Knowledge Hurts

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Knowledge Hurts Page 15

by D. S. Williams

  He remained silent, hovering impassively, his entire face so expressionless it might have been carved from marble.

  “It went wrong though – Nememiah's Children fought amongst themselves and it became a battle for supremacy and control over the supernaturals. They killed the demons, but they considered themselves superior beings to the other supernatural creatures, didn't they? And they fought over the amount of control to administer over those they were meant to protect. Not unlike what the Consiliului are doing now. It's all about control.”

  “What is your point, child?”

  “I'm the only pure Nememiah's child now. Archangelo has been created as vampire and he's tainted with demon blood.” It was my turn to pace, pondering what I was trying to explain, trying to ignore the trickle of fear in my chest as I imagined what he'd do if I didn't convince him. “What if… what if your plan was flawed from the beginning?”

  Yikes, that was probably a really, really bad thing to say to an angel. You probably weren't meant tell an angel his plan was flawed… ever. I expected a bolt of lightning to strike me dead any second now. I chewed my lip anxiously, wiping my clammy hands on my pants.

  “Go ahead, child. I do not dispense death with bolts of lightning. I am still listening.”

  “What if… What if Nememiah's Children shouldn't be leading everyone? What if this should have been a democracy from the beginning? You said yourself, Nememiah's Children were tainted because they considered themselves superior. Shouldn't the supernaturals be treated as equals to Nememiah's Children? They should be allowed to unite together to create harmony and understanding amongst one another. That's what I've been doing with my friends; we work together for the greater good of everyone and to fight against others who would threaten those they consider inferior to themselves.”

  “And yet you have seen for yourself the suspicion and hatred amongst them. They need leadership.”

  “They need guidance, not leadership. They need a path to follow.” My eyes brightened with sudden understanding. “Let me try this. Allow my friends permission to enter Zaen and give us safe haven. Give us the opportunity to try and fix this problem.”

  I lapsed into a wary silence, not certain he would agree to the request. Unexpectedly, he nodded his head. “I will give you what you ask for, child. You may attempt to bring these creatures together in harmony, but be warned. If I do not 'fix this' myself, by removing you and the other one, I will not become involved in how the situation resolves itself. I will caution you; the other one being created to vampire makes him stronger, more physically powerful than you can ever hope to be. Whilst you have the power of Angels behind you, he has the power of demons and vampire. Only one of you will survive in the end. Are you willing to take that chance? Are you willing to assume responsibility for future events?”

  “Yes,” I whispered fervently. “Thank you.” He began to drift slowly away and I spoke rapidly. “Wait! How do I get my friends inside Zaen?”

  He turned back and I could almost swear there was a smile quirking his lips. “Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, child. There are things you must deduce for yourself. I have given permission for the supernatural to enter Zaen – how to do so remains your task to discover. The Warlock Vander has the answer.”

  Chapter 19: Nememiah's Mark

  The ground was hard beneath my back and warm lips were pressed to mine, blowing air into my open mouth when I came around for a second time. It took a couple of confused seconds to comprehend what was going on. One – I was back with my friends and two – it was Conal who was pressing his lips against mine.

  Instinct kicked in and I curled my hand into a fist, slamming it into his jaw as I twisted away from him. “What are you doing!”

  “Charlotte! Thank, God! We thought you were dead.” Lucas drew me into his arms and onto his lap, his voice tense and I clung to him, trying to clear the confusion in my head. As he stroked my hair, I could feel a tremor in his hand.

  Ben knelt beside us and ran his fingers across my forehead. “She seems fine,” he reassured Lucas.

  “Shit.” Conal appeared, rubbing his jaw gingerly. “I was giving you CPR for Christ's sake! I wasn't kissing you.” He grinned suddenly. “Admittedly, it was bringing back some really pleasant memories.”

  Lucas's low warning growl rumbled through his chest and I rubbed his cheek. “It's okay, Lucas. I'm all right now.”

  Epi was standing a few feet away, his eyes anxious and rubbing his hands together nervously. Behind him, Nick stood stock still, his arms wrapped around himself as though he was cold.

