The Conqueror of Zones

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The Conqueror of Zones Page 38

by Shadows Finger

  It slowly walked from what seemed like a sea of thunder, and destructive energies unaffected by their raging might as it coolly gazed at the struggling figures before it. They were a squad of four as all the others were already unconscious, this small group stood at the brink of exhaustion as they were each panting heavily with a few of them using their weapons to keep balance on the floor.

  “Haa… haa… so… powerful…” Zang Xu said as he held his spear tightly with his trembling hands, its blade jammed into the ground as his feeble looking body rested on it to avoid falling over.

  “You’re right… this big fellow… is indeed too overbearing…” Dai Lin said weakly as his electrical energies where beginning to fade, the chains that wrapped around his arms losing a bit of their previously resplendent glow.

  Xia Rou who was also tired and threatening to fall over couldn’t help but nod her head in agreement to their words as she thought to herself, “Darn… I don’t want to fall here, I have yet to find him…” Upon thinking to herself, her thoughts wandered to the familiar but somewhat estranged face.

  Not far from them was the figure of Miren Fei, she was in an even worse condition as her legs were sprawled out on the ground while one of her jade-like hands rested on the floor, the snake-like marking on her forehead glowing brightly as if it was ready to act at a moment’s notice.

  She couldn’t even catch her breath properly as she could only gaze at the massive entity before them with a hint of helplessness as she muttered, “I want to see the young master… but if it means revealing this…”As she thought to herself, one of her slender jade-like palms couldn’t help but rise to her forehead where she gently swept her fingers across the snake-like marking before continuing her words, “Then I’d be more than glad…”

  A firm look now on her face as she glared at the massive approaching entity without any shred of fear as a prideful aura permeated her being, Zang Xu, Dai Lin and Xia Rou who were nearby couldn’t help but look towards her with a hint of surprise as they didn’t expect her to suddenly gain such a presence.

  As if it felt her change, the entity which had now arrived a few hundred meters away shrouding them with its massive shadow sweet its glowing eyes across each of them before resting them on the figure of Miren Fei.

  “This presence… you child, are not of this world, and while I may be eager to trace your origins... none of that matters anymore…” As the Gate Keeper said this, its large eyes began to glow in an even brighter light illuminating the world with its hue.

  Rumble! As if the end was approaching, the earth below the feet of everyone began to shake violently causing them to stumble about as the various surrounding white pillars and constructs were destroyed one by one.

  Zang Xu seeing this frowned as he spoke gripping his spear even tighter, “Dammit! I really didn’t want to use this power, as I would have preferred it never to be given in the first place…” While saying this, his arms touched his chest where underneath his robes a dull marking of a broken shaft could be noticed, it slowly began to glow in a red light causing an unusual energy to spread across Zang Xu’s being.

  Dai Lin also had a strange change, as his previous dull chains began to glow with golden lighting, with his eyes all around his body as one could see flickers of purple lighting causing his robes to flutter wildly due to their mysterious energies.

  Not losing out to them, Xia Rou opening her ancient magi’s tome to the second page where an even more abstruse writing was inscribed. This writing was vastly more complex than the previous which she could only see a single paragraph, as now, only a single phrase was revealed, just by looking at this phrase, her eyes and nose began to bleed as all of her bodies remnant magic force began to flow from her body into the tome.

  As the Gate Keeper saw this, beneath his brightly glowing eyes were pupils that showed a strand of curiosity as he thought to himself, “Such talent… these children may just be the ones who lead this new generation… but it’s a pity, as I too am forced to follow the rules in this place I can do nothing but gift you all swift end… even if you fail to receive the treasures from the Dragon Palace, you should still be capable of advancing to the peaks of your own worlds…”

  The moment he thought to himself, the energies from his eyes that saturated the world had now reached its peak as he lifted one of his arms and pointed it towards the sky before speaking, “Divine Arts: Heaven---” However, before he could finish his words his expression instantly changed as his towering energies vanished along with the bright lights that covered his eyes, his pupil now shrunken to size of needles as he gazed towards the sky.

