Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection

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Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection Page 35

by Nikki Bolvair

  “Love you, too, girly. I’m so proud of you, and I know your father would be.”

  I waved to him as he walked into his building and headed home. The ten-minute drive to my own downtown building wasn’t enough time to let my stomach ease. It knotted up again when I pulled up to my building and spotted a society reporter lurking near the front entrance. “Ha,” I muttered. “You won’t get any pictures of me today.” I pulled my car into the underground garage, far from prying eyes.

  My father’s death and the succession of his company was a hot story in the society pages, as my stepbeast and her hell spawn were frequently featured. I, thankfully, wasn’t—usually.

  I opened the side door to find the doorman waiting on me. “It’s getting worse, miss.” Roger worried excessively and watched constantly for reporters.

  “Yes, it is. And I’m afraid this is only the beginning.” I peered out the tinted windows at the cameraman. “I hope when the case settles they stop sniffing around me. I don’t do anything exciting enough for them to want to write about me.”

  “Miss? I can’t imagine they wouldn’t want to know about you. The beautiful, orphaned daughter of the richest man in the city?”

  Uncomfortable with compliments, his comment made me laugh nervously. My stepmother made it clear I was the ugly step sister, not the belle of the ball. “Oh, poo.” I waved him off. “I’m frumpy and boring. But anyway, how is that new grandbaby of yours?”

  His face lit up with pride only a grandparent could possess. “He’s a stinker, Miss Asche! Growing like a weed. He’ll be passing to the end zone in no time.” Typical of Texas to be planning a child’s gridiron career from birth.

  Grinning a goodbye to the endearing man, I took the elevator. I brushed a little lint off of my pin-striped skirt and admired the shape of my ankles in the high heels picked out to match the ensemble.

  I dug around in my purse until I found a clip for my blond hair and pinned it up. I appreciated the air on my still-heated neck. I couldn’t wait to grab my latest romance novel and try to forget the ridiculous day. I’d deal with choosing new lawyers tomorrow.

  The elevator reached the fifth floor, and I scurried to my unit. My building, converted into luxury apartments from an old warehouse, was a trendy place to live; though, I didn’t care a bit about its trendiness factor.

  Mine was one of two apartments on my floor. A suave, confident, classically handsome bachelor lived in the other. I’d embarrassed myself around him every time I encountered him, usually by saying something stupid. Something about him and his two best friends put me off-kilter. My dad would say I was twitterpated.

  His short brown hair and chiseled features captured my eye and left me speechless. A little taller than me, his muscles proved he hit the gym on a regular basis. Even though I avoided him, my eyes drifted to his apartment door, hoping to catch a glimpse.

  Think of the devil and damn if he doesn’t appear. The soft snick of a knob turning snapped my focus to his door as he stepped out of his apartment before I reached for my keys to enter my own. “Ma’am. Doing all right today?” His deep voice purred, like a well-tuned muscle car. I trembled at the sound and regretted not having my keys ready when I exited the elevator.

  “Hello. I’m fine, thank you for asking.” I avoided eye contact and fumbled for my keys. I finally slipped inside before I stumbled through any further conversation. I wasn’t shy, but he threw me straight out of my element. It didn’t help he tried to talk to me every time we passed in the hall.

  I slipped one heel off and jumped when a knock rang through my silent apartment. I whirled around. “Ma’am, it’s me,” my neighbor’s voice was muffled by the thick door. I pressed my hands against my abdomen as butterflies attacked my stomach. Slipping my heel back on, I took a deep breath and promised myself I wouldn’t act like a total dork.

  I flung open the door forcefully. “Yes, hi, uh… can I help you?” My voice was high and nervous. I couldn’t remember his name. I couldn’t remember my name as I ogled his broad chest covered in a flannel shirt. My throat dried out when I caught sight of his snug jeans. His five o’clock shadow and short cropped hair topped off his cowboy ensemble. The only thing he needed was a Stetson and some cowboy boots.

  He chuckled. “I’m Arch,” he reminded me. “I didn’t mean to startle you. You’re Ellie, right?”