  “What happened?” Lucas asked quietly. “You put your hand against the wall and then you collapsed. You weren't breathing, you didn't breathe for more than twenty minutes. You scared me to death.”

  “And that isn't easy, considering he's dead already,” Conal agreed sarcastically.

  I ignored Conal and explained my meeting with Nememiah to them, how I'd convinced him I could fix the mess we found ourselves in. I carefully left out the part where he'd said only Archangelo or myself could survive. It was information I need to think about and absorb for myself before I divulged it to anyone else. “He's given us permission to enter Zaen. Now all we have to do is figure out how.”

  “Well, on the bright side, we can all see Zaen now,” Nick announced thoughtfully. “When you placed your hand on the wall, it appeared to all of us.”

  I extricated myself from Lucas's arms and stood up, surveying the heavy oak gates. “Well, I suppose it's a start. I'm guessing it's got something to do with keeping demon blood outside the walls, that's what will stop you from going in,” I announced after some consideration. “I imagine I can walk straight in now, by placing my hand back on the wall again.”

  “Which you are most certainly not going to do,” Lucas announced firmly. “Not until we can go in there with you. We still don't know what we'll find behind the gates.” He grasped my hand in his, as if he half expected me to stroll over to the gates and march in immediately.

  “Lucas, translate the message from the top of the gate again, please,” Epi said.

  “Let all seeking sanctuary show their allegiance to Nememiah before entering,” Lucas read.

  Epi settled himself cross-legged on the ground amongst his piles of books and began to search through them. Ben and Conal stood together studying the gate. “Charlotte, showing your allegiance is all fine and good, but are the gates meant to open on their own?” Conal questioned.

  I sighed heavily. “Do I look like I have any idea?” Conal was already in my bad books for the kissing remark.

  “Alright, while Epi is trawling through his books, let's try something,” Conal announced abruptly. He strolled over to the gates and stood directly before them. “I hereby swear my allegiance to Nememiah.” He touched the rough oak gate and instantly he was flung backwards through the air, landing heavily on the dirt some fifteen feet away.

  “Conal!” I shrieked and sprinted towards him, Ben and Lucas right behind me. I dropped to the ground beside his collapsed form, rolling him over carefully. “Conal! Conal!” Ben pressed his fingers against Conal's neck, searching for a pulse and nodded, obviously relieved to locate it. Conal groaned and reached up to rub the back of his head gingerly with his fingers. “See, I knew you still cared about me, Sugar.”

  “Of course I care about you. Shut up, you idiot.” I stood up hastily and stalked back towards the gate. I stared at the smooth blank spot in the row of sigils, quite positive this was part of the way to enter. The first time I'd been transported to wherever Nememiah called home, but I wanted to know what would happen if I pressed my palm against it a second time. Cautiously, I did just that.

  The gates shimmered and vanished, leaving a tall arched opening. Stepping back, I peered through the darkened opening and saw it was a vaulted tunnel, running roughly fifteen feet long with the white granite on either side and overhead. It seemed that the length of the tunnel must directly relate to the thickness of the granite walls
and they would provide a great amount of security for our people. Walls that thick would be difficult to breech. At the other end of the tunnel, I could glimpse a cobblestoned street and part of what looked like a small house.

  “Why is it that you got all the cool powers?” Nick asked with a grin.

  “Yeah, that's right, Nick. Because transforming into a wolf just isn't cool at all,” I retorted, giving him a friendly shove. “Epi, I've got the gates open.”

  “So can we just walk in now?” Conal had limped back to where I stood, with Lucas and Ben beside him. “Or is this just Nememiah's way of teasing us?”

  “Oh, I should imagine there's more to it,” Epi agreed enthusiastically. “Nememiah's Children considered this a sanctuary. If anyone could break the gates down, presuming they could get past the initial enchantments, there must be more to keep them out.”

  Lucas was examining the words above the open gate. “I don't believe this relates to a verbal command,” he said, pointing to the words. “Permissum totus questio templum ostendo suum famulatus ut Nememiah pro ingressus – it says show your allegiance. Not speak of allegiance.”