  “I can’t believe it?!” He said in shock while peering across the horizon, Zang Xu, Miren Fei, Dai Lin, Xia Rou also glanced towards the horizon with a shocked look on their face as if they could feel the change that was about to take place….

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  At the distant parts of the floating continent that was far away from the main battlefield, were six individuals raging a series of deadly battles. Their energies tearing through the earth as it leveled ancient forest trees the size of a kilometer, along with mountains that were even bigger in scale, leaving clusters of scarlet golden flames and a myriad of unique energies struggling against each other for total dominance.

  On side was a red-haired battle goddess who tore through the air like paper, her slender and graceful physique emanating a feeling of brutal and overwhelming power that could destroy all things as she launched a series of fist attacks towards a sinister-looking birdman with dark golden crown and shining metallic-like dark feathers, his body giving off immense amounts of fiendish energies as he violent flapped his wings to avoid her strikes.

  Swish! Swish! Swish! Bang! Bang Bang!

  As his body blurred in and out of her attacks, the remnant force from her fist strikes would bolt towards the distant ground rupturing the earth before leaving a trail of utter devastation, clouds of dust soon after rising to air covering most of the ground beneath their feet.

  As she saw the destruction below her, Feng Xingyu frowned as she glanced towards her opponent which was now a good distance away from her. “Hmph! Darn bird is slippery, giving me so much trouble… if I ever get my hands on it…” As she thought to herself, her eyes gleamed in a ruthless light as if she was ready to end the world.

  “Heh, you are a strong woman… but strength isn’t the only thing needed in a fight!” Falcoy said as he smirked at Feng Xingyu, he then gripped his fists tightly causing his surrounding energies to increase by double before he flapped his wings once more turning into a ray of blade light which soared towards Feng Xingyu.

  “Dark Hawk Arts: World Severing Claws!” Falcoy shouted as he stretched his claws out looking like an eagle striking its prey, not long after his yell his nefarious energies formed two massive sinister looking claws which struck towards Feng Xingyu like lighting as they tore through void arriving before her almost in an instant, pushing her hair behind her head as the sinister energies sends both it and her robes into disarray.

  Feng Xingyu seeing this wasn’t depressed not minding the forces as she merely sneered and replied, “You foolish bird! Even if you're quicker than the wind, in the end… it is strength that will ultimately prevail!”

  Bang! The moment she said this, she clenched her two fists tightly causing her body to erupt a powerful amount of force which pushed away the surrounding energies almost as if an invisible barrier was surrounding her figure, quickly she struck her slender looking fist towards the sinister claws which descended within a flash causing a massive explosion of energies.

  BOOM! Following a loud explosion, the two claws that seemed as if they could end all things were easily destroyed as the force from her fist continued towards the beam of black light which was rapidly approaching, as if it sensed this force the beam swayed to the side making a curve as it narrowly avoided the attack and soared towards Feng Xingyu’s unguarded back, while her previous attack smashed into a nearby forestry levelin
g its trees and verdant earth.

  “Die!!” Falcoy said as he struck his claws out once more at amazing speeds towards Feng Xingyu’s heart, as she sensed the threat behind her Feng Xingyu promptly reacted, she leaned her body to the left side narrowly avoiding his arms before twirling her body gracefully while she pushed as her concentrated energies into her left leg.

  As if in slow motion the body of Falcoy slowly began to pass by Feng Xingyu’s twirling figure as his sinister-looking eyes changed, his pupils shrunk as he sensed the change occurring within her left leg. “Shit!” He thought to himself, he began to maneuver his body to the right side in order to avoid the attack but sadly he was too late…

  Bang! Like lighting itself her left struck towards Falcoy’s underbelly, colliding with his divine-like feather armor as if they couldn’t withstand the force as the metallic-like feathers around his chest broke to pieces as the sound of numerous bones breaking could be heard even in the distance.

