Fearless (Broken Love Book 5)

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Fearless (Broken Love Book 5) Page 25

by B. B. Reid

  Or make any of my other kids feel inferior.

  It wasn’t about that.

  I’d die for any of them.


  My attention shifted to the door where my oldest looked as if he’d just woken up. It was almost fucking noon and he got to sleep in. I couldn’t even sleep past six anymore even on weekends.

  “Trey! Daddy’s being mean again.” She left Lake and ran straight into Trey’s arms, knowing her older brother would put up the biggest fight. Lake and I had an agreement that we didn’t disagree in front of the kids ever. It never stopped her claws from coming out behind closed doors. They had her wrapped her finger.

  Trey eyed me and I eyed him back. I could see his internal struggle because while I told him to protect her from all assholes, including me, it didn’t mean I would tolerate being challenged. He finally smirked but remained silent and tucked Phee behind him, and I nodded my approval.

  “Trey, why don’t you take Sophia outside? She’s getting restless,” my wife dictated.

  “Get your swimsuits on first!” I called out when he left. He didn’t shut the door behind him so I knew he heard me even though a response didn’t follow. He had inherited my personality as well, unfortunately.

  “Why are they getting their swimsuits?”

  “We’re having a barbecue. Q’s in town.”

  “What’s the occasion?”

  I shrugged and walked closer. Nicky had just finished his meal, which left her breast exposed. She lifted him to her other shoulder and began to burp him so as I stood over them, I ran my finger over her pink nipple.

  “I want another.”

  “We just had one,” she grumbled. I tried not to laugh but failed. It was funny how the tables have turned. I was the one against reproducing, but now I just couldn’t fucking stop. Lake found and brought out the good in me… and also, my apparent fetish for breeding her.

  She glared up at me. “I’m serious, Keiran. I’m not a machine.”

  I ignored her anger. We both knew as soon as I was able to enter her again, I’d be doing more than just fucking her, and she’d want it too.

  “Would it be so bad?” I found myself asking anyway. I was selfish, but I didn’t want her unhappy. When she sighed and her shoulders slumped, I knew I had her. I was grateful when Nicky burped, distracting her so she couldn’t see my grin.

  “Wipe that cheesy grin off your face,” she said without looking up as she wiped Nicky’s mouth. “You still can’t touch me for two more weeks.”

  “Look at me,” I demanded. She didn’t hesitate to lift her head and meet my stare. I leaned down until my lips brushed hers. “Two weeks is nothing when you have forever.”

  * * *

  Dash arrived with his family for the barbecue first. Haven and Trey immediately disappeared into the shed we made into a boy cave, while Ashe, their seven-year-old daughter, and Phee already had their heads together. Dash’s parents had been invited by Lake but declined. Dash and his father eventually managed to find equal ground after Dash made good on his threat and put the company at jeopardy and ultimately gained complete control from his father. He and I both knew he would never end so many jobs just to get back at his father but Cale didn’t know that. I guess it went to show how much he really knew his son. They’ve been working on their relationship but he still hated me. Willow had opened up a modest boutique here in Six Forks. All of her designs were unique since they were handmade by her but she made a killing...despite her clothes still being weird as fuck. I would never get how kids dressed today.

  Keenan arrived last with his hands full shortly after. He opened a new tattoo shop in Six Forks but never managed to do much of the work himself anymore since he was mostly a stay at home dad. After Sheldon finished medical school, completed her residency, and started her own practice she eventually agreed to give him more kids. She gave birth to twin boys a year ago. Tristan and Tobias hung from his arms as he walked into the backyard followed by Sheldon and Ken, who looked as if she’d rather be anywhere else. She was only fourteen and already moody. It made me wonder if we were this bad at her age.

  “Hi, Uncle Keiran.”

  She also stopped calling me Keke around the time she turned eight. I wouldn’t admit to anyone and if someone should ask, I’d deny it, but I kind of missed it. She grew up too fast.

  “So your mom made you come?”

  “Nope. Daddy said I needed to appreciate family more so here I am,” she threw her arms out with a blank look, “appreciating.”

  I laughed and could mentally hear Lake scolding me. She would always tell me I shouldn’t encourage her by laughing, but every day, I liked the kid more and more.

  “Maybe it won’t be so bad this time. What did you have to do anyway?”

  “Well, since you asked… there’s this boy…”

  “Geez.” I cut her off and backpedaled as quickly as possible. “I can’t hear this.” I walked away, leaving her standing there before she could say more. I found Keenan by the grill. Dash kept slapping his hand away when he tried to take a patty.

  “The kids eat first.”

  “But they always get to eat first.”

  “Why don’t you put them down? How are they ever going to learn to walk?”

  “They don’t need to walk. That’s why they got me. Plus, what if they think someone else is their daddy?”

  “You can’t be serious?”

  “Are you letting your daughter date now?” ?” I questioned. They stopped arguing to shoot me bewildered looks.

  Keenan recovered quickly and said, “Of course not.” He was able to snatch a burger off the side table since Dash’s full attention had shifted to me. “She’ll never get to if I have anything to say about it,” he said around a mouth full of beef.

