Forgotten, Saved, Loved

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Forgotten, Saved, Loved Page 14

by Violet Samuels

  I make it to the pack house and drop the clothes I have in my mouth behind a tree. I slowly shift back again, feeling my body change back into its original anatomy. I sigh as I pull my clothes on when I suddenly hear a crash from inside. I quickly pull on my shirt, bolting into the pack house.

  "Oh my god!" I whisper yell to myself as I see the place. As soon as you walk through the front door, it's like a cyclone has been through! Everything that isn't heavy or tied down, is everywhere. Literally. Things are broken, glass is shattered, furniture is turned over, nearly everything is ruined!

  That's when I notice something. It's quiet. Too quiet...

  I gingerly make my way through the broken glass and furniture, trying really hard not to step on anything. Where is everybody? They couldn't have trashed the place and left! They're more decent than that! I hope...

  I make my way to the kitchen and see the dinner half cooked, the knife still sitting on the counter and the oven fan still running. This is ridiculous!

  I go to the stairs next. Placing my foot on the first one and hearing it groan under the pressure is not very helpful. I shoot up the steps, just to see if it keeps the steps from groaning, which it certainly does. Luck was on my side for that.

  I peer left and right before checking all the rooms. They're all empty. The only room I haven't checked is the third level and Axel's office. The third level is a no go zone, so I'm gonna go with Axel's office.

  The weird thing is, there's been no danger so far. I half expected someone to jump out and knock me out or something! Honestly, this just seems like one big set up. Where is everyone though if it is a set up? This makes no sense to me...

  I come to Axel's door to see it slightly ajar. Should I? Yeah, I should. I slowly and carefully open the door to be met with pitch blackness. I think I'm blind for a second! I almost slap myself though when I realise it's just that the lights are turned off.

  I flick the lights on with the switch and get ready for something I don't even know is coming.

  The second the lights turn on, I see that Axel's office is untouched. The next few seconds is absolute shock and seem to go in slow mo.

  Comrade, Ally, Taylor, and Celina all jump out at me, all doing scary faces that will put all three-year-olds to shame. I turn around out of pure shock and come face to face with Matthew, Jasper, Declan, Callum, and can you believe it, Axel. This time, I scream and I scream loud. Everyone blocks their ears as I grip my hand to my heart.

  "What the actual hell! Is this some kind of a sick joke! I almost died of fright, my heart is going a million miles an hour and-" I start to scream until it all finally hits me like a ton of bricks.

  This is a prank. A bloody prank.

  "You just got pranked!" they all scream at me together before bursting into laughter and falling to the floor. Oh. My. Flipping. Bloody. God.

  Let's just say, I am fuming.

  My hands ball into fists as I feel my face turn red from anger. Did they seriously just do that to me! Oh hell no!

  "You have no idea how much I hate you all right now!" I seethe as I start to walk away, never looking back. How can you top that? This prank has officially ended the prank way of 2014 and I didn't even get to prank Comrade.

  "Come on, Alex! It was just a joke!" I hear Callum's brother, Matthew, yell after me. I stop in my tracks, still hearing their out of control laughter.

  I turn slowly on my heels, just at the top of the stairs, before saying to them in a low and cold voice, "Well then, have fun cleaning up without me."

  That certainly stops their laughter because they all groan and bang their head against something. All except Celina, that is.

  "Well then, have fun cleaning up without me also,” she announces, walking towards me with a smile. I raise an eyebrow at her as everyone starts to yell.


  "That's so not fair!"

  "I don't wanna clean up!"

  "Why'd we have to do this?"

  "You were a part of this too!"

  "Celina! Sweetheart! Come on!"

  Ok, that last one was definitely Axel.

  Celina just giggles at them all and turns around with a hand on her hip and says, "I was not a part of this because I was suddenly hauled into Axel's office about five minutes before Alex showed up. Also, I need to look after the triplets who are still out in the backyard and Alex here is going to help me. Isn't that right, Alex?"

  I nod eagerly, a smile gracing my face. I haven't seen the triplets in ages! I miss my knight in shining armor, my charmer, and most of all, my little princess.

