SCORE (Boston Terriers Book 6)

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SCORE (Boston Terriers Book 6) Page 17

by Jacob Chance

  “What are your plans for the rest of break?” I want to know what she’s doing so I can imagine her in her natural environment.

  “I have to work some extra shifts to cover for the girls who are covering for me while I’m here. Eliza and I will spend time together. I have to write my article for the school paper and turn that in. I also have dance practice.”

  “Sounds like you’ll be too busy to miss me.”

  “Maybe,” she teases. I tickle her side with my fingertips and she giggles.

  “I’ll remember you said that.” I bury my nose in her neck and inhale her floral scent. “You smell so good. What is that perfume?”

  “It’s jasmine. My grandmother wore this perfume and she bought me my first bottle before she passed away. Wearing her scent is comforting to me. It makes me feel like she’s always with me.”

  “I’m sure she is. Who wouldn’t want to be with you? You’re awesome.”

  “Right? I think so, but I seem to be in the minority.”

  “As long as we think so that’s all that matters.” Reaching up, I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. “Would you mind if I hold you all night long? I’m going to miss having you in my bed.”

  She wraps a slim arm around my waist and snuggles into my chest giving me the only answer I need.

  When I’m almost asleep she whispers, “I’ll miss this too.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Ahhh, you’re finally home,” Eliza yells, freezing my feet in place. She runs straight for me while I push the door shut behind me. I don’t even have time to drop my bags and there’s no way for me to escape. Crashing into me, she pins my torso to the steel with a bone crushing hug.

  “I missed you too,” I laugh.

  She draws back with a sheepish grin on her pink hued face. “Sorry. I got a little carried away.”

  “You think?”

  “Shut up. What can I say? I missed you so much. It’s bad enough that Owen and I broke up, but then you abandoned me for a vacation with Nolan.”

  “Fuck you. We were supposed to go together, but then shit went down with you and Owen. You told me to go.”

  “And I meant it, but if you don’t think I’m going to throw it in your face now then you’re sorely mistaken.” A giggle punctuates her explanation.

  “How’ve you been?” I drag my bags with me as I trudge across the living room.

  She sighs, “I’m surviving. Let me carry one of those.” Eliza tugs one from my shoulder and slides the straps up her own arm.

  We drop my luggage on the floor and both flop down on our stomachs across my bed. “So tell me what you’ve been up to since I’ve been gone.”

  “You already know. We talked a few times.”

  “I know, but I thought maybe there were things that you didn’t want to tell me on the phone.”

  “Nope. I’ve been staying with my folks and I’ll go back there tomorrow. I only got here about twenty minutes before you. When are you going home to Wellesley?”

  “Probably tomorrow or the next day. I might need a day to myself after being surrounded by boys for five days straight.”

  “Why did you end up coming home so early? I thought I wouldn’t see you until at least tonight.”

  “I wanted some time here before I have to go to my parents’ house. I have a lot of laundry to catch up on.”

  “How were the guys? Or should I say the guy?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Sure you don’t. How’s Nolan?”

  “He’s good. His house is like something out of a magazine. I felt like I was staying in some posh ski resort the entire time I was there.”

  “Did anything happen that I should know about?”

  “I don’t know that you necessarily need to know about any of it, but I might choose to share with you.”

  Eliza sticks her tongue out at me. “So?”

  “You’re annoying, you know that?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Stop stalling and tell me, dammit. I’m dying here. Please tell me your love life is going better than mine.”

  “I don’t think what Nolan and I are qualifies for the ‘love life’ label, but we definitely fooled around some.”

  “How was it? Was it hot? Because he looks like he’d be a great kisser. Those lips of his are mmm.”

  What the hell?

  “Hey.” I whack her arm. “You have your own guy to mmm over.”

  Back the fuck off.

  “No, I don’t. And from what you’ve said Nolan’s not yours, so why can’t I look?”

  Is she serious?

  “We’ve never been attracted to the same guys before. What’s going on here?”

