Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection

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Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection Page 1

by Nikki Bolvair

  Falling For Them

  Volume 2

  Table of Contents

  Sweet, Sweet Savannah by HL Nighbor

  Fostering Hope by Amanda Perry

  Literary Yours by Lainie Boruff

  Preservation by LA Kirk

  Tied by Fate by Lyn Forester

  Draken Genesis by K Swanson

  Hidden Light by Nikki Bolvair


  Sweet, Sweet Savannah

  Still Water Pub | Book 1

  HL Nighbor

  Savannah Rae Preston finally has her life back on track after it takes a turn in an unplanned direction. The day she accepts the job at the Still Water Pub, her newly organized and controlled life gets complicated.

  One wild night almost two years ago, changed Savannah Rae’s life in ways she could never imagine. She was living in the moment when she had her weekend fling with three totally alpha Navy Seals. It was completely out of character but she never figured she would see Bas, Austin and Finn again.

  What happens when Savannah Rae finds out that the silent owners of the Still Water Pub are the three men from that one weekend two years ago? Can she accept that Bas, Austin and Finn want a relationship with her – all of them together? Will the guys forgive her for the secret she has been hiding since their steamy fling?

  Savannah Rae can’t deny that the attraction is still strong but there are two problems – what the trio is proposing is unconventional and there is Mac.



  Published by Covey Publishing, LLC

  PO Box 550219, Gastonia, NC 28055-0219

  Copyright © 2017 by HL Nighbor

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the writer, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover Design Copyright © 2017 Covey

  Book Design by Covey, www.coveypublishing.com

  Copy Editing by Covey Publishing, LLC

  Printed in the United States of America.

  First Printing, 2017

  Also By HL Nighbor

  The Still Water Pub Series

  Sweet, Sweet Savannah

  Sweet, Sweet Surprise (Coming in the Nip of Frost Anthology in Winter 2017)

  Broken Halo MC Series

  Fighting Temptation (Coming Soon)


  I would like to take the opportunity to thank my greatest supporter, biggest fan, and best friend, Brandie. Without her unwavering support and constant push, this book would still be a concept and never written. I will never be able to express in words how truly grateful I am for her love and friendship.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen



  Sitting on the covered front ferry deck on this early Thursday evening, I watch the rain roll down the windows. The weather tonight matches my mood appropriately – dark and stormy. If I don’t decompress from my earlier visit with my parents, the possibility exists I will lose it on the next person who approaches me.

  I pop in my ear buds and crank up the volume on my latest country favorites. The view of the Seattle skyline in the distance allows me to breathe for the first time in days. A breeze blows my blue hair into my face, and I self-consciously tighten my jacket around my mid-section - the conversation with my mom from earlier today still fresh in my mind.

  Ughhh! I want to scream. I don’t know why I bother. The same events happen each time I visit my family. I can’t believe my mom this time, though. Today, her ultra-critical attitude toward me took on a whole new level.

  “Blue isn’t a hair color fitting of a young lady, Savannah.”

  “You should take out those piercings, dear. No one will ever take you seriously.”

  “Those tattoos are tacky, Savannah. You will regret those one day.”

  Comments like those don’t bother me too badly. Listening to them constantly since I turned eighteen and received my first piercing – a little diamond stud in my nose – makes me immune.

  Today she started in on my weight, an already sensitive subject for me. I work out daily and watch what I eat - somewhat. I’ll never wear a size two. Not with my classic hourglass figure and curves.

  When my mom declared, “Savannah, you need to lose some weight. With your tattoos and piercings, finding a husband will already prove difficult. Guys don’t want a chunky girl, dear.”

  I knew I needed to leave. Getting married and popping out little perfect children? - not my immediate goal in life.

  Honest with myself, I acknowledge I carry an extra ten pounds, in my hips and thighs. My bust adds extra weight, getting a boob job would be the only way to make the girls any smaller. After the conversation turned toward the direction of my weight, I decided to take off and end the visit. I’ll give myself kudos, though. I made it three days. A new record since I started school.

  The sensation of someone watching me pulls me out of my memory. Glancing up, I silently thank the powers above. On the opposite side of the deck, three of the most delicious specimens of men ever made, appear in my line of sight. Don’t get me wrong. I go to a large university in an even larger city, I notice hot guys regularly. But these three personify the heroes in romance novels - pure perfection sitting there together. And trust me, I know. I read a ton of them. I take a mental picture for a little “me” time material for later.

  A deep, sexy voice right next to me startles me out of my naughty fantasies. “Is it okay if we sit here, or do you want to continue to drool a little more?”