  “No, you didn’t startle me. I have a lot on my mind.” Don’t blurt out your woes; he doesn’t want to hear that. “And yes, I’m Ellie.”

  “I wanted to invite you over. I’m having a small party tonight. Nothing major, a few cocktails and some music. We’d love to see you there.” My mouth gaped. He wanted me to come to a party at his house. What a perfect end to the day. Embarrass myself in front of all his friends. I’d find a way to do it.

  “I’ll try. I, uh, made plans with my friend, Todd, tonight,” I lied.

  “Bring him along. He’s the rather… uh, colorful guy you hang around with?” He put one hand on my doorframe and leaned.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, that’s Todd. Colorful is an understatement. He’s my best friend, has been for years.” I couldn’t think fast enough to come up with another excuse not to go to the party. If truth be told, part of me did want to go. “Do you mind if I bring his husband, Rick, as well?”

  “Of course not! See you between seven and eight.” He flashed me a charming smile and sauntered down the hall toward the elevators.

  A grin spread across my face as I stood in my doorway and watched him walk away. Even though I’d likely embarrass myself in front of everyone, it was still bound to be fun. I ran inside to get ready.

  My phone chirped in my purse as I kicked off my pinching heels. To the closet with those feet-eaters. I grabbed my phone and glanced at the screen. Charles moved quickly.

  Charles: Ellie, I spoke to one of the senior partners at Beaumont, Morales, and Lawson. They’re willing to take your case.

  Ellie: That’s wonderful! Were they your first choice?

  Charles: Yes. They’re one of the best firms in town.

  He explained they were finishing up paperwork from their last successful case, and they’d meet with me in one week, the day before Thanksgiving. I thanked him for the fast work, wrote down the details for the office, and then called Todd about the party.

  The call went to voicemail, so I tried texting.

  Ellie: Todd, I need you! My oh-my-god neighbor…


  The phone started ringing before I could reply. “Took you long enough,” I said with relief.

  “Wear This, Not That is on a marathon. I can’t be bothered when I’m watching my show.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I know, I know, but you know what a big day this was for me.”

  “I was never worried, the bitch has no case. Your dad left you the company. End of story.”

  I sighed. “It’s not that simple.”

  “Why the hell not?” His voice was indignant.

  “She implied the judge has statements from members of the board saying she’s more fit to run the company and still keep it in the family.” I grimaced but made my response non-committal. “Hopefully, they decide she can’t be considered a real Asche.”

  “Did you tell the judge she’s a fake whore who wanted your dad for his money?”

  I laughed at his bold attitude. “The opportunity didn’t present itself.”

  “Did you do your hair today?” I could picture him pursing his lips.

  “I left it down.” He didn’t respond for a full five seconds. “Hello? Earth to Todd.”

  “I’ll be right over. You’re hopeless. I know you’ve already ripped off half of what you wore. Don’t take off any more, I want to see you.”

  I sighed and hung the phone up. I knew better than to argue. I plopped down onto my couch and waited. Within five minutes, a key rattled in the doorknob. I didn’t bother changing positions. I’d known Todd since elementary school; he’d seen me in far more embarras
sing situations, including the first time I tried alcohol and every breakup since Chad Tuttle said I had girl germs in the second grade.

  Todd entered the room in a flourish of gardenia perfume and a silk house robe. “Nice of you to dress for me,” I said.

  “Oh, please. You interrupted my show, and I came up anyway. I love you, and you damn well know it. Rick and I were snuggling.” Todd lived two floors down with his husband. They’d only dated about a month before getting married, but that was two years ago. Their love was sweet and a little gag-worthy, even if they did get some flack from their parents for getting married freshman year of college. I adored them together.

  I sat up a little. “I know. Now, give it to me so I can tell you about the unbelievable afternoon I’ve had.”

  He eyed me critically. “You wore a seven hundred dollar suit and three hundred dollar shoes.” He eyeballed my heels lying on the floor beside my suit jacket. “You wore all these nice things I painstakingly picked out for you, but you didn’t even wear makeup or blow out your hair?” His voice rose in pitch with his irritation.