  “You sure about that? She just tried to talk to me about a boy.”

  He immediately started to choke and spit the rest of the meat he hadn’t swallowed to the ground.

  “Come again?” He seemed to get a clue and unhooked the slings that held his boys, handing Tristan to me and Tobias to Dash. Without another word, he stomped off in Ken’s direction.

  “You know she’ll be mad at you, right?”

  I shrugged and smiled down at Tristan, who grinned right back.

  “She shouldn’t be dating.”

  “Geez, what is she thinking?”

  I snorted. “She’s a fourteen-year-old girl. What do you think?”

  “What’s going on?” Lake asked, walking up with Willow.

  “Yeah, why is Keenan screaming at Ken about an all girl’s school?” Willow demanded.

  They each narrowed their eyes at us. I swear it was as if they could smell guilt.

  “Keiran snitched on Ken about dating boys,” Dash offered without hesitation.

  “Thanks, man.”

  He patted me on the back as an offer of apology, and Keenan chose that moment to come back over. “I can’t believe this,” he growled and snatched another burger.

  “It was bound to happen sometime,” Lake argued.

  “Yeah, when I was dead preferably. My daughter doesn’t have sex.”

  “She was talking about a simple date,” Sheldon scoffed.

  “Wait you knew about this?” Keenan, Dash, and I all yelled at once.

  Just then Phee ran toward us at full speed, saving Sheldon from answering. “When is Uncle Q supposed to get here?” she whined. She looked over her shoulder with wide, hopeful eyes. “They’re still coming, right daddy?”

  I smiled and looked across the yard at the glass door as it slid open. “They’re coming.”


  Where can I start? I guess at this point my emotional attachment to this series and the character’s story told within the pages has reached its breaking point. Keiran, Lake, and the rest of the gang will always be my favorite simply because they were my first. Their story was special and misunderstood by some but worthy of telling nonetheless.

  If you’re wondering wh
y Keiran took a backseat to being the hero, I think it’s because I owed it to Lake. Everyone doubted whether she could shed her damsel and become the hero, including her. Keiran, at the same time, struggled with the moral dilemma of what was right so Lake stepped in to share the burden.

  This may be the last book, but who is to say their story will ever truly end? I guarantee you’ll see them again when Q, Di, and Jesse tell their story. (The book will be a standalone outside of the series)


  This acknowledgment is unusually short because rather than picking and choosing, I want to acknowledge every single person who read, loved, hated, promoted, and worked to make this series a success.

  Thank you.

  Interview With Keiran

  If you could have a phone conversation with Keiran, what would you say/ask?

  Delilah Caro: Only one question comes to mind... when did you know you were in love with Lake? At what point was it no longer hate? Was it something she said or a particular incident?

  Keiran: It’s hard to say when it happened because whenever it did, it was hard to remember a time or possibility when I never was. It felt like a natural part of me.

  Briana Black: That time you may have gotten Lake pregnant and she was freaking out, you really seemed like you didn’t give a damn. What would you have done if she were pregnant? Did you want to get her pregnant?

  Keiran: The last thing I wanted at the time was to create more monsters.

  Veronica Ashley: Keiran, if you could do one thing differently in your life, what would that one thing be—something you control, not something that was chosen for you. P.S. You are badass and hot as hell!

  Keiran: I’d changed who fathered me and bring my mother back to life.

  Rachel Campbell: Keiran, back when you were tormenting Lake right after you were released, if you found out that she actually had an intimate relationship while you were locked up, would you really have killed her? You always threatened it but, at that time, would you really have gone through with it?

  Keiran: That’s the answer that might scare me the most. I guess we’ll never know.

  Lucy Cooper: Keiran, does it scare you that the people around you are no longer scared of you, but if anything, becoming more like you. First your brother then Willow and now Lake?

  Keiran: I have no doubt that I have influenced decisions and actions made by my friends, but just as I influenced them, their influence turned out to be more powerful.

  Krisi Fullbrook: How does it make you feel that the one person you love has the power to make you FEAR what BREAKING her LOVE for you (Which would NOT make you FEARLESS) would leave you BROKEN ???

  Keiran: I think you said it, Krisi.

  Angie Esquilin: Keiran, I know you love Lake. But if you had a choice to do things differently with her. Will you do it?

  Keiran: Lake gave me that chance the day she took my ring and my name. I’ve been doing things differently since.

  Jamie Buchanan: Keiran, I love you. If you and Lake don’t work out, can I be your Dark Princess of Bainbridge, please?

  Keiran: LOL. Are you sure you could handle me?

  Hatice Sahiner: Keiran, in high school, when did you first start to notice Lake as anything other than someone to hurt? Was there ever a time when you thought you would rather ‘be her man’ than ‘the man who hurt Lake’?

  Keiran: After she finally convinced me for the first time that I wasn’t a monster.

  Lisa P. Kane: Do [you] ever worry that Lake will wonder what it would be like to have dated anyone else, since [you’re] the only guy she’s ever been with?

  Keiran: I’ve been keeping her too busy to wonder. Besides… she knows better.