  “Arghh!” Falcoy screamed in pain before coughing out a large amount of blood which left a trail in the air, but before he could even cough out anything more his body began to spin at a fast rate as the leg which struck his chest began to carry him around in a circle due to Feng Xingyu who continued to spin in the direction her leg attacked.

  Swish! Swish! A whirlwind formed within the region calling the surrounding dust clouds from the craters; soon, the whirlwind became brownish before the glowing in a bright red hue as if something within it was shining.

  “I’m done playing with you! Take this! World Wind Kick!” Feng Xingyu shouted as her eyes glowed in red light, her leg that towed the body of Falcoy launching his figure towards the ground like a bullet as his figure was swept away along with whirlwind. Instantly, he crashed into the earth of a nearby mountain 1 kilometer in size.

  KA Bang! The mountain crumbled into a numerous rubbles which were then swept away by the terrifying whirlwind which continued to ravage the earth bringing the still injured Falcoy along with causing him to collided over and over again, after a long while the whirlwind vanished leaving behind a blood-soaked birdman whose body was covered in dirt as he ripped into many pieces.

  Swish! Feng Xingyu had now stopped twirling as her posture was one where she had her arms lifted above her with her palms faced downwards while her left leg was lifted at her waist with its knees bent and the other leg standing on the air as if it was land. She gazed towards the scene of destruction below her with a mockful look on her face before she spoke, “Humph! That’s what you get for underestimating this lady… how did you like my famous world wind kick?”

  As she said this, she moved her eyes from the sorry-looking corpse of Falcoy towards the two different areas filled with shockwaves in the distance before speaking, “They sure are slow…”

  As if the wind heard her words, it swept towards the distance arriving at two battlefields, there four individuals were raging a similarly chaotic war.

  A ghostly figure garbed in a divine-like armor covered by a dark robe and surrounded by wailing spectors danced across a sea of fire as he avoided a series of flame javelins being tossed towards him from a nearby figure, as he dodged these attacks his body would flicker arrived hundreds of meters across the distance in a mere flash before he pointed his finger towards the retreating target.

  Swish! Swish! The spectors surrounding himwould then soar towards that red-haired man like rays of light avoided his constant flame javelins as they quickly arrived before his form before trying to devour him with their ghastly looking mouths.

  As this happened, the red-haired man would then twirl his fire javelin causing a firestorm to surround burning these spectors into nothingness in a mere flash of time, his feet then touching the ground causing him to slide backward as he was forced out the air because of those spectors previous assault.

  Swoosh! As if waiting for this chance, the previous distant ghostly figure flicked before appearing behind this red-haired man as a sinister purple light shone within his eyes underneath his cloak along with a nefarious looking smile that seemed to form inside of the darkness itself.

  “Huhuhu! You truly are a skillful human, your bloodline is at a truly superb standard allowing you to battle me at even scale… but now, our battle must come to its end… Ghostly Divine Arts: Universe Shrinking Palms!” Gui Shenin said in a spooky tone, his ethereal like hands then struck towards Feng Junling’s back in a manner which seemed odd as it was moving in slow motion, the world around both of them became strange as if it was locked into place and was shrinking.

  Feng Junling feeling this change, however, smirked as he confidently replied, “You’re right….” As he spoke to her, himself gripped his fists tightly causing the flames surrounding his body to grow even more violent before speaking once more, “Our bloodline is truly unique…”

  Blaze! The instant Feng Junling said this, his hair rose above his head growing even more golden in color with scarlet strands mixed within it, the marking of the flame on his forehead now glowing even more brightly than before as a tarrying blazing energy spread out from his body pushing away all things around him.

  “Hmph! Your bloodline may be ssssspecial, but as a High-class Ghostfiend… they will do no harm to me human…” Gui Shenin said as he laughed sinisterly upon seeing the flames sweeping towards him, his body became intangible causing the flames to bypass him laying waste to everything within the surrounding region. He smirked upon seeing this, but before speaking another word there was change…

  “Argh!!” He lifted his head and release a tarrying wail while wiggled in pain and agony, the flames which were supposed to have swept through him were currently burning his supposedly intangible self-causing an odd mist to form within his vicinity as he slowly dissipated.

