Knowledge Hurts

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Knowledge Hurts Page 21

by D. S. Williams

  “Avoid it!” The same woman shrieked. “What if they're in a situation where they can't avoid it? Vampires suck their victims dry!”

  “This vampire,” I turned back to Lucas, offering him a grim smile, “and his Kiss, were kidnapped by the Drâghici. Tortured, nearly killed, they'd been denied nourishment for weeks. When we rescued him and his Kiss, the only way to help them escape was to allow them to drink my blood.” The crowd hushed, as if they'd inhaled collectively and held it. “I chose to cut my own arm open, allow them a small amount of my blood.”

  “You'd be dead if that were true!” A man's voice shouted.

  “It is true. They drank my blood. It helped to sustain them while we got them out of Sfantu Drâghici. They drank my blood and had the self-control, the willpower to stop themselves. Never before that day – not since that day – have they attempted to drink my blood again.”

  “It's a lie!”

  I turned to the speaker and found myself facing Marrok. I was beginning to seriously dislike him. “Give me a reason?”

  The older man stared at me in confusion. “Huh?”

  I shrugged. “Give me a reason. What reason would I have to lie to you?”

  He flushed red, shuffled on his feet uncomfortably. “It has to be a lie.”


  “I don't know why, but you're feeding us bullshit,” he spat angrily, regaining some of his swagger.

  A quick glance at Conal found him furious, his hands clenched into fists and his fiery stare burning holes into Marrok. “Again, I ask you why?” I responded calmly. “Were you there?”


  “You've been with our group since the Drâghici attacked you. You've lived with the vampires since then. Have you been attacked?”


  I smirked, deliberately trying to annoy him even more. “Noticed anyone dead? Any bloodless bodies? Somebody missing from your pack?”

  A few people around him began to titter and chuckle and Marrok glared at them. “No.”

  “Found any fang marks on anyone? On yourself?”

  “No!” He yelled angrily. “You're being ridiculous!”

  I chuckled, pleased I'd gotten the reaction I'd wanted. “No, Marrok. You're being ridiculous. Worse still, you're small-minded and suffer from an inflated ego. You believe you're better than the vampires, probably the shape shifters and certainly better than me.”

  “That's bullshit,” he huffed angrily.

  “You're a racist, Marrok. You don't belong here. Pack up your belongings, your family and leave. There's no room here for your bad attitude.” I turned away from him, as though he no longer existed.

  Chapter 25: Understanding

  Conal raised an eyebrow at me, but I ignored him and waited patiently for Marrok to speak. I had no doubt he was going to.

  “You can't do that!” he finally spluttered and when I turned back, he'd lost some of the ruddy color from his face.

  “Yes, I can.” I waved my hand to encompass the wider group surrounding him. “We'll ask everyone's opinion, allow the group to make an informed decision about whether you stay, or if you leave.”

  “I want to stay!” The woman standing beside Marrok spoke up, her pale blue eyes wide as she glanced nervously at Marrok.

  “Jenny?” he said quietly, staring down at her in disbelief. “If they kick me out, you'd come with me!”

  She shook her head firmly. “I'm safer here, Marrok. I'm only half-blood. So are Gideon and Justin.”

  I assumed Jenny was his wife and Gideon and Justin, their sons. I made the decision to let this play out on its own, instinct suggesting this would work better than anything I could tell these people to convince them.

  He puffed up his chest. “I would protect you.”

  She threw her hands up in the air. “How? How will you protect us from the Drâghici? You've seen what they did, you've watched them kill our friends!”

  He motioned towards Lucas and the other vampires. “They're vampires, Jenny! They can't ever be trusted!”

  She raised her chin defiantly. “I don't believe that. I've spoken with the one named Rowena. That girl, Acenith – she helped me when we were allocated a cottage. They're nice.”

  “Nice? Nice!!” he spluttered. “What about when they get thirsty? You won't think they're fucking nice then!”

  For a long moment, there was silence and a lone tear trickled slowly down Jenny's cheek. “I'm not leaving, Marrok. I can't leave and take the risk of Gideon and Justin being killed. I can't… and I won't.”

