Tempted by You

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Tempted by You Page 19

by Tiffany Clare

She released him so she could pull the chemise over her head in a measured, teasing display that revealed one inch of flushed skin at a time to his gaze. The sight heated his blood and made him want her even more. When she uncovered one breast, he placed his lips against the pearled tip. When the last bit of material was over her head, she tossed it to the floor. What an erotic image she made: her sitting astride him unashamed of being exposed to his hungry gaze.

  She ran her fingers through his sleep-tousled hair and arched her back, inviting him to taste her firm nipples again.

  He kept his touch light, not wanting to mark her skin in any way. Her pelvis rotated in small circles, and he knew she was trying to find release. Her sheath massaged his prick with her gyrating, needful movements. He took her nipple into his mouth again, loving the texture of the firm, soft flesh beneath his tongue.

  Her hips moved more vigorously as she rocked her center against him. He freed her nipple, and lowered his hand so he could stimulate the bud of her sex.

  She brushed her hands through his hair and firmly yanked his head back. He licked at the skin beneath her chin and kissed the end of it when she pulled his head farther back. Lowering her forehead to his, she said, “I wish more than anything that I could kiss you.” Her movements stilled, and she lifted a little so he could wet his finger on her fluids and slick them between her folds and over her clitoris.

  “I know, love. Your lip will heal soon enough and then you’ll beg me to stop kissing you.”

  With his free hand, he brushed his knuckles tenderly over the bump on the right side of her lip. His finger touched the tip of her nose. “Let me kiss you here.” He replaced his finger with a fleeting press of his lips. Skimmed his lips over her brow. “And here.” Her temple. “And here.” The lid of her closed eye. “Here.” Her other eyelid. “And here.”

  Her sheath flexed around his cock. She went motionless above him, her body poised and unmoving as he rubbed his fingers over the swollen bud. Then she threw her head back, her loose hair tickled his thighs.

  She’d come to her crisis so silently.

  He took her nipple into his mouth, felt the rush of wetness from her sheath and found his end in the next moment.

  They stayed locked together, neither willing to move or release the other as their breathing calmed in the aftermath of their lovemaking.

  HIS LIPS WERE FIRM AT her collarbone, tongue caressing the delicate line. Something seemed different in their joining tonight. Whatever it was, she couldn’t put her finger on it. Well, she didn’t want to examine it too closely for it resembled something strikingly similar to an emotion she’d sworn never to feel for another man.

  “God, Rosa. I wish you’d stay here with me forever.”

  He kissed the pulse at the side of her throat where it raced as fast as her anxious heart. Their bodies were slicked with sweat; the tingling between her thighs did not seem to decrease after her release. She wanted him again. His words made her stomach somersault, her breath catch, and her fingers thread deeper into his hair until she massaged his scalp.

  Instead of responding, she nuzzled the side of her face against his.

  “Say you want this as much as I do,” he said.

  She wanted it so badly. But couldn’t say it. Couldn’t bring herself to admit it. Not out loud. Not yet.

  “Don’t make this more difficult, Teddy.” She brushed back the damp hair from his temple.

  “God, woman, you drive me mad! What is it you’re running from? What is it that scares you so much you refuse something so perfect, so goddamned beautiful between us? I know you feel for me. I know this wasn’t just a quick coupling for you. There is so much more if we’re willing to take a chance on it.”

  She tried to roll off him, to do whatever she needed to do to escape this conversation. It had been so perfect, until now. There was no escaping the reality of who and what she was. This was all they could have. But her plan didn’t work, for he refused to let her go. He pushed both his hands through her hair and held her face close to his. The tip of his nose touched hers.

  “Do not run from me. I’ll chase you down till I’ve got the answers I’ve long sought.”

  “I can’t do this, Teddy. I never meant for there to be anything between us but the original arrangement. I didn’t plan to care for you, but you seem to be there, for support, as a partner, as someone I can turn to whenever I need you. This was never meant to be. I cannot do this. I should not feel the way I do about you.” She knew she sounded lost and unsure of herself.

  “And what is it you feel?”

  “Too much to put a name to it.”

  “That’ll do for an answer.” He kissed her nose. “For now.” He released her, and she left the bed to find the water closet. She no longer needed his assistance to find her way around his room, she was intimately familiar with these surroundings. “What did I say about you running, Rosa?”

  “I’m not. I just need a towel.” She made her escape and wondered how long she could take relieving herself and cleaning up with a wet towel. He’d come find her if she lingered too long, so she submerged the towel in the cold water. When she was clean, she wrung the cloth out and brought it with her back to bed.

  She stood outside the bed, thighs flush with the mattress, and held the towel toward him. “Here, I brought this for you.”

  He took it to clean himself. “There are biscuits in the sitting room, but we should have something a little hardier. Do you want supper brought up here, or would you prefer to dine downstairs?”

  “Either or,” she answered. “I’m not overly hungry though. The biscuits might be sufficient.”

  He was no longer in bed and she tried to follow his voice but was unsuccessful. “What are you doing? I don’t know where you went.”

  He didn’t respond.