  She snorts. “I’m just fucking with you. But you got awfully worked up considering you’re not really into him.”

  Rolling onto my back, I sigh and stare up at the white ceiling. I imagine Nolan’s smiling visage and I find my lips lifting at the corners. “I have no idea what’s going on between us. I had so much fun with him while I was in Vermont. He’s sweet and interesting and even a little romantic. He likes to do fun stuff and he pushed me to try things that I normally wouldn’t have. The two days we had alone were amazing.”

  “What kind of things did you try?” Eliza’s expression is pure mischief.

  “Sledding, making a snowman, building a snow fort.” I tick things off on my hand as I list them. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

  “What happened when the guys all got there? You didn’t get to spend any time alone?”

  “No, we did the first two days. But I have to say it was a blast having them all there too. His brother, Donovan, is adorable. Talk about a future heartbreaker. The girls at B.U. are in trouble next year.”

  “So, what’s the problem? What happened when everyone else arrived that has you bent out of shape?”

  “Clancy, Flynn, and Darren set up an online auction for Nolan’s virginity.”


  My head turns to the side, my eyes meeting Eliza’s stunned ones. “Yep, I know. Crazy, right?”

  “Totally insane. When is this going to take place? And those three didn’t set it up alone. They wouldn’t know how to do anything online. I know because Owen had to explain to them how to set up a Facebook page, even.” Her mouth opens in a perfect circle. “Oh my God. They wouldn’t tell him why they needed it and he assumed one of them was starting an account. What if there’s an auction page on Facebook?”

  We both shoot up straight and I reach in my pocket for my phone. Logging onto social media isn’t something I do very often, but I need to see what’s going on.

  Eliza and I spend the next five minutes searching for anything to do with virginity or an auction, but neither of us have any luck finding anything.

  “I’m going to text Flynn and ask him. He’ll tell me.”

  “You have his number?”

  “Yeah. He’s cool. We actually hit it off pretty well. I think we’re pals now.” I tap out a text on my phone and send it off without hesitation.

  Me: Is there an auction page on Facebook? Or is it someplace else?

  My phone pings with a reply almost immediately.

  Flynn: Why do you need to know?

  Why must all guys be so frustrating? Is it too difficult to give a simple answer?

  Me: Why do you think?

  Flynn: You want to place a bid?

  Me: Nope. Just curious.

  Flynn: Look what curiosity did to the cat.

  Me: I’m not a cat.

  Flynn: I’m going to ignore the dirty reference opportunity and tell you that I think you should leave it alone. You’re not going to like what you find.

  What’s that supposed to mean? If he really knew anything about women at all, he’d know that saying this is like waving a red flag at a bull. I want to charge full speed ahead without pause.

  Me: I’m a big girl. I want to be nosy and check it out.

  Flynn: Don’t say
I didn’t warn you. You should place a bid while you’re at it.

  Me: Where is it?

  Flynn: What’s it worth to you?

  “Grrr.” I growl.

  “What’s he saying?” Eliza runs out of patience.

  “He’s just being difficult.”

  Me: FLYNN...

  Flynn: Go to the frat’s webpage. There’s a link for the auction. You can’t miss it.

  Me: Thank you.

  Flynn: You’re welcome. Now go place your bid.

  Me: Find someone else to annoy.

  Flynn: You texted me, remember? Your boy is moping around without you.

  I feel a little whirl of butterflies in my stomach when I read his text. Not that I want Nolan to be miserable, but it’s nice to know that he misses me. I miss him too.

  Me: When are you guys returning to Boston?

  Flynn: Tomorrow..

  Me: Have fun.

  Flynn: See ya.

  “Let me grab my laptop so we can see better.” Reaching down I tug my bag from the floor, up onto the bed, and remove my laptop. Eliza and I settle some pillows against the headboard and prop ourselves up against them. Once my computer’s booted up, I pull up the frat’s webpage. My eyes quickly scan the top where everything the frat has to offer is listed. And all the way over to the right side of the page I find what I’m looking for, V-Card Auction. Bingo. The chances of this not being the right one are slim to none. What are the odds of there being another virgin in their frat? Zero. Clicking on it brings up a page with various pictures of Nolan.

