Sergey: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance

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Sergey: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance Page 7

by Serena Simpson

  She was coming out of the shower as he entered the bathroom.

  “You slept longer than I thought you would.” She greeted him.

  “No, I was listening to you as you showered. I knew you needed a break, so I chose not to disturb you.”

  “Thank you.” She went up to him and gave him a good morning kiss, refusing to think about her teeth that needed brushing.

  Unable to ignore that little chore any longer, she went to the sink. Once done, she left him alone and went in search of clothes. She grabbed a nice pair of jeans that she’d been forced into purchasing the day before. She paired it with a flattering oversized shirt, one that would hide the gun at her back.

  “Will I be with you or with Rena and Dee today?” She asked Sergey as he walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips. He looked good enough to lick. The stray droplets of water that clung to him were calling her name. Will power, she whispered to herself. If she crossed the room she would have him again.

  “You’re going to come to the office with me today. Both Rena and Dee will be at the office also. They both do jobs for Dare Securities.”

  “Why do they work?”

  “You’ll have to ask them that.”

  She sat and watched as he took out a suit. It was a navy blue one. It too looked like it had been made for him. Working security must pay well.

  “Are we going to get something to eat on the way in?” Lorali asked him.

  “Is that ok with you?” He said.

  “Yeah. I was just wondering. Do you eat out often?”

  He nodded his head. “We, the brothers have a tendency to either gather at Rena’s house or Dee’s. They cook and we eat. When they aren’t cooking Dante is.”


  “Is something wrong?” Sergey asked.

  “I’m not really a cook.”

  “Does that upset you?”

  “No. It’s just that you must eat a lot. You’re huge, in a good way. I guess I could try and learn.”

  “Little one, I can cook. It isn’t something you have to worry about. When everything is settled, we can find someone to cook, if it makes you feel better. Don’t be sad over something that isn’t important.”

  “You’re not mad?”


  “Why not?” He stared at her, not saying anything. “My ex always said that a woman who couldn’t cook wasn’t worth much.”

  “Was this the same ex who didn’t have sense enough to wait for you to come home? He cheated instead?”

  “That’s him.”

  “Need I say more?”

  “No.” She slid past him and started towards the door. “Meet you downstairs.”

  She flew down the stairs, feeling lighter than she had in years. She thought about her ex before kicking him to the curb for good. She’d spent too much time remembering him and all of his little put downs.

  “So what are we taking today?” He had way too many cars. There was no way he could drive them all.

  He walked over to the red mustang and pulled out the keys. “I thought you might want to drive.”

  She took the keys and slid in. She loved this car.

  They kept the talk light and easy as she drove into the city. They stopped by a drive thru, getting breakfast sandwiches and coffee.

  She pulled into the parking spot he’d directed her to. “So what will I be doing today?”

  “Meeting the employees. Learning who’s who. Finding out where both Rena and Dee work and getting a feel for their schedules and movements.”

  “You truly want me to protect them? That wasn’t a pretext so you could get in my pants?” She asked.

  “Nothing and no one was going to keep me out of your pants. You’re part of the family, my family, which means you don’t have to work. I honestly didn’t think you would be happy doing nothing.”

  Part of his family. A part of her desperately wanted that, but when you had been alone as long as she had it was hard to believe. She gave him a tight smile and ignored the comment.

  “You were right. I’d hate sitting around and doing nothing.” She followed him into the building.

  He stopped at the first security guard, the one at the door. “Phil this is Lorali. Lorali this is Phil. Lorali will be working a special security detail. Give her any help she asks for.”

  “Yes Mr. Dare.”

  “Phil, you can call me Sergey.” They walked away.

  “You scare him.”

  “I’ve never done anything to him. He has no reason to fear me.”

  “Fear is unreasonable. You scare him. He’ll never call you Sergey. Stop asking him too. Then he’ll begin to warm up to you.”

  “What makes you say that?” He frowned at her.

  “The way he holds his body. The tightness of his smile. He recognizes you on some level as a predator. It makes him weary and it should that’s why you hired him because he has good instincts. That’s why I assume you hired him.”

  He nodded and walked over to the guard who manned the desk in the entrance.

  “Brian, I want to introduce you to Lorali, she’s a new member of the staff. She’ll be working a special security assignment for us. Lorali this is Brian. Ask him any questions you need answers for. He’s very knowledgeable about the comings and goings of the staff.”

  “Nice to meet you, Lorali. I’ll give her any assistance she needs, Mr. Dare.”

  Sergey opened his mouth. The feel of Lorali’s hand on his arm changed his mind. He walked to his office with her following.

  Vance was sitting in the waiting room. “Sergey,” his secretary said, “Mr. Baal insisted on waiting for you to come in.”

  “That is fine Sylvia. Find Aran and Niko. Advise them of the situation. Have them come to my office.”

  “Vance, it is a pleasant surprise to see that you’re up and well. Please come to my office. Lorali will you join us?”

  Lorali took a seat at the rear of the room where she could watch Vance to be sure he wasn’t a threat.

