Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection

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Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection Page 21

by Nikki Bolvair

  Shuffling my feet, I push my thumb nail against my bottom lip. “Should I grab one?”

  “May want to.” Talen chuckles, nodding toward Austyn who’s already put three different items in his cart. “We don’t usually do small shopping trips.”

  “Oh boy,” I mutter, pulling a cart from the line up and following behind Maggie and Talen.

  The four of us spend the next two hours going up and down every aisle. To my utter amazement, we fill all of the carts by the time we finish. To be fair, Austyn’s is mainly full of beverages. Bottled water, juice, milk, some cans of coffee and creamer, and a few cases of sodas weigh it down enough nothing else can be added.

  Somehow Talen managed to fill his cart with snack foods. Maggie doesn’t seem to mind his choices and from the dinosaur shaped graham crackers sitting on top of the pile, I assume not everything he picked is for himself.

  A sharp sting in my lower right side grabs my attention halfway through the shopping trip, and my steps falter. For a few days, a dull ache took up residence in my side. I’ve done my best to push it out of my mind and wait for it to subside. I’m sure it’s part of my period, though that ended yesterday. The pain had been a minor annoyance until today. Now, I can’t ignore the hurt as I walk the aisles of the store. The dull ache has morphed into a stabbing sensation. We wrap up our shopping trip soon after the pain intensifies. Still, I don’t mention it to anyone.

  On the ride back, I focus on taking deep breaths and pushing through the hurt. If I can get home and to my bed, rest may help. Not wanting to be rude, I force myself to help bring the groceries into the house and put them away with everyone else.

  “You okay, Starshine?” Austyn inquires quietly as I lean on the counter and wait for the current wave of pain to pass.

  At first, I nod, then shake my head. “I’m not feeling great. I think I’m going to lie down.” Turning my head toward Austyn, I notice Maggie and Talen watching me with concern. My eyes meet Maggie’s. “Is that okay?”

  “Of course, Parker. Are you sure you’re all right?” Her brow furrows with obvious worry.

  “I’m fine.” I push off the counter and back up toward the stairs. “It’s just a stomach ache. It’ll pass with some rest I’m sure.”

  Before she can respond, I head up the stairs and to my room. With every step I take, the pain intensifies. By the time I fall into my bed, I can hardly breathe. Turning to my side, I curl up and attempt deep breaths. Waves of nausea hit, and I fight to keep myself from getting sick. I can’t get up to make it to the bathroom if needed.

  I have no idea how long I lay curled up on my bed before Declan calls for me from the hallway. I attempt to turn onto my back and sit up but something like a knife in my side stops me. I cry out and grab onto my stomach, tears leaking from my eyes.

  “Parker?” Declan calls again, closer this time. His face swims into my line of sight. His eyes widen as he takes in my pathetic state. “What’s wrong?”

  “It hurts,” I whimper. Shutting my eyes tight, I try to breathe in and out normally, but all I manage are small pants. “It really hurts.”

  “Okay, sweetheart, it’s okay.” Declan smoothes my hair back away from my sweat dampened face and kneels next to me. He pulls his cell phone from his back pocket and hits a few buttons while still keeping his hand on my head. “I’ll get some help. Where does it hurt?”

  “Stomach.” I groan, clutching tighter as the pain worsens. “The right side.”

  Unable to think straight or say anything more, I simply curl myself tighter and cry as Declan calls for help.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Heading toward my apartment after work, I make a last-minute decision to stop at my parents’ house for dinner for the third time this week. I wish I could say my reason is because I want to visit my parents and eat my mom’s cooking. Of course, I love spending time with them, and mom’s cooking is the shit but neither of those reasons are what push me to race down the street toward the big, beige house at the end of the road.

  A little, honey blonde holds my attention and won’t let go. Parker has me and my brothers tied in knots. Talen always said this would happen, and we never did anything more than laugh at him. None of us are laughing now.

