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NSFW Page 23

by Piper Lawson

  When Charlotte came on my cock, her legs wrapped around my waist and her nails in my back, it was the most perfect feeling in the world.

  OK, second most perfect.

  Her aftershocks had every muscle in me twisting, clenching, until I couldn’t take it.

  “Fuck, Duchess,” I groaned when I exploded seconds later. I buried my face in her hair as I murmured whatever stupid things guys in love murmur after they come like a rocket.

  Which suited me fine.

  Because what they don’t tell you about relationships? The most beautiful thing about being with someone day after day, through the good times and bad, through the fights and the makeups …

  The next day you get to do it all again.

  Epilogue Two


  One month later

  “Pinch me,” I murmured. My shallow breaths barely fulfilled my need for oxygen, but there was no way around the fact that my chest muscles were refusing to function.

  Until the stabbing pain in my arm had me sucking air. “OW!”

  Rose’s eyes widened. “You told me to.”

  “True. And you did bring cookies.” I reached a hand into the box on the fold-down table in front of us.

  “Martin made them especially for the shoot. He’s so sweet.”

  I bit into one, savoring the taste as I took in the sight before us. The photographer had decided to shoot outside given the perfect lighting. The trees in the park behind the white backdrop were just starting to turn red and gold. But what captivated my attention was the trio of guys in suits posing on the backdrop.

  “You know, I think this is what heaven’s like,” I commented. “Cookies and hot guys.”

  “I still can’t believe you got him to do this.”

  I shook my head. “He volunteered.”

  The man behind the camera clicked away, shouting directions like he was shooting a Vogue spread. “You! Clark Kent type. That way. Think intense. What’s something you’re intense about?”

  Blake from derivatives frowned. “Uh. Baseball?”

  “Great,” the photographer gushed. “Think of baseball. Baseball everywhere!”

  As he turned, my boyfriend caught my eye, shooting me a look somewhere between amused and tortured.

  When Avery’d come to me a few weeks ago suggesting we redo the calendar, I was more surprised than anyone. But I’d immediately gotten excited when he suggested making it a charity project.

  “It was your genius idea to make it not just Alliance,” Rose commented. “Thanks to your promotions on social, the first run of Boston Babes is already sold out.”

  “We might have to bump up the run to ten thousand.” Knowing it was already a success had me tingling.

  A dozen companies had jumped onboard the project, and there were more on the waiting list for next year. Each one got a month to feature a shot of as many guys as they wanted, wearing whatever they wanted. The companies paid to cover the cost of production, and all the proceeds went to twelve charities.

  “I can call the printer and see if we can up our order.” Rose pulled out her phone and hit a contact, turning away when someone answered.

  I was beyond grateful Rose was helping with this. She seemed to be fitting in at Alliance, and the bureaucracy rolled off her.

  Of course, it might’ve helped that her boss was the hottest guy I’d ever seen.

  Or that she was dating Martin who, judging from the stories, treated her like gold.

  “I’m late,” a voice panted next to me. “Did I miss it?”

  Kenna’s aviators were pulled down over her eyes but her face was wide with excitement.

  “You’re just in time. The Alliance guys are wrapping up.”

  “And how awkward is it?” She craned her neck to see past the camera.

  “Strangely not. Except when Blake turned left and James turned right and they almost kissed.”

  “Those two guys?” she asked, and I nodded. “That I would pay for. Did they decide on a charity for their month?”

  “Not yet. I suggested erectile dysfunction, but they didn’t bite.”

  Next to me, Kenna’s shoulders rocked.

  We watched as the photographer clicked, giving direction to Avery and the other two guys. Seeing three grown men in suits try to look cool together without looking like they were in some weird kind of banker porn was worth the price of admission right there.

  After a few more minutes, the photographer declared the Alliance guys done and shooed them off.

  “Next up. Titan!” The photographer called the name off his sheet.

  I crossed to him, tapping him on the shoulder. “Regrettably, there’s been a substitution. Titan’s not going to be represented, instead we have…” I trailed off.

  “We’re here! We’re here.”

  Two men in jeans took over the white backdrop that’d be digitally edited to show various places. One wore a grin, the other a scowl.

  “Delivered, as promised.” Payton pulled up next to me, her stomach protruding in her cute six-month bump. She held out a hand and I fished in my bag for the twenty. I slapped it in her palm.

  “Damn, who’s that,” Kenna breathed. I hadn’t noticed her move between us.

