Bent : The Dove Series: Book Two (The Dove Series Book One 2)

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Bent : The Dove Series: Book Two (The Dove Series Book One 2) Page 1

by Renea Porter


  Book Two

  The Dove Series


  Copyright © 2021 Renea Porter

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover design by Black Widow Designs

  Editing & Formatting by Genevieve A. Scholl

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  My Dove was stolen from me. And no one steals from me. The person or people responsible will pay. I’ll do everything in my power to save her, even if it means someone else has to die.

  I’ll kill for her.

  Hopefully, I won’t be too late.

  Special Thanks & Dedication

  Readers, thank you so much for choosing me. I really hope you enjoy this book.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  About the Author

  Chapter One


  I was rushed into an SUV. A driver was already waiting when they took me. Shoved in the backseat, a man put a cloth sack over my head so I couldn’t see where I was being driven. The plastic zip ties dug into my wrists as my hands were cuffed in front of me.

  “You’re mine now, little bird,” a man’s voice boomed throughout the vehicle and bile rose up in my throat.

  My stomach recoiled when he spoke. I could only assume this was someone who my father owed money to. And they wanted what they couldn’t have. Me. I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to get out of the situation I found myself in.

  If at all.

  It seemed like we drove for quite a while before we finally came to a stop. I could only assume we were outside the Dallas area based on the direction we went. When the SUV stopped, someone gripped my arm, yanking me out. Unsteady on my feet, I almost fell backward.

  Still with the sack over my head, I was halted inside a building, or what I assumed was a house. And then down some stairs. I could only imagine it being a basement. I was familiar with basements by now. But this one reeked and caused my nose to flare.

  The sack was removed from my head, and after a shove, I stood in horror at what I was seeing. More young ladies trapped down here for god knows how long and for god knows why.

  “Behave like a good birdie,” a man told me.

  “You won’t get away with this,” I growled.

  He closed the distance between us and got in my face. “I will, and you will do as you are told.”

  He walked away. I had nowhere to go, nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. A few of the other women sneered at me. But when I locked eyes with another young woman who had to be in her early twenties, if that, she spoke. “Hi. You can sit next to me.”

  With a barely there smile, I told her, “Thanks.” I tried not making eye contact with the other girls but I couldn’t help but wonder what their stories were. What caused them to be here, locked in a basement? What were their circumstances?

  “I’m Olivia.” The girl next to me spoke without looking at me.

  “Kara.” I did look in her direction until she finally glanced at me. She was really pretty. She had stark blonde hair that was straight and brown eyes. She was petite and had a mole to the right of her mouth. “How long have you been here?”

  “Three weeks if my calculations are correct.”

  “Who’s the man in charge?”

  She sighed before answering. “That’s Jose Macias. He’s from the Mexican cartel. Well, actually he is the cartel. Just do what he says and you’ll be fine.”

  I swallowed a hard lump. I didn’t know what to expect.

  Who I assumed to be one of his men came bounding down the stairs. “You and you,” he pointed at me and Olivia. “Get your asses upstairs, now.”

  With a shove, we quickly walked up to the main floor.

  “There’s my birdie and Livy,” a man said, approaching us as we stood in place. “Now, birdie, I’m Jose and I’m in charge here. What I say goes.”

  I stood still; my mouth ran dry, but I still managed to swallow hard. What was he going to have us do?

  “You’ll wear this.”

  One of his men handed me a piece of thin material and I recoiled. There would be nothing to the imagination. And it was probably going to be tight since I was bigger than most girls, meaning I had thick thighs, an ass that stuck out, and my breasts were more than a handful. I wanted to roll my eyes but I refused to show any kind of emotion. That was something I did learn from my father.

  “I’m not wearing that.”

  Jose laughed. “You know, your father gave you to me. So, you are mine now. Now I own you. Now, tell me who owns you?” He paced the floor with his hands clutched behind his back.

  Olivia was the first to speak. “You do, Master.”

  “And you.” He stopped pacing and stepped close to my face where I looked right into his eyes. He was so close I could smell his aftershave.

  I straightened my back and looked him square in the eye. “Nobody owns me,” I spat the words out. There was no way I was giving in to this man.

  His hand connected with my cheek. Then he chuckled. “You just need a little training, girl. Now go fucking change,” he ordered as his voice boomed throughout the whole house.

  With a firm grip on my arm, one of his men escorted me to a bathroom to change. “Quickly,” he said.

  I stripped out of my clothes and pulled on the thin material. Looking in the mirror, I saw the beige colored dress was almost see through. You could definitely see the outline of my body as it only reached mid-thigh. One wrong move and my ass would be showing. Thank god I had on normal panties and not a thong. I was not taking those off. My cheek stung and was red from the smack across my face.