  Abby Camacho: Keiran, Lake told you once “Love is much more powerful than fear.” At this point in your lives, what do you think about that statement? Is love powerful enough?

  Keiran: Love brought me to my knees, Abby. I think it packs a pretty powerful punch. Through all the hate I threw her way, she remained standing. And I’m much bigger than she is.

  Stacey Adams: Keiran, the moment Keenan found out you killed his mom, did it make you regret it, considering he’s your brother?

  Keiran: I was sorry for hurting him, but I didn’t know the truth about my mother to regret the thought of killing her.

  Cat Holloway: What is the most intriguing thing you’ve read in Lake’s journal, and how do you think it affected your relationship?

  Keiran: Learning she had a crush on me when we were sixteen. That was definitely interesting considering I was the biggest dick to her that year.

  Marisol Barrenas: Keiran, where is the weirdest place you have done it with Lake?

  Keiran: In my head. There’s some pretty wild things that involve her in there—things she’d never let me do.

  Samoa Jahan: Keiran, I don’t mind being your side chick. Will you accept it?

  Keiran: If I were that type of man, I’d be honored.

  Carol Nevarez: Keiran, have you ever been to The Container Store with Lake!?!

  Keiran: Jesus, no. I’ve heard about that store. I’d sell my left nut never to have to step foot in there with her.

  Nicolette Guajardo: Keiran, I have one thing to say to you. One word. One syllable. One meaning. Hi.

  Keiran: Hello yourself. ;-)

  Lupine Barragan: Keiran, what is your biggest regret?

  Keiran: I’ll never know my mother, I’ll never be able to erase the hurt I caused Lake, and I’ll never know who Gabriel could have been.

  Skye Jacobs: Keiran, if you and Keenan knew that you guys were brothers from the beginning, what do you think your relationship with each other would have been like? P.S. You’re one hot motherfucker.

  Keiran: We were always brothers. Learning it was the real deal didn’t make our relationship feel any different.

  Rosemarie Adams: Keiran, the people around you have forgiven you for most of the things you have done. Could you ever forgive yourself?

  Keiran: I try a little each day, Rosemarie.

  Maria Williams: What do you and Lake do in your free time? Do you guys watch movies together or go bowling?

  Keiran: I like to teach her things… shooting, bowling, basketball… for some reason, it gets my pupil hot.

  Laura Andrews: Keiran, if you could give your younger self some advice, what would it be?

  Keiran: Don’t be a dick.

  Agnese Kohn: Pick me up...

  Keiran: What time?

  Janese: Keiran, you had a difficult time loving and being loved in the beginning. How have you changed in the last five years when it comes to love for Lake, your family, and friends?

  Keiran: According to them, I’m still an asshole, but at least I’m tolerable. Willow wasn’t there, but she tells me regularly.

  NAOMI SANTOS: Keiran, as much as you love Lake, do you believe she killed your father? If so, how do you feel about her now?

  KEIRAN: It was hard to believe. A part of me knew she couldn’t have done it, but it angered, scared, and humbled me to know she was willing to do it. She’d gone there to kill him—that much I do believe. I’m just grateful she didn’t because I couldn’t live with that on my conscience. We’ve come a long way considering I once wanted to shatter the innocence that made her irresistible to me.

  LAUREN STRYKER: Keiran, when can we expect little Keiran’s?

  KEIRAN: I think the only question now is, how many more can I make before Lake cuts me off?

  FEENA DON: If you loved Lake as much as you claimed, why would you never let her go?? You must’ve known she would’ve done anything for you. You’re selfish, Keiran! But I gotta say, I love the way you love.

  KEIRAN: I never denied being selfish man.

  BRIE BURGESS: Keiran, first off: Hey, Zaddy *waves seductively* Now, when you had Lake on the floor, knife to her throat... what were you thinking as you entered her each time? Did you really want to put fear into her or was it more about you fighting your demons and not killing her? And how d
id it make you feel that she pulled a knife out on you first? Obviously, hard as a rock, but what else?

  P.S. Marry me and let’s make this sister wives union for real.

  KEIRAN: How are you, Brie? I’m not proud of what I did, but at the time, it seemed like a good idea. I think I wanted to scare her again so I wouldn’t have to kill her. She was learning not to be afraid of me, and I couldn’t let that happen. But I will say this… Lake pulling that knife on me was the hottest thing I’d ever seen, and I just had to get my dick in her.

  Tempting… but I’m a married man, Brie.

  LIVIA BEJKO: What’s the thing that scares you most about life? Thanks for answering. Oh, by the way, you are a total jackass and more than once have deserved to get beat-up, but I still like you, you selfish, brainless, awesome-killer, perfect boy.

  KEIRAN: Knowing what happened to me as a child won’t die with me, and I can’t do anything to stop it.

  It’s my boyish charm. ;-)

  What’s Next?


  A Dark, Erotic Standalone

  Coming this Summer…


  I’ll never forget the night I caught her sneaking around my place. She thought she could steal from me and get away with it, but I have no intention of letting her get away at all. Mian Ross has a lesson to learn, and I’m going to be the one to teach it to her.


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