  The small part of town we live in isn’t like most. The majority of our little town consists of couples in unique relationships. Our parents being one of them. The fact our neighbors to the right are three guys who happen to be married, and to our left are four girls married to one man never occurred to us as strange. Most of us have spent the majority of our lives with Maggie, Jack, and Collin. They raised us to treat every person the same, no matter their race, religion, political views, or even their relationship status. Because of the way we were raised, most of us would consider an unconventional relationship if the right person came along. We never truly believed it would actually happen.

  Parker might be our right person.

  Pulling into the parking lot of my parents’ house I grab my phone from my pocket and text Dominic and Lochlan.

  Gonna be at the parents for dinner. Wanna join?

  I know the two of them carpooled to work this morning, and if they show, it’ll be together. A few minutes after sending my message my phone pings with an answer.

  On our way

  Nodding to myself, I grab my keys and head inside. Aside from Lochlan and Dominic missing, I notice Parker’s absence as well.

  “Where’s Parker?” I ask Talen, sliding into a stool next to him in the kitchen.

  Talen frowns down at his hands, and I straighten with concern. “She’s resting upstairs. She said she didn’t feel well.”

  “Oh, okay.” I shrug and relax assuming it’s probably girl problems. We may not have any sisters, but we aren’t idiots.

  Mom and Pop go about making dinner while Greyson plays fetch with Kit and Pup and the rest of us sit around the island and shoot the shit.

  A smug grin overtakes Talen’s lips when Dominic and Lochlan come in. It’s been an hour since I arrived and I can’t sit still.

  “Maybe I should go check on her?” I offer, glancing from Mom to the stairs leading to Parker’s room. “Just to be sure she’s okay and all.”

  Mom shrugs, distractedly chopping up veggies for a salad. “If you want to, go for it. Just don’t wake her if she’s asleep.”

  The second Mom agrees, I’m racing up the stairs calling for her. She doesn’t respond at first, and I lower my voice the second time I call in case she’s asleep. A quiet whimper sounds from Parker’s room, and I pick up my pace.

  My steps falter slightly when I find Parker curled into the fetal position on her bed. Tears streak from her eyes as she groans and whines. “What’s wrong?” I demand softly, rushing to her side.

  The tears fall faster from her eyes, and she curls into herself tighter. “It hurts. It really hurts.”

  I kneel beside her bed and push her hair from her damp face. Simply touching her forehead briefly, I can tell she’s burning up with a fever. Whispering reassuring words to her, I pull my phone out and press call on the first number I come across.

  Duncan answers on the first ring. “You know I’m right downstairs, right?”

  “I need help, it’s Parker,” I bark, not bothering to wait for a reply before hanging up.

  Turning back to the small form on the bed, I continue to try and soothe her as thunderous footsteps come up the stairs.

  Duncan reaches Parker’s room first, skidding to a stop at the foot of her bed. “What happened?”

  “I’m not sure.” I frown down at her as she whimpers again. “She says her stomach hurts on the right side. She’s burning up.”

  Mom enters the room soon after Duncan and gives Parker a quick once over. “We need to take her into the ER, now. I’ll have Collin bring the car around, and Jack can watch Greyson.”

  Without argument, I scoop Parker up and carry her as gently as possible down the stairs. Mom rushes ahead of me to explain what’s h
appening to everyone else. As I reach the front door, it swings open and Lochlan takes a step in.

  “What the hell?” He growls, furrowing his brow at the sight of Parker in my arms. “What the fuck is going on? I stepped outside for two minutes!”

  “We don’t know.” I don’t bother stopping to chat. Instead I push my way past him, talking to him over my shoulder. “She’s hurting, and she’s burning up. We’re taking her into the ER.”

  “I’m going with you!” he yells, catching up to me.

  With a half shrug, I nod to my car. “That’s fine. You can follow in your car. Open the back door to my car so I can put her in. I’m not waiting for you, so just meet us there.”

  Lochlan complies, opening the back door and helping me set Parker in the back. Mom, Dad, Dominic, Talen, Duncan, and Austyn race out of the house as I round my car to get into the driver seat. Mom quickly slides into the passenger seat of my car, clicking her belt and turning around to watch Parker with concern.

