Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection

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Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection Page 8

by Nikki Bolvair

  A knock on the door interrupts our discussion - too late to change now. As I grab my purse and make sure it contains all the essentials, Brittany answers the door to let the guys in and introduces herself. The guys take a quick moment to fuss over Mac who plays with her dolls in the living room.

  My soon to be, former best friend gives me a wink, fans her face, and mouths the word, “Hot.”

  I roll my eyes and mouth back, “I know.”

  A moment later, I interrupt the impromptu play session. “Hey, guys. I’m ready when you are.”

  After a round of goodbyes, the guys and I head out.

  Bas drives and I insist Finn sits in the front seat for the extra leg room, leaving Austin and myself to sit in the back. We make small talk on the drive and while conversation comes easily, my nervousness increases with every passing minute. The looming conversation holds me on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

  When we arrive at our destination, I’m surprised to find they chose a quaint, hole in the wall Mexican restaurant. The hostess seats us in a private booth in the back of the large dining room. After taking our drink orders, we munch on chips and salsa while perusing the menu. Once the waitress takes our orders, the guys’ moods change and I know The Talk is imminent.

  “So,” Bas says confidently while I close my eyes and hold my breath waiting. “We talked and decided we want a relationship with you.”

  I open my eyes and scrunch my brows in confusion. “Okay. We’ll always have a relationship. One of you is Mac’s daddy. Nothing will change that.”

  “No. I mean we want to get to know you better,” Bas replies as I sit still confused.

  As I take a sip of my margarita, Austin helps Bas out as he says, “What Bas is trying to say is; we want to date you. As in all of us. Together. Romantically.”

  I choke on my drink, and while coughing, manage to squeak out, “What?”

  I’m sure I misunderstood Austin. The bartender made my drink too strong, and I must be drunk already. That’s the only way to explain this.

  Before I can process the conversation any further, Austin asks, “So, what do you think?”

  Unable to form anything coherent at the moment, I reply, “What?”

  “What’s there to understand? We want to be together. All of us. Get married. Have babies. Fuck. The whole shebang,” Austin responds nonchalantly to my question.

  Finn smacks Austin on the back of his head as says, “Idiots. Both of you. You’re really smooth, Bas. And Austin, what the fuck? Scare the girl, why don’t you.”

  “What? I did a good job explaining it,” Austin says to Finn completely bewildered.

  Laughing at their antics, I almost forgot the discussion at hand. Almost. This can’t be real. Since when do three hot guys want to share a girl with no jealousy. Not to mention the legality of this proposed arrangement. You can’t marry more than one person.

  No. This is wrong, so wrong.

  Ignoring Austin, Finn continues. “Savannah, we discussed this. The connection was strong two years ago and it’s just as strong now. I know what we’re proposing isn’t traditional but this could work for us. We know you wouldn’t be able to choose, and even if you could, it would tear our friendship apart. Why couldn’t we be a unit?”

  With the shock apparent on my face, I reply, “Let me make sure I have this right. You want me to be in a relationship with the three of you. Date all three of you. Kiss, cuddle, sex…With all three of you?” After a round of acknowledgement, I continue, “How would this work? We would be together all the time? The three of us? Would you date other people?”

  With a smile on his face Bas answers my questions. “No. We would spend time all together at times and at others, you would spend time with us individually or only two of us. We would never date anyone else. You would be it for us.”

  “How is that fair? Won’t you get jealous? What’s in it for you guys? Is this type of relationship normal for you guys?” I fire questions off quicker than they can answer.

  “Slow down, Savannah. One question at a time,” Finn says calmly. “This is what we want. There may be moments of jealously as we navigate this but that is okay. This is going to be a first for us, too. We will learn together.”

  Bas adds, “All we know is we all want you but we love each other enough to want the others to be happy, too. Until you, we’ve never done this or even thought about it. And, more importantly, we want you to be happy.”

  “Think about it. That’s all we ask. No decision has to be made right now.” Austin states as the waitress approaches with our meals.