  “Damn, he looks good without a shirt,” Eliza notes.

  Yeah, I know. And he feels damn good too.

  My eyes hungrily scan the images. I’m already missing him and I’ve only been gone for four hours now. I’m not used to feeling this way about a guy. I’m an independent woman and I haven’t relied on anyone else for my own happiness. But now, Nolan is becoming more important to me than I care to admit. Spending three nights in his arms only made me want him more and I got spooked. Panicking about the depth of my growing feelings, I left earlier in the day than I originally planned. Nolan was noticeably displeased with me about it. But I went into self preservation mode and ran home to my place of comfort.

  Scrolling down, I read through the comments on the pictures.

  Hello, I’d be happy to take whatever he’s offering.

  One virgin for sacrifice please. Line forms behind me. Eliza’s fingertip lands next to this comment.

  “What is she, a Druid?” she giggles, but I’m not amused by anything I’m reading. I’m disgusted.

  Somehow, the guys nabbed a picture of Nolan in his tight, black boxer briefs. The comments under that image have me fuming.

  Dayum. Boy is B.I.G. all over.

  Holy mother of hotness. Give me a piece of that ass.

  My teeth clench. I can’t stand these girls objectifying Nolan. He’s not some piece of virginal meat.

  I have a can of whip cream with his name on it. I want to cover him with it and lick every inch… slowly.

  Have these girls no self respect? I wish I could comment on the post with ‘find your own man’, but he’s not mine. As much as we clicked emotionally and physically, I don’t think either of us are prepared for more.

  Who cares if it’s not Wednesday? I’ll hump him all day, every day.

  My phone pings with a text message and I scoop it from the nightstand. Is Flynn wondering how I’m reacting?

  Glancing down at the screen, it’s Nolan’s name I see.

  Nolan: Why didn’t you let me know you got home safely?

  Me: I’m sorry. Eliza pretty much tackled me once I got in the door and we’ve been catching up since.

  Nolan: But you had time to text Flynn? Multiple times?

  What the hell? How does he know we texted? And why’s he being a dick about it?

  Me: Yes, I did. Not that it’s any of your business.

  Nolan: Are you sure? After the last two nights, I figured it was my business. But what do I know?

  Me: Apparently, not much.

  I power off my phone and drop it on the bed beside me.

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?” Eliza asks. I know she read every message as they came in.

  “What do you think I should’ve done?”

  “Clearly, I’m no expert on relationships, but I know he’s not going to be pleased that you’re ignoring him.”

  “He shouldn’t have been a dick and I wouldn’t be.” I close out the frat’s page and shut my laptop. “What do you say we order pizza and watch Mean Girls?”

  Eliza nods emphatically. “Best idea ever.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Goddammit,” I growl and shove my phone back in the front pocket of my jeans.

  “What’s wrong? Trouble in paradise?” Flynn casually inquires.

  “Perri won’t answer me anymore.”

  “Aww, are you two fighting already?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe?” I run a hand jaggedly through my hair. “This shit right here is exactly why I’m single and have no interest in changing that status.” I pluck my beer from the small table beside the couch and down the remainder.

  “Are you sure about that?” Flynn cracks open another from the stash at his end of the couch and stretches his arm out. Reflexively, I reach for it and take the first sip.

  “I am.”

  “Really? It seems to me that you wouldn’t be so annoyed by her lack of replies if you had ‘no interest’ as you say.”

  “Okay, so, I’m interested in her.” I half shrug and take a deep pull from the green bottle, licking my lips when I’m done. “What does it matter? It’ll never work out between us anyway.” Angling my position toward the other end of the couch, I face him. “I’ve never told anyone this, but the first time I met Perri’s father, he gave me a long lecture about staying away from her. I really shouldn’t play with fire. He could ruin my football career with a few bad intentioned keystrokes on his computer.”