  Austyn slides into the back, cradling Parker’s head on his lap and whispering quietly to her. The sight of him holding her causes a small stirring of frustration, but I push it down. Now is not the time.

  I peel out of the driveway the second Austyn closes his door. Lochlan already has his car started, and in my rear-view mirror, I watch Dominic race to him. Everyone else already piled into his car. No one speaks on the ride to the hospital aside from Austyn’s quiet murmurs to Parker. We all know this could be serious. Parker has become an important part of us in an incredibly short amount of time. None of us want anything to happen to her.

  The moment I met her, I knew something would be different with her. It took me a bit, but when Talen gave me the look I realized the impact Parker would have on my family. As much as I hate to admit Talen’s odd prediction would ever make sense, it does now.

  The hospital isn’t far from the house, and I get us there quickly, After parking haphazardly in the emergency lot, we race with Parker in my arms into the ER and search around for help.

  Everything happens incredibly fast. Doctors and nurses surround us, taking Parker and asking questions. Before I understand what’s happening, she’s being placed on a gurney and pushed behind an employee’s only door.

  The rest of the guys rush through the ER doors minutes later, bombarding us with questions.

  “Calm down, boys.” Mom takes the elastic out of her hair, redoing her ponytail. It’s her nervous habit and I notice the slight shake of her hands as she does it. “They took Parker back as soon as we came in. She got sick in the car on the way here. They don’t know anything yet. They said someone will come update us as soon as possible.”

  Recognizing we can only wait, I take a seat beside the emergency doors. Duncan sits next to me and leans into me slightly. It’s the same gesture we used to do when we were little and we were sad. Watching the rest of my brothers roam the waiting room, looking lost, I lean into my twin as well.

  “She’ll be all right, boys,” Dad assures us, though his voice betrays his concern. “I’m sure it’s just a bug or something.”

  No one replies to him. We all know it’s more than a bug, and it scares the hell out of me to wonder what could be wrong.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Hospitals always take forever with this shit. Plopping down across from Declan and Duncan, I sigh long and loud. It could be hours before we know anything. The fact the doctors and nurses wouldn’t let me or anyone else go back with Parker pisses me off. I want to yell at someone, but I know they’re only doing their job.

  As upset as I am, watching my brothers in the waiting room helps distract me. Lochlan has yet to move from his spot by the windows. He simply stands with his arms crossed over his chest and stares outside. Declan and Duncan won’t stop leaning on each other with the strange twin thing they do. Dominic sits next to me and bounces his knee at an alarming speed. Talen won’t shut up. The guy talks like a girl on speed when he’s nervous, and right now, our poor parents get to listen to him ramble on and on about some job he and Declan started at work.

  The guys have it bad for Parker. They believe they’re slick about their feelings, but I know my brothers. For some reason, they won’t make a move, and I have yet to figure out why. Hopefully, when Parker gets out of this place I can bring it up to her and find out if she feels the same about any of them. I don’t expect her to like more than one of the guys, but I know Talen would be smug if she did by some miracle.

  “Family of Parker Thomison?” A man with a white coat calls out from the door to the emergency room.

  We all stand and gather around him, clearly startling the poor guy. “Are you all here for Parker?”

  With unanimous yeses, he nods. “All right, I’m Doctor Jarvis, and I have some questions for you and some may be sensitive but with the condition she’s in we don’t have time for privacy. My first question, is Parker sexually active?”

  All eyes turn to me, and I jolt in shock. “What the hell are you guys looking at me for?”

  “Austyn,” Dad chides gently. He places a calm hand on my arm and turns me to face only him. “We know you and Parker have gotten very close over the last few weeks. If something’s happened between the two of you, you can tell us.”

  “It’s very important young man,” Dr. Jarvis adds, crossing his arms and staring me down. “She could be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, and if we don’t get the correct information, the implications could be fatal.”

  “Oh my god!” I shriek, waving my hands in the air to stop them. “I have not had sex with Parker! Gross! She’s my best friend, that’s all. She’s never had sex with anyone for that matter from what she’s told me.”