  Everybody groans again, but that's before Callum reminds everyone why they're on the floor, "Gotta admit though, her face was so worth it!"

  The laughter starts again while I just huff and start to walk down the stairs, trying really hard to block their laughter from my ears. At least I can get one of them back. Comrade. I have power over him and I intend to use it. An evil smile creeps its way onto my face as a plan starts to form in my head. Oh, this will be good.

  "So, ready to tackle the task of babysitting again?" Celina asks me as we walk out the house and into the backyard. I laugh and nod my head.

  "Of course I am!" I exclaim just as a small pair of arms wrap around my legs.

  "Alex!" Dylan screams with a big grin on his face. I laugh at him and poke his cheek. He giggles at me and holds my legs tighter.

  "Hey, my little charmer! What cha doing?" I ask as another pair of arms wrap around my legs from the back. I look behind me and see Jett, his black hair going everywhere.

  "We're tackling you!" Dylan exclaims, hugging my legs tighter again. I laugh silently to myself as Jett also hugs my legs tighter. You can already tell that Jett is that little bit stronger than Dylan, but not enough to bring me down.

  "Nice try, boys, but I'm too strong for you," I tease as I hear Celina muffle a laugh. I look at her and wink.

  I suddenly see Clarissa running at full power towards me. My eyes widen as I start to panic. Last time she did that, I fell down with her on top of me.

  "Clarissa... Don't you dare!" I threaten, but her laugh just filters through the air as she jumps at me and causes me to tumble down.

  I squeal and put my hands out to avoid face planting, also making sure that I don't land on any of the triplets.

  I land with a thud, Clarissa on top of me, Dylan still holding onto my legs and Jett standing by my head with a triumphant grin on his face. Little bastard...

  "Ha ha! We're stronger than you!" Jett tells me loudly, pointing a finger at me and sticking his tongue out. I raise an eyebrow at him and think to myself, this kid is going to be the next alpha?

  "Jett, you don't point fingers at people or poke your tongue out at them," Celina scolds with her hands on her hips. I chuckle and lift Clarissa off my lap, somehow also getting Dylan to let go of my legs.

  You know, for a 19-year-old, Celina is a damn good mum.

  Dylan instantly runs towards Celina who picks him up without thinking. She smiles at him and kisses his forehead. He grips her shirt and holds onto her tighter as I smile at the adorable sight. Dylan is so gonna be a mummy's boy.

  "Sorry, mummy!" I hear Jett mutter, hanging his head low. I bend down to his level and tap his head to get him to look up. He does so and all I have to do is wink before a big grin splits his face.

  "Wanna tackle mummy?" I ask him in a cheeky and quiet voice, but loud enough for Celina to hear. Her eyes widen as Jett nods his head fast.

  "Now, now, remember who feeds you, Jett," Celina tries to bribe, but Jett's got his mission and he's sticking to it.

  "Charge!" I yell and both Jett and I start charging at Celina. I make sure I'm a bit behind Jett, just to make sure I don't damage his ego. What? He's three; he needs to build up a big ego to be an alpha. Not really, but if he did, he would be a lot like his dad.

  "I wanna play!" a small voice suddenly announces. Soon enough, Clarissa comes running up next to me. I laugh as I pick her up and place her on my back, still run

  "Run, mummy! Run!" Dylan yells as Celina takes off running with him still holding onto her. So a mummy's boy...

  Celina laughs and we spend the rest of the afternoon chasing Celina and Dylan while the rest of the people who scared me clean up.

  I want this one day. I want a family. A family would be nice.



  "They wouldn't be hiding in plain sight, they couldn't!" I snap at Axel for the millionth time this morning. I'm just so frustrated! It's been two weeks since Alex gave us the idea that Damon might be hiding in the same place they found me or near the border and we've still got nothing. Nada. Zilch. It's infuriating!

  "I swear on the Moon Goddess if you don't stop snapping at me, I’ll snap you!" Axel threatens. I groan and fall back into my chair, the sleepless night I had, catching up to me. After that little stunt we pulled on Alex, she decided she was going to camp it out somewhere. Much to my displeasure, I had no mate to sleep with and knowing she was out there by herself wasn't the greatest feeling either.

