Shadow School #1

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Shadow School #1 Page 1

by J. A. White


  For Yeeshing




  Title Page


  Chapter 1The Man at the Window

  Chapter 2Mr. Derleth and Mrs. Aickman

  Chapter 3The Boy Beneath the Bleachers

  Chapter 4Listen

  Chapter 5A Brief Game of Soccer

  Chapter 6Ghost Tour

  Chapter 7Glasses

  Chapter 8Confirmation

  Chapter 9Brightkeys

  Chapter 10Lunch

  Chapter 11Agnes Makes a Fish Analogy

  Chapter 12Archimancy

  Chapter 13Notes

  Chapter 14Behind the Walls

  Chapter 15An Unexpected Trip

  Chapter 16The Search

  Chapter 17The Attic

  Chapter 18Cordelia Makes a Decision

  Chapter 19The Difference Between Them

  Chapter 20Room 314

  Chapter 21The Missing Petals

  Chapter 22The Guardian

  Chapter 23Plans

  Chapter 24Night School

  Chapter 25Whistling in the Dark

  Chapter 26Geist

  Chapter 27Endings and Beginnings

  About the Author

  Back Ads


  About the Publisher


  The Man at the Window

  Cordelia Liu stared up at her new school in disbelief.

  It looked more like a creepy old mansion than a place of learning. Everything was eerily symmetrical, as though the school had been unfolded from the pages of a pop-up storybook. There were several conical towers on the left side of the building and their exact twins on the right, along with a matching assortment of gables and turrets. At the precise center of the school, an arched window several stories high split the exterior like a gaping wound.


  GRADES 5–8


  Until this point, Cordelia hadn’t realized that there was a longer version of the school’s name; the locals simply called it Shadow School. She was surprised—and a little relieved—that it had been named after a real person. Last night, her dreams had been haunted by teachers with shadowy faces.

  This Elijah Shadow is probably the rich guy who donated the building, she thought, feeling silly. Boring dude, spooky name. Nothing more than that.

  Cordelia shivered. The windbreaker she was wearing had been warm enough back in California, but it was hopelessly out of its league here in New Hampshire. She started to join the crowd of students entering the school but noticed a man in a gray suit watching her from one of the upper windows. It was hard to read his expression from this distance, but his shoulders were slumped. Guess I’m not the only one who doesn’t want to be here, Cordelia thought, figuring the man was a teacher with some old-fashioned ideas about how to dress. She gave a little wave, not wanting to appear rude.

  The man’s mouth fell open, as though he couldn’t believe that she had actually acknowledged him. Instead of simply waving in return, however, he slammed his hands flat against the window and stared down at her with disquieting intensity.

  Cordelia shivered. This time, it had nothing to do with the weather.

  What’s wrong with that guy? she wondered, turning away from his blank-faced stare. She hurried toward the front of the school, seeking warmth and voices. Just before she passed through the entrance, Cordelia risked a second glance at the window. The man was gone.


  Mr. Derleth and Mrs. Aickman

  For a moment, Cordelia wondered if she had somehow walked into the wrong building. The walls of the high-ceilinged foyer were papered with a gold-and-white pattern, which perfectly complemented the cranberry red of the carpet. Bronze sconces illuminated the halls. A wide staircase with chestnut railings wound its way to the second floor.

  This can’t really be a school, Cordelia thought.

  Upon further inspection, however, she noticed more familiar details: a sign for the main office, teachers sharing a quick chat before class began, brightly decorated bulletin boards. The building looked like the home of a creepy old spinster, but at its heart beat a normal, everyday school.

  Cordelia had received her schedule in the mail and knew her homeroom teacher was Mr. Derleth in room 211. After nearly colliding with a woman glued to her phone, she climbed the stairs to a wide hallway with royal blue walls. Cordelia checked the room number in front of her—234—and the room to its immediate right—233—and followed the descending numbers beneath a series of evenly spaced arches. It was quieter than her old school. Not only did the carpet muffle footsteps, but the students themselves spoke with hushed voices, as though they suspected someone might be eavesdropping at all times. Cordelia imagined what the first day at Ridgewood would be like right now, her best friends Mabel and Ava walking arm in arm through a glorious cacophony of rowdy students—before remembering, with a jolt, that California was three hours behind New Hampshire. Mabel and Ava were still asleep.

