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Cage Page 8

by Rachelle Stevensen

  Bobby nodded, “You do. One of our ancestors mated a vampire and their children passed down traits that most shifters don’t have. And it made our line more powerful than most. But they didn’t make it a habit to announce that. Not after one of their children got attacked for their powers. And as they had children and their children had children, their powers lessened and the legend of the original pairing of a vampire and a wolf slowly faded. And it became nothing more than just a story. But when we found out about your change and your new monster, I dug into our family history. I knew that I was different. That your dad was different. But I didn’t know why.”

  Cage studied his uncle, *Kol said something about you being able to read minds.*

  Bobby chuckled, “I do have that ability, but mainly leave it be. I only do it if I absolutely have to.”

  Cage nodded, *What ability did my dad have?*

  Bobby sighed, “He could read people’s intentions. He could tell when someone was evil and I knew that he knew when your house was attacked that those men had a score to settle. He stopped them from harming an innocent young woman. From selling her on the streets. And they came to stop him from doing it again. While they were wrong for doing so, and your parents and you paid the price for it, I took their lives. I hunted them down and killed each one.”

  Cage felt his eyebrows raise slowly, *You did?*

  Bobby nodded, “It was one of the rare times I used my mind link to search for them. It took a long time, but I found them all. Read why they did what they did. Why they ripped your mom's heart from her chest. And why they beat your father bloody until his brain leaked out of his skull. Why they set your house on fire to cover their tracks. And I took joy in their suffering as I took their lives.”

  Cage felt pride sweep over him as his vampire whispered, *Good.Your uncle saved us the trouble.*

  Bobby was looking down at his hands, “I knew they were only human, but I took down their operation as I killed each person and helped the police find the men’s bodies and their crimes. It was all done anonymously. And I don’t regret it. Not one bit. They chose to kill innocent people. Were bad, bad men. I saved many lives by taking theirs.”

  Cage walked to his uncle’s side, *I don’t blame you or hate you. You are a good man Bobby. You found out who killed your brother and avenged him. I would have done the same thing.*

  Bobby looked over at him and hugged him tight, “I couldn’t let them live. I couldn’t. I saw what they did to your mom. To your dad in your memories and to their bodies when they were pulled free. They were so brutalized. I had to. I had to.”

  Cage hugged Bobby tight. *It’s okay. I understand it. I do.*

  Bobby hugged him for another second and then let go.

  He wiped his eyes and gave a gruff cough and turned back to him.

  “You didn’t come to ask about your parents though. What did you come to ask?”

  Cage gave a huff, *I need to know if I’m going to hurt my girl. Or curse her to be like me. Have a monster like me.*

  Bobby shook his head, “I don’t think so. I honestly believe that you will give her a wolf. That is your original animal and the one you will pass on to your children as well. I don’t think you will give both to Wren. She doesn’t have a shifter bloodline, much less a vampire in hers. So I doubt it. You are special, Cage. Taking on both traits and both animals. I know your vampire is separate from you, but that it works toward your goals.”

  Cage lifted his eyebrows, *How did you know that it was different?*

  Bobby tapped his temple, “I heard him in the hospital. I knew something was up then, but it didn’t really hit home until you talked to Diana the first time.”

  Cage nodded and then shook his head, *I’m scared. Terrified of hurting her.*

  Bobby put his hand on Cage’s shoulder, “You don’t need to be. Neither of your animals will hurt your girl. She is precious and special. She is meant to be yours and yours alone. Born to take the wolf and be at your side for the rest of your days. Don’t ruin it by pushing her away all the time. I can feel the mate bond lessening because of it. She feels unwanted. Unloved. And she hasn’t before this. Until just recently. I swear on my life that she will be okay. That no matter what happens, you will be the best man for her. Trust me Cage. I have looked into every possibility and Kol helped. Trust your monsters. Trust yourself.”

  Cage nodded, he would do just that.

  His Wren. She had been his anchor in the storm of his life since they were five and she had no idea.

  He knew that she loved him and had seen it in how she looked at him and held herself when he was near.

  He had seen it with his own two eyes, her obsession for him and his own knew no bounds.

  He just had to act on it. Finally.

  He hugged Bobby and thanked his uncle for all he had done for him. For always supporting and loving him no matter what.

  Bobby hugged him back, “Go get her. Diana and I are ready for grandbabies.”

  Cage gave a silent chuckle, *Thanks. Dad.*

  Bobby went still and then his eyes started to tear up, and Cage hugged him again. Calling Bobby dad was the most natural thing.

  He wasn’t forgetting his own parents, by calling Bobby his dad. He was honoring the couple who had given up everything to take in a scared, scarred little boy with more issues than most people could handle.

  Cage only wished he had done it sooner. He hugged his dad one last time, *Tell mom I love her. And that I will be getting my girl. Finally.*

  Bobby grinned wide and then Cage left the house, planning on getting his girl.

  It was finally time. He felt free and unafraid for the first time since he had been given the gift of his vampire.

  His vampire gave a soft nudge in his head, *It was I who got the gift of you. And of our mate.*

  Cage smiled and drove to his house. He had to get ready.