  Nick stepped towards the opening. “Well, you guys reckon I don't have any demon blood in me. Why don't I see if I can walk through? Then we'll know if it's the demon blood, or something else.”

  “Nick, I don't believe that's a good idea,” Ben cautioned.

  “What, don't think I'm as tough as the werewolf?” Nick challenged with a smirk. He took a step, his foot breaching the threshold of the gates and he too, was blasted backwards.

  Nick was sitting up when I reached his side, inspecting his leg. His pants were torn and he'd grazed most of the skin off his calf and knee from sliding across the gravel. Lucas stood a discreet distance away, far enough to keep the scent of blood from reaching his nostrils. “Okay, so much for that idea. It isn't the demon blood,” Nick announced with certainty.

  “Ben did try to warn you,” I retorted lightly, grabbing the Hjördis from my pocket to create a blood sigil. I stopped abruptly, staring at the Hjördis.

  “Lott? What's up?” Nick asked curiously.

  “I think I've got an idea.” I hurriedly completed a sigil on his leg and Lucas helped him to his feet while I ran back to Epi, who was still immersed in his books. “Epi – the wing sigil you have on your shoulder. Who gave it to you?”

  Impatience crossed his features as he glared at me for interrupting him. “I told you, child. It was marked upon me by the last of Nememiah's Children before the final battle we fought against the breakaway group.”

  “Why did he give it to you?”

  “It marked me as a comrade to the Children of Nememiah, provided everyone with proof of my allegiance…” He stopped suddenly, his eyes drawn to the words over the gateway. “Of course! Of course! Well done, Charlotte, I believe you may have worked out the puzzle!” He leaped up and stared at the gateway, his fingers interlinked behind his head as he studied it. “That's it,” he muttered to himself.

  And he stepped through the gateway.

  I held my breath, worried that if I was wrong, Epi was about to blasted from the doorway as Conal and Nick had been. But nothing happened. He stood inside the tunnel itself, grinning jubilantly.

  Lucas and Nick reached my side and Lucas slipped his arm around my waist. “You've figured it out, then?” His voice was filled with amusement as he watched Epi performing a crazy little dance on the cobblestones lining the tunnel floor.

  “It's the sigil on Epi's shoulder, it was marked by the Leader of Nememiah's Children during their final battle. It gives proof of his allegiance to Nememiah's Children,” I explained, giggling at Epi's antics. Epi stepped back out through the open gateway and the giant gate re-materialized, cutting of access to Zaen.

  “Oops,” Epi said, staring despondently at the gates.

  “It's okay, Epi. I think that's meant to happen,” I called out. “Try opening it yourself. Place your hand on the blank spot in that row of sigils.” Epi did as I suggested and sure enough the heavy gates shimmered and disappeared again. I was amused when Epi joyfully danced again, leaping around like a person… well… a person much younger than fifteen hundred years old.

  Nick pulled off his t-shirt and turned so his back was towards me. “I'm guessing we're about to get another sigil.”

  “Nick, I'm pretty certain this one is permanent. Are you sure about this?” I warned him in a low voice.

  “Of course it's permanent,” Epi shouted gleefully. “It must be! The mark is designed for those who pledge their undying commitment to Nememiah's Children. It marks those of us willing to die for such a noble cause!”

  “So if I mark this on him – will it work?”

  “I believe so, but I must warn you, young man. You find the sigils being marked on your skin painful. They are nothing, nothing at all compared to the agony this one will cause. You must be very certain before you agree,” Epi said, his manner abruptly becoming serious.

  Nick met my eyes and smiled his encouragement, knowing how much I hated hurting any of them. “Don't listen to the old man, Lott. We know how he tends to exaggerate.” He knelt on the ground, making it easier to reach his shoulder and I started to mark his skin with the sign of the wing. It was apparent that this mark was different to all the others when he cursed beneath his breath and the muscle in his back tensed as he clenched his hands into tight fists. By the time I'd completed the intricate wing, Nick was literally shaking with pain and my tears were dripping down his shoulder where I'd worked.

  “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!” I moaned when I'd finished.