  Cordelia suddenly felt more alone than ever, separated from her former life not only by distance but time.

  When she got to room 215, Cordelia figured that she was almost there, but the numbers suddenly dropped all pretense of consistency: 215 was followed by 242 and then, for some unfathomable reason, 32A. Cordelia’s homeroom—211—was nowhere to be found. She considered retracing her steps and then decided that she’d better ask for help instead.

  “Excuse me,” Cordelia asked a passing girl who was walking alone, pulling a rolling backpack like a traveler at the airport. “Do you know where room 211 is?”

  The girl checked over her shoulder, as if Cordelia couldn’t possibly be talking to her. She was sturdy looking, with deep-set green eyes and blond hair tied in a pragmatic ponytail. Her flannel shirt was untucked.

  “I’m going to room 211,” the girl said. “We must be in the same homeroom. Mr. Derleth?”

  Cordelia nodded.

  “We can walk together, if you’d like,” the girl suggested.

  “Cool. I’m Cordelia.”


  They started down the hallway. Agnes was a lot taller than Cordelia—no great achievement there—but walked with a timid, guarded gait.

  “I don’t remember seeing you last year,” Agnes said. “You must be new.”

  “First day.”

  “Getting around Shadow School can be tricky if you don’t know where you’re going. That’s not a problem for me. I have a particularly strong entorhinal region. That’s the part of the brain that controls your sense of direction. How’s your entorhinal region?”

  “I never really thought about it.”

  “That must be nice,” Agnes said. “I think about everything. Even when I don’t want to. My mom says my brain is like a neighbor who plays their music too loud and won’t turn it down no matter how nicely you ask. I’m sorry. We just met. I should be asking about you.” She stared intently into the air, as though cycling through a list of possible questions. “Do you have any nut allergies?” she finally asked.

  Cordelia shook her head. “I love nuts.”

  Agnes smiled, revealing light blue braces.

  “Me too! Even peanuts. Which aren’t actually nuts. They’re legumes. But pealegume doesn’t really roll off the tongue, does it?”

  “Not really,” Cordelia said, unsure what to make of this strange girl. “Is Mr. Derleth nice?”

  “I don’t know,” said Agnes. “He’s new. Shadow School always has a lot of new teachers at the beginning of the year. The old ones tend to find different jobs over the summer. Or sometimes they don’t even make it through the year. Our second math teacher
last year walked out in the middle of a lesson and we never saw her again. I think they find the school creepy.”

  They passed an oil painting of a little girl wearing an old-fashioned nightdress. A teddy bear leaking black stuffing dangled from her hand.

  “Can’t imagine why,” Cordelia muttered.

  They entered an open area. There was no carpet here. Instead, tessellating triangles tiled the floor. A young teacher wearing a pretty dress that seemed too fancy for school checked her appearance in an antique floor mirror.

  “This place is huge!” Cordelia exclaimed.

  “You’ll get used to it,” Agnes said. “But you shouldn’t wander off by yourself until you get your bearings. And don’t go to the third or fourth floor. It’s like a maze. Sixth graders don’t have any classes up there, anyway.”

  “Good to know,” Cordelia said.

  “I can be your guide today and make sure you get to class on time.” Agnes paused awkwardly and tugged on the bottom of her shirt. “But only if you want to. I understand if you’d rather find someone else. I would probably want to find someone else if I was—”

  “I’d love for you to be my guide,” Cordelia said, and was surprised to find that she meant it. Agnes was a little odd, but she was starting to like her.

