War of Gods Box Set

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War of Gods Box Set Page 17

by Ford, Lizzy

  “I saw that you shared his history …” She stopped, not sure how comfortable he was with a stranger reading his mind.

  “You’re definitely not gonna stress me out, okay? Just say what you need to.”

  “He was upset about his brother.”

  Jule nodded, a dark look crossing his features.

  “That was a bad time for all of us,” he recalled. “A very bad time. That was right after I met them, before the Schism and being paroled to earth. When it rains, it hails.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m impressed. You’re doing well. I bet D didn’t tell you that only ten percent of Oracles ever get as far as you have.”

  “No, he didn’t,” she said.

  “Most of them kill themselves. Some go crazy. Some go crazy then kill themselves. The rest we kill when they start going crazy.”

  “Are you …” She paused then plowed forward, gaze on his choker. “Are you the same kind of entity he is?”

  “Sort of. We’re cousins, several times removed. We both inherited our powers while Dusty was like you, a human meant for something much greater.”

  “We found the traitors in your hemisphere,” she said, looking away.

  “I know. You saved thousands of lives.”

  She was silent.

  “Sofia.” She looked up at his soft tone. His gaze was warm. “You did the right thing.”

  “I hope so,” she replied. “I’d do anything for Damian.”

  “Dusty said I’d like you,” he said with a smile. “He’s right. You’re what D needs. It’s taken thousands of years, but I’m glad you finally showed up.”

  “Let me guess, if you didn’t like me, Dustin would take me out back and kill me.”

  “Something like that,” Jule said with a laugh. “He’s really protective of the people he cares about.”

  “You didn’t come all the way to Tucson for an errand,” she said, recalling their phone conversation.

  “I did not,” he confirmed. He said no more, and she lost the nerve to pursue.

  “I’m going for Frenchie fries,” Pierre called. “You want anything, Sofi? Perhaps an American hamburger? Where are you from, Jule, so I can get you ethnically stereotypical food?”

  Jule laughed, looking at her to see how she’d take it.

  “That man has issues,” she muttered.

  “Let me guess, you asked him if he wanted a croissant?”

  Jule bristled suddenly, the smile disappearing as his face turned predatory once again. Sofia watched him, surprised at the quick change.

  “Pierre,” he called.

  Her Guardian was ramrod straight as well, sensing whatever Jule sensed. They exchanged a silent communication, and Pierre moved through the crowd toward Linda and Traci.

  “C’mon, sweetheart,” Jule said. “It’s time for us to go.”

  Fear swept through her, and he offered a tight smile.

  “No worries. Nothing here can get through me. I’m not D, but I’m as close as they come.”

  He strode beside her, whipping out his cell as they headed toward the nearest exit.

  “D, it’s me. We’re headed back.”

  The sense of normalcy faded as they moved through the mall. She looked back to see if Pierre followed. He and the girls were gone, though three men in sunglasses moved purposefully toward her and Jule. She knew them for Czerno’s men; if they revealed their eyes, they’d be red. She looked up at Jule. He appeared relaxed despite the danger.

  “Just another day at the office,” he said with one of his warm smiles.

  “Will I ever get used to this?”

  “Maybe someday.”

  A car awaited them when they exited. Jule ignored the three men trailing them and ushered her into the armored Tahoe. The driver sped away before the door closed, and she twisted around to see the three men watching them.

  “They can’t risk killing you,” Jule said. “Or they’d have razed the whole mall. Czerno has no restraint when it comes to collateral damage.”

  “What does he want with me?” she asked, hands shaking.

  “In our time, whoever controlled the Oracle, controlled the battle. You’re a weak point for Damian, and Czerno has been waiting for him to develop an opening.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that,” she said, sitting back in her seat.

  “What’s done can’t be undone,” he said. “It’s a good thing.”

  “Doesn’t seem like it.”