  We continue dinner with general conversation and joking. The guys don’t bring up the bombshell they dropped on me and neither do I. They act as though nothing happened and they never broached the subject at all. I go along willingly since I can’t wrap my mind around the situation, let alone make a decision.

  After dinner, we head to the bowling alley.

  I suck and the guys take plenty of opportunities to laugh at my expense. Throughout bowling, I notice each guy finds reasons to touch me, kiss me, and hug me. Without any conscious decision, we already act as though we live as a unit. The guys show no signs of jealousy and I go along naturally with no hesitation.

  Could this be as simple and easy as they said? Am I overthinking their proposal?

  As the night goes on, more and more of my questions get answered. Can I set aside my fears and agree to try this arrangement? We work together effortlessly – natural and comfortable. The ease always existed between us, as well as, off the charts chemistry.

  As I change into more comfortable clothing, I reflect on the last three days. I wish we could continue to live in this bubble but life dictates otherwise. Tomorrow morning Bas, Austin, and Finn will board the ferry to continue with their lives, and I will head back to school and do the same.

  Completely in my own head, I miss the knock on the door and don’t realize Austin entered the room until he says, “Uh. Sorry, Savannah. I knocked and called you through the door, but you didn’t answer.”

  Not until I turn toward Austin, do I remember I wear only my bra and panties. Hooded blue eyes slowly take in my body from head to toe. Without a word, he stalks toward me like an animal hunting its prey.

  “Damn, Savannah,” Austin says on his approach. He takes a finger and lightly trails it across the tattoos along my rib cage. “Look at everything you keep hidden. You’re full of surprises.”

  His low, rough voice and light touch send a shiver through my body – not a shiver of being cold but one of anticipation. My nipples go tight and my panties soak through. Certain that he can see the heavy thrum of my pulse in my neck, my breathing becomes labored.

  Austin draws his hand up my side, across my shoulder and tangles his fingers in the hair at the base of my neck. He steps closer until his body presses firmly into mine. His erection presses against my stomach as he brings his lips to mine in a rough, demanding kiss - leaving me no choice but to respond.

  When I sense the heat of another body at my back, I tense, causing Austin to stop the kiss. “It’s Bas, baby. No worries. Let us make you feel good.”

  Austin steps back slightly and goes back to kissing me. While Austin devours my mouth, Bas brings his body flush to mine and caresses my stomach with his hands. His hot breaths against my neck elicit another round of shivers. Lost in sensation, I lose track of whose hands and lips touch me.

  As quickly as it started, it ends, leaving me strung tight and ready to explode.

  While I try to gather myself, Finn announces his presence. “It looks like I’m missing all the fun.”

  I open my eyes and take in the scene around me. Bas, Austin and Finn surround me with various degrees of lust in their eyes. Their want and hunger clear in their faces. Slowly perusing their bodies, each sports an erection they don’t try to hide.

  “This only goes where you want it, Savannah,” Bas reassures me. “You say stop and we stop. No questions asked. No hard feelings.”

>   “And what if I say go?” I ask.

  “Then we’ll take really good care of you,” Finn answers.

  I nod my head to express my agreement in continuing but Bas shakes his head no in response. “We need the words, Savannah. What do you want?”

  Breathless, I answer, “I want to continue. I want to feel good and make you feel good.”

  Those must be the words Bas wanted. Before I can say anything else, Bas takes me into his arms and kisses me senseless. Like a well-choreographed dance, Bas passes me to Finn and then Finn passes me to Austin as each takes an opportunity to kiss me into oblivion.

  Allowing myself to get lost in the moment, I just feel. No questioning. No thinking. No words. No embarrassment.

  “If you don’t like anything we do, Savannah, let us know,” Austin says as he moves me to the bed.

  I reply with a whispered, “Okay.”

  Consumed with pure wanton need, Finn strips me of my bra and gently lays me on the bed. Before my head hits the mattress, he takes a nipple into his mouth and thoroughly explores my breasts with his whole mouth – lips, teeth and tongue.