  “Vance, you’re out sooner than the doctors thought.”

  “I healed faster than they thought. They aren’t sure why. I was given a clean bill of health.”

  Sergey nodded. There was a quick knock on his door, then Aran and Niko walked in. They greeted Vance.

  He used to be the head of the accounting department at the security firm.

  “Vance.” Niko moved to stand in front of him. “I’m not sure how much you remember of what happened before the ordeal you went through. I do have some questions for you.”

  “I’ve lost large chunks of my memory. It is frustrating. The police question me, thinking I’m lying. I try to remember. It feels like I’m close, then nothing. I’m left with nothing, but a yawning blackness so deep I fear I’ll fall into it.”

  All three males nodded like they understood his distress. “I’ll try not to push you too hard.”

  “As you know, we do many of our repeat transactions by credit card. It allows the business side to be somewhat automated. We did a review of our records and found a credit card that was taken out in your name. Do you have any memory of that?”

  “Are you saying I was embezzling from the company?”

  “I’m asking why you had a credit card in your name. I’m not suggesting you were doing something illegal.”

  Vance placed his hand on his head. He began to hit himself as he chanted, “Think. Think. Think.”

  Lorali got up and caught his hand, stopping him from hitting his head. “Some memories aren’t worth remembering. Sometimes the old you dies when something traumatic happens. What matters now is the new you.”

  She sat back down, hoping that Sergey didn’t conduct his business by torturing those who had been traumatized.

  “I can’t remember.” Vance said looking up.

  “All is ok.” Aran spoke. “We feel somewhat responsible for you being hurt here. Although I can’t offer you the same job, I’ve one I think you may be interested in. We’re
experimenting with a new position. We’re getting an overwhelming amount of request for jobs that are more private in nature. We’re looking for someone to vet them and present us with the ones whose skills align with our needs.”

  Vance looked up, the helpless look on his face gone as real interest shone there.

  “You would consider me?”

  “You’re my first choice.”

  “Thank you Mr. Dare. Thank you all.” He turned to Lorali. “Thank you Lorali. I’ll remember your kindness. May I leave now?”

  “Yes. You can start tomorrow. Report to Niko. He’ll get you situated.”

  Vance turned and left. He looked better than when he’d come in.

  Sergey opened his mouth. Aran held up his hand and listened. He waited until he was sure Vance was no longer in the outer room.

  “The humans say keep your friends close and your enemies closer. The created who’s after us will use him again. He won’t let a human go until he has destroyed them. If he’s underfoot, we can keep a better eye on him. Also, if Vance is salvageable, he truly is perfect for the job.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lorali left Sergey when he began to talk to both Aran and Niko about some changes he wanted to propose. She’d decided to walk around and get a feel for what was happening.

  She started with Sergey’s secretary, under the guise of know your competition. Um wait, know your alien male’s secretary, not the competition. Yeah right, the woman was beautiful. She would keep an eye on her just in case.

  The secretary was a little more casual today with a nice pair of slacks and a top.

  “Hi.” Lorali stopped in front of her desk. “I’m Lorali. We haven’t had a chance to get acquainted. I’ll be working security for Sergey and the company.”

  “Hi, I’m Jill. If I can help, please let me know.”

  “Have you worked her long?” Lorali said.

  “Not long. About eighteen months.” Jill replied.

  “Is it a good place to work?”

  Jill looked both ways before lowering her voice. “It used to be great to work here. Recently some strange things have happened. Several of our employees have gone missing and the cops were here about two months ago investigating a crime scene.”

  “How did the employees take this?” Lorali asked.

  “No one was sure what to do. Several people talked about quitting, but no one in the business pays as well as they do. Everyone has benefits, even the part-timers. That’s almost unheard of. They take care of us very well. Most, if not all, of the employees stayed, but most are scared.”

  “The unknown is scary, especially if you feel like you’re being targeted. How do you feel?”

  Jill shrugged with a hopeless sort of look before smiling. “I need this job. I have a son.”

  “I get it. I needed a job too and Sergey offered me one. Have the employees taken any precautions?”

  “What kind of precautions?” Jill asked with interest.

  “Carpooling, leaving in groups, not working late alone.”

  “No, not that I know of.”

  “Jill, is there someone you can make arrangements with to at least arrive and leave at the same time in order to make you both feel safer?”


  “Call her and make those arrangement. It was nice talking to you. I’ll be around.” Lorali walked off as Jill picked up her phone.

  She really needed more information on what had happened here. She headed in Rena’s and Dee’s direction.

  She stopped at the main security desk. “Hi Brian. I was wondering if you could direct me to Rena or Dee.” She hoped she didn’t need their last names.

  “Rena shares an office with Mr. Dare, sorry Aran Dare. Dee has her own office in accounting. She’s now the administrator of that department.”

  “How do I get to accounting?”

  She left after having received her instructions. Her sixth sense was going off again, but she couldn’t pinpoint it this time. She passed a secretary as she entered the accounting suite. She introduced herself.