  “Teddy, that’s not funny.”

  “I’m right here,” he whispered in her ear, his naked body lining her back. The crest of his rod rose firm above her buttocks. He placed a scone against her lips. “Shall we properly attire ourselves? Seems tedious when I’m just going to try and take all your clothes off again.”

  She shivered at his words, her nipples budding under his light caress as she ate the cheese filled scone.

  “You aren’t acting like yourself.”

  “I know. I told you, I’ve gone quite mad because of you.”

  “We can wear nothing at all if you prefer.”

  “I do like that idea. Sounds much better than wearing dressing robes.”

  And just like that, it was as though the conversation they’d had moments ago never happened. Teddy made it easy to spend time in his company. He always wanted her at ease. Never demanding outright she acknowledge that she was indeed falling in love with him.

  She was in trouble.

  This kind of love was far beyond anything she’d ever known. More than she could ever imagine or could have expected. And it felt like the greatest betrayal to Michael. It made her see what she had been missing all these years. What she could have had, had life been kinder. She could not choose between the two men. They were similar, yet so different. Perhaps because at the time of his death, Michael was still growing into the fine man he would have become.

  She supposed it was possible to love twice. Had her life taken a different path, had she not embraced being a kept woman, maybe she could embrace this with open arms. But her past would always stand in the way of any true happiness.

  Even though she felt safe staying at Teddy’s town house as opposed to her own house in Town, she knew she’d have to leave Teddy sooner rather than later. Until she made that move, however, she’d take whatever kindness, whatever tenderness and affection he showered upon her. It would break her heart to leave him, but it must be.

  AS TEDDY PROMISED, HE HIRED another pianist within a week. He even let her offer suggestions when he made his final selection. She was sad to have to stop playing with his orchestra, but it was necessary. And now it was time to leave his side or she might
want a more permanent attachment with him.

  “You don’t have to leave, Rosa.”

  “We’ve discussed this at great length.” What she was silently saying was that she didn’t want to discuss it yet again. “I have always been independent, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that you’re helping me find new lodgings.”

  It was her fear that Johnson would come to her house that decided her. Not that she’d told Teddy that. No, she’d only said that she required something outside of the city, a place where she could have a garden all her own.

  It scared her on some level that Johnson hadn’t been heard from since that fateful night that brought her and Teddy back together, that strengthened their bond—the last thing Rosa had planned on happening. Her hands curled in her lap as the carriage slowed.

  “I can only ask you to stay so many times. And I’ve asked enough that my ego is somewhat beaten down and bruised at present,” he said as he opened the door and climbed out, then turned to assist her.

  Why had she allowed him to accompany her to her solicitor’s office? She reached up to brush the lock of hair that had fallen across her brow as she descended from the carriage. Teddy took one of her hands to help her down.

  “You know it’s not possible. Gossip has already stirred where you and I are concerned. We needn’t give the ton any reason to paint your name black before your big performance.”

  Teddy snorted and tucked her in tighter against his body as they walked down the street.

  She’d known even before she’d left him the first time that their separation was going to hurt beyond compare.

  “When you establish your new lodgings, you’ll wash your hands of me, won’t you?”

  His cruel way with words stemmed from his hurt, she knew, so she ignored his question. By the end of the week they’d be on their own paths once again.

  It broke her heart thinking about the end of their attachment. But it had to be done if she were to move on with the rest of her life. He would be so much more without her hampering him. He’d be invited everywhere, asked to play in the grandest music halls across Europe. That could not happen with someone considered no better than a whore at his side.

  “You’re not answering me.”

  “Because you paint me as heartless. Think of what the gossips will say if I stay.”

  “You know my thoughts on the gossips.”

  “Yes, you’re as stubborn as a cat being ordered about as though it were an obedient dog. You refuse to see the truth of the matter.”

  “Let them gossip. And you with the animal analogies, you really must find a more majestic creature to compare me to. I’m not nearly as nitpicky as a feline,” Teddy said.

  “If you don’t stop fanning your feathers, I’ll have to start calling you a peacock. Any negative whispers about us could harm your opening night. You can’t afford to be snubbed by the ton. You need their support and excitement for your reintroduction as a great composer. This will carve the path of your future.”

  “They’ll like the concerto regardless of what I do to amuse myself in my private life.”

  “See, now I’ll have to compare you to a cock, strutting and clucking as though you were the most majestic being in the henhouse.”

  He laughed, tracing an invisible pattern on the back of her glove. “I prefer the peacock, darling. Let me get the gate.” He released her long enough to lift the latch on the gate. Then he led her down the narrow, cobbled path to the back of the house where clients were seen.

  “And I prefer not to be a part of those whispers, Teddy. I have to live my own life once you’ve moved on. I don’t need them reminding me at every turn of what I became.”

  Frustration laced his sigh and tightened his hand around her arm. She bet he tugged at his necktie with his free hand.

  “I knew what you were when I offered to help you. Did that stop me from wanting you? Certainly not. And has it stopped me from still wanting you? That tiny fact, which cannot even begin to define the woman you are, would never stop me from pursuing you, the ton can stuff it.”