  “Max Donovan. Payton’s boyfriend. He runs Titan games.” And I had no idea how Payton had wrangled him into this. When I suggested Titan could do a month in the calendar, I’d figured there was no way it’d happen.

  “Not him. The other one.” Kenna nodded to the second guy, who wore a sport coat over a stylish shirt.

  “He’s single but he’s way too old for you.”

  “I know. But he’s seriously hot.”

  Objectively, I had to agree. Riley had lost none of his appeal since I’d met him, and he looked more than happy to pose for the camera. Max, by contrast, shot baleful looks at Payton like he was hoping she’d rescue him. She smiled sweetly.

  “So,” I asked, unable to contain the laughter. “How’d you swing it?”

  “Actually it was all Riley. Apparently doing a charity calendar was on his bucket list. He convinced Max it would be better for business if they had the CEO and chief legal counsel represented. But for the record, being pregnant is the ultimate trump card.”

  “I’m glad you’ve both figured that out.” I watched the way Max’s gaze softened as he stared past the camera at his girlfriend. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think he might almost deserve you.”

  “Mmm. Speaking of…”

  Avery came up behind me, wrapped an arm around my waist. “Duchess.”

  My grin was smothered by the kiss that descended on me. A worthy sacrifice when the man doing the kissing was one who made my heart stop and my knees give out.

  “Whoa,” I said when he pulled back. “Stop trying to hit on the management.”

  “Don’t mind me,” a voice piped up. “It’s not like it took me two transfers to come down here and witness your modeling debut or anything.”

  Avery turned to wrap his other arm around Kenna. “Your self-sacrifice for the cause is noted.”

  She rolled her eyes but tilted her head into his shoulder.

  Even after almost six months, I loved seeing them together. The soft spot he had for her melted my heart every time.

  “So,” Avery started, turning back to me. “Best July ever?”

  My mouth twisted, and he dropped his arm.

  “What. Don’t tell me we’re not July.”

  “You have some competition.” I nodded toward the backdrop where the camera was clicking rapidly. Riley’s easy grin contrasted with Max’s intensity. I could tell it made for a pretty damned good shot, even if the photographer hadn’t been screaming, “YES! MORE!” with euphoric abandon.

  “Those posers? We’re in suits. They look like they’re going to a punk concert. No offence,” he tossed to Payton.

  “None taken.” She smiled, rubbing a hand over her stomach. Her eyes never left her boyfriend.

  “Is there any ot
her competition I need to be aware of?” Avery murmured.

  “Hmm.” I glanced around the set. “The guys from that new hotel were pretty good. I tried to get Jack down here from LIVE, but neither Mia nor I could twist his arm. There is supposed to be a contingent arriving from a chain of personal training studios…so no promises.”

  “Who decides which business gets which month?”

  “I do.”

  He rubbed a hand over his jaw. The sharp expression on his face was familiar: his I’ve got an idea face.

  “So if I can influence you, I’m golden.”

  I dropped my chin, studying him through my eyelashes. “I suppose.” I couldn’t help the teasing edge in my voice.

  “OK, I’m getting out of here before this gets weird.” Kenna scooted off, leaving Payton nibbling at a cookie with a dreamy look in her eye.

  “So,” Avery murmured, wasting no time looping both arms around my waist and tugging me close. “How might I get the judge to look favorably on us?”

  Once I couldn’t have pictured him being affectionate in public—but now, the look he shot me said he definitely wasn’t thinking about things you could do in a park.

  I basked, in the late afternoon sunshine, and his attention. My fingers feathered in the back of his hair. “I have it on good authority she’ll be available for persuasion this evening.”

  Avery’s eyes glinted. “I see. Anything I need to bring? Money? Liquor?”

  I waved a finger in a circle at him. “Bring all of that.” My hand reached for his tie. Stroked down the silky fabric. “Mmmm. And maybe this. This is nice.”

  “You could taste it later.”

  I pictured it tied in my mouth and felt heat pool between my thighs. Yeah, my guy was all about the dirty talk once he loosened up.

  And he wasn’t just talk. He could back it all up.

  He kissed me again, sending shivers through my entire body.

  A year ago I wouldn’t have believed I’d be seriously dating my former boss. Couldn’t have imagined he was as smart, and sexy, and supportive.

  Even though we still fought, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Because we loved each other like crazy.

  As of now, I’m a fan of love. A big one.

  That doesn’t mean I could ever let go of the sex. The chemistry between us was every bit as electric as the first time, and the intimacy only made things hotter.

  “Maybe I could get an early print copy of one of those photos,” Avery murmured when he pulled back. “Something to inspire you.”