  My face instantly heats in mortification. Lost in my fantasies, I didn’t notice the trio stood up and came over to me. Beyond embarrassed, I slowly raise my eyes to gaze into a pair of smiling silvery-gray ones. From afar they were gorgeous. Up close, they are devastating.

  “Uh, yeah… sure,” I ineloquently reply and want to crawl into a hole.

  These guys approach me and suddenly I forget how to interact with other people. I might as well wear a sign saying, Hot guys turn me into an idiot and make me forget my own name.

  A chorus of laughter surrounds me, and I realize I spoke aloud. Shoot. Me. Now. I peek up at the clock on the wall to check the time. This ferry ride should come to end soon, right? I can’t imagine making a bigger fool of myself before we dock in Seattle.

  “I spoke aloud, huh?” I question, interrupting their laughter. “Please join me and find out what other brilliant conversational skills I can impress you with over the next thirty minutes.”

  Mr. Dark and Dangerous chuckles as he replies, “Thanks. I’m Bas
and these two are my friends, Austin and Finn.”

  Bas can only be described as huge - both in height and in build. His broad shoulders taper into a slim waist and the gray tee hugs his upper body like a glove - pulling deliciously across well-defined pecs and biceps. Not an ounce of fat visible on his muscular body. At six feet four inches, he would tower over me by about a foot. Black hair cropped close on the sides and a little longer on top covers his head. And don’t get me started on the little dimple in his chin I want to lick. To top it off, an intricate black and gray full sleeve tattoo wraps around his right arm. With his silvery-gray eyes, naturally tanned skin and bright white smile, my libido recognizes the glorious sight standing in front of me and goes into overdrive.

  Austin stands a few inches shorter than Bas, putting him at a fraction over six foot in height. Completely opposite of Bas in appearance but no less pleasing to the eye, Austin’s light appearance contrasts Bas’s dark one. Austin’s lean and trim body shows hints of muscle without being in excess. His dark-blond hair frames his face in a messy, surfer style cut. Crystal blue eyes sparkle in the dim ferry light and brightly colored tattoos cover most of his arms and stand out against his fair skin. A short beard frames his mischievous smile and a playful air about him reveals to me the goofball of the trio - something about him screams fun.

  Finn rounds out the trio of hotness. The first idea coming to mind when sizing him up – Finn defines Greek god. As the tallest in the group, he carries a build like a swimmer – wide shoulders and a lean torso tapering nicely to a narrow waist. His golden skin perfectly complements his pristinely styled chestnut-brown hair. Green eyes – a clear jade color – contrast against his complexion, causing them to appear even more vibrant. His full, delectable lips beg for kisses, and his amazing body lacks any visible tattoos. While I prefer my men with them, without them I still find Finn flawless and desirable.

  “We’re heading over to Seattle for the weekend to do some exploring.” Finn mentions casually. “We’ve never been here before, so we thought it would be fun to check out the sites.”

  “It’s nice to meet you guys. I’m Savannah.”

  “Savannah, what has you out on this wet Thursday evening?” Bas asks. He watches me closely, too closely – making me slightly uncomfortable.

  Either he finds me to be the most interesting woman alive or leftover food decorates my face or teeth. “Before I answer, I need to ask if there’s something hanging out my nose or stuck to my face. You’re watching me like… I’m not quite sure but I do know it makes me uneasy.”

  “Man, Bas, dial back the creepy stalker shit,” Austin directs to Bas as he whacks him on the back of the head. “Savannah, I apologize for the douche pickle over there. He means no harm. He forgets his dark, broody bullshit comes across quite scary. Believe it or not, this is his I’m smitten expression.”

  “He isn’t plotting your demise or anything,” Finn adds. “He only has two modes – asshole and scary asshole.”

  Bas sheepishly glances away after his friends call him out.

  I swear I catch a slight hint of pink on his cheeks before he turns his head. Watching this huge, scary guy blush sends me over the edge and I crack up which causes a chain reaction of the others laughing. While I laugh hard enough to cause tears to run down my face, Bas’s face progresses from a slight pink to a deep red.

  After getting myself back in control, I respond to Bas’s original question. “I’m heading back to my dorm at the University of Washington campus where I’m currently a sophomore. I was visiting my family.” I say the last part with a little more bite than I intended.

  “I take it from your tone it was a bad visit.” Though Austin doesn’t say it, his tone and facial expressions encourage me to vent and release this negativity suffocating me.

  “No. It wasn’t a good visit. They never are. I’m not sure why I bother anymore. I can never do anything right and they’re never happy with my choices.” Dejected, my eyes fill with tears. “I’m sorry to dump this on you. You don’t know me and I’m sure when you asked to sit down this isn’t what you had in mind.”