  She mulled that over, biting at her lower lip, which had finally healed. She was picking a fight with him. It would make the day easier and harder all at the same time. She should have come to see her solicitor alone.

  Teddy opened the door for her and released her arm so she could precede him. The faint whiff of cigars hung in the warm, dry air.

  They were greeted amicably. “Miss Montgomery, a pleasure, as always. You are a little early but I’m sure Mr. Robertson will be with you shortly. He’s just with another client.”

  She inclined her head. “Thank you, Mr. Brown.”

  “And you, sir....” Mr. Brown prompted.

  “Viscount de Burgh,” Teddy supplied to the secretary.

  Teddy never used his title when he introduced himself, so why did he do so now?

  “My lord, my apologies. If you’d like there is a hat hook just on the other side of the door.”

  Teddy left her side, presumably to hang his hat, then he was there to guide her to an arrangement of chairs. He did not sit with her, though. He took to pacing the floor in front of her.

  “Sit with me, won’t you, Teddy?” She tried to keep her voice to a whisper, but the small office area made it seem as if she spoke to everyone present. She said nothing more after that. Neither did Teddy, probably realizing this wasn’t the place to talk about their private matters.

  Were his thoughts as tumultuous as hers? He had tried persuading her the whole carriage ride over that this was the wrong decision. That she should stay at his residence instead of finalizing the lease on her own accommodations.

  A fire burned in a grate nearby, keeping the room warmer than it needed to be. Finally, a door opened. She turned her head in that direction. She imagined Mr. Robertson walked his other client out. She did not stand, as she did not want to bring any notice to herself or Teddy.

  “Miss Montgomery,” her solicitor greeted her.

  Teddy had her elbow, ready to take her into the office, but she turned to him and shook her head. “I’ll be fine on my own.”

  When he didn’t respond, she knew she’d angered him, but it couldn’t be helped. If she wanted to be independent of him, then she needed to make these arrangements without his interference.

  TEDDY WAS SURPRISED THAT SHE hadn’t allowed him to go with her into the office. He turned to see Mr. Brown watching him, pen poised above the blotter. He promptly looked back down to the ledger he was working on. Mr. Brown didn’t look old enough to be a man of business with his baby face and cherub-like blond curls surrounding his face.

  Rosa was gone for a quarter hour before she came out of the small office. What an image she made in her white muslin dress with a thick red sash about her waist. What would she say if he suggested she fit in well with the young misses about town? Her hair was tucked neatly under her white hat. Her eyes were downcast, then she raised her head enough that he could see the sad expression in her eyes. She rarely allowed any expression to show in her eyes. What made her show any now?

  “Accommodations have been settled and signed for at the Hertford address. I can take the place as soon as Friday. I think we should go back to your town home so I can pack my things and then I’ll spend the remainder of the week packing up my house.”

  “If that’s what you wish.” It certainly wasn’t what he wished. But he’d not argue that fact here. How in hell was he going to convince her that moving to a small town outside of London just didn’t settle well with him?

  “Let’s be off then.” She held out her arm, which he didn’t hesitate to take.

  “It’s a beautiful day,” he said absently. “Do you want to walk around Hyde Park? I had a basket for luncheon packed for us, and we can feed the ducks our leftover bread.”

  He thought she’d refuse. She didn’t answer him till they were seated in the carriage.

  “That would be lovely. A pleasurable end to our arrangement.”

bsp; How was she holding herself together so well? Was she so anxious to be free of him?

  He took her on his arm and walked the path along the Serpentine once they were in the park.

  “You’ve grown to dislike my company,” he finally said as they sat on a blanket near the edge of the water.

  She turned to him, her hand holding her hat in place as the wind tried to take it in its grasp. “Why would you think any such thing?”

  “Because you’ve been pushing me away. As if you want me to dislike you. As if you want me to be angered by your words.”

  “I don’t want you angry with me. But I admit, I’m uneasy about where our relationship stands. I think time away from each other is long overdue.”

  “And you’re intentionally going in circles on this issue.”

  She leaned back on her elbows and tilted her head up toward the sky a smile on her lips, as the sun warmed her skin. She was like Aphrodite, infinitely beautiful in everything she did, everything she said, except when she was denying him the one thing he wanted most: her. She was the air for his lungs, the sun brightening his day, the moon offering light through the long night.

  He leaned over her and kissed her. He couldn’t help himself. It was nothing too long or too daring. It seemed as if half of London was walking through the park today and half those eyes were matchmaking mamas with their daughters watching, measuring his every move.

  Right now he wanted her alone and all to himself. What could he do that he hadn’t already done to convince her to stay?

  He cleared his throat; it was something to break the spell around them. “Hungry?” he asked.

  “For so many things,” she teased, but sat back up. He handed her a cheese and cucumber sandwich.

  There were questioning glances from many of his acquaintances as they ate in companionable silence. Those disapproving looks told him he should not be taking his mistress about Town so publicly. Yes, Rosa was right in how the ton would view their relationship. But he still didn’t care about their censuring glances. He stared more than one member of the ton in the eye as they walked back to their carriages.


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