  "No sleep?" Axel asks, taking a seat next to me on the couch. I sigh, close my eye,s and nod.

  "The worst sleep," I mumble. I hear his chuckle which makes me crack a smile. He hasn't chuckled for a while and I'm sure he's feeling the pressure of having his pack, Celina, and now his three pups in danger.

  "How's Celina?" I ask quietly, opening my eyes to look over at him. He sighs and rubs his eyes with his fingers.

  "Honestly, not too good. After a whole day of having to deal with the triplets and then having them in bed by six, she's exhausted. She literally just showers and goes straight to bed. I don't think she's eaten dinner for the past week,” he admits, a new kind of pain in his eyes.

  "Maybe you guys should go out, have a break. I'm sure Alex will be happy to take care of the triplets," I suggest. Axel is the best alpha and friend you could ever ask for, but he doesn't know when to catch a break and relax. He's stubborn in a way really.

  "Maybe... I really need to focus on this now though,” he states, standing from his position and walking back over to the maps. I sigh and shake my head. He needs to stop.

  "Where's Celina?" I ask, also standing.

  "In our room,” he mumbles distractedly, too focused on the maps to really let his brain wander anywhere else.

  Without him noticing, I sneak out of his office and up the stairs to the third floor where I know Celina is. I softly knock on the door and call out a soft, "Celina?"

  I get no reply, but I open the door anyway. I'm met with the sight of a peaceful Celina sleeping soundly in the king-sized bed that makes her frame look as small as a pea. I chuckle at the sight, remembering the first time I ever saw her in this bed. She was cuddled up into a ball, crying her eyes out like there was no tomorrow. She's come such a long way since then.

  I timidly walk into the room, not wanting to make a sound that will awaken her. I sneak into the wardrobe and take out the first dress I see, which happens to be some blue one, then a pair of white flats. I lay them on the edge of the bed with a little note saying, 'Meet me outside.'

  I go back into the wardrobe again and take out a white v neck and light blue jeans for Axel, slinging them over my arm as I glance at Celina one last time. I feel like I haven't had a conversation with her in so long. It's like we don't even know each other. I was so happy when they finally found me, but now... I don't know. It just feels like everything's changed.

  I quietly walk out the room and shut the door behind me with a soft click. I hope she wakes up soon...

  Making my way back down the stairs, my eyes catch some movement. I turn my head just in time to catch a wisp of blonde hair heading to the kitchen. I grin in excitement. Alex.

  I quickly move back to the office, throwing the clothes at Axel and saying, "Get dressed and outside. You have until Celina wakes up."

  Before he can even react, I'm out of the office again and into the kitchen. I burst through the door way with a massive grin on my face, but freeze when the frame standing in front of me registers. This is not Alex...

  "Comrade?" The voice I haven't heard in so long travels through the air to my ears. I stare at her with my mouth wide open. Her dark blonde hair falls down her back with its usual shine, her hazel eyes shine bright and her small face is in perfect condition, no bruises or anything. How could I have forgotten about Kate? Little, innocent Kate?

  "Kate?" I whisper, stepping further into the kitchen. I gently put a finger on her cheek, as if checking it's her. I haven’t seen her in so long.

  "Kate, I..." I honestly don't know what to say. This girl, this beautiful girl that I haven't seen, or even thought about for weeks, is standing in front of me with a small smile on her face.

  "I know, Comrade, I know,” she whispers before wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I stay in the same position, not believing this girl.

  I quickly snap out of my amazement and bend down to her height to hug her around the waist.

  "Oh my Goddess, Kate! I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry," I whisper into her hair. I hold her closer to me, tightening my arms around her.

  "Hey," she starts as she pulls back to look at my face, "there's nothing you could've done. That's all in the past now. I've moved on and now it's time for you to move on too."

  She smiles up at me as I return to my normal height. Move on? Can I move on? It's not like I can forget what's happened to me. That... I can never forget.