  Austin kneels at my feet and slowly takes my panties off my body. Once removed, he gently kisses across my stomach and stops to dip his tongue into my bellybutton. He continues his worship of my body, unhurriedly moving to where I want his mouth the most. By the time his mouth reaches its destination, I’m wound tight and arch my body on contact. Austin throws an arm over my stomach to hold me in place as he continues to leisurely tease my clit.

  The sensation of Finn worshipping my breasts and Austin eating my pussy like it’s his last meal overwhelms me – but I still need more.

  Turning my head, I find Bas standing nearby. I reach out to pull him closer and tug the waistband of his athletic shorts down, releasing his massive erection. His cock stands thick and long against his stomach, and my mouth waters at the sight. I lean my head and pull his length toward me to take a taste of the precum beading at the tip.

  Getting the idea of what I want, Bas shifts where I can take his glorious cock into my mouth. It’s velvety, hardness glides along my tongue and I take him as far as I can.

  My body delights in the abundance of sensations and my orgasm builds deep within. Austin quickens his pace. As he sucks on my clit, he thrusts two fingers into my empty core. My walls grip his finger tightly as he finds the spot that has my body ready to take flight. Barely able to hold on, Austin massages that spot while continuing his assault on my engorged bud.

  Finn, sensing my orgasm hovering right under the surface, takes a nipple between his teeth and bites down firmly. Within seconds, my orgasm explodes in such intensity, color flashes behind my eyelids, and I swear I stop breathing. As I regain my senses, Bas comes with a shout, and I drink him down greedily – not allowing a single drop to slip past my lips.

  The evening continues in a tangle of tongues, hands, and limbs. Several hours and multiple orgasms later, we all fall asleep in a sated heap on the king size bed.

  As I remember the night and the chemistry, my body heats, but the guys miss the flush of my face in the darkness of the bowling alley. Over the years, I dreamt of reliving that magnificent night. Now the opportunity finds me again and I hesitate. Why would I say no when everything screams at me to say yes? How can something that comes so naturally between us be wrong? Can I take what I want and say screw it to what society deems acceptable?

  I know this decision needs to be made carefully. Not only does it affect my life, but it also affects Mac’s. First and foremost, I need to make the best decision for her.

  I decide to enjoy the remainder of my night and quit letting my dwelling on the situation interfere with my fun. One day at a time, Savannah. One day at a time.

  Chapter Nine

  The next several weeks fly by in a whirlwind. I returned to work at the Still Water Pub to the delight of Jackson, Cooper, Beck, and Chris. My relationship with the quad proves to be stronger than ever and they seem to be pleased with how things turned out. They even manage to mind their business regarding my love life. Knowing about the proposal from Bas, Austin, and Finn, they stay neutral, allowing me to make my own decision.

  Many nights, I can be found in the company of one or more of the trio. Bas, Austin, and Finn spend a great deal of time with me and Mac, taking me out on more dates and assuming some babysitting responsibilities for Mac while I attend school or work. During any given shift, one of the guys usually turns up because they want to keep an eye out for their investment but I know better. They never seem to show up at the pub unless I’m on shift. They want to keep an eye out on me.

  Considering the amount of time we spend together, I find it amazing they have yet to revisit the conversation or ask for a decision. The guys continue to allow me to set the pace. However, all three continue to make their interest known through the stolen kisses, intimate touches and general flirtation. The time will come when they will push for a decision and my time will run out.

  When school ends for the summer, I’m relieved for the break since juggling Mac, school, and work can be challenging. Jenna decides to throw an end of school year barbecue at her house and invites everyone to attend.

  This will be the first time she’ll meet the guys – all seven of them. Wanting everything to be perfect for them, she insisted on knowing all of their favorite foods and drinks.

  Now her and Brittany’s ability to keep their opinions to themselves regarding my love life remains another story. They constantly put their nose where it doesn’t belong and offer me their advice. According to them, I should jump on and take all three of the guys for the ride of my life. I shouldn’t care what society or anyone else deems appropriate. The only thing which matters is if I’m happy.