  They found room 211 between room 239 and a supply closet. Except for the desks and blackboard, it looked more like a living room than a classroom, with wood-paneled walls, a fireplace, and a long black couch in the back of the room. Cordelia slid into the first unoccupied seat she saw, aware that some of the students were watching her with mild interest; she was, after all, the new girl. Agnes, head down, continued to the back of the room. No one acknowledged her at all.

  “Good morning,” Mr. Derleth said with a slight Southern twang. He was a tall man with a neatly trimmed beard and the saddest eyes that Cordelia had ever seen. His clothes hung off his gangly body. “My name is Mr. Derleth. I’ll be your homeroom teacher and your social studies teacher as well. I look forward to our year together.”

  As Mr. Derleth took attendance, Cordelia tried to match names to faces. Nolan Bluth was a shaggy-haired boy losing the war against acne. Francesca Calvino didn’t hear her name the first time because her nose was buried in a book. Mason James, a smug-looking boy with brown hair dyed red at its tips, responded “Not here!” instead of “Here!” and immediately high-fived his friends, who were all wearing the same football jerseys as he was. Mr. Derleth glanced up and then decided to ignore them, as though their behavior was too tiresome to correct.

  After the pledge, a final student strode into the room with his hands jammed deep into his pockets. He was wearing a black hoodie and walked with his head down. Cordelia caught a glimpse of long hair and dark eyes.

  “Benji Núñez, I assume?” Mr. Derleth asked, checking his attendance list.

  The boy gave a quick nod and took a seat behind Cordelia. Mr. Derleth leaned against his desk, which was completely bereft of the usual teacher knickknacks and family photos, and stared out at their expectant faces. There was a distant look in his eyes, as though he wasn’t really seeing them at all.

  “This is an impressive building,” he said. “It looks like something you’d need a ticket to enter, like one of those old mansions in Rhode Island. I have no idea how the town managed to afford such a fancy public school, but—”

  A girl raised her hand. Cordelia tried to remember her name. Maria? Melissa?

  “Yes, Miranda,” Mr. Derleth said.

  “My father is on the board of education,” she said. “And he told me that the town doesn’t pay a cent for this school. The Shadow family owns the building, but they ran out of money and couldn’t afford the taxes anymore, so instead of losing their property altogether, they made a deal. They wouldn’t have to pay taxes, and in exchange the town could use the building as a public school. My dad says that as part of the agreement, the school isn’t allowed to change anything about the original structure because it’s all historical and stuff. That’s why everything looks so old-fashioned.”

  Mr. Derleth listened to this information with his head down and eyes half closed. Cordelia thought it was because he was tired—judging from the swollen sacks beneath his eyes, Mr. Derleth and sleep were nodding acquaintances at best—but it turned out that this was just his way of focusing.

  “That’s interesting, Miranda,” he said. “And I’m so happy that Shadow School is being preserved. I spent a few evenings at the Ludlow Historical Society this summer to assuage my idle curiosity. Shadow School’s history is extraordinary, to say the least. Perhaps, as the year goes on, you can teach me some local stories that can’t be found in any book. I’d love to learn as much about this fascinating place as possible.”

  The morning bell rang, ending homeroom. As the students rose from their seats, Mr. Derleth held up a hand, holding them at bay.

  “Just a few quick announcements before you head off to language arts,” he said, consulting a sticky note. “If you owe the office any forms, please see that they get them by Friday. Band won’t begin for two more weeks, but you should email Ms. Schwerin about instrument rentals if you haven’t already done so. Dr. Roqueni would like to remind you that our custodial staff locks up at five o’clock sharp. Students are not permitted inside the school after dark. No exceptions. Today’s lunch special is macaroni and cheese.” Mr. Derleth offered the vaguest hint of a smile. “Enjoy your day.”

  Mrs. Aickman’s language arts classroom was dark and dreary. Paper tombstones covered a bulletin board at the back of the room. The “deceased” were all famous poets. Cordelia saw Poe, Dickinson, and Shakespeare, among others. Stenciled letters proclaimed: THEIR WORDS LIVE. THEY DO NOT.