  In many ways it was sad, watching this tableau being played out in front of so many strangers. It was unpleasant to watch Marrok slowly deflating, but it was encouraging to see the genuine love for his wife in his grey eyes as he wavered between his own fervent beliefs and the panic at being asked to leave without his wife and children by his side.

  “Nobody will force you to leave,” I offered quietly, watching Marrok wrap his wife in his arms, holding her close to his chest while she sobbed. “We're not your enemies, Marrok.”

  Lucas, Conal and Nick still stood together, their hands relaxed by their sides. “Vampires. Werewolves. Shape Shifters. You all see one, or two of their species as adversaries. I can assure you, these men, all the men in this city, are not your enemies. They're your allies. You can unite, if you choose to do so. And you have something else you must come together against. Demons.”

  I nodded curtly to Epi and he waved his hand, creating a replica of a Naberius, the scorpion-like demon I'd battled in Puckhaber only days before. People around us shouted and screamed, some backing away nervously and I held up my hand for silence. “This is what you're facing. Worry less about the vampires, more about these. This demon is a facsimile, a copy. Hence why it stands here indecisively. The mouth is full of teeth which drip pure acid – that's what gave me these burns across my neck.” The marks were still vividly red, where the Naberius saliva had sizzled on my skin.

  “The spike on the tail injects poison. That very same poison was coursing through my body when I portalled into Zaen with Sherriff Davis a few days ago. It stabbed me here,” I showed them the massive shiny red scar, “and injected a massive dose of poison into my bloodstream. They're lethal, they're toxic and they will do anything to kill all of you when they've been programmed to do so. This is what the Consiliului will attack you with.” The creature was motionless, watching as I walked around it warily. Psychologically I knew it wasn't real and wouldn't harm me, but the memory of the real Naberius made me uneasy. “The Drâghici are using Archangelo and the warlock to summons these creatures from the Otherworld. They're deadly, brutal and they each have their own lethal physical characteristics. They will be used in this war.”

  “But how can we fight… that?” The voice came from the crowd, someone calling out in disbelief.

  “We can teach you. We can mark you with sigils, to protect you and help you in battle. But it will need all of us, every single person here and more, to overcome the obstacles we face.” I nodded curtly at Epi and he waved his hand, making the Naberius shimmer and fade away. “They can be killed. They can be stopped.” I pointed to the still-red scar on my chest, walking around to ensure everybody could see it clearly. “This is what a Naberius did to me four days ago. It had been ordered to kill me. The Drâghici will send demons who've been ordered to kill werewolves, shape shifters and vampires. Unlike you, they're not going to discriminate.”

  Inhaling sharply, I hardened my tone, wanting to make sure they understood exactly where they stood. “You all have a choice. Right or wrong. Fight or flee. I don't have those choices. I am the Angel child and my path is chosen. I fight on the side of right and I will fight no matter the odds. But if you can overcome your prejudice against one another, my chances of returning a peaceful world to you will increase. Now I ask you - who amongst you will overcome your petty differences and fight with me?”

  Even with the effect of the fearless sigil, a trickle of panic rippled up my s
pine as I wondered if I'd convinced anyone with my speech. Lucas spoke up instantly. “The Tine Kiss fights with you.” I threw him a grateful smile and he winked.

  Thut stepped forward, regal and distinguished and he swept his gaze across the crowd. “The Bustani Kiss will fight.”

  Nick put his hand on my shoulder. “The Lingard Pack are joining the fight.”

  Conal added his commitment. “The Tremaine's will fight for the rights of everyone.” His gaze was focused on Marrok, eyeing him coldly, waiting for his reaction. Marrok's eyes were intense, his forehead pulled down in a scowl, but he remained silent, only nodding his head in silent agreement.

  Reynolds stepped forward, his expression a mask of grim determination. “The Reynolds Pack will join this battle.”

  One by one, the leaders of each group stepped forward and announced their intention to join us and the stress gradually receded from my shoulders. When the last of them had pledged their allegiance, I spoke again.

