Wolf of Stone

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Wolf of Stone Page 3

by Quinn Loftis

  “Naturally,” Costin replied dryly.

  “Sorin and Adam, along with their mates, will also accompany the healers. I realize that isn’t very many males to protect such precious cargo, but Crina is no lightweight, and Elle has no problem holding her own in a fight. I will do my best to keep tabs on both groups, but I also need to get in contact with some of the other supernaturals. Any questions?”

  Stella raised her hand. “Yeah, is there any way we can get off this crazy train?”

  A wicked grin spread across Peri’s face. “You can try. However,” her face suddenly serious, “you are a gypsy healer, unmated, and out there in this big wide world is a male who has the other half of your soul. Can you honestly tell me that there is something back in your old life that’s worth walking away from that?”

  Stella shook her head as she let out a long, deep breath. “No, honestly I cannot. I can, however, tell you that living with pixies in order to keep the peace among a bunch of possessive, controlling, allbeit no doubt incredibly good looking, werewolves doesn’t seem like much of a step up from dancing on a bar.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, when this is all said and done, I’m sure Costin would be willing to let you dance on his bar.”

  The room erupted into chuckles at Peri’s words. Costin stood helping Sally up to her feet as he shook his head at the fae. “That just sounded wrong on so many levels.”


  Dalton slipped quietly into the room where Jewel Stone lay. She was still as death and yet just as beautiful as the last time he had been in to see her. Regardless of all that had been done to her, all the marks she bore because of those things, to him she looked like an angel. He could hear Dillon’s voice from the main living area as he discussed the new wolves that would be arriving soon. Dalton didn’t want to care, didn’t want to feel as though he needed to feel flesh between his teeth at the thought of one of those males near Jewel, but he did. In his long life he had never felt such possessiveness or jealousy toward another, and the lack of control it ignited in him left him rattled.

  He took a seat in the chair next to her bed knowing he would at least have a few minutes while the others were distracted. He tried to stay away. He lasted all of one night before he was slipping unseen back into her room. He had to see her with his own eyes to know without a doubt that she was still holding on. His eyes roamed over her small form, noticing that she had lost even more weight, not that she had any to lose to begin with. Her strawberry locks seemed dull as they fanned out around her. The porcelain skin that was covered in scars that she would bear for the rest of her life appeared even paler than it had the day before. He wanted to do something. His wolf, caged inside of him, snarled, imploring the man to take their mate and protect her.

  He dropped his head forward as the memories—the reason that he could not touch her again, could not be what she needed—rushed through his mind. His stomach rolled at the images that played out like a horror movie that would not end. He saw all the things that had happened to him beyond his control. Worse than that, however, were the things he had done in order to cope with those atrocities. Jewel deserved better than the likes of him. He would not condemn her to live with one who had truly become a monster, caged though he may be. He knew that if she was his, if he claimed her, if he took her and bound her to him, then the monster would be set free. For if she accepted him with all of his ugliness, if she pardoned him and bestowed grace and love upon him, he feared he would never let her leave his side. He would shackle her to him so that he could keep her safe. He would want her all to himself and the life of a gypsy healer was the complete opposite of that. She would be needed by others. Her life would be one of service and sacrifice. He would have to share her and even the sanest of their males did not share well.

  Dalton lifted his head when he heard the voices get louder, indicating that his time was up. Sally would be back to check on Jewel, and he did not want to be caught by her. The animosity she felt towards him was palpable from more than fifty feet away, and he had no desire to listen to the healer berate him.