  “You want me to look at your picture while we fuck?” I whispered so no one would overhear.

  “It’s basically you getting off to me—which I happen to know you love—only better.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Because I’m getting you off to me.” I cocked my head and the corner of his mouth twitched. “Don’t look at me like that, Duchess. I know you’re up for it.”

  My face split into a grin. “I so am.”

  * * *


  Riley McKay is hot, funny, and the nicest guy in tech.

  So what happens when the one woman he could never do ‘nice’ with comes back into his life?

  Get Riley’s story—plus more Payton, Max, Charlie and Avery—in Rise.

  Grab Rise now!

  The End

  Thank you for reading NSFW! This is a book I’ve wanted to write since PLAY.

  I’ve never written an office romance (though work almost always factors into my stories), but I love reading them.

  Most stories focus on the taboo of the boss-employee relationship, playing on the overt power dynamics.

  What I most love about office romance isn’t the power dynamic of who’s-reporting-to-who. It’s the nature of who we are in the workplace as opposed to at home. It’s the struggle within ourselves—how we see ourselves, how want to see ourselves, and how we want others to see us.

  Whether we work in an office, from home, or from somewhere else entirely, many of us feel that we can’t be ourselves at our work. That people won’t respect us if we are. That our weaknesses mean we’re not good enough.

  That’s what I wanted to bring with this story, in both Charlie and Avery. That’s why this wasn’t a book about a boss sleeping with his admin until finally they get exposed to the public thanks to an unlocked door during a poorly timed oral sex scene.

  It was a book about what happens when we’re forced to show up in the world differently than how we always have. Than how we’ve planned. Than how we’re comfortable showing up.

  To be honest, that made it a bit of an odd book to write. I kept waiting for that moment where everything would blow up.

  It never came.

  Because by the end of writing, I realized something.

  NSFW isn’t a story about taboo relationships.

  It’s a story about the stories we tell to keep ourselves safe. The rules we make that preserve our sense of identity, our feeling of control, our beliefs that we’re as good as we’re going to be and life is as good as it’s going to get.

  And how if we’re willing to open up, we might see there’s more to us than those stories and rules.

  I hope you enjoyed it.

  If you want to be the first to learn about new books, plus score chapters, teasers and bonus materials free, AND land a free book now? Subscribe to my Insider’s List: https://www.instafreebie.com/free/brPb3

  * * *

  Enjoy this book?

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  I’m going to share something kind of personal. Something I haven’t shared with that many people in my life…

  I want to write full-time. There it is.

  It always seemed crazy, but guess what. After two years of writing on midnight caffeine trips after long days at the office, I’m nearly there.

  You can help me make the final push. (Yes, YOU!)

  See, I don’t have the advertising budget of a publishing house. But one thing I do have that’s worth way more?

  The most amazing readers in the world.

  Honest reviews are the best way to get the word out about my books. If you loved NSFW (or one of my other books!), I’d be beyond grateful if you could take two minutes to leave a quick review.

  Thanks for being awesome, for inspiring me every day, and for helping make it possible for me to do something I love.



  Also by Piper Lawson


  Schooled (Travesty 1)

  Stripped (Travesty 2)

  Sealed (Travesty 2.5)

  Styled (Travesty 3)

  Satisfaction (Travesty 4 - Summer 2018)

  * * *





  * * *



  About the Author

  I read and write stories where the girls aren’t doormats, the guys aren’t asshats, and secondary characters aren’t second-class citizens. A card-carrying millennial, I have two business degrees and zero hope of starting a fashion label (unlike my Travesty characters). I crave quirk the way some people crave kink, and believe life is too short not to do what—and who—you love.

  My home base near Toronto, Canada is shared with my wonderful sig other. I know he's the perfect man because not only is he TDH (tall dark & handsome), but he will beta read for me under duress. And really, that's what love is. Beta reading under duress.

  To my readers: I'm beyond grateful to you guys who make it possible for me to write. Thank you for buying my books. And inspiring me. And sending me wacky ideas. You're the reason I keep doing this.

  I love hearing from you! Stalk me on:

  The Interwebs➜www.piperlawsonbooks.com





  This book wouldn’t have happened without the support of Mr. L (the world’s best beta reader), my awesome advance team and reader group (special shoutout to Leslie’s Skarsgard-spo), Natasha’s fab designs, Danielle helping me stay organized and making sure I don’t release new books in a vacuum, and the never ending patience of Rachel and Jenny when I write dumb things. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.




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