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My FBI Page 34

by Louis J. Freeh

  accountability of

  casualties in

  civil-rights agenda of

  Core Values of

  credibility and trustworthiness of

  ethics training in

  finances of

  Freeh’s appointment to directorship of

  Freeh’s background in

  Freeh’s joining of

  Freeh’s management and leadership at

  Freeh’s retirement from

  global operations of

  hiring policies of

  history of

  Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) of

  media on

  organized-crime units of

  political independence of

  on privacy issues

  proposed Domestic Intelligence Service for

  Quantico Academy of

  technological backwardness of

  traitors in

  Felt, Mark

  Ferraro, Liliana


  Fiske, Bob

  Campcon and

  Freeh’s U.S. Attorney’s Office appointment and

  UNIRAC case and

  Whitewater case and

  Flaherty (homeless man)

  Flowers, Gennifer

  Foley Square, U.S. Courthouse at

  food chain protection

  Fort Dix

  Fortier, Michael

  Foster, Vince:

  Freeh’s FBI directorship appointment and

  suicide of

  Fowler, Wyche

  Foxman, Abe

  Fragos-Townsend, Frances

  Franco, Francisco

  Freeh, Bernice Chinciola (mother)

  husband’s courtship of

  husband’s real estate business and

  illness and death of

  L. Freeh’s FBI Academy graduation and

  L. Freeh’s FBI directorship appointment and

  Freeh, Bill (brother)

  Freeh, Brendan (son)

  Freeh, Colin Michael (son)

  Freeh, Connor (son)

  Freeh, Edward (uncle)

  Freeh, Jenny McGee (grandmother)

  Freeh, John (brother)

  Freeh, Justin (son)

  Freeh, Liam Patrick (son)

  Freeh, Louis J.:

  ambitions of

  childhood and adolescence of

  clerical employment of

  domestic life of

  education of

  federal judgeship of

  finances of

  heritage of

  honors and awards of

  loading dock work of

  management and leadership style of

  media on

  political independence of

  in real estate business

  religious beliefs of

  security arrangements for

  sense of humor of

  speeches delivered by

  on treatment of criminals

  Freeh, Marilyn Coyle (wife)

  domestic life of

  Falcone’s assassination and

  finances and

  husband’s FBI directorship appointment and

  husband’s federal judgeship and

  9/11 and

  Freeh, Sean (son)

  Freeh, William, Jr. (father)

  L. Freeh’s childhood and

  L. Freeh’s FBI directorship appointment and

  in military

  real estate business of

  wife courted by

  Freeh, William, Sr. (grandfather)

  Freeman siege

  Friedman, Richard

  Fruh, Frederich

  Galante, Carmine

  Gallagher, Neil

  Gambino family

  Garrett, Brad

  Gawley, Noreen

  Gelernter, David

  Genovese family


  Ginsberg, Ruth Bader

  Giuliani, Rudolph

  Gleason, Thomas W. “Teddy,”

  Gore, Al

  Campcon and

  Freeh’s relationship with

  Khobar Towers bombing and

  Gore, Tipper

  Gorelick, Jamie

  Graham, Donald

  Gray, L. Patrick

  Graysuit investigation

  Great Depression

  Griglione, John

  Guccione, Joseph

  Guerrero, Alfredo

  Hand, Learned

  Hanssen, Robert

  arrest of

  Graysuit investigation and

  Opus Dei and

  surveillance of

  health-care fraud

  Heiser, Fran

  Herndon, Bob

  Heymann, Philip


  Khobar Towers bombing and

  Hoback, Brian

  Hoffa, Jimmy, Jr.

  Hoffa, Jimmy, Sr.

  Hoffman, Julius

  Holbrooke, Dick


  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Horton, Gordon

  Houri, Ali al—

  House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

  Hubbell, Webb

  Hunger, Frank


  information warfare

  infrastructure protection

  International Brotherhood of Teamsters

  Freeh’s membership in

  International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA)