  Dalton looked back at Jewel as he stood. His feet felt as though they had turned to concrete as he stepped back. “Keep fighting, little dove,” he whispered as he backed toward the window, his usual point of retreat when unable to use the door. The desire to grab her was stronger now that he knew of the unmated males that would soon be there. Instead of acting on that desire, he opened the window and carefully managed to squeeze his large frame through the opening. He would be back. He could tell himself a thousand times that this was the last visit, but he knew the wolf would take over eventually. Over the centuries, Dalton had secluded himself more and more, living a solitary life. During that time, the beast had gained more and more control over him. And the control he lacked over the beast would keep him from leaving her. He might be able to force his wolf to watch from a distance, and to convince him that just being close to her was enough. Then again he might also kill all eight of the wolves that showed up to help find Volcan. Really it was a tossup.


  Kara Jones watched as Anna, Stella, and Heather gathered the possessions that they had accumulated over their time in Peri’s home. The high fae had managed to procure them each clothes, toiletries, shoes, and anything else they had told her they needed. When questioned about where and how she got it all, she simply shrugged and said, I’m me, do you really have to ask? They left it at that deciding that they really didn’t want to know.

  “Sucks that you have to stay here,” Anna said, breaking the silence that had hung heavy over the room.

  “What if they’re wrong and the mating signs do show up, even though you are only sixteen?” Stella paused in her packing as she looked over at Kara. “Would they expect you to bond, or whatever, with the guy even though you are underage?”

  Kara shrugged her shoulders. “If he treated me in a manner even close to the way those guys out there,” she pointed towards the door, “treat their mates, then I can’t say that I would be opposed to the idea.” Kara at first had been very leery of the idea of being tied to one man, and of having no say in the matter. She was young, and that was a big decision. Besides that, what did she know about relationships? She wouldn’t know what a healthy relationship looked like if it slapped her in the face. But after years in the system, jumping from home to home with no love or affection, she could not deny the appeal of having someone look at her the way Lucian looked at Peri.

  “You do not have to do anything you don’t want to, Kara,” Heather spoke up. “And if whoever your mate is truly loves you, he will wait for as long as you need him to.”

  Once their bags were all packed, they headed back down to the living area. Peri wanted them to leave as quickly as they could so that she could remove their scents from the house.

  As they stood waiting for the others to join them, Anna’s eyes wandered toward the front door. Whatever magic that lived in her that longed to heal others was being drawn outside. She moved toward the door, not saying anything as she quietly slipped outside. As soon as the walls of the house no longer separated her from the pull, it hit her full force. She followed it, letting it guide her toward the forest. As she broke through the trees she saw a huge, steel grey, wolf. His pale blue eyes bore into her as she moved slowly toward him. She knew it was Dalton because she would never forget seeing him stand over Jewel in his wolf form as she lay broken and battered on the altar.

  She could not see a wound on him, yet she could feel his pain radiating toward her. Anna remembered some of the things Sally had been teaching them about their magic—how to use it to evaluate a person. From what she understood, she knew she would need to touch him in order to look inside. But as she took another step forward and his eyes began to glow, she knew touching him was out of the question. She didn’t know if his wolf had been calling out for help or if she had just been drawn to him because of his anguish.

  “I am not the healer you need,” she told him gently.
“I don’t know much about this whole true mate thing, but I do know that opening yourself up to a person is scary. It’s humiliating, humbling, and excruciating. I’m not going to tell you that you need to claim her or whatever. I’m not going to say that what you’re doing is selfish because honestly I don’t even know you.” Anna took a deep breath as she thought about her next words. She wasn’t lying to him, but at the same time Jewel was a friend now, and she wanted what was best for her. If Dalton was what was best for Jewel and he could help her get better, then that is what she wanted. “Just,” she paused. “Jewel loves to read. She told us that she practically lived at the library back in her hometown. She also loves to learn. She’s probably the smartest person I’ve ever met. She is constantly spouting off random facts that most people would never care to know.” A huff of laughter escaped her as she remembered the things Heather had told them about her time in the forest with Jewel and Kara. “She carries a heavy burden of self-doubt and hides behind her knowledge. Just know that you aren’t the only one with hurt or shame in your past.”