  "Comrade, I love you so much that I eventually started loving you more than my mum. I realise now that she was never my mum and Damon was definitely never my dad. I love you like a brother, Comrade. You're the reason I forgot, you're the reason why I decided to forget everything and move on because that's the only way we can make it through the trauma we've been through," Kate says quietly, shining tears brimming in her eyes. I never knew she could be so deep, even for a 13-year-old.

  "I love you too, Kate!" I whisper, wrapping my arms around her tiny frame. I love Kate like a brother would love a sister and no more, but also so much more.

  A feral growl suddenly rips through the air, cutting short the emotional turmoil of Kate and mine. I freeze and tighten my arms around Kate. I'm going to be getting an earful for this, but it'll be worth it.

  I slowly turn around, sending Kate a message with my eyes to be quiet and still, and come face to face with the person I've been wanting all morning to see. Although now... not so much.

  "What the-" Alex starts to scream, taking a big steps towards us. I hold up a finger though, stopping her in her tracks.

  "Now, Alex, listen to me," I say cautiously, pushing Kate towards the backyard door. Unfortunately, Alex sees the small movement and growls again.

  "So when you said you loved me, you didn't really mean it? Huh? Is that the deal?" Alex screams. She throws her hands up in the air as a fire ignites in her eyes that scares me. As soon as her words click though, my eyes widen.

  "What?" I question quietly, completely forgetting about Kate and only focusing on the raging girl in front of me.

  "You say you love me and then go say it to another! You sick bastard!" she screeches, slapping me across the face. My head whips to the side, only for my dark eyes to catch a pair of gold ones.

  "Comrade? Alex? What's going on?" Celina asks as she steps into the kitchen. She's wearing the outfit I randomly picked out for her, and she’s looking as beautiful as ever.

  I am about to open my mouth to explain everything, but Alex beats me to it.

  "Well, Comrade dearest just admitted his love for another girl. Does it need more explanation?" Alex seethes, sending Kate a glare that would bury her a lot more than six feet under.

  "Alex, you need to calm down and listen to Comrade's side of the story," Celina speaks softly, walking up to Alex without an ounce of fear in her eyes.

  "His side of the story?" she spits, now sending me the same glare she sent to Kate. Celina just nods as Alex continues to glare at me.

  "Well?" she asks irritab
ly. I blink and blink again, then blink a third time before it actually registers that she's gonna let me talk. Better do this quick...

  "This is Kate. She was Damon's adopted daughter and when you guys came to rescue me, she was there too, but somebody found her and she's been healing for who knows how long and now she's ok and we were just catching up and she's only 13 and I'm not in love with her and I'll only love you Alex. Promise!" I breathe out in a rush, not letting Alex object as I take her into my arms.

  "See, now that wasn't so bad, was it?" Celina asks with a smile on her face as she walks up to Kate and leads her outside.

  "Celina!" I call a little worried. I don't want Kate being around anyone without me at the moment. Plus, Celina had somewhere to be.

  "I know, Comrade, but I only want to talk," Celina tells me softly as she places a hand on Kate's shoulder and makes her way to the backyard. The backyard seems to be the safe haven for everyone at the moment.

  Alex pushes me away softly and looks up at me with guilty blue eyes.

  "So... you're not in love with another girl?" she asks with a high pitched voice. It's usually the voice she uses when she wants the answer of a question to be something it's not.

  "No, Alex, I'm not in love with another girl. Only you," I assure her, kissing her on the nose lightly.

  "So I just completely embarrassed myself and went all possessive?" she asks, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. I chuckle and nod my head.

  "You've got to be kidding me..." I hear her mutter harshly to herself. I laugh at her face as it screws up into one of embarrassment and disbelief.

  Alex continues to talk to herself as I just stare down at her. I must look like a stalker or a very happy mate right now.

  "Why are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" Alex asks in a rush, her eyes going wide as she pats all over her face. I chuckle once more and grip her hands in mine, bringing them between us.

  "No, your face is perfect," I whisper. I place a soft kiss on her lips as I wrap my arms around her waist. Before I can even think to go any further, Alex pulls away with a stern face. What did I do now?


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