  “You’re sure?” Dr. Jarvis demands, clearly not happy with the idea of being lied to.

  I nod and glare at him. “Yeah, I’m sure. I think I’d remember.”

  “Son, if you’re worried what we think, it’s okay. We won’t be mad,” Dad promises, obviously not believing me.

  “I would never have sex with her! That’s just fucking weird!” I shout, getting pissed off.

  Lochlan growls, stepping closer to me. “What the hell do you mean by that?”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” I groan, running my hands through my hair. “I’m gay!”

  The room descends into silence at my accidental confession. Dr. Jarvis clears his throat. “I’ll come out when we have more information on Parker.”

  When Dr. Jarvis disappears behind the emergency room doors, I drop back into my seat and bury my face in my hands. This is a total shit show.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Waking up sucks. Fog fills my head, and my mouth is drier than the Sahara. Beeping sounds nearby give me a slight headache. Whispers around me frustrate me because I can’t understand what’s being said. Worst of all, my stomach hurts.

  The pain from before vanished, only to be replaced by a bruising throb. Forcing my heavy lids open, I blink several times in a futile attempt to clear my vision. A flurry of quiet activity around me causes my anxiety to bubble up. I can’t locate who or what’s there, and it puts me on edge. The beeping in my ears gets faster and louder as my worry levels rise.

  “Open your eyes, Starshine,” Austyn murmurs in my ear.

  I hadn’t even realized I closed them again until I register his whispers. Prying my eyes open once more, I’m able to focus on Austyn’s face. He smiles wide at me. “Hey, it’s about time your lazy ass woke up.”

  Confusion sets in as the panic eases. “Huh?” Saying only one word hurts my throat, and I cringe as I try to swallow. I start to wonder if I ended up really sick. Trying to sit up, I gasp at the pain it causes in my stomach.

  “Easy, Muñeca,” Dominic warns from the other side of my bed. Turning my head toward him, I huff when he mock-glares at me. “You just had surgery. You need to relax and rest.”

  “Surgery?” I squeak, the beeps gaining speed once again. My gaze darts around the room, and the realization I’m in
a hospital, a hospital sure to be occupied by tons of doctors, becomes too terrifying for me to handle. My heart and breathing become erratic. Pushing Dominic away, I grit my teeth and sit up in the hospital bed. “No, let me up. I need to get out of here.”

  “Parker,” Talen wails, racing to me from across the room. “You need to lie back down.”

  His presence gives me pause. Darting my eyes around the room, I find nearly everyone in my room. Declan and Duncan huddle together in the far corner, leaning their shoulders together. Lochlan follows behind Talen, coming toward me. Greyson, Maggie, Jack, and Collin are the only ones missing.

  Ignoring Talen, I continue struggling to get to my feet, tugging on the IV to get it out. Lochlan growls loudly and picks me up the same way he did my first day with them. He sits down on the bed with me in his lap and holds me gently but tightly, not allowing me to pull on the IV. The pain from the movement of trying to get up and being picked up makes breathing difficult.

  “You need to calm down, or they’re going to come in here and sedate you, Parker,” Duncan reasons, kneeling in front of me and Lochlan, taking my hand in his.

  The idea of a doctor coming close to me sends me deeper into my spiral of terror. “Please, no doctors,” I beg them, clutching at Lochlan’s shirt with one hand and Duncan’s hand with the other. “Don’t let them in here.”

  “What happened to make you so afraid of doctors, sweetheart?” Declan sits down next to Lochlan on the bed and smoothes my hair off my forehead.

  I slowly shake my head, not wanting to tell them, but freeze. If I told them, maybe they would understand and let me leave. Besides, I trust them enough to tell them about it now. “I went to a doctor a few years ago because I fell off a swing at the park and broke my arm. The foster parents I had at the time wouldn’t have taken me if other parents hadn’t seen and called an ambulance. It was a pretty bad break, and I guess it looked worrisome. Anyway, when I got to the hospital my foster parents told me to meet them in the car when I was finished. I’m almost positive they went to the parking lot to smoke weed or shoot up, but I didn’t much care.”


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