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Cage Page 14

by Rachelle Stevensen

  No one touched him and got away with it. The man started shaking, and backed away, dropping the syringe and then stepping on it, shattering it.

  The Doctor looked over, “Did you get him secure?”

  The man shook his head, “I broke it. He snarled at me and I dropped it.”

  The Doctor let out a curse, “You fucking imbecile! If he isn’t sedated, he will break his chains if he changes. They are barely holding him as it is!”

  Cage smiled, knowing the Doctor was right about the chains, and let his animal come forward, and his clothes shredded into pieces as his monster came out, and the chains that held him down snapped as if they were made of uncooked pasta.

  He lunged for the man that hit him, and buried his fangs in the man's throat and drained him dry in four hard pulls and threw the man aside.

  The other guards started swearing and the Doctor stood stock still, as awe covered his face.

  Cage wanted to roar at the men, and heard one from above and watched as the roof was ripped free.

  Two dragons were on the edges of the roof, pulling entire sections free.

  The guards couldn’t decide who to shoot at and then one of them went still, his body jerking and then he turned, using his gun on the other guards and killing them before killing himself.

  Cage looked over and saw Kol, sitting perfectly still in his chair and his eyes were red as the guards were before he took his life.

  The Doctor turned, “Fuck. Fuck.”

  He looked at the door on the far side of the room and started to run for it, but Cage was faster than him, and blocked his way. He picked the man up by his neck and threw him across the room into one of the walls, and when the man was down, Cage rushed to Kol and broke the chains holding Kol down.

  Kol looked at the Doctor and they watched as the man pulled a piece of the roof free from his chest.

  It must have missed his heart and Cage and Kol looked at each other, and then nodded.

  *After you. Let’s end this bastard.*

  Kol snarled, *With fucking pleasure.*

  He picked up a piece of wood that had a sharp end on it and twirled it in his hands like it was an axe, and Cage knew he was seeing Kol as he was as a Viking.

  Cage started to circle the Doctor and Kol did on the other side, and the man screamed, “Stop it! Just stop! You know I had to do what I did. You are abominations!!! That’s all you are!”

  Cage snarled, and rushed the man and he let out a scream, but before Cage could make contact, a man came out of the smoke and rubble and attacked him, throwing himself at Cage, trying to throw him away from the Doctor.

  “You need to be eliminated! You leave a stain on our perfect bloodlines!” The man screamed at him, and Cage felt the man try to probe his mind, and Cage let his vampire push him out and shove back hard, making the man hold a hand to his head with a scream, and Cage’s vampire shoved inside the other man’s head, making the man’s nose start to bleed with the thrust of evil from Cage’s vampire in his head.

  Then Cage was on him. Picking him up by the throat and shoving him against the wall.

  The man’s legs kicked and he tried to bite at Cage’s hand, but he couldn’t move his head and Cage slowly crushed the man’s windpipe in his hand and then ripped it free.

  He was gurling, the sound coming through his ruined throat. Still alive; for now. And Cage lifted him to where he was, and bit through the rest of the vampire’s neck, and his head rolled on the ground and the body dropped with a thud to the floor as well. And Cage looked around to find Kol fighting with the Doctor.

  The man had a huge piece of razor sharp sheeting in his hands and was swinging it at Kol, who dodged it over and over, but Cage could see Kol’s frustration that he couldn’t get close enough to the man to kill him.

  Kol swung out with the piece of the roof he had in his hands and the Doctor let out a yelp as it connected with his leg, making blood stream down his leg.

  The Doctor was slowly backing toward the door, limping on his leg, and Cage knew that if he got out, and escaped them, that the man would come after them again and again.

  They couldn’t have that. He wouldn’t risk the man coming near Wren, or the rest of his crew again and he rushed to block the door.

  When he got there, he looked outside it for a second and was shocked to see someone out fighting in the halls with some of the men who had taken them hostage and a howl sounded.

  He could swear he heard the thoughts of someone trying to save them and it made no sense to his brain at that second, and he couldn’t focus on it at the moment.