  “Thank you for your commitment. We start training tomorrow.” I smiled warmly, relief like a drug coursing through my body. “But tonight, we toast our allegiance to each other.”Epi…?" Glancing across at the old man, I saw him rolling his eyes, but he did as I requested.

  Vast tables appeared in front of us, laden down with food, alcohol, sodas and juice. The gathered crowds cheered noisily and swarmed towards the banquet.

  Closing my eyes, I swayed a little as relief pounded through my veins. Despite the firm conviction that this gathering needed to occur, I hadn't convinced myself we'd get them to come together as a cohesive unit.

  “I believe that was one of the best speeches I've heard,” Ben announced, reaching my side. “And I've heard some excellent speeches in the past thousand years,” he added with a wink. He hugged me for a long time, kissing my forehead. “I'm so very proud of you, Charlotte.”

  “Thanks. To be honest, I wasn't sure it was going to work.”

  “Of course it worked. That was amazing, Sugar.” Conal wrapped me in a bear hug and kissed my forehead affectionately. “You were incredible.”

  “Yeah, it was pretty damned incredible.” Sherriff Davis arrived with Acenith and Marianne, standing back as the two women hugged me.

  “Thanks, Sherriff.”

  He smiled wryly. “Charlotte, I think you can start calling me Clint. I'm not the Sherriff of anything now.”

  “You're sure about staying?”

  “Yep. Wouldn't miss it for the world.” He smiled, his tall, heavyset body still holding the countenance of a Sherriff. “Nothing this exciting ever happened in Puckhaber.”

  “It's dangerous, Clinton,” I warned.

  “Hell, you're talking to a guy who go shot in the line of duty. The world's a dangerous place, Charlotte.” He shrugged. “I've got no family, nobody who'll miss me. I like these folks,” he said, waving his hand towards Acenith and Marianne, “even if they are vampires. And I figure if this group gets bigger, you'll be needing a Sherriff to keep the peace.”

  I was swamped by a wave of well-wishers during the next hour or so, as one after another, people approached to meet me or pass on their congratulations. I kept trying to locate Lucas, craning my neck to search for him, but he was nowhere to be found.

  Phelan appeared, handing me a glass with a devilish twinkle in his eye.

  “What's this?” I asked, eyeing it warily.

  “I've been trying to get you to have a drink since you turned twenty one,” he announced with a cheeky grin. “This seems like the perfect time.”

  I sipped the drink cautiously, swirling the liquid around my mouth before swallowing it. “What is it?”

  “Scotch and Coke. You don't really look like a beer drinking kind of gal,” he chuckled.

  I took another small sip. “It's okay.”

  “Great,” Phelan winked. “Plenty more where that came from.”

  “Are you trying to lead my girlfriend astray?” Lucas stepped up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “Girlfriend. I like that,” I announced happily

  Lucas tilted my chin and kissed me hungrily, until I felt for a moment as though we were the only two people on the planet. When he released me, his eyes shone with warmth and desire. “Of course you're my girlfriend.”

  “I know. I've just never heard you call me that before. It makes me feel… special.”

  He kissed my nose. “You've always been special, Charlotte.”

  We were separated again as I circulated through the group, talking to the many people who wanted to discuss our situation. It was overwhelming, a frenzy of people and faces until I eventually located the Tines, who were sitting with Lucas, Epi and some of the Reynolds pack. By then, Phelan had given me a second whisky, followed by a third and all was right with my world. I slumped down on the bench beside Lucas and wriggled until I'd aligned myself against his thigh. Someone had brought a CD player to the circular grassland and Epi again performed his magic, removing the empty food tables and creating a wooden floor on the centre of the grass, where a few people were already dancing together.

  Lucas kissed me lightly. “You taste of scotch,” he announced, before deepening the kiss. “Mmmm, I remember that taste.”

  “Phelan keeps giving them to me, but he's complaining that I don't drink fast enough,” I explained seriously.

  “How many have you had?” Rowena asked.

  “This is my third.” I waved the glass in his general direction.