  I got over to Jenna’s a few hours early to help her and Brittany with the setup for today’s festivities. With the coolers full, the grill clean, the kiddie pool ready for Mac, and the badminton net and croquet wickets standing, we wait for the guys to arrive. I expect lots of fun today even though it will be a testosterone fest with myself, Jenna, and Brittany being the only females in attendance. Well, Mac will be there, too, but she doesn’t count.

  The rumble of voices draws our attention to the gate into the backyard. Earlier, I sent a text to the guys to come to the back when they arrived instead of going to the front door. The voices grow louder as all seven hot as hell guys enter the backyard.

  From my right, Brittany mutters, “Holy shit,” under her breath while Jenna catches my attention with a wink and fans her face.

  Oh, Jenna. I agree. They should be illegal together.

  “Hey guys,” I yell to the group in general. “You all know Brittany, but let me introduce you to Jenna.”

  Jenna stands with me and appears a little too eager for these introductions. While she may be dying to meet my trio, I know who she really wants to meet – Chris. Chris and Brittany maintain a fairly turbulent, love-hate relationship with each other. The day they both act on the sexual tension between them will be a day to remember.

  “Jenna,” I say with a warning to behave clear in my eyes. “I would like you to officially meet all the guys you’ve heard so much about.”

  I go through the line of guys, saving Chris for last. When I introduce him, her smirk confirms she believes the same thing regarding him and her daughter.

  “It’s nice to meet you all,” Jenna replies.

  After the introductions, she takes the opportunity to hug each guy. I don’t mean innocent, polite hugs either. She gives full on body contact, with tight squeezes and hands rubbing up and down their backs. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out later some butts were violated during the whole ordeal.

  Jenna cracks me up.

  Mac squealing through the yard interrupts the groping. Wearing the cute little two-piece swimsuit Brittany bought her, she runs as fast as her little legs can carry her. When she arrives at the group, she stops and glances up at the guys. A priceless expression flashes across as her
face as she ponders who to go to first – almost as priceless as the guys’ evident anticipation.

  Finally, Mac makes her decision and lifts her arms in the air. “Me up, Fi Fi!”

  Finn wins this round, causing a devastating smile to break out across his handsome face.

  After some well-earned bragging from Finn, the crew gives kisses and tickles to Mac before Finn whisks her over to her little pool. Cooper and Austin trail after them as Bas and Chris head over to get the grill started with Jenna. Jackson and Beck sit with Brittany and me to enjoy the sunny afternoon.


  The afternoon passed quickly, filled with food, games, fun, and laughter.

  After dinner, the guys decided to get a fire going in the pit for s'mores. Throughout the day, the guys doted over Mac and treated her like a princess. She never lacked for attention. S'more making proved to be more of the same. The guys practically tripped over their own feet to tend to her every need.

  As the sun begins to set, Jenna announces, “I’m going to take Mac in to get cleaned up and put her to bed. You guys hang out and have fun. There’s plenty of room for all of you if you drink too much and can’t drive. Savannah, if you decide to leave, Mac can stay here and you can come grab her tomorrow.”

  With goodnights said, Jenna heads inside with Mac and we all settle in around the fire with beers in hand. Chris and Bas tend to the fire and throw a few more logs on while Brittany runs and grabs a couple of throw blankets for the two of us for added warmth against the cool evening. Most of the guys pull on hoodies and jackets as well. Despite the warm afternoon, the second the sun went down, the temperatures plummeted.

  “Let’s play a game of truth,” Austin suggests when we all get settled. “You know, like truth or dare with no dares. A little get to know each other session.”

  Chris glares at Austin. “Dude, are you a chick? What the fuck? Are you twelve?” At the sound of Brittany’s huff, Chris turns to her and says, “Don’t you start, munchkin. There’s no reason a man in his late twenties should be suggesting a game teenage girls play at slumber parties.”


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