back and forth. When she became accustomed to this different entry, she wondered if it would hurt if he shoved it all the way inside.

  “More, please…more…” she begged. But he shook his head. “No, my heart. Every day a little. This is enough for now.” He pulled out and then rubbed his cock up and down her pussy. She felt the slippery gel mix with the cum that ran steadily as she climaxed yet again, and arching her hips she begged him to enter her. “My God, Paul, stop teasing me. Take me…” she begged.

  He slammed into her then, and because of her position, she felt him enter deeper than ever before. Wave upon wave of passion caused her to squirm as he hit her hard with his cock, as he slammed into her time and time again. When he reached an orgasm, he grunted hard and stayed within her until his breathing returned to normal.

  She lay quietly, her passion not yet satisfied. “Again?” she pleaded.

  “Later,” he said, “for now we should get dressed and deal with the Martin issue. I just don’t know how Mary can stop him from bothering us again.”

  “No, neither do I,” she said softly, her mind now on what Martin tried to do, erasing her lust. “Okay, let’s go and see Mary and talk to her again.”

  * * * * *

  They did talk to Mary, but all they could get out of her was that Martin had gone and would never be back. A week later, they married quietly with just Mary and Thomas as witnesses, though they put on a big wedding feast and invited all the villagers and locals and all the people who worked on their property. Sharin wore a simple white gown she’d found in the attic. She fell in love with it immediately, its historical value—it was her grandmother’s wedding dress and she’d been thrilled to find it. It fitted her perfectly, and after she’d had it dry-cleaned, it looked like new. The veil was a long one, held in her hair by a circlet of red roses, the same as the ones in her bouquet. Paul looked resplendent in his white tuxedo, his hair neatly tied back for the occasion.

  After the simple ceremony, the villagers greeted them with a bow of roses as they rode up the driveway in the horse drawn carriage. They ran alongside the carriage with the bow of roses held above them, petals showering from all sides.

  Sharin sighed. It was a dream wedding, more than she could have ever wished for. She looked forward to the festivities, but even more than that, she could hardly wait for their official wedding night, as Paul had promised it would be special.

  That evening, they ate, drank, sang, and danced, until Sharin her feet would fall off. She was tired, yet too wound up and filled with adrenaline to sleep that night. Her anticipation for the night kept her going, and when it was finally midnight, and Paul yelled out in a booming voice that it was time for them to leave, she was glad that the festivities were over and she could finally experience a real wedding night.

  “Where are we going, Paul?” she asked as he lifted her into the carriage, the horses trampling impatiently.

  “You’ll see,” he said with a secretive smile as he settled down beside her. The villagers cheered and danced alongside the carriage all the way to the gates. Then they returned to their festivities at the manor. She knew they would party till deep in the night.

  It was a perfect winter night. Frosty, a clear sky, the moon full and bright sending its silvery rays down upon the snowy landscape and the couple in the carriage.

  “I’m so happy right now, I could cry,” Sharin said and shivered. “I just wish it wasn’t so cold.”

  “I’m sorry. Here, let me cover you some more,” Paul said drawing anther blanket around her.

  They traveled to the far end of the property into the hills until they stopped at the summit of the last hill. There, Paul lifted her from the carriage and set her on the ground. “You can leave now,” he told the driver.

  “But, how will we get back?” Sharin wondered.

  “Mrs. Jackson, will you let me worry about all that?” he playfully squeezed her breast and produced a flask and two silver shot glasses from his pocket. He poured some amber liquid into each glass.

  “Here’s to us and our future,” he said, lifting the shot glass to his lips. “Down the hatch,” but he waited for her.

  Sharin tasted what she thought was wine with her tongue, but it wasn’t alcohol. It tasted like a sweet peach syrup. “What is it?”

  “Drink it, my love. It’s a gift from Kantassa.”

  “To us, to our children, to our future,” she said and gulped the syrupy liquid down. Within seconds, the world spun around her and she felt her body become weightless. Groping for Paul’s hand she saw the tender smile on his lips, his eyes hot and longing, just before she blacked out.

  When she came to, they were both naked and on the rainbow. The red sky was aglow with the bright light from the scarlet star that now seemed brighter than ever. Far below she could see the red soil of Kantassa. “I don’t believe this. The rainbow…”

  “Yes, my love. It’s a perfect start of our married life together. Our first night of love will be right here, on the rainbow of your dreams, the rainbow that slid you into my life.”

  “How romantic,” she sighed.

  “It’s been a tradition for generations.”

  “I like your traditions…”

  She lay back and relaxed on the soft cushiony colors, the rainbow feeling like the softest feather bed. She watched as he leaned forward, his cock hard, bigger than ever before, reaching for her. He kissed her and as his tongue entered her mouth, she opened her eyes and gazed into his. They glowed now with a fierce burning fire, his hair again a flaming mane of red matching the scarlet star. She felt herself drowning in his gaze, felt the hot fire emanating from his eyes, piercing her, reading her heart, her soul. He kissed her nose, her cheeks, her forehead, then traveled down to her nipples. Squeezing her breasts hard, he sucked each nipple. She squirmed beneath him, raised her hips, could hardly wait for his entry, but he held back, just allowing the tip of his cock to touch her clit, her opening.

  “Take me,” she whispered. “Take me now…”

  “Not yet,” he teased, and continued to suck her nipples. Then she knew what he was waiting for. Suddenly, the sky exploded with red lights. Millions of scarlet stars appeared from nowhere. Loud triumphant music, sounding like a thousand trumpets, echoed throughout the universe, and it was then that he threw her legs over his shoulders, his hands still on her breasts, he positioned his cock and entered her. Slow strokes at first to match the tempo of the trumpets, then faster and faster, until she thought she’d surely explode just like the scarlet stars. The big star suddenly glowed brighter, moved closer to them, until they were completely bathed in its light and showered with stardust.

bsp; It was then that Paul shouted, “Now! Now, my heart!” and as he came, the rainbow waved beneath their bodies, sending them on such an exhilarating ride, that together with their orgasms, it was beyond belief. His reddish cum settled within her mixing with her own and she felt one with him, with the entire universe. This was heaven, this was her paradise.