  “That's not a bad average, Buffy,” Striker said, grinning. “Don't think you're likely to get out of control with three scotches.”

  “I already feel out of control,” I announced happily. “I never dreamed we could get everyone to consider becoming a cohesive unit and yet, look around…” I waved my arm expansively, before pointing my finger accusingly at Striker. “Will you stop calling me Buffy!”

  “Hey, Lottie!” Marco ran up, his shirt hanging loose, eyes filled with delight. “I've found it!”

  “Found what?”

  “Every rebellion needs an anthem and I've found ours. Come dance with me.” He yanked on my arm and I resisted.

  “Marco, I've just sat down!”

  “C'mon, this song is awesome. Exactly what we need to psych everyone up,” he pleaded. “Please, Lott…”

  “Go,” Lucas whispered in my ear. “Once in your life you get to be twenty one. Go and dance with him.”

  I begrudgingly put down my glass and let Marco drag me onto the makeshift dance floor. The beat of an electro-pop song blared out through the speakers and Marco began to clap his hands, in time to the music. I followed his lead and when the vocalist sang, I understood why Marco said this was perfect for us. The words told of people being controlled, destroyed and continued with lyrics about fighting back, eventual victory. I swayed to the music, my inhibitions lost with the alcohol I'd consumed. Others joined us on the dance floor, dozens of people jumping to the beat, chanting the words. Marianne danced up beside me, then Striker and Holden, Conal, Sam and Phelan - dozens of others were on dance floor together. I glanced across the throng and found Lucas watching me, his eyes grazing across my body as I swayed and jumped to the music. He saw me watching him and slowly winked, making my pulse thump a little harder.

  The song seemed to strike a chord with everyone, it spoke of our battle, described what we were up against. It was played repeatedly and I danced until my hair was soaked in perspiration and my feet ached. Working my way off the dance floor, I made a beeline for Lucas.

  “Let's go home,” I suggested, holding my hand out. He stood up, taking my hand in his before we meandered through the crowds, shouting goodbyes as we walked towards our cottage.

  Lucas wrapped an arm around my shoulder and held me close. “Had a good time?”

  “Wonderful,” I agreed.

  “I love you.”

  “And I love you.” I stopped to kiss him and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, holding me close. Someone wolf whistled and Lucas released me,
grinning through the darkness towards where the shrill sound had come from.

  “Striker?” I questioned.

  “Holden.” Lucas brushed his fingertips across my backside. “We'd get home faster if I carried you.”

  Nodding my agreement, he lifted me into his arms and ran swiftly through the rows of cottages until we reached our own. Dropping me gently onto the top step, he drew me inside. Pushing the door shut with his foot, he turned and watched me for a long moment.

  “You have never been more beautiful than you are tonight,” he said huskily. Before I could respond he pinned me against the wall, his hands cradling either side of my head as he kissed me. My heartbeat raced as his mouth invaded mine and I snaked my arms around his neck, pulling him against me. Lucas groaned and dragged his lips away from my mouth, his eyes dark as he gazed down at me. “Charlotte…?”

  The unspoken question was visible in his eyes. I smiled, capturing his strong jaw against my fingers as I nodded tentatively, watching him close his eyes and breathe deeply against my wrist.

  Lucas drew me into his arms again, his hands gentle against my back as he rained kisses over my skin and I inhaled the perfect aroma that emanated from his skin. “Go upstairs, love. I'll join you in a few minutes,” he demanded huskily.

  “What's wrong?”

  Lucas's mouth lifted in a smile. “Nothing's wrong. Absolutely nothing. But I'd like to take a… precaution before we continue.”

  “You need to feed?” Having been out of the loop for a few days, I wasn't sure when he'd last visited the forest.

  Lucas lowered his gaze, rubbing his hands across my waist. “I don't need to feed, love. But a male vampire can only maintain an erection while he has blood in his body from feeding.” His lips brushed against my cheek, and he whispered against my ear. “I merely want to ensure our lovemaking can last for as long as we both want it to. I'll visit Striker, he has a blood supply available for just… such an emergency.”


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