  “But it is,” he said firmly. “Oracles were rare in our time. Blood-bound Oracles your age and ability? Almost unheard of. Oracles blood bound to a man in Damian’s position? Incredible. That he’s chosen you as his mate will basically ensure the continued existence of life as we know it. Trust me—it’s a good thing.”

  “His what?” she exclaimed.

  Jule looked at her. “Shouldn’t have said that. Pretend I didn’t.”

  “Jule, you opened this can of worms.”

  “And I’m closing it.”

  She recognized his tone; it was one Damian used when making her boundaries with him clear. She didn’t like those boundaries one bit.

  “You’re on my shit list with Damian and Pierre,” she said.

  “At least I keep good company,” he said with a chuckle. “Is Dusty there, too?”

  “Not yet.”

  “I think I like you, Sofia.”

  She shook her head. She liked him, too, even though he was different from Damian and Dusty. He patted her leg with another of his friendly smiles and turned his attention to the world racing by them.

  It was dark before they returned to the mansion. The driver had driven in circles and down every back alley he could find until Jule was confident there was no one tailing them.

  Damian and Dustin awaited them. Their faces lit up at the sight of Jule, and Sofia trailed him in, watching as the three clapped each other on the shoulders and hugged. The energy around them was lively; they were brothers whose bond was formed during their years in the bowels of hell.

  She closed her eyes, the home videos playing in her thoughts. These were happy images of shared exploits, battlefield victories, and tender moments crying on each other’s shoulders as their world grew uglier. They touched her, and she smiled.

  “Sofia,” Damian said in a warning tone.

  She opened her eyes to find all three gazing at her with similar guarded looks. She crossed her arms, agitated.

  “Damian, Dustin, Jule, I’m an Oracle. Get used to it.”

  And she went to the library, their pride be damned.

  “Damn Oracles,” Damian said under his breath, watching her.

  He wasn’t sure if he should be angry at her defiant insubordination or amused by it. She was harmless to him, like a trash-talking flower. Then again, most men had some level of respect for him and his position. He shook his head, returning his attention to Dusty and Jule. Dusty’s gaze was on the ground, his smile partially hidden while Jule’s amusement was less discreet. He grinned.

  “Look on the bright side,” Jule said. “She’s accepting her role.”

  “Exactly,” Dusty agreed.

  Damian glared at both of them, suddenly aware they were laughing at him.

  “You’ll get your turn,” he assured them both. “And I’ll be there to laugh at you when you do. C’mon.”

  He strode down the hallway to his office, his two adopted brothers following. Han had laid out a few maps on the table near his desk. Damian flipped the lights on, and the three of them gathered at the table.

  “Our evac plan was to take everyone here,” Dusty said, indicating a point in the Utah desert. “But we don’t know how much information Claire had access to and what she passed to Czerno.”

  “I didn’t stop to ask her,” Damian said in a cold voice. Dusty and Jule knew better than to pry what happened when he confronted Claire. He’d done as he promised Jule and eliminated the threat.

  “We’ll evac elsewhere.”

recommend Europe,” Jule said with a snort. “You still coming to help me clean up?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it. Dusty, can you run the evac and clean-up ops for Arizona?”


  “How ’bout Australia for the next HQ site?” Jule asked.

  “Come to Florida,” Dusty suggested. “We can be neighbors. I’ll help you keep your woman in line.”

  “I’ll be left out again,” Jule complained.

  “I’m going back to Europe with you, aren’t I?” Damian asked, amused. “And I’ll stay until the issue is fixed.”

  “Even if your Oracle remains in Florida?” Dusty challenged.

  “I trust you to take care of her,” Damian assured him.

  “See how that works, Dusty?” Jule said with a laugh. “I think you just picked up Oracle babysitting duty.”

  Dusty pursed his lips, and Damian smiled. He trusted Sofia to either of the two men before him and knew Dusty was the more likely of the two to shoot first and ask questions later if she was threatened.