  “I know.”

  “How do you know? I said I’ve never told anyone.”

  “He gives the same spiel to all the players. And nothing has ever happened to any of us.”

  “Have any of you dated Perri?”

  “Uh, no.”

  “Maybe that could be the reason no one’s ever had anything happen to them?” My sarcasm can’t be missed. I suck back half of the bottle and remind myself to relax. This situation with Perri and my fears about her dad aren’t Flynn’s fault. He’s trying to be a good friend.

  “If you really care about her, I don’t think you should let Dean Benson’s talk deter you.”

  “That’s easy to say from where you are.”

  “This end of the couch?” Flynn pats the seat cushion.

  I shake my head at his lame attempt at a joke. “You’re not the one whose future could be fucked.”

  “Dude, you’re a great guy. Any dad would be happy to have their daughter date someone like you.”

  “You’re crazy. No father wants his daughter to date anyone. Period. End of story. What was I thinking getting involved with her in the first place?” I slap the heel of my palm on my forehead three times.

  “I really think you’re blowing this out of proportion. Don’t be so dramatic. Perri isn’t going to stay mad at you forever. And her dad won’t know you guys are involved until it gets to a point where he needs to.”

  “At what point would he need to?”

  “When you get married,” he laughs.

  “Fuck off with that.”

  “Seriously, though, there might come a point where she’d want to bring you home for a holiday, but it won’t be this Christmas because you guys are just starting, so you’re all set. With you guys living in different states it should be easy to dodge most of the holidays.”

  “You’re starting to make some sense to me, but maybe it’s all the beer I’ve downed since she left.”

  “You know what y
ou have to do then, right?”


  “Keep drinking. My advice improves with every beer you consume.”

  “Your advice isn’t really getting better though. I’m just getting more buzzed.”

  “What does it matter? Life is all about perception.”

  “That’s too deep for me, bro.”

  “I’ve just logged onto the frat’s webpage.” Clancy angles the laptop so I can also see the screen. He moves the cursor up to the top of the page and over to the right. Once it’s settled on the tab for V-Card Auction he clicks.

  Pictures of me fill the screen and some of them are in various stages of undress. “Where the fuck did you get all these pictures of me from?”

  Clancy chortles, “Here and there.”

  “Seriously, bro. This is creepy as hell. Where did they come from?”

  “Some of the guys took some of them when you were drunk or not paying attention and some were covertly taken by girls who think you’re hot.”

  “Really?” Girls take pictures of me? I had no idea.

  “Come on, dude, you’re a hot commodity whether you realize it or not. You’re a good looking guy and you’re the Terriers’ running back. Chicks dig jocks. You could’ve fucked a girl long ago, instead of us having to go through all this work to get you laid.”

  “Yeah, how selfish of me to want to choose when I have sex for the first time.”

  “As long as you appreciate all the work we’re putting in, buddy.” Gripping my shoulder in his meaty clasp, he jostles me from side to side. Releasing me, he goes back to hitting a few keys and scrolling down. “This link here is the place where the girls can place their bids.”

  “Who took this picture of me?” I snarl, poking the screen.

  Clancy chortles until he’s wiping tears from the corners of his eyes. Glowering at him, I wait for him to answer my question.

  “You were drunk one night and Flynn and I asked you if you’d had sex yet. You said no and proceeded to strip off your clothes and fall naked to your mattress. You held your arms out and said, “I’m ready. Find me somebody to love,” Clancy guffaws, smacking his knee. “I believe Flynn said, ‘Okay, Freddie,’ and the two of us started singing “Find Me Somebody to Love” while you passed out. We rolled you onto your stomach so we didn’t have to look at your donger anymore. Be thankful we did because we could’ve taken a full frontal picture of you, but we were nice enough to flip you first. By the way, you may want to manscape some before the big night.”


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