War of Gods Box Set

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War of Gods Box Set Page 27

by Ford, Lizzy

  “Hi Bianca, I’m Jenn,” she said with a quick smile. “May I come in?”

  Bianca stepped aside. Everything about Jenn was sexy, from her tight clothing to her sensual walk to her smoky make-up and low, gravelly voice. Bianca closed the door behind her then tried to open it again. It wouldn’t budge.

  “The wards won’t let you out,” Jenn told her. “Dusty’s smart like that.”

  “Are you another one of the … Guardian people?” Bianca asked.

  “Yes. Sweet cat,” Jenn replied. She picked up Sunny and sat on the couch, making herself at home. “You doing okay?”

  “I don’t know,” Bianca admitted after a hesitation.

  “C’mon, sit down. We’ll chat.”

  Bianca liked Jenn, though she felt there was more to the woman than she could pinpoint. She sat down on the couch and folded her legs beneath her.

  “I talked to your brother earlier,” Jenn started, leaning back. “He’s a bright kid. Fell in with the wrong crowd.”

  “Yeah,” Bianca said thoughtfully. “It’s been hard for him this past year. He’s had problems with college since our dad died last year.”

  “Dusty scared him straight for now. We think he might have some Natural ability. Most vamps do and are drawn in by the bad guys.”

  “Wow,” Bianca breathed. “I was hoping you were going to tell me this Guardian-bad guys thing was something I’d dreamed up.”

  “Sorry, babe, but it’s real. You know why Dusty pulled you in?”

  Bianca nodded.

  “We all have super powers. Tell me about yours,” Jenn said with a smile.

  “I can heal,” Bianca said. “Myself and others.”

  “You’ve had this ability your whole life?”

  “As long as I can remember. It comes in handy when you have a younger brother.”

  “Dusty said you healed Jonny earlier today.”

  Bianca looked down, recalling the mass murder with confusion.

  “It’s okay, Bianca. We all get overwhelmed when we’re first brought in,” Jenn said, sympathy in her dark eyes. “I love Dusty, but he’s about as nurturing and subtle as a jackhammer. He’ll never, ever let you down, but he’s not the warm, fuzzy type who will hug you when you’re down, either.”

  “He sent you to talk to me?” Bianca asked, surprised the man had feelings.


  “He killed, like, six or seven guys right in front of me,” she said. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “It’s what we do,” Jenn said. “Those guys would have killed you if he hadn’t.”

  “I’d be really hard to kill,” Bianca said with a ragged laugh. “Talon tried.”

  “How long did he have you?”

  “Two days. He came in every hour. I pissed him off one of the first hours, which is why this happened.” She pointed to the long scar.

  “Talon is a pretty sick bastard,” Jenn observed. “We’ve lost a couple of Naturals to him.”

  “I think it would be okay if Dusty killed him,” Bianca said. “I’m just not so sure about the others. They look human, Jenn. Oh, and the devil. Dusty can definitely kill the devil.”


  “Talon brought in some man to see me. He was just …” She shuddered and crossed her arms. “You ever meet someone and you knew there was something just wrong about them?”

  Jenn smiled faintly with a nod.

  “This guy was the devil. He was coming back for me before you all blew up the stash house.”

  “What did he look like?” Jenn’s eyes narrowed.

  “White hair, really big like Talon, these eyes that were darker than night, and when he talked, you could tell he didn’t have a soul.”

  “I know him.” Jenn’s voice was hushed, her gaze growing penetrating. “But I don’t know what he wanted with you.”

  “He didn’t say. Just said he was coming back for me after he went away for a couple days,” Bianca said with a shrug. The air around Jenn had stilled, and she searched her gaze. “What’s wrong, Jenn?”

  “You were right on about meeting the devil himself,” Jenn answered. “Don’t worry. You’re safe now. Just don’t open the door to anyone.”

  “Where’s Jonny?” Bianca asked.

  “He’s at HQ, not too far from here. You’ll get to see him soon.”

  “And he’s okay? Dusty’s not going to kill him?”

  “No,” Jenn said.

  “I like you, Jenn,” Bianca murmured. “In the future, you should do the recruiting of Naturals, not Dusty.”

  Jenn laughed.

  “But you don’t have to tell him I said that,” she said quickly. “I don’t want to make him angrier at me. I think he blames me because he ruined a sweater when he got shot today. He can heal, too, did you know?”

  “Yeah, the White God granted him many gifts,” Jenn said, smiling widely. “I like you, too, Bianca. You’ll be good for him.” She winked and rose. “Keep the door locked at all times, okay? Don’t talk to strangers, and if you see someone with red eyes, run like hell back to Dusty. I’ll check with him to see if I can leave you my number. You’ll get lonely here alone.”

  “Thanks, Jenn,” Bianca said.

  Jenn smiled and disappeared. Bianca shook her head, her hands trembling again at the otherworldly display. Her conversation with Jenn made the world around her more concrete. The Guardian’s parting words were baffling, but like many things she’d experienced the past few days, she knew she’d probably never figure them out. Tired but more at peace with the strange world, she stretched out on the couch to watch TV.

  Chapter Five

  “Boss, what is this?” Toni complained.

  Dusty looked up from the computer screen as Toni walked in, staggering under the weight of a massive box.

  “Send it to the lab. Don’t open it,” he instructed him. “It’s my souvenir from Ohio.”

  “Is it alive?”

  “Not anymore.”