  “So we evac tomorrow and set up HQ in Florida,” he summarized. “Dusty, can you pick a site and relay it to us? I’ve got parish calls to make this evening. I’m going to deliver the order to rendezvous here at 0800 in the morning for evacuations. Jule, we’ll leave for the European front tomorrow.”

  “Awesome,” Jule agreed.

  “I need your computer,” Dusty said.

  “Like you can use one,” Jule said.

  “Fuck you, Jule.”

  Damian smiled and tossed his head toward his computer, straightening. His thoughts drifted to Sofia. He’d likely be away with Jule for quite a while. If it weren’t so unsafe, he’d take her with him.

  “I’m heading out to the Sector,” he said. “Make yourselves at home.”

  Jule pulled out his phone, and Dusty sat in front of the computer. Damian strode to his room to change. As he pulled on the last of his clothes and crossed to his armory, a small, black velvet box nestled between two daggers drew his attention. He opened it, surprised to see a ring bearing the White God’s seal. He’d tucked away the necklace thousands of years ago after finding it among the pieces of his brother’s body. He’d never been able to bring himself to wear it.

  He gazed at the ring, touched. The little Oracle knew just how to affect him. Dark memories crossed his mind, along with his resolve to finally let his brother’s memory rest in the peace it deserved. With Claire’s death, he’d avenged his brother and righted the wrong made thousands of years ago. He no longer needed to feel as if he still dwelt in the shadow of Darian’s death. He was the king now in his own right.

  He removed the ring from the box, smiling as he saw his name engraved in the interior. He went to the library, where he knew she’d be hiding out.

  “Did you do this?” he demanded, holding up the ring like a piece of dirty underwear.

  She jerked at his voice and twisted to face him, observing him coolly before turning away.

  “Are you going out?” she asked without answering him.

  “I am.”

  Aggravated by her second display of defiance in one night, he crossed to her and planted his hands on either side of her chair, demanding her attention. She looked up at him.

  “Do you like it?” she asked, unease and desire crossing her features at his nearness.


  “In your home videos, you’re always thinking about the symbol.”

  “Home videos?” he echoed.

  “Your memories.”

  Her two-toned eyes were still, her head resting on the back of the chair as she looked up at him. The sexual awareness killed him more and more lately, and he started to think going to the European front was a good thing. She’d have time and space to adjust without the added confusion of him.

  “You shouldn’t be afraid to wear it anymore,” she told him.

  “You see too much, Sofia,” he replied gruffly.

  “You keep telling me who I am. This is who you are, Damian.”

  There was a tenderness in the way she looked at him that amazed him. He felt her deep confusion of the world around her and marveled again at how selfless she still managed to be.

  “Thank you, Sofia,” he whispered.

  She smiled at the genuine note in his voice, and he leaned forward, kissing her. If only he didn’t have to tour the Sector tonight!

  “We’ll come back to this, kiri,” he promised, grudgingly withdrawing.

  Her eyes swirled with arousal, and her parted, plump lips threatened his resolve. She touched his face. He kissed her hand and pushed away. He left the library and Traveled to one of the remaining, undiscovered safe houses at the base of one of the mountains. He placed the ring on his finger, his body buzzing with lust and anticipation. There’d been no hesitancy in her kiss, none of her previous reserve. Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t sense the danger until it spoke.

  “Hello, Damian,” the Black God said.

  He whirled. Czerno stood at the other end of the room. Before Damian could react, a charge of electricity flew through him, carrying with it an invasive liquid that paralyzed him. Damian dropped to the floor with a roar, his eyes blurring as more fire and liquid tore through him. He struggled to free his arms from the invisible bonds, his eyesight darkening until he dropped into unconsciousness.

  The sense of danger jarred her, and she sat up straight, heart pounding hard. She looked around. Something was wrong.


  She shot out of her seat and to the door, wrenching it open. She pulled out the cell he’d given her and called the only number in it.

  “Jule,” came the gruff answer.

  “What happened?” she demanded.