  “Todd! That isn’t me! I’m a bookworm! I’m a pudgy, bespectacled nerd! I don’t wear makeup.” He plopped down beside me with a sigh.

  “You’re beautiful. What do I have to do to convince you? Raquel spent so much time and attention on how gorgeous her kids were, it made you feel invisible.” He pulled me into his side. “You’re not invisible, and there’s nothing wrong with gussying up every once in a while.”

  “I know. I do. I’m not invisible. I’m smart and fully capable of running the publishing company I grew up in. The board will teach me whatever I don’t already know.” I wanted to change the subject and needed him to understand.

  “Of course they’ll teach you. So tell me what all happened today, and don’t think I’ve forgotten about the mysterious something your neighbor did.” He began brushing his fingers through my hair.

  “Raquel got to the board, that’s what happened.” Todd stiffened. “Not all of them.” I reassured him. “But, enough of them that the judge wants me to prove I can handle the company. She could take this company from me.” I fought the tears gathering in my eyes. I didn’t want to let my father down by allowing our legacy to go to the most horrible woman I knew.

  “Well, we won’t let that happen.” He squeezed me.

  “I have to get a new lawyer.” I stuck my lip out. “Charles said it would be best. He says he’s been out of the game a little too long.”

  “Is he handling the choosing of the new lawyer?”

  “Yeah. He’s already lined someone up.” I threw my head back, suddenly exhausted.

  “Too bad.” He turned his head, nose in the air. He was hiding something and wanted me to ask him about it.

  “What’s too bad?” I gave him what he wanted.

  “I happened to run into that hunky neighbor of yours a few days ago and pried a little. Turns out he’s a lawyer—a successful one if my quick Internet search is to be believed.”

  I gasped. “You’re joking!”

  “Nope. Now, what juicy dish do you have about him?” He leaned back to stare me down until I talked. I took a moment to contemplate the new information. Maybe I shouldn’t go to the party. If he was a good lawyer, I might want him to help me, and that could be a conflict of interest.

  My mouth curled up. I knew he’d be excited about this news. “I gave in.” He blinked at me. “So, Arch has been inviting me to parties for months, you know?” He nodded his head vigorously. “You, Rick, and I have an invitation for a small party at Arch’s apartment tonight at seven-ish.” He blinked a few more times as his mouth dropped open. “And I said yes.”

  He jumped up, clapping his hands. “We have three hours!”

  I put my hands up. “No, Todd. I’m dressing in jeans and a t-shirt. This thing is low key.”

  Todd deflated. “Makeup?”

  “No,” I said.

  He eyeballed my head. “Let me play with your hair.”

  I sighed. “I’ll let you do that, but only because it feels so good to have you brushing and twisting and whatever else you do.”

  “Okay. I’m going home. You take a nap; recover a little from your day.” He stood and headed for my front door. “I’ll be back in two hours to play with your hair and talk you into wearing mascara.” I rolled my eyes at him as he made his exit. He was a mess, but I loved him dearly.

  Chapter Two

  True to his word, Todd came back, Rick in tow, with enough time to brush my hair until it shined. He sprayed something on it and twisted it into a complicated braid. Having it off my neck would keep me from fiddling with it all night.

  I straightened my hot pink tee and turned to my friends. “You ready?” My hands fluttered a little at my sides, betraying my nervousness.

  “Sweetie, we can’t go!” Todd exclaimed.

  “What?” Panic laced my voice. I’d already told Arch we would be there, and I didn’t know if I could do it without my security blanket, Todd.

  “I thought I told you earlier. Rick got us movie tickets for tonight. We may pop in after the movie, but we have to run now or we’ll be late.” Todd looked like someone ran over his favorite puppy. “I did want to go with you, but we’ve had this date made for weeks.”

  “Who throws a party on a Wednesday night?” Rick asked.

  I threw my hands up. “I don’t know, I never would. But I’ve already said I’d be there, so I guess I have to go.” I didn’t want to be rude to my neighbor. I’d make a quick appearance and then go home. My reward would be the eye candy sure to be present at the shindig.