  Nick pulled me into his arms for a comforting hug, a surprise in itself because he wasn't usually demonstrative. While he and I had shared a rocky relationship to date, we'd settled into a polite affiliation since rescuing Lucas. He was so controlled, kept his emotions tightly in check under a cool veneer. Now though, he was hugging me gently and I wrapped my arms around his waist. “It's okay, Lott. You had to do it.” He released his grip and pushed me away with a tender smile.

  Conal approached, his shirt already removed and grasped in one hand. He turned his back to me and knelt down and I shook my head. “I can't,” I whispered. “I can't do this to you.” The scent of burnt flesh was still hanging in the air and I couldn't escape it.

  “You can, Sugar. You have to,” Conal announced firmly. “Besides, this'll give us an indication of whether we have traitors in our midst. If they won't take the mark, they aren't dedicated to the cause.”

  “Exactly!” Epi agreed cheerfully. He was in the process of collecting his copious books and shoving them back into the rucksack, oblivious to the trauma this was putting me through.

  I wavered uncertainly, worrying about doing this to Conal, who I loved so much despite choosing Lucas. I'd made my decision, but it hadn't changed my feelings for Conal and I didn't want to physically hurt him, on top of the emotional pain I'd created yesterday.

  “Hey, guess what? This thing actually works.” Nick was standing inside the gates of Zaen, having opened the gate himself and stepped through without injury. He winked at me from inside the tunnel. “Looks like we're on a winner.”

  “Crap. Looks like we're committed now, Sugar,” Conal said. “Let's get this over with.”

  Taking a deep breath, I started to draw the same mark on his left shoulder, cringing inwardly when I saw him shudder. “I'm so sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing and just draw the damn thing, will you? The faster you do it, the faster it's over,” Conal urged, gritting his teeth. I worked hurriedly, trying to breathe through my mouth so I wouldn't inhale the pungent scent of burning flesh. Conal glanced back over his shoulder when I'd finished and managed a grim smile. “Always thought about getting a tatt. Looks like I got myself a free one.” He stood up and brushed his lips across my cheek. “I love you, Sugar. I know you had to do it.”

  Ben took Conal's place, kneeling so I could begin to work on his mark. I gritted my teeth determinedly, wishing
I was anywhere but here, doing this. Ben kept his eyes shut and was holding his back stiffly by the time I'd finished. He stood up and slipped on his shirt, then held me in his arms as I sobbed uncontrollably against his chest. “Shhh, Charlotte, it's all right,” he murmured against my ear. “You are only doing what is required for us to have safety.”

  When he released me, Lucas took his place, taking the position Ben had vacated. For once, seeing his bare chest didn't elicit a reaction as I stepped towards him, my hand trembling as I lifted the Hjördis to begin the mark. I hesitated and Lucas caught my gaze, his eyes filled with sympathy. “Charlotte, you have to do this. Please.”

  When I began to draw the mark, I heard him inhale sharply as his skin began to burn. He gritted his teeth and shut his eyes as my tears fell against his skin. By the time it was finished, Lucas's muscled arms were flexed in agony, his hands fisted tightly. He stood up and drew me into his arms as I cried. “My love, it's over now. You've done all you needed to do. I love you.” He lowered his mouth to mine, kissing me tenderly and I returned the kiss, wrapping my arms around his waist and holding him tightly.

  “Alright you two, enough already,” Conal growled roughly. “Now we've got these things, let's see if this Zaen is all it's cracked up to be.”

  Chapter 20: Sanctuary

  Conal and Nick led the way through the long tunnel, their bodies tensed as they strode warily through the darkened expanse. It was much cooler here than outside and their boots clicked loudly against the cobblestones, echoing back from the stone walls.

  “Who built this?” Nick questioned.

  “Nememiah himself,” Epi supplied, trotting along behind them and looking exceptionally tiny beside Ben.

  Lucas and I held hands, walking behind Epi and Ben and I squeezed Lucas's fingers apprehensively. He glanced down and offered me a comforting smile. “I don't think there's anything to worry about, Charlotte. It's taken us five hours to figure out how to get in here, so I'm not expecting anything remotely demon-like inside the walls.”


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