  UNIRAC case and

  Internet, criminal uses of


  Hezbollah and

  Khobar Towers bombing and

  photographing and fingerprinting athletes from


  democratic transition of

  prisoner abuses in

  Ivanov, Alexey

  Jablonski, Dan

  Jagiellonian University

  Jarash, Abdallah al—

  Jewell, Richard

  Johnson, Frank

  Johnson, Sterling

  Jones, Barbara

  and prosecutions resulting from Pistone’s work

  UNIRAC case and

  Jones, Paula

  Justice Department, U.S. (DOJ)

  bin Laden and

  Centennial Park bombing and

  Civil Rights Division of

  FBI’s finances and

  Freeh’s FBI directorship appointment and

  Freeh’s federal judgeship and

  Justice Building of

  Khobar Towers bombing and

  Lee investigation and

  Madison Guaranty case and

  Moody case and

  Teamsters and

  white-collar crime and

  Kaczynski, David

  Kaczynski, Theodore

  letters sent to press by

  manifesto of

  Unabomber case and

  Kallstrom, Jim

  Kanka, Megan

  Kasi, Mir Aimal

  Kean, Thomas

  Kenya, attack on U.S. embassy in

  Kerrey, Bob

  Khamenei, Ayatollah

  Khatami, Mohammad

  Khobar Towers bombing

  as act of war

  Arlington Cemetery commemoration of

  bin Sultan and

  briefings for families of victims of

  casualties in

  Congress and

  dealing with media on

  FBI’s working theory on

  indictments in

  investigation of

  Iran and

  perpetrators of

  political roadblocks and

  Saudi detainees interviewed on

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kinoy, Arthur

  Koresh, David

  Kramer, Kevin

  Krulak, Chuck

  Lacey, Fred

  Lake, Anthony

  FBI’s foreign strategy and

  Khobar Towers bombing and

  Lawson, Bennie Lee

  Leahy, Pat


ttack on U.S. Marine barracks in

  Hezbollah and

  Lee, Wen Ho

  classified documents mishandled by

  Lennick, Bob

  Lerner, Al

  Lerner, Randy

  Letcher, Todd

  Leval, Pierre

  Levin, Vladimir

  Lewinsky, Monica

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Livingston, Bob


  Louima, Abner

  Luciano, Lucky

  McCain, John

  McClellan Committee

  McDonnell, Gene

  McDougal, Jim and Susan

  McLarty, Mack

  McVeigh, Timothy

  arrest of

  execution of

  Oklahoma City bombing and

  trial and conviction of

  McWeeney, Sean

  Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan


  Appalachia meeting of

  Freeh’s joining FBI and

  Maxi Trials and

  Pistone’s undercover work and

  Pizza Connection case and

  UNIRAC case and

  wiretaps and

  Marshall, Burke

  Marshall, Ruby

  Martin, John S.

  Martinez, Martha Dixon

  Massino, Joey

  Massoud, Rihab

  Maxi Trials

  MBNA America Bank

  Megan’s Laws

  Miller, Mike

  Minnefor, Eileen

  Mohammed, Khalid Shaikh (KSM)

  Moody, Susan McBride

  Moody, Walter Leroy, Jr.

  investigation of

  trials of

  wiretap in jail cell of

  Moody case

  bombs used in

  investigation of

  media on

  victims in

  wrong trail followed in

  Morgenthau, Robert

  Moscow, FBI agents in

  Moussaoui, Zacarias

  Mueller, Robert

  Mughassil, Ahmed al—

  Musharraf, Pervez

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  Nayef, Prince of Saudi Arabia,

  Nelson, Lemrick

  New York Times, The:

  Lee investigation and

  Unabomber case and

  Nichols, James

  Nichols, Terr y

  Nicholson, Harold

  9/11 terrorist attacks

  airline security and

  casualties in

  changes since

  Clarke and

  FBI’s technological backwardness and

  investigation of

  privacy issues and

  Nixon, Richard

  Noriega, Manuel

  Norman, Jim

  North, Tracey

  Nunn, Sam

  Nussbaum, Bernard:

  Foster’s suicide and

  Freeh’s FBI directorship appointment and

  Madison Guaranty case and

  Whitewater case and

  O’Connor, John Cardinal

  Oklahoma City bombing case

  bomb used in

  casualties in

  documents withheld in

  investigation of

  Olympic Games, Centennial Park bombing and

  Omar, Mullah

  O’Neill, John

  Khobar Towers bombing and

  9/11 and

  Opus Dei

  Panetta, Leon

  Peltier, Leonard

  Pistone, Joe (Donnie Brasco)

  Pitts, Earl

  Pizza Connection case

  acting troupe used in

  convictions in

  Falcone and

  trial in

  wiretaps in

  Podesta, John

  police and political corruption

  Potts, Larry:

  Freeh’s mishandling promotion of

  Moody case and

  Provenzano, Tony “Tony Pro,”

  Qaeda, al

  millennial fears and

  9/11 and

  trials of members of

  and U.S. attacks on Afghani targets

  Qassab, Mustafa al—

  Rafsanjani, Hashemi

  Rahman, Sheikh Abdel

  Rather, Dan

  Reed, Charles L.