  “Arghh! You! You! What kind of bloodline flames are these?!” Gui Shenin yelled in agony his body slowly burned to mist, Feng Junling seeing shook his head and replied, “Fiend… you’ll find your answers in the realm that all of my enemies meet…”

  As he spoke to himself, his eyes glowed brutally as the flames surrounding his body grew even more wilder giving him the image much like that of a fire god. He then lifted his arm pointed his palm towards Gui Shenin as he spoke, “Have a nice trip to hell! Nirvana Battle Arts: Blazing Javelin Storm!”

  Instantly, the flames scattered around him and within the surroundings as it gathered together before him before forming into many different scarlet golden flaming javelins, they emanated a destructive will as if they were solely meant to burn through all things.

  Swish! Swish! Like flashes of light, they flickered towards the writing Gui Shenin leaving behind trails of flaming lights before ruthlessly colliding with suffering form.

  “I curssssse you! You damn human! I curse you to sssssuffer and die a dog’s death!!! Ahhhh!” screamed Gui Shenin as the body was pierced through by the different flame javelins before becoming swallowed by a sea of scarlet golden flames, after a short while the flames vanished leaving behind trails of mist which faded away into the air.

  Feng Junling seeing this nodded in satisfaction a slight amount of exhaustion could be seen in his eyes, he then swept his gaze towards Feng Xingyu in the distance.

  “These fiends were of high class… but I have the feeling that these battles were unusually easy as if something much worse is lying in wait…” As he thought to himself, he couldn’t help but gaze towards the distance battling Feng Yunlong and observed in silence while recovering his energies.

  As he expected, the battle between Feng Yunlong and Reinz was just about to wrap up as both individuals were nearing the limits of their stalemate, a terrifying looking dragon made of water swam across the sky with Reinz standing on top of its head, his cyan armor releasing a strange cyan light which covered his body with an odd water membrane.

  Within his arms, was a long lance with strange markings that glowed with aquatic energies as which struck towards Feng Yunlong’s forehead in a ruthless manner.

your flames in my domain, you can only face your death human! True Aquatic Arts: Aqua Piercing Spear!!” Reinz shouted as the energies around his spear shot towards Feng Yunlong’s brows at a speed that needed no time to cross the distance, seeming to arrive almost instantly.

  As Feng Yunlong saw this, his eyes grow cold as his eyes flickered with golden scarlet flames, he lifted his arms placing them before him in a swift manner as if everything within the surroundings were in a state of slow motion before he spoke, “Water is good for many things… but not these flames - Nirvana Battle Arts: Grip of the Scorching Phoenix!”

  After he said this, the flames in his grew more intense as his flaming qi burst out from his body creating a blazing field for a few hundred meters. “Kreeeccccchhh!” The loud cry of a phoenix cry soon after resounded across the region followed by a transformation on his palms which now seemed no different from a phoenix’s claws, it was shrouded by sacred fire that seemed to be unaffected by Reinz surrounding water domain, the aquatic spear beam which was directly before Feng Yunlong turning into evaporated mist as both of his palms touched its surface.

  As if the water domain felt the change, the 1-kilometer surrounding regions that were cyan-colored began to boil very quickly transforming this area in a misty zone of vapor.

  Reinz seeing this occurrence became surprised as he exclaimed, “What?! How can you break the Supreme Water Domain?” The water dragon beneath his feet showed signs of vaporizing due to the immense heat that now saturated their surroundings.

  Not wasting any time, Feng Yunlong’s figure flickered turning into a ray of blazing scarlet light that arrived before Reinz figure, he struck both of his palms forwards in a manner much like that of a bird’s claw descending towards its prey.

  “Even if you break my domain! My strength is still superior!!” Reinz shouted as his spear blurred piercing towards Feng Yunlong’s figure, as this happened, Feng Yunlong reacted by slightly shifting his body weight to side narrowly avoided each strike, he skillfully moved in and out of what seemed like thousands of thrusts easily making his way below Reinz underbelly.


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