  Chapter Ten


  After leaving the bakery for the day, she went home, needing some time. Some space and to get her head on right.

  She still wanted to hold onto her dreams of Cage, but slowly put them away.

  For now.

  And she waited for Ever to get back from going to hang out with Riley, which she had declined.

  But after a few hours, Ever didn’t come back.

  Wren knew not to worry. It wasn’t like her sister would get hurt or anything.

  She was with Riley. She was fine. She was a big girl and didn’t have a damn curfew.

  But as the night drew on, Ever still didn’t come back and she didn’t answer any of her texts.

  So she texted Riley.

  Wren: Is Ever okay? I am starting to get worried.

  Riley: She is or was fine. Ryke finally snapped and took her somewhere.

  Wren looked down at her phone in shock, Ryke finally pulled his head out of his ass?

  She texted Riley.

  Wren: What??

  Riley sent back: Yeah. He decided he was good and done with waiting. So there it is. But I don’t know when they will get back. Ryke was pretty angry and I think they need time to work it all out.

  Wren: Is he going to hurt her?

  Riley: NO! Of course not! He would never do that. He just needs time with her.

  Wren: If you are sure.

  Riley: I’m positive.

  Wren sat in her bed, and started to worry. She was tired of being left in the dark.

  She needed to know what the fuck was going on. With her sister. With Ryke. But mainly with Cage.

  She sat in her apartment, stewing over the decision in her mind when a knock sounded at her door.

  She went still for a second and then walked over to answer it.

  Cage stood there, raising his hand to run it through his hair and he looked at her when she answered the door.

  “Cage,” she breathed, “What are you doing here?”

  He studied her, then signed, “I don’t know what I’m doing here. I just had to see you. I shouldn’t
be here.”

  Wren felt her heart kick at that, “Oh, uh. Okay?”

  He shook his head, frustration crossing his features, “I just had to check to make sure you are okay. I know Ever disappeared with Ryke.”

  She nodded, leaning on the door, “I wanted to come talk to you about that. Is she okay?”

  He nodded and she went on, “What is going on? I don’t understand this. Ryke hasn’t wanted anything to do with Ever for years and now all of a sudden he does? It doesn’t make sense. And this doesn’t either. You. Being here. You have never come to my house before. So this is weird.”

  He looked as if he wanted to wince and she felt her eyebrows twitch down for a second. “Why are you really here Cage?” She whispered.

  He looked at her, studied her face and then shocked the crap out of her by cupping the back of her neck and pulling her toward him.

  His lips came down on hers and she knew her eyes were wide with shock.

  Her first kiss. She choked back a moan as her eyes closed and she just felt his lips caress hers.

  His tongue gently touched her lower lip and she let out a mindless gasp and he took advantage of her gasp to gently explore the very edge of her mouth with his tongue.

  She reached up, putting her arms around his neck, moaning as he deepened the kiss further and then he was gone.

  She stumbled against the door and when she opened her eyes, he was out in the yard, by his car.

  She was breathing hard, and she could see that he was too.

  “Cage? What are you doing?”

  He shook his head, his fingers flying, “This was a mistake.”

  Her heart sank in her chest, “A mistake? Are you fucking kidding me with that?”

  He went still, his eyes comically wide. Wren knew why. Ever was the more vocal one. She also had more colorful language, but sometimes you had to take a page out of her book.

  She stomped over to him, “You come here, to my house and kiss me, and then it’s suddenly a big mistake? Wow. Okay. I’m done. Thank you for letting me know. I want you to leave. And when you see me around town, pretend you don’t. You are really good at that anyway, so it shouldn’t be too big of an issue for you.”

  Then she turned around and went back in the house, slamming the door behind her.

  She locked the door and slid down it, touching her lips. Then she lifted her legs and wrapped her arms around them, putting her head down on them and sobbing.

  He said it was a mistake. That kissing her was a mistake. Like she hadn’t waited for this moment her entire life.

  She couldn’t take this. Not anymore. She needed to let him go. To let this crush go.

  If he could so easily kiss her and then take it back then so could she.

  She just had to take a few days.

  But a knock sounded on the door and she jerked her head up, shocked.

  Ever had a key and was with Ryke still. Who was here now?

  She stood, wiping her eyes and let out a shaky breath and then opened the door.

  Cage was standing outside and she went to shut the door, but he stopped it with one of his big hands.

  “Wait,” he signed, “Just wait. It wasn’t a mistake to kiss you. It’s never been that. I just didn’t know what to say. I never do with you. I have something to tell you before we can go further. That’s why it was a mistake. Because I need to tell you something first. Okay?”

  She watched his fingers fly and she leaned against the door, “You don’t think it was a mistake?”

  He shook his head and signed, “I did this all wrong, but I can’t stop myself from seeing you. Touching you. That kiss was the best moment of my life to date.”

  She didn’t know what to say. He studied her face and then signed, “I want to say so much to you right now. To tell you everything. But I need to get things in order first. Will you give me a few days to do that?”