  My friends made their exit, giving me quick kisses and apologies. I stared at Arch’s apartment door with foreboding before slamming my door shut and leaning my head against it. I’d wait and go a little later, as if I tore myself away from something important. Damn my nerves.

  I parked myself on the couch and stared at the clock on my wall. I let time tick down with only my cell phone to distract me. Playing a solitaire game helped. Finally, the clock said eight thirty, and I stood.

  At eight forty, I finally opened my door and stepped out into the hall. The idea popped into my head that Arch could have a surveillance system like mine, a monitor mounted beside my door giving a view of the hallway, which spurred me to knock on his door without dawdling. I would’ve hated for him to catch me hovering in the hallway on his security monitor.

  A man I’d passed in the hall but never spoken to opened the door. His platinum blond, honey-streaked hair was natural, not dyed. He had sun-kissed, surfer-dude good looks, with gunmetal blue eyes. His most noticeable feature was his size. Six or seven inches taller than me, he had broad shoulders and massive arms. He filled out the doorway so I couldn’t see inside the apartment.

  “Hi.” I began with a squeak. “I’m Ellie. Arch invited me.” My hands, firmly tucked into my back pockets, itched to twist something nervously.

  Belatedly, I noticed music spilling out of the apartment and laughter and talking inside. My stomach clenched at the idea of pasting on a fake smile for all of those people. In the back of my mind, I pictured Arch’s warm invitation and that bolstered my nerve. I did want to get to know him a little better, given we were neighbors.

  Tall, blond, and Norse-god-lookalike cracked a smile that’d knock out a gaggle of old church ladies. “You’re the neighbor! Come on in, Arch hoped you’d show.”

  I chuckled a little. Maybe he thinks I’m mysterious. I suppressed a snort. Yeah, right.

  His apartment was nothing like I’d imagined. I’d always pictured modern decor with lots of black and white coloring and uncomfortable furniture. “Who decorated this place?” I asked, amazed.

  “Uh,” Blondie studied the apartment like he’d never noticed the decor. “Arch did, I think.”

  “It’s awesome. I love it.” I gazed around at what could only be described as autumn comfort. His walls were cream with burnt orange accents. He had dark brown furniture, and it was all o
verstuffed and appeared comfortable. His entertainment center and other wood furniture lightened up the room a bit with a blond color. “What sort of wood is this?” I asked, indicating the coffee table and other pieces.

  He gave me a blank stare. Arch saved any further awkward conversation by walking up. “She likes your decorating style, man,” said Blondie, before clapping Arch on the shoulder and walking over to a small group of people sitting at the dining table.

  My smile was a little crooked. “I’m here,” I said with mock enthusiasm.

  “I’m glad you came, Ellie. I’ve been dying to find out more about you, but you’re always in a hurry.”

  My hands fluttered to my throat. “I’m so sorry. I can be a little shy, but I didn’t mean to be rude.” I cursed my bashful behavior. He held my gaze with his piercing hazel eyes.

  “You weren’t rude. You’re cute.” I blushed red, startled by the compliment. He blurted it out there like it was no big deal. It was a big deal to me.

  “Thanks. So, do you always throw random Wednesday night parties?” I smiled to show I didn’t mean it as a criticism.

  “Not usually, no. Normally, we have to be in the office bright and early through the week and a lot of weekends, too. We’ve been working round the clock the past few years.” He puffed his chest a little, proud. “We’re celebrating a big accomplishment at work. We won a big case.”

  “What do you do?” Todd told me Arch’s profession but I didn’t want him to know I’d gossiped about him.

  “I’m a senior partner at Beaumont, Morales, and Lawson.” He motioned me over to a table filled with cocktail fixings. “Are you old enough to drink? I didn’t even think about that.”

  My stomach clenched in confusion as I replayed the names he mentioned. I was sure I had the names wrong. I pulled out my phone to double check while I answered his question. “Uh, yeah, I just had my twenty-first birthday.” I pulled up my text from Charles. Sure enough, it was the same law firm. “Arch, this is crazy, but I think your firm took on my case today.”


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