  The Doctor looked around and the blood rushed from his face when he saw that the escape route was blocked and it gave Kol the time to grab the piece of sheeting that the Doctor held and yank it from the man’s hands.

  He let out a scream of rage, of pain, of something, and then Cage was there, his massive jaws closing on the man’s shoulder, keeping him still while Kol advanced and walked up to the man.

  “You are going to see your death before it happens. And you are going to wish you had left Cage and I alone. That you had left all the shifters alone. You will never harm another shifter for as long as I live.”

  Then Kol shoved his hand through the Doctor’s sternum, the bone crunching in his hand, making a horrible noise as he did.

  Cage watched as Kol ripped the Doctor’s heart out of his chest, and saw it beat a few more times before going still.

  The Doctor slumped in his jaws and Cage shook his head, breaking his neck and ripping his head off before dropping the body to the floor.

  Kol looked down at the heart in his hand and dropped it on the Doctor’s body before wiping his hand on the Doctor’s clothes, and saw a burning log.

  He walked over to it and then brought it down on the body, burning it to ash right in front of their eyes.

  Cage looked at his Sire, *Let’s get the fuck out of here.*

  Kol nodded, “With fucking pleasure.”

  Cage looked at the wall, and saw a part they could easily scale.

  They did in seconds and were free of the warehouse that they had been brought to.

  Cage looked around and saw a dragon circling in the dark sky above them and he sent out a greeting, but got nothing back.

  *Kol? That isn’t Ryke. I don’t know who the fuck it is, but it isn’t my friend.*

  Kol looked up at the dragon in shock, “Are you serious? Who the fuck is it then?”

  Cage shook his head and they heard a noise from the building and both whirled to see a man and a woman walk from the building.

  The woman didn’t have a hair out of place and had perfectly clean clothes and the man was stark naked.

  The woman looked about twenty five, if that and the man had hair that was slightly greying at the temples, but didn’t look older than thirty.

  Cage watched as they got closer, and he knew these two weren’t in the vampires that had taken them captive.

  As they walked closer, one of the dragons landed and changed into a man that looked eerily similar to Ryke.

  Which made him do a double take and turn back to the other couple who had gotten to them and he looked into eyes that looked just like his.

  He was still in his animal form and the woman looked up at him and grinned.

  “So the rumors are true.”

  He waited as she looked him up and down, “Sweetheart, look. I knew that they said he was different, but to see it with my own two eyes, well, it’s just the bee's knees isn’t it?”

  Cage looked over at Kol, who had his eyebrows raised so high they were barely seen. Kol cleared his throat and the woman looked over at him and smiled. “Ah. The King. That doesn’t want to be King.”

  Kol went stiff and she leaned forward, and whispered, “I wouldn’t want to deal with that shitty bunch either. Gag me. No thanks.”

  Kol coughed, and Cage knew he was holding back a laugh.

  Cage looked back at the couple and they were holding hands, and the man was compl
etely secure in his nakedness.

  “Cain. Look at him. Just look. He is so magnificent. We helped to make him into what he is.”

  Cage shifted back to human form and it was like looking in a mirror with the man.

  Now that he had a good look.

  Except he had the woman’s eyes.

  He sent Kol, *Who are they? Will you ask?*

  Kol stepped forward, “Cage wants to know who you are.”

  The woman raised her eyebrow, “I’m Rosalee. This is my mate and my husband Cain. We are Cage’s great grandparents.”