  Somehow, magically, she found herself back in the bedroom, still in his arms. She saw the stardust on her arms that were wound around his neck, the moon shone through the windows, illuminating their naked bodies as they lay intertwined. Paul’s soft breathing indicated he was sound asleep, but she couldn’t sleep now, not after what she’d just experienced. If it weren’t for the stardust, the glow of it surrounding them still, she’d not believe what had just happened. But she knew now.

  Kissing him carefully on the lips so not to wake him, she thought for a moment about the world she’d left behind in New York, and where she was now. To that moment, she still wondered sometimes if she’d wake up and find herself back in her old apartment, thinking about the dreams she’d been having.

  But the kiss did wake Paul, and within seconds he was on top of her, making love to her again and she knew it was real and she’d wake up in the mansion in the morning to find him beside her.

  * * * * *

  Sharin’s nine months of pregnancy were healthy ones and filled with love and laughter, Martin’s visit an incident pushed far back into their minds. Mary went about her daily business, but that one day had aged her and she walked around the house bowed and sad all the time. Even though Sharin tried to befriend the old woman, to pacify her, it did not help.

  Only the birth of their son and daughter brought a smile to the old lady’s lips as if she’d finally found a reason to live again. Each day they’d visited their offspring on Kantassa, and Sharin was glad that Mary happily took care of her twins.

  But their journey in paradise would not last, could not last forever. When they returned from one of the visits to Kantassa, and Sharin breastfed the twins, Mary shuffled around uncomfortably. “What is it, Mary? You seem troubled.”

  “I am, Milady.”

  “Tell me about it. Maybe I can help you.”

  “Milady, I’m scared.”

  “Of what?”

  “Martin. I don’t dare say anything to Master Paul.”

  Sharin felt a pang of fear in her heart and her stomach turned into knots. “I thought you said Martin would never be back.”

  “I was sure. I had him committed to a mental asylum. He’s escaped.”

  Mary might as well have dropped a bomb. Sharin sucked in her breath and tried to remain calm for the sake of the infants suckling at her breasts. “We need to take precautions, Mary. He must not come here.”

  “I know, Milady. That’s why I’m afraid. I fear for the little ones. Lilliana and Tristan are very precious to me.”

  “I appreciate that. We must tell Paul. Will you go and find him for me? I think he went to the stables.”

  “I’m afraid to tell him, Milady. When you’re finished suckling the babies, will you tell him?”

  Sharin gazed down at her little red headed boy and blonde daughter. Both were almost finished, their eyelids drooping. She loved these moments with her babies, the bonding, the suckling another, a different pleasure for her. “Okay, I’ll go and find Paul. The twins are almost done.”

  Soon as she finished feeding them and pulled on her sweatshirt, she set out in search of Paul. As she suspected, she found him in the stables tending the black stallion. “Paul, I have some bad news.”

  He stopped and swiveled around, his face full of concern. “The twins?”

  “They’re fine. Mary just told me that Martin is free.”


  “She had him committed to a mental institution. He’s escaped.”

  His lips tightened and he continued to groom the horse. “If he dares to come here…”

  “Mary is afraid. I’m afraid. What can we do to take precautions? Mary fears for the twins.”

  “We must call a security company and secure the nursery. No one can know the code but you and I.”

  “An alarm system. A good idea. But we should have it installed throughout the whole manor.”

  “Yes. We will. Soon as I go back to the manor I’ll see that it’s done immediately. But first…”

  “First what?”

  “My son and daughter have had their lunch. How about me?”

  He grabbed her then and pulled her into the stables, lowering her onto a patch of hay. “You ever been fucked in hay?” he asked, grinning from ear to ear.

  “No…you know I haven’t. But…”

  “I know you’re not ready, not so soon after the birth of the twins, but you’re ready somewhere else…” he promptly pulled off her sweatpants, her panties, and turned her over on her belly, pushing her legs up so that her buttocks face him. She knew what he was about to do and welcomed it. During the last months of her pregnancy he’d readied her there. She heard him spit on his fingers and when he entered her, she gasped for a moment, her pent up passion of the last few weeks finally to be satisfied at least in one way. His other hand softly stroked her clit, while he moved his finger swiftly in and out. She squirmed beneath him, arched her buttocks up higher, reaching for that one tool she wanted the most, wanted him to stick it in her there, to enter her all the way.

  When he finally inserted the head, she gasped. It slid in fairly easily now. Arching toward him she felt him slide in further, and he inched in more, gently, slowly, until she felt all of him within her. At the same time he pressed her pussy hard, cradling it in his hand. He moved slowly within her, stretching the anal walls, causing her to moan in ecstasy as the passions that had never left her during her last weeks of pregnancy and after the birth of the babies, to finally come to a head. Though this helped her, and she loved it, she still wanted him fully, to love her again, but she knew they had to wait. She felt her cum trickle into his hand as she climaxed several times before he grunted and pulling out, spilled his cum onto her buttocks. He turned her over then and kissed her deeply. “I’ve waited for this moment,” he whispered near her ear. “I love you so, my heart. More than life itself.”

  “And I you,” she said, pulling his head to face her for another kiss. They lay like that for a few more moments, just basking in the love they felt for each other, an escape momentarily from what they knew they had to face shortly, the return of Martin, the other one.





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