  She gave a tiny nod and then he reached up with almost hesitant fingers and gently ran it down her face, “I’m sorry that I said it was a mistake. It was never that and could never be that. Okay?”

  She bit her lip and felt herself melt toward him when he said that. “Okay.”

  His shoulders dropped as if he was relieved and he gave her a tiny smile, “Will you come to my cabin when it’s time? I need to have people talk to you.”

  She nodded again and he leaned in, very gently touching his lips to hers one more time.

  She watched with wide eyes as he went back to his truck.

  She shut the door, and then sat down on the couch.

  That was not what she was expecting. At all.

  She reached up and touched her lips. They were slightly swollen and she smiled against her fingers.

  Cage kissed her. KISSED her.

  She laughed and laughed. Then ran to her room and jumped on her bed, squealing.

  She didn’t have let go of her dreams.

  He wanted to talk to her. To have her come to his cabin and finally talk to her.

  She sat on her bed, waiting for that day with bated breath.


  The night that Cage wanted to bring her to talk to him was here.

  She had changed her clothes at least ten times.

  With ten or more different outfits on her bed, on the floor or on the chair in her room.

  She was getting more flustered and had taken a shower, twice.

  Once before work, and once after.

  She wanted to be ready for anything and had even gone one step further and bought new underwear.

  Just in case. She had sort of high hopes for something to happen between them.

  She was silly for thinking that way, but she was good and done with waiting for that man to do something about their attraction.

  She wanted him with every fiber of her being and didn’t want to wait.

  She finally changed into a pair of her favorite black skinny jeans, a tight t-shirt and one of her favorite hoodies that said, ‘Thou shall not try me. Mood 24/7’

  She loved it. Even if she wasn’t that way.

  She loved the snark of it. Ever had gotten it for her.

  She pulled her hair up in a messy bun and swiped some lip gloss on and made sure her eye make up was good.

  And then she waited. She jumped when a knock sounded at her door and when she opened it, Cage was on the other side.

  He was in dark jeans, his motorcycle boots, and a dark blue thermal Henley shirt.

  He never wore a jacket, even when it was cold and she wished she knew why.

  She would have to ask.

  He looked her up and down and she slipped some boots on her feet and he smiled, making his already handsome face that much more.

  His fingers flew, “Are you ready?”

  She smiled, “Ready.”

  He held his hand out to her and she looked down at it in shock, but then slipped her hand in his and the feeling of rightness slipped over her like a warm blanket fresh from the dryer.

  She looked up at him, and his eyes were studying hers. He leaned down and kissed her softly and then pulled her to his truck.

  He helped her into his massive truck and buckled her inside.

  He drove them to where she knew his cabin was.

  And as they drove, she itched to talk to him.

  “So, um. What did you want to talk about?”

  He looked over at her and then lifted his hands for half a second, “When we get there.”

  She nodded, “I’m really nervous. It’s been weird without Ever and I don’t know what to expect. Not really. This is new. For me. Like really new. I don’t know how to feel. Except crazy nervous. Is it going to be good? Or bad?”

  His mouth lifted in a smirk and when they stopped at the only stop light in town, he lifted his hands again, “I’m nervous too. And I hope what I have to say is good.”

  She bit her lip, and then let it go, “Okay. That’s fair. Um, will you tell me why you finally started talking to me?”

  He gave a silent
chuckle and nodded.

  She sat back, “Okay. Cool. Cool. Um, cool. Great. This should be awesome.”

  He gave a silent laugh again and she rolled her eyes, “Don’t laugh at me. I’m really nervous!”

  He bit his lip and it made her hold back a shiver at how sexy it made his face look.

  He lifted his hands, “Sorry. You are cute.”

  She felt her eyebrows raise so high on her head that she knew it looked ridiculous.

  “You think I’m cute?”

  He shook his head, “Nope. You are beautiful.”

  Her jaw dropped open, “Holy shit.”

  He gave another chuckle and then they were pulling down the road to where his cabin was situated.

  She may or may not have driven past here more than one.

  Lots. All the time. Every time she could.

  She was pathetic.

  But he was here with her. And he said she was beautiful. She had no idea how to take that.

  So she just sat and watched the clearing come into view.

  It was stunning. All the cabins in a big semi-circle.

  They had lights connected to most and a fire was blazing in the center.

  And shock on shocks, his crew were all there.

  Even Ever. As soon as Cage pulled up, she tried to jump out of the truck so she could hug her sister, but she felt a hand on her arm and she looked over to Cage.

  “Wait for me. I will help you down.”

  She nodded in a daze, not used to having him touch her like this. At all. Ever.

  She loved it. And she was a masochist. She could only hope this wouldn’t end badly.

  When he came around to her door, he helped her down and slid her down his body and she couldn’t hold in her shiver if she tried.

  His eyes seemed to flash gold and then red.

  She watched in awe and then they went back to his normal brown.

  He linked their hands together and walked them over to the fire pit.

  Conversations around them stopped and she felt her stomach drop to her toes.

  This was bad. It had to be bad.

  She almost didn’t want to know what he was going to say.


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