  Cage went still, *Did she say they are my great grandparents? I thought they died.*

  Kol asked the question, and Rosalee smiled, “My sweet, I’m a vampire. And since my mate is mated to a vampire, he doesn’t age like a human should. Plus, he is a wolf shifter, so he lives longer than humans anyway. We have been in hiding. For a long, long time. The lovely vampire council deemed our union an atrocity to the very core from the beginning. We were loathed, and hated and they tried to keep us apart, but fate is fate. We knew that there was no stopping it. No changing it. And we embraced it. We had to hide away and when we had our first child, they were neither vampire or wolf, but both. Had more abilities than a normal shifter has. And our next was a vampire and the next a wolf. They had extreme abilities and were stronger and faster than other shifters or vampires. But because of that, they were hunted and persecuted their entire life for having the parents they did, but they were able to pass on our traits to their bloodline before the council caught up with them and killed them. Their children also had children. Even though it was harder to keep this a secret. They had to hide who they were. Hide the fact that their abilities were more. The council would have hunted them all down had they not, and with each generation the bloodline of a vampire and a wolf faded, but some still had abilities that gave them an edge. Though those were a secret. And when you were born, you had the blood of a vampire running through you and your wolf. He was bigger. Stronger. We have been keeping watch. We tried to save your parents, but hate doesn’t go away. And we weren’t able to save them in time.”

  Cage swayed a little, *You were there? When my parents were killed?*

  Kol told them and his grandma reached out her hand to him, “We were the ones to pull you from the fire. To save you. But we couldn’t stay. We had to move on, and it broke our hearts to leave you that way. Knowing you were dying. But then we heard that you were saved. That you were changed. And I knew you were meant to be in that fire. That you were meant to be given that blood and that you were given a gift. One that I wish I had bestowed on you. Your animal is nothing short of magnificent.”

  Cage looked at Kol, and Kol smiled, “She has to be right. He is pretty damn awesome Cage.”

  Cage smiled, and he turned to his vampire, *I wish to speak with her. May I?*

  His vampire gave a grunt of consent and Cage opened his mind to his grandma, *I didn’t even know you existed until a few weeks ago. Bobby told me about you and your mate. But we all thought you long dead.*

  She smiled, “Not dead. Our children have passed on, but we aren’t going anywhere. We are both healthy and doing all we can for the shifter community and the vampire community. The vampire council has gotten out of hand and has caused many families to be ripped apart because they want the bloodlines to stay ‘pure’. Like they know anything about it being pure. Most of them were nothing and no one when they were turned. They just believe that since they are some of the first vampires to be made that they are the end all to end all. That they know everything and think they can force their agendas on everyone. But nothing they do helps. It’s as if they don’t realize fate is more powerful than blood.”

  Kol snorted, “They don’t. They want to control what they can. Including fate. But nothing can get a person to claim someone who isn’t their mate. So their so-called perfect blood becomes muddy and they think it taints it. They are the ones that are tainted though.”

  Rosalee nodded, “They are so worried about perfect bloodlines that they haven’t found their fated mates. Most let them slip through their fingers. Because they weren’t their idea of perfect. A few of the council have tried to come up with a way to force a pairing. It is a big reason why they have put shifters in facilities. They think that if they figure out the secret to forcing a mating that they are set. But of course, they don’t want to test it on themselves, but they will test it on other shifters.”

  Cain stepped forward, “We have gone around the country and the world and trying our best to find these places and shutting them down. We heard about the one the Doctor set up close to here and haven’t been able to find its exact location, until recently. But when we got there, it was burned to the ground and there was no sign of any life. Our work had already been done. And then we heard about the coven coming out of the woodwork because they were asked about a hybrid. We came as quickly as we could. Thankfully we have some friends who help us or we wouldn’t have made it in time.”

  Cain looked at the two people standing in the shadows and even with his great sight, he couldn’t see their faces enough.

  He gave them a head nod and the man nodded back, and then Cain spoke again. “We are grateful we made it in time. You killed one of the highest council members and the other’s fled. We shall see if they come after you again. I sincerely hope not.”

  Kol snorted, “They won’t if they know what’s good for them. I have lived for a very long time. And I’m not afraid to go to their damn castle and rip them all apart.”

  Rosalee clapped, “Good for you. If you need help, call on Cain and I and we will fight at your side. We are tired of living in the shadows. We want to be free.”

  Cage stepped forward, *You can be. Stay here. With me. In Savage Creek. We have an entire community of shifters.*

  Rosalee looked up at him, “They didn’t keep you safe. You got taken from them, remember?”