  She turned and left him with a certain amount of peace filling her. She hadn’t had to heal a physical wound, but perhaps that’s not the only types of wounds gypsy healers helped with. Anna didn’t know if her words would make a difference, but she hoped that somehow she had been able to plant a seed of doubt about his choice to walk away from his true mate.


  Dalton watched the young healer called Anna walk back toward the house. As he sat staring out into the woods, he had been completely surprised when she emerged into the forest. He had not considered how his pain and longing might affect the healers now that it was no longer held under such a tight reign. He was a little shocked that she hadn’t berated him for his behavior but instead had tried to understand his part in the matter. Dalton was even more shocked that Anna had revealed things about Jewel. Things that would make her seem more like a person and less like an unconscious stranger. For that he wanted to growl at Anna. He didn’t want to know Jewel’s likes and dislikes or habits and quirks. If he knew those things, then he would long to know more. Knowing more would lead to caring and he wasn’t sure there was enough emotion left in him to care for anyone.

  He sat silently in his wolf form, his body stiff and his senses alert. He had tried to go further, to put some distance between him and the fae’s home, but his wolf had literally stopped him in his tracks. He would not let the man budge from that spot. Dalton’s wolf had forced his phase and it had been over a century since he had done that. He decided not to fight it. He knew that his own wolf wanted to be close by when the new pack members began to arrive. Some he knew personally and others he just knew of; but he wanted to get a good look at all of them.

  The daylight faded and darkness swallowed up the forest and still he sat, waiting. Finally he saw Peri flash, appearing just in front of her home with two large men on either side of her. They were here. Single males. Here to help? Yes, but like any unmated Canis lupis, they were also searching for their true mates. The door closed, cutting off his view. His wolf trembled as though bolts of electricity were being shot into him as he battled his need to get to her. Suddenly Dalton threw his head back and let out a soul–baring howl. He poured his rage, fear, worries, anguish, and shame into it, and the power that he released shook the trees around him. As it died down and his eyes were once again focused on Peri’s home, for the first time, he truly feared that he would not be able to keep his wolf from killing any male that touched Jewel. Slightly more disturbing was that the man was in agreement with the wolf. He didn’t know if he wanted to stop his wolf from ripping their throats out.

  Unable to stand it any longer, he paced over to the house and stood just outside the window to Jewel’s room. Peering in he saw Sally close her eyes and lay her hand on Jewel’s head. Several minutes later she opened them with a frustrated growl. He knew she had not been able to reach the injured girl. Costin wrapped an arm around her and kissed her temple.

  “We have company. You can check on Jewel again in a bit,” he told his mate as he led her from the room. The door closed and Jewel was alone. Now was his chance to see her before the other males did. He considered breathing on her to cover her in his scent as he phased and snagged the pants and shirt he had stowed in the bushes. If she was covered in his scent, then they would know not to pursue her. Dalton reached for the window and just as his fingers touched it, a violent shock ripped through him. He jumped back with a painful curse as he shook his hands. He looked down at them to see the damage but there was nothing, no burn marks or cuts. His eyes narrowed as he looked back at the window, and he growled as if it was the window’s fault he had been electrocuted. He stepped towards the house ready to attempt to open it again but was brought up short by the sound of his Alpha’s voice.

  “You can’t get in.”

  Dalton turned slowly and his wolf peered out of his eyes at Dillon. “Why?” he growled.

  “There is a reason we keep high fae around. Peri has bound you from the house. I know you have been visiting Jewel; your scent has been all over her room. The draw to her is undeniable and yet you still refuse to claim her. This is your doing.” Dillon pointed to the house behind Dalton. “I told you that I would give the other males a chance to see if Jewel was their true mate. After all, it was you who said there were no mating signs, only the need to protect her.”

  Dalton’s head dropped forward as he felt the fight rush out of him. Those were his words. Dillon was right; he had been the one to claim that Jewel might not be his mate, and in doing so he had left her available for other males.