  Mrs. Aickman herself was a diminutive woman with blue eyes and spiky gray hair. She waved the students inside the room, bracelets jangling together on her thin wrists.

  “Morning,” she said, pacing back and forth. “You’ll notice I did not say ‘Good morning.’ I would never be so presumptuous. One of you brave children might be in the midst of some terrible tragedy. Perhaps your family received a phone call in the middle of the night, informing you of a favorite relative’s untimely demise. Or maybe Mr. Whiskers—that sweet, gentle cat—got splatted by a truck! No morning is ever ‘good,’ not for everyone.” She held her hand to her heart. “And that pain . . . is a miracle. Because great literature can only come from heartache and misery! Now, which one of you is Cordelia?”

  Cordelia reluctantly raised her hand. Chairs squeaked as the other students turned to face her. She fought the urge to hide beneath her desk.

  “I’m dying to know,” Mrs. Aickman said. “Are you named after the Cordelia in King Lear?” She addressed the class as a whole. “That’s a famous play by William Shakespeare. A tragedy.”

  Cordelia nodded politely. It wasn’t the first time she had been asked this question.

  “My parents met in a Shakespeare class back in college,” she said.

  “How dreadfully romantic,” replied Mrs. Aickman. “In the play, class, Cordelia is the king’s kind, dutiful daughter. She has two terrible sisters, however. Goneril and Regan.” She raised her eyebrows at Cordelia. “Any evil sisters at home?”

  “Just me.”

  “Pity. You would have had so many interesting things to write about during our personal narrative unit. Speaking of which, it’s always good to begin a new year with a bit of writing, so please take out your notebooks and”—Benji Núñez slipped into the room, head down, and took a seat. Mrs. Aickman gave him a quick look of disapproval and continued—“write a page or two about your saddest summer memory.”

  Agnes raised her hand.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “Just to clarify—did you say ‘saddest’ summer memory?”

  “That’s correct.”

  “But my summer was wonderful,” Miranda chimed in. “My family has this gorgeous lake house in Maine, and every day we—”

  Mrs. Aickman made a loud snoring noise.

  “No one wants to read about happy people,” the teacher said. “In order to truly move a reader, you need to tap a spile deep into your soul and let the pain drip free. Bad vacations! Hideous sunburns! Dead relatives! That’s the good stuff!”

  The students took out their notebooks and got to work. Cordelia considered herself a mediocre writer at best, but for this particular assignment, the words flowed easily. She started with the moment her parents told her they were moving—using tons of exclamation points to convey her shock and dismay—and then wrote about all the friends she had left behind in California. In her final sentences, Cordelia described how she had woken up that first chilly morning in New Hampshire and cried into her pillow, knowing that her old life was over forever.

  When she was done, Cordelia closed her notebook and waited for her classmates to finish. She heard two boys whispering to her right.

  “I touched the attic door yesterday,” said the first boy. He was the one with the red tips in his hair. Mason, Cordelia remembered.

  “No way,” said the second boy, who had freckles and a long, horsey face. Cordelia didn’t remember his name. “School wasn’t even open.”

  “Not to students,” Mason said. “But all the teachers had to be here setting up their rooms. It’s the law. No one noticed me sneaking up to the fourth floor.”

  The second boy nodded with respect.

  “Was it hot, like they say?”

  “Burning.” Mason dropped his voice to an even softer whisper. “And that’s not all. When I put my ear close to the door I heard this crackling noise, like a campfire.”

  “You’re making that up,” the boy said. Cordelia could hear the fear in his voice.

  “Go up there yourself if you don’t believe me,” Mason said.

  “Maybe I will.”

  “You won’t. You’re too scared, just like everyone else. Another thing—the moment my hand touched the doorknob, I heard this horrible scream. It was Elijah Shadow. I’m sure of it. Still burning after all these—”

  Mrs. Aickman shushed them, and the boys went back to pretending to write. What was that all about? Cordelia thought. She didn’t actually believe Mason—he was clearly just trying to freak out his gullible friend—but she was curious where the story had come from in the first place.


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