  Barefoot, I padded out to the man, and he escorted me back to where Olivia and Jose were. Jose glared at me while I watched in horror as Olivia was shoved to her knees and ordered to suck the cock of one of the men. With a hard grip on my neck, Jose forced me to watch.

  “That’s what happens when you disobey. Keep disobeying and she’ll despise you. Maybe I should let all my men have a turn with her.”

  Tears pricked my eyes. I didn’t want her to despise me. I neede
d a friend to get through this. I was mortified for her. Mortified that she was paying for my smart-ass mouth.

  He must have enjoyed pinning people against each other. Olivia warned me to do what he said. But there was no way I could commit such an atrocity. He was vicious and disgusting. And I hated him. The man came in Olivia’s mouth and he patted her head as she swallowed the liquid down. She stood wiping her mouth and looking the man in the eye. It was almost as if she enjoyed it. But there was no way.

  I was thoroughly disgusted how these men treated the girls, and I assumed they did much worse.

  Chapter Two


  When I pulled into the driveway, something didn’t feel right. I entered the house, finding Matteo with a look of worry on his face. In the dining room, I found Susie holding herself while rocking her body as she sat at the table, sobbing. At that moment, I knew. I just knew something bad happened.

  “They took Kara,” Matteo said, and my stomach dropped and my heart cracked.

  Placing my hands on Susie’s shoulders, I asked, “Where the fuck is she?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. They just took her.” She cried even harder.

  “Who took Kara?”

  “Some men. There were three of them. Two came inside while one waited outside. They had a black SUV.”

  Everyone in Dallas had a god damn black SUV. I felt helpless as I gripped my hair.

  “Was there anything that stuck out to you that can identify the assailants? Anything. Think, Susie.”

  Wiping her tears, she focused on the hard wood table as she tried to concentrate on my question. “Um. I think one of the men had an eye patch. He wasn’t the main guy. They sounded like they were Spanish or something like that. The main guy had on a lot of gold jewelry and a tattoo on his left arm.”

  “Fucking, Jose. He took her.” He was the one that wore a lot of jewelry and he had a tattoo on his arm. I couldn’t remember what it was, though, neither could Susie.

  “Matteo, I want you to find out where that fucker is. I’ll make a few phone calls myself.”

  “On it, boss.”

  Once Susie calmed down, she eventually told me what happened from start to finish. She was wrecked with guilt.

  “You did the right thing.” I patted her on her shoulder to offer her reassurance.

  I knew I would find Kara. And she would be mine again. I swore to God if Jose touched Kara, I would kill him. No matter what, I’d still kill him for taking her in the first place.

  In my office, I watched surveillance, and from her room, I saw Kara walk down the hall toward the stairs. I didn’t have cameras in the main areas of the house and realized in my line of work, I should. I made a note to rectify that.

  I should have been here to protect everyone, but I got in my own head and left the house. It was a stupid mistake. One I wouldn’t make again. I wondered if Kara would have been better off being with her piece of shit father. I couldn’t protect her. But I planned on saving her even if it was the last thing I did. That I could promise, no matter how much blood ended up on my hands.

  However, the longer Kara was gone, the longer she was being tortured or god knows what. The fact that those filthy men may have been putting their hands on her, it sickened me. I couldn’t imagine what she was going through. I couldn’t pretend to know. I did know this was not good. And I needed my Dove back. I needed my light back.

  Standing, I walked over to my bar and poured myself a drink. My nerves were shot and I was afraid I would do something reckless. Something I couldn’t take back. I needed to think rationally if I wanted to get Kara back.

  I had made enough enemies I wasn’t quite sure where to start to look for her. I was pretty certain Jose did have her from the descriptions Susie was able to give me. These men felt so brazen that they came into my home, frightened my employees, and took what was mine. My jaw ticked in anger. Facing the wall, my fist went into it. All these feelings I didn’t realize I had came washing over me so fast that I didn’t feel the pain in my fist.

  If those guys thought a war started last week, rescuing Kara was going to end in a bloodbath. And I couldn’t wait to wrap my hands around Jose’s throat and squeeze until there was no life in him. He deserved to die.

  There was a light knock on my office door. “Yes?”

  Matteo stepped inside my office. “I have all the guys on the hunt. Once I know something, I will let you know. What do you think they’ll do to her?”

  I shrugged. I wasn’t quite sure. “Well, I don’t think they’ll kill her. At least not anytime soon.”

  “We will find her, boss.”

  “I know.” That was one thing I had to believe.