  The secretary’s name was Cheryl. She seemed friendly enough. Lorali walked in to find several desks with men and women working hard. When she asked about Dee, they pointed her to an open door.

  Lorali knocked on the door before walking in. Dee was sitting behind a desk, looking like she was being followed by a mound of paper.

  “Lorali, you came to rescue me. Why is it we’re in the digital age and yet we’re still overwhelmed by paper?” She swept her hand over her desk.

  “Paper was never my strong suit. Maybe that’s why I joined the army.”

  “At the rate I’m going, I may have to join up to stay safe from the paper monsters who haunt my dreams. Which branch do you recommend?” Dee asked.

  “I recommend you stick with civilian life.”

  Dee laughed. “I think you’re right. What’s up?”

  Lorali walked in and took a seat on the lone chair. This room was also filled with several loveseats. It seemed aliens had a thing for them.

  “I was hoping to get some more information on what has happened around here. The employees seem a little scared.”

  “I think we’re all a little scared. Why don’t we take a break? My favorite coffee shop, SB, isn’t too far from here. Besides good coffee, they have the best donuts, croissants and various other foods.”

  “Sounds good I had something earlier, but I dumped it, because it wasn’t that great.”

  “Don’t tell me that Sergey took you to some drive thru place thinking you would be happy with the offerings.”

  Lorali shook her head, trying not to smile at the look of horror on Dee’s face. “He did.”

  “Poor Lorali. Dee to the rescue. Let me call Rena. She won’t talk to me for at least a day, if I leave her out.”

  “You’ve known her for a while? ‘

  “Best friends for what feels like forever.”

  “Rena, Lorali and I are going to SB for breakfast. You coming?”

  “Got it. Meet you out front.” She hung up the phone. “I knew she would want to go. I need to call Niko. Don’t want him going all alpha on me.”

  Dee picked up the receiver a second time. “Niko.” Her voice had lowered, sounding sensual to Lorali’s ear. “Lorali, Rena and I are going to SB. Want me to bring you something back?” She gave a husky laugh. “Bad boy. You’ll have to wait until tonight for that.”

  Dee looked up to see Lorali staring at her. “I wouldn’t give him up for the world.”

  Lorali nodded her head. She followed Dee out into the lobby. Rena was standing at the door, talking to Phil.

  She waved as they came closer. “Whose car are we taking?”

  Lorali pulled the keys out of her pocket. “Mine?”

  They all laughed. “Good times. It reminds me of our mall trip.” Dee said.

  Lorali and Rena groaned. “We aren’t going to the mall, Dee and that’s final,” Lorali said.


  They walked out, saying goodbye to Phil. Lorali stopped and looked around. Not seeing anything, she kept walking.

  “Are you alright?” Dee asked, looking around also.

  “Probably nothing.” Lorali shrugged.

  “Tell us anyway.” Rena said, taking the time to make the same sweep.

  “You ever get a sense of danger? The hair on the back of your neck raising? Your spine itching like someone is watching you? Something just triggered that response. Just being paranoid I guess.”

  Rena looked at Dee. “We don’t believe in paranoia.”

  They got into the car. No one said anything as Dee gave her directions to the coffee shop.

  They walked into SB. It was a quaint place with overstuffed chairs strewn around and several tables to one side. The morning rush was over, leaving a few people still lingering. They ordered and found a comfortable place to sit.

  “Tell me what’s going on,” Lorali said.

  “It’s hard to know where it started
. I thought it was my fault to begin with. Now we think that whoever was targeting Dare Security, conveniently added me to the pot.” Rena spoke up still trying to make sense of everything.

  “Don’t forget me. I think I may have been added for S&G.” Dee added.

  “Let me start from the beginning.” Rena’s eyes took on a faraway look as she began retelling her story.


  “You might as well forget it. As long as she’s with them, you’ll never get close to her.”

  “She shouldn’t be alive to get close to them.” He looked at the younger man. If the job had been done correctly the first time, none of them would be worrying now.

  “Maybe we can make a phone call.”

  He was surrounded by idiots, but he already knew that.

  “What will you say? That we have been tracking a subject of an experiment that should’ve died. Please have her turned over to us so we can terminate her. She isn’t useful any longer.”

  “No.” The other man said with disgust. “That phone call will get us locked up. I thought we might call the animal that started this whole mess. It is obvious he plans to kill them all. Why would he balk at killing one more? This way it is done and we won’t be connected to it.”

  He was going to have to reevaluate the man in the front seat. He was smarter than he’d initially given him credit for.

  He hated dealing with that created. He was a cold, methodical killer who enjoyed his work. He’d seen some of his kills. He wanted him off of his planet before he decided that all of humanity should be wiped out.

  “Call him.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The longer they lingered in the coffee shop the more acute Lorali’s sixth sense became until she finally decided they needed to leave. She’d listened to the whole story from the perspective of both Rena and Dee.

  “What do you think?” Dee asked, as the climbed back into the Mustang.

  “If I say we’re screwed, will it piss you off?”

  “Nah, welcome to our world.”

  “Thanks, Rena. Does that come with a mint on the pillow and a wakeup call?”


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