  Renfrew, Charles

  Reno, Janet

  Campcon and

  Clinton’s pardons and

  FBI’s accountability and

  Freeh’s FBI directorship appointment and

  Khobar Towers bombing and

  Lee investigation and

  Waco siege and

  Ressam, Ahmed

  Reutter, Bob

  Rice, Condoleezza

  Rich, Denise

  Rich, Marc

  Richardson, Bill

  Riina, Toto


  bombing of U.S. contractor compound in

  Khobar Towers bombing and

  Robinson, Robert

  Rockefeller, Nelson

  Rodgers, Harold

  Romano, Benito

  Rosenbaum, Yankel

  Rosenblatt, Dan

  Ruby Ridge siege

  Ruckles, Ray

  Rudman, Warren

  Rudolph, Eric Robert


  bank theft and

  Spanish Civil War and

  spies of

  tunnel under D.C. embassy of

  USS Cole attack and

  Rutgers University, Freeh’s enrollment at

  Salvatore (Pizza Connection witness)

  Sartain, Paul

  Saudi Arabia

  Khobar Towers bombing and

  Riyadh bombing and

  Sayegh, Hani al—

  Schaffer, Beverly Bassett

  Schiliro, Lew

  Scotto, Anthony

  Sessions, William S.

  Freeh’s FBI directorship appointment and

  Moody case and

  Shapiro, Howard

  Moody case and

  Oklahoma City bombing and

  Shelby, Richard

  Shelton, Henr y

  Shepard, Brian

  Shields, Mark

  Siford, Wanda

  Soviet Union, see Russia

  Spanish Civil War

  Stafford, Brian

  Starr, Ken

  Lewinsky scandal and

  State Department, U.S.

  Khobar Towers bombing and 9/11 and

  Stephanopoulos, George

  Freeh’s FBI directorship appointment and

  Stern, Herb

  Stevens, Ted

  Sudan, U.S. attack on pharmaceutical factory in

  Sulzberger, Arthur, Jr.

  Supreme Court, U.S.

  Sweeney, Bob

  Symington, Fife


  Tanzania, attack on U.S. embassy in

  Tenet, George

  accountability of

  and attack on Sudanese pharmaceutical factory

  bin Laden and

  Freeh’s relationship with

  Khobar Towers bombing and

  Russian spies and

  Thompson, Tommy

  Thornburgh, Richard:

  Freeh’s federal judgeship and

  Moody case and

  Tjoflat, Gerald Bard

  Tolley, Ed


  TWA 800

  Unabomber case

  casualties in

  Rather and

  Union Racketeering (UNIRAC) case

  indictments and convictions in

  McClellan Committee and

  use of misdemeanors in

  wiretaps in

  United Nations

  Vance, Helen

  Vance, Robert

  Vietnam War

  casualties in

  opposition to

  Waco siege

  Wallace, George

  Walsh, John
br />   Washington Post,The

  Watergate scandal

  Watson, Dale

  Khobar Towers bombing and

  9/11 and

  Webster, William

  West Point

  white-collar crime

  White House:

  closing road in front of

  Freeh’s tour of

  Whitehurst, Frederick

  Whitewater case

  Wiesel, Elie

  Williams, Harrison

  Williams, Hubert

  Williams, Ronald

  Woolsey, Jim:

  Clinton’s relationship with

  FBI’s foreign strategy and

  World Trade Center:

  first terrorist attack on

  9/11 attacks on

  World War II

  Wounded Knee, siege at

  Wright, Susan Weber

  Young Christian Students (YCS)

  Yousef, Ramzi

  MY FBI. Copyright © 2005 by Louis J. Freeh. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

  eISBN 9781429904445

  First eBook Edition : January 2012

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Freeh, Louis J.

  My FBI : bringing down Mafia, investigating Bill Clinton, and fighting the war on terror / by Louis J. Freeh with Howard Means.

  p. cm.

  Includes Index.

  ISBN-13: 978-0-312-32190-1

  ISBN-10: 0-312-32190-2

  1. Freeh, Louis J. 2. United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation—Officials and employees—Biography. 3. United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. I. Means, Howard B. II. Title.

  HV7911.F74 A3 2006




  First St. Martin’s Griffin Edition: October 2006




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