  “Should I get Susie?” he asked, pointing to my bloodied fist.

  “No. I’ll take care of it.”

  Matteo walked out of my office as I remembered the last time my fist was covered in blood; Kara took care of it. And my heart sank. Any mention or memory of her nearly killed me. It was too much.

  Jose and his men were gonna pay.

  They were gonna pay in blood.

  Chapter Three


  “You’re fucking dismissed.” Jose spat the words out as Olivia stood.

  We were ushered back down to the basement. And I finally let my tears flow. “I’m so sorry, Olivia. I’m so sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing, Kara. It’s okay.” She almost laughed, and that bothered me even more. How could she be okay with this?

  “It’s not okay. It’s not.”

  She reached over and hugged me and then looked into my eyes. “Now you know why I said do as he says. Whatever he asks of you, do it. You’ll get along better. I learned that quickly. So, don’t be sad. You didn’t know.”

  “I won’t let that happen to you again. My boyfriend.” Wow, was Damon my boyfriend? How else could I categorize him? I couldn’t say who he truly was. “My boyfriend will come save us. I know he will.”

  “Kara, I don’t have anyone looking for me. There was no one to notice I was even gone. No one to save me. So, don’t kid yourself.”

  This time, I laughed. “Trust me. My boyfriend will notice and he will find us. Jose and his men, they are gonna be dead men. There is gonna be bloodshed.”

  “Try to get some sleep.”

  She didn’t believe me. But I knew deep in my heart that Damon would save us. I just had to believe that. I had to hold on to that.

  “Kara,” Olivia whispered.


  “Will you hold me?” Olivia asked as I lie next to her.

  “Sure.” Shifting my position, I moved and wrapped my arm around her. I’ll admit, it was an odd request. But I was happy to oblige her. And in this kind of time, it was probably normal to crave some sort of contact or affection from someone you were close to. Even I felt somewhat comforted.


  I wasn’t sure what time of day it was when one of Jose’s minions came down and pointed to me. “You and Olivia, upstairs.”

  We rushed up, and I was hit with a nice wave of warmth that came from the fireplace. From what I could tell, looking out the windows, it was most likely late morning. Then I met his dark gaze. Jose stood towering over Livy and I.

  “It’s been a while since my marble floor has been cleaned. Get on your hands and knees and make it shine.”

  A man walked into the room with two buckets of soapy water, causing the water to splash around. “Get to work,” the man barked.

  I offered Livy a look and followed her lead. “I’ll start over here and you start there; we will meet in the middle.”

  I nodded. Already, I felt humiliated. Exposed. Hesitantly, I got on all fours and saw a few men sneering at us. My ass cheeks were showing and the dress hung down low enough that my breasts were exposed. “Nice ass, birdie. Too bad Damon got to tap that first,” one of the men said.

  I felt physically sick to my stomach. I wanted to kill these men with my bare hands. But they would easily over power m
e. Jose had already left the room, and I watched him head up an elegant staircase.

  A man bent down and rubbed a calloused hand over my exposed skin. Swallowing a hard lump, I did everything I could not to quickly reflex with my hand across his face. “Her skin is so soft,” the man said to another that sneered.

  “Get the fuck off me,” I stood and screamed. I had to take up for myself. It was me against them. And I was not putting up with their slimy hands on me. I needed a shower to wash their grubby hands off me. But I knew a shower was not coming anytime soon.

  “Get back down on all fours, girl,” the man ordered.

  “I like a girl with some fight in her,” the other man said.

  I made my disgust known with the look I gave him as I got back to cleaning the floor while gritting my teeth. Lord knows I didn’t want Jose coming down and catching me not working. I already witnessed what happened if her did. Though I wasn’t gonna go down without a fight. If I got myself killed, at least I fought. For now, I wanted to live.

  Eventually, Livy and I met in the middle after making the floor shine. Jose would be able to see his reflection in it. My knees were raw from the hard floor and I was in pain. Livy and I sat back on our legs, waiting to be told what to do next.

  Looking up, I spotted Jose bounding down the staircase, his hand sliding on the black, wrought iron railing. Without a word, he sauntered over to us and inspected the floor by walking the entire length of it. Watching him, I noticed he smiled.

  “Very well, ladies. You earned yourself a hot meal.”

  Since arriving yesterday, we’d only eaten scraps of food that was always something cold. “Evia, cook these ladies a hot meal and then send them back downstairs.” Jose motioned, “Go on and sit.”

  I did as I was told. Even though I so-called earned a hot meal, I felt like this would come back to bite me in the ass, so to speak. Like I owed him. Livy offered me a slight nod as I sat next to her on a bench at the table.


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