  “You’re in college and appear to be doing well for yourself. What do they have to complain about?” Bas asks angrily, which surprises me. Why would he be angry for me? He doesn’t know me from Adam. Weird.

  “Well, let’s see. This visit my mother harped on my hair, tattoos, piercings, and weight, which seems to be a favorite of hers. My father doesn’t like my choice of major which I find ironic since neither of them have college degrees. It’s the same old shit, just a different day.” I answer Bas.

  All three wear matching expressions of surprise when I finish my explanation.

  “Whoa. Let me jump in here,” Austin states adamantly. “Your parents are idiots. First things first. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with your weight. You’re not fat. Your curves are fucking sexy. Now let’s talk about your tattoos. They’re hot. Enough said. End of discussion. The hair and piercings aren’t permanent so who gives a shit. I happen to like them.”

  Before I can respond, Finn jumps on the bandwagon. “I agree with Austin. Your parents need to relax. You’re beautiful. They’re delusional. What are you majoring in that has your dad so up in arms?”

  “Communications. I plan on going into public relations,” I explain. “I would love to work for a record label or something similar after I graduate.”

  “A perfectly respectable major and career choice,” Bas replies seriously. “There’s nothing wrong with you or your choices. Your parents need to remove the stick up their asses and get over themselves.”

  I find myself stunned. Not one, but three hot guys who happened to be complete strangers to up until fifteen minutes ago, came to my defense. Even more surprising, they seem to be genuinely angry with no hidden agenda to get into my pants. They truly care. If someone told me to choose between these three, I couldn’t. It would be an impossible decision.

  With the ice broken and the tension lifted, we continue to talk for a while. Throughout our conversation, I learn quite a bit about the guys. Employed as Navy Seals stationed in San Diego, they came to Seattle for a couple of weeks to visit friends in the area. Before heading back to San Diego late on Monday, they want to take advantage of their final weekend of leave and explore the city. Once they return to their home base, they’ll be sent out on deployment for an undetermined amount of time, where they’ll be subjected to a communication blackout to ensure their location and mission remain secure.

  Our conversation gives me a glimpse into their personalities as well. Being the oldest at twenty-six, Bas, also known as Sebastian Turner, acts as the protector of the group. His naturally dominant, alpha personality serves him well in this role.

  Austin Black, as the middle child of the group at twenty-five, uses his humor and outgoing nature to provide balance to Bas’s strong personality.

  As the baby of the group at twenty-four, Finlay Porter, Finn, completes the trio with his easy going, go with the flow personality and plays mediator between the other two regularly.

  Each fulfills a unique role in keeping balance – without one, the other two legs of the triad would crumble. Assigned to the same unit when they joined the military six years ago, they became fast friends. Throughout the years, a strong bond developed and their relationship resembles one of brothers. I find their easy banter refreshing. They can joke and play around but I can tell they do care tremendously for each other.

  The conversation between us flows effortlessly. No uncomfortable silences and a sense of familiarity contribute nicely to lots of jokes and laughter. My inexplicable attraction to these three guys baffles me, like something deep in my soul screams to theirs. I can’t help but wonder if the guys share these feelings. My naturally outgoing personality allows me to develop relationships easily; however, this intense pull overwhelms me slightly, the intensity far stronger than any prior experience.

  When the temperature gets a little too cool in the deck seating, Aust
in suggests moving inside to a warmer location to get something to drink. Bas grabs my bag, Finn opens my door and escorts me to a booth with his hand on the small of my back and Austin goes to get our beverages. He insists on paying for mine despite me trying to give him money.

  A girl can get used to being treated like this.

  “What do you recommend we do in Seattle during our visit?” Finn asks me after we situate ourselves inside with drinks in hand.

  “Of course, the normal touristy activities like the Space Needle and Pike’s Place Market. You need to go to a laser light show at the Pacific Science Center. Oh, and eating at the Hurricane is a must. It’s iconic. If you want to check out some bars, Pioneer Square hosts the best ones.”

  A disapproving noise comes from Bas, and I wait for the objection – ever the protector. “How would you know about the bars, Savannah? You’re only twenty.”

  “Really, Bas!” I reply in utter disbelief. “Let’s break this down. I’m in college and it’s called a fake ID. Please tell me you know how this works and your stick in the mud personality doesn’t get in the way of fun. I work hard, but I do know how to play safely. You can skip the lecture.”

  Diffusing the situation, Austin jumps in. “Hand it over. I wonder if fake ID’s are as bad as they used to be. I haven’t seen one in years.”

  I open up my wallet and pull out my fake Missouri State ID. Before handing it to Austin, I firmly say, “If I hand this over, you better give it back. The hoops I had to jump through to get this one are not ones I want to repeat.”


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