  “Sweetheart, I’ll call you later. Stay put for now, okay?” He hung up, but there was urgency in his voice. Jule wasn’t the type of man who worried about anything, and fear slid through her.

  “Pierre!” she called. For the first time, he wasn’t lingering in the shadows. “Dustin!”

  A brief search of the house yielded neither man. She snatched her satchel and dug out Linda and Traci’s numbers. She dialed each of them, distressed when both calls went to voicemail. She stopped and closed her eyes, seeking the home videos that normally streamed.

  Not even the videos were playing. Coldness filled her. Something terrible would’ve had to happen to break the connection between Damian and her.

  She went to the key locker and chose one of Damian’s sports cars, her instincts urging her to go somewhere, though she didn’t know where. Within minutes, she was on the road. It’d been only a week and a half since she ventured into this new world, but she felt strangely exposed without Pierre with her. Her phone rang, and she snatched it.

  “Did you call?” Traci asked.

  “Where’s Rainy?”

  “I’m not supposed to say anything.”

  “Please, Traci, it’s important,” she begged. “I know something awful happened to Damian. I can feel it!”

  “Come to the Sector.”

  “I need the address.”

  “I’ll text it when we hang up,” Traci said.

  Sofia pulled over to the side of the road to await the text and load the address into the car’s GPS. She drove fast and arrived half an hour later to the safe house and parked out front. The front door was open, as if they were expecting her.

  “Traci?” she called as she entered.

  “In here!”

  Sofia followed the sound of her voice to the living room. Traci was alone with the man she recognized as Ving, who stood near the doorway. He looked past her.

  “Where’s your bodyguard?” he demanded.

  “I don’t know,” she answered.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

  She edged past him. The model on the couch looked between them with a frown. She was still pale after her encounter with Czerno.

  “Ving, we’re going to the site,” Sofia told him.

  “Hell no.”
  “You can take us, or I can go alone,” she said and crossed her arms.

  “Neither of you will go anywhere,” Ving said firmly. She exchanged a look with Traci.

  “Very well. I’ll wait for Pierre to catch up,” she said, joining Traci on the couch. Ving eyed her. Sofia put her purse down and tucked her phone into her jeans.

  “Stay here. I’m calling Rainy,” Ving said. Sofia watched, but he didn’t go far, just stepped into the hall. He could still see them.

  “Traci, we gotta leave,” she whispered. “You know where Rainy is?”

  “Yes. You’re not going alone,” Traci said, hesitating. “We can’t outrun him. Wait a minute.”

  Sofia could hardly sit still. The sense of doom was building. She needed to reach Damian, now! Traci crossed to the kitchen door just as Ving hung up the phone.

  “You hungry?” Traci asked both of them. “I was just making a midnight snack. I can’t stop eating.”

  “You’re eating for three,” Ving reminded her.

  “I know, I know,” Traci grated. “As long as I don’t look it!”

  “No, thanks,” Sofia said. Traci disappeared around the corner to the kitchen. Sofia waited, staring blankly at the football game on TV. Ving sat beside her, and she resisted the urge to bolt for the door.

  “Hey, Sofi! Linda says you make a killer grilled chicken,” Traci called from the kitchen. “I got the chicken if you got the recipe!”

  “Yeah, sure.” It was all Sofia could do to keep from springing out of her seat. She felt Ving’s gaze on her as she crossed the living room and disappeared into the kitchen. There was no backdoor in the kitchen, but Traci had wedged the window over the sink open. She waved Sofia over frantically before climbing on top of the sink and wriggling through the window. Sofia followed and dropped into the grass beside Traci.

  “And now we run like hell,” Traci said.

  They circled the hacienda to Sofia’s car and dove into it just as the front door wrenched open. Sofia started the car with shaking hands and tore away from the curb, heart pounding as she watched Ving’s furious form grow smaller in the rearview mirror.

  “I’m in so much trouble right now,” Traci said. “Rainy’s gonna be pissed.”

  “Me, too, I’m sure. Where are we going?”


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