  Kol chuckled, “They only got to us because it was during the day when everyone was at work. If they had come for us at night? That would have been a different story. And I’m sure that they are tracking us as we speak. You will be safe there.”

  Rosalee looked at Cain, “I am tired love. If we hear of another facility we can track it down, but then we will actually have roots.”

  Cain smiled, “I like it here. I’m good to go where you go.”

  Rosalee smiled and Kol said, “If you ever need places around the world while you are looking to stop these experiments, just let me know. I have houses all over.”

  Rosalee raised her eyebrow, “Oh, we do as well, but it will be nice to be around family.”

  Kol smiled and Rosalee turned to the couple in the background, “We are staying. You should too. Now that the Doctor is actually dead, you are free. You don’t have to look over your shoulder and hide who you are. You can get back to your family again.”

  The woman stepped forward, and her long hair covered her completely. “I don’t know if they want to see us. We were taken so long ago and we couldn’t come back to them. We didn’t want them to come to harm.”

  Rosalee walked to the woman and led her to where they were standing and Cage took a step forward, *Rowyn? Tyrus? Is that you?*

  Rosalee turned to him, “How did you know their names?”

  Cage looked down at her, *I know their sons.*

  Rowyn was looking at him, “Cage? Cage Langston? Oh Cage. Look at how you have grown.”

  He smiled at her and she turned to Tyrus, “Oh Ty. Look at how wonderful Cage looks. Oh. Is Ryke okay? Tegan?”

  Cage nodded, and asked Kol to tell them, *Ryke is fine. He took your disappearance the hardest. He thought that being a dragon would mean pure hardship for his mate, so he never claimed her. Until now. Tegan hasn’t found his mate yet, but is the best man there is. He is amazing. But when we were taken, Tegan was badly injured. I can only pray he lived.”

  Rowyn fell into Tyrus’s arms, “Tegan? Not Tegan! Oh no! What if he dies? And we aren�
��t there at his side?” Her voice faded as she started to sob.

  “We can only hope that Tegan survives. He is a strong man. He will pull through this. We have been longing to see them for a long time.” Tyrus said, as Rowyn sobbed in his arms.

  Cage looked at Kol, *Tell them that I will find out if Tegan survived. That I believe it is as they say. That he is strong and will pull through this.*

  Kol told them and Cage said, *Tell them also that though it wasn’t easy, that they are good now. And that Ryke is happy now. His mate is amazing and he can’t believe how lucky he is.*

  Kol told them and Tyrus looked him in the eye, “If Tegan dies, we will burn the coven to the ground ourselves. We have to make sure none of these facilities are still open. Then we will be coming back for our sons.”

  Cage felt his eyebrows lift and Rowyn nodded, “It’s the only way to keep them safe. Any shifters. We met up with Rosalee and Cain after they broke us out of the facility we were held in. And since then, like Rosalee said, we travel the world helping to free shifter kind from men like the Doctor. We aren’t going to be free until they are shut down.”

  Cage shook his head, *What do I tell Ryke? And Tegan?*

  Rowyn looked over at him, “Until we can be certain they are safe from men like the Doctor, they can’t know we are alive. Not yet. I promise we will do all we can to come back to them. And to live here with you all. It’s our dearest wish.”

  Cage nodded, and Tyrus looked at Rosalee, “Are you staying? I have a feeling now that he is dead, the other facilities will fall much faster.”

  Rosalee shook her head, “We want to, but we need to finish this. We will be back.”

  She hugged Cage, as did Cain and Rowyn.

  “Find us a good place to settle down. We are ready.”

  Cage nodded and Tyrus and Rowyn changed back into their dragon forms and Rosalee and Cain each climbed on a dragon.

  And they took off into the night.

  Cage looked at Kol, *Let’s get the fuck out of here.*

  Kol nodded, “Race you home.*

  Cage turned into his animal and they raced back to Savage Creek together.


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