  “You have to let your past go, Dalton,” Dillon told him. “Everyone has a past that haunt them, but you are letting yours control you.”

  Dalton looked up and his eyes met Dillon’s for a count of three before settling on his Alpha’s right shoulder. “Some pasts are darker than others. Some pasts cannot be healed or excised.”

  “When you go feral, I will have no choice but to kill you. Consider what that will do to your mate before you decide for her that your past is too much.”

  Dillon left him standing there in the dark. He had not missed what the Alpha had said. He’d said when you go feral not if. And he was right. Dillon was also right that he would have to kill Dalton once it happened. Because once his wolf took over the dam would burst and all the rage caused by being separated from their mate would be let loose on anyone in his way. Man, woman, or child—mated or not—they would all bleed for his own sins.

  Chapter 2

  “Change is inevitable in this life. Whether this change is good or bad ultimately depends upon our response to it. Most of the time we assume any change that is painful or difficult is bad, but the truth is probably quite the opposite. We shy away from the changes that will bring us suffering and test our will. When in fact we should be running into it with our arms open wide embracing that which will most likely make us stronger.” ~ Heather

  Heather’s hand lay gently on Stella’s shoulder as the group followed Adam through a thick forest. Elle had mentioned that the home of the pixies was deep in the Carpathian Mountains. Strange, she thought, that they were looking for pixies as they trekked through a range of mountains that were notorious in fiction for harboring vampires. Heather laughed to herself as she considered how different her life had become in such a short amount of time. Some of those changes were good, and some, well some flat out, sucked. Hearing the horrible sounds of the battle that had happened only days ago was something she thought she would only ever hear in a movie. Finding out that she, a blind dog trainer from Texas, was special for something other than her lack of sight was almost too much to hope for. She didn’t want much out of life, but to be loved the way the men of the Canis lupis species loved their mates was something she could completely be okay with.

  “Are you thinking little-blue-demon-looking things for the pixies?” Stella whispered to Heather.

  Heather snorted. “You say blue like I kno
w what that means.” She felt Stella shrug.

  “What should I say?” Stella asked.

  “Good point,” Heather conceded. “Whatever they are, I don’t think Peri would put us in a situation that would be dangerous to us.”

  “Are we talking about the same fairy that had us running headlong into a battle between a band of werewolves and two psycho fae?” Anna spoke up.

  “Exactly,” Stella agreed.

  Heather ignored them and instead directed her next question to Crina. “Have you met these pixies, Crina?”

  “I have met some,” she admitted. “They are a finicky race. Typically they aren’t necessarily good or bad. They simply choose the side that is most likely to win. In other words they look out for number one above all others.”

  “And yet she trusts them with our safety?” Anna asked.

  “Yeah, what exactly is this debt that is owed by the king?” Stella piped in.

  “Maybe we should stop for a break and fill them in,” Elle suggested. As she drew to a halt, the others followed suit. Sorin and Adam got out the water bottles they had packed and began passing them out as they each sat in a small circle. The three healers sat side by side staring back at the two couples who had been charged with their care and waited for the tale that no doubt would be full of unbelievable information.

  “We’ve shared with you a little about the past year and all the trials the Romanian pack has faced. So many changes have been taking place and with changes come challenges,” Elle began. “It seems that with the reappearance of the true mates, which is a good thing, also came great evil. It was as if the world was somehow trying to balance itself out. One of these evils was Desdemona, a witch of incredible power and a heart so full of evil that the grass she walked upon died beneath her feet. She, like Volcan, was also hell bent on obtaining her own gypsy healer. Now as you all may or may not know, in the supernatural world, like draws like. It works kind of like a magnet. Evil forces are able to draw other weaker evil forces to serve them or work with them. Mona was able to call all sorts of evil beings and powers to her to help her in her quest. Though the pixies are not necessarily evil, they are not necessarily good either. They had no resistance when she came calling—no light, no purity that would repel her. She managed to coerce them into assisting her.


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