  Toni grunted as he backed out of the study. For the first time in ages, Dusty was falling asleep at his computer. It was midnight, and he’d just finished reading Jenn’s latest report. This one was on her interview with Bianca. And the fact the Black God wanted her.

  He rubbed his face. They’d suspected Talon was one of Czerno’s many bastard children, and the fact the sadistic bastard had called his daddy to tell him about Bianca confirmed it.

  “Iggy’s running it to the lab,” Toni said as he returned. “You look beat.”

  “I feel beat,” Dusty admitted. “Read this. Start pinging our sources in the underworld. I need some sleep.”


  Dusty closed his eyes, the soft sound of the TV greeting him before he opened them. He looked around, at once irritated. Bianca was asleep on the couch, the cat curled on her back. A plate of half-finished food sat on the coffee table, and the kitchen was a disaster. Dainty cat prints trekked through the flour she’d spilled on the counter. He followed the trail to the edge of the carpet then took in the dirty dishes in the sink.

  “Bianca!” he barked. She groaned and rolled onto her side. “Bianca!”

  “Yeah?” the woman mumbled and pushed herself up.

  “Clean up this shit,” he ordered. “Rule number two: if you make a mess, clean it up.”

  “Okay,” she said in a sleepy voice.

  He looked at her again, taking in her warm features and shapely body. Her hair was free, the long, loose curls cascading down her shoulders and back. His gaze lingered before he strode towards his bedroom, determined to get a few hours of sleep.

  “Dusty,” she called, rising and following him. “Thank you for rescuing me today.” I don’t know what to think about everyone you killed, but I do appreciate you protecting me.”

  “It’s my job.” He faced her when she said nothing in response and didn’t leave his bedroom. She chewed her lower lip, warm eyes troubled.

  “I don’t really have a choice about anything going on, do I?” she as
ked. “I have to be a member of your group, and I have to stay here so the bad guys don’t get me.”

  “For the most part, the major decisions were made for you,” he replied. “You do have the choice of sharing my bed or sleeping on the couch.”

  His words took her a minute to register. She flushed and looked him over, then took a step back in to the living room. Dusty tossed his phone on the nightstand and set the alarm clock.

  “Do you have any extra blankets?” she called from the living room.


  He was being more of a dick than usual, he knew, but he was too tired tonight to care. He threw himself down in bed and closed his eyes. He’d just started to fall asleep when he sensed the intruder. His instincts reacted to the threat before he was fully awake. He wrenched the attacker across his body and pinned him beneath his own body weight. Only when he heard the soft, female wow did he realize who it was.

  He blinked, registering the blaring alarm. He released one of her wrists and leaned over, slapping it, before returning to the warm body beneath him.

  “It’s been going off for five minutes,” Bianca said.

  He focused on the woman whose body was pressed beneath his. She smelled of her own musk, strands of hair escaping her braid to tickle his face. Her large eyes were pinned to his, her pupils dilated and breathing quick. He had her wrists pinned above her head. She wore a camisole and shorts, her large breasts straining at the thin fabric between them.

  Desire rose hot and fast in him, more so when he felt the cool tickle of her power, the combination of cool energy and warm skin making his blood race. He felt the rise and fall of each breath and was inches from the slightly parted full lips just begging for a kiss. She gazed up at him, soft eyes taking him in.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you,” she whispered.

  “I can’t complain about waking up on top of a woman,” he replied.

  He admired her flush, and she looked away. She tugged at her hands, but he held her tight, enjoying the feel of her beneath him. He could imagine a great many things to do to her perfect body. She met his gaze again, her breath catching.

  “You get one freebie,” he warned her. “Next time, it’ll cost you to leave my bed.”

  In that moment, he had a feeling she’d pay up without resistance. Of course, a woman like this one wasn’t the type he could fuck and walk away from like Jenn. Bianca was warm and sweet, the kind of woman who deserved better than he’d ever have to offer.

  With some regret, he rolled off her and padded to the bathroom, feeling her eyes on him. He couldn’t shake the fire in his blood or the sense of how soft her supple skin, how warm her body felt beneath him.

  His freezing shower did little to calm his blood, and he was pissy before he saw the number of voice mails and texts awaiting him. He strode from the bedroom, tucking his gun at the small of his back. The condo smelled of breakfast, and he looked around, satisfied to find it clean again.

  “Dusty, I made breakfast,” she called as he passed the kitchen.

  “I’m late.”

  “I made it to go,” she said cheerfully.

  He altered his path for the kitchen. She handed him a baggie with an egg, sausage, and cheese sandwich. Her eyes sparkled again, her face glowing. She didn’t meet his gaze and spun away when he took the sandwich. He retrieved orange juice from the fridge.

  “Do I have to stay here all day?” she asked.


  She didn’t complain, but he felt her disappointment. She was too lively to be trapped in the condo on her own. He remembered his cruelty from the night and glanced at the couch. For the second time in as many days, he almost felt bad. She’d been through hell at Talon’s hands.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I’m okay. Still feel a little tired.”

  “I shouldn’t have been a dick,” he said. “The bed’s big enough for both of us.”

  “I don’t do one night stands, Dusty,” she said, face red again.

  “Bianca, I won’t touch you,” he replied, then added, “unless you want me to.”

  “I can’t tell if you want to kill me or sleep with me,” she said with a laugh.

  “I do want to fuck you,” he replied. “Still borderline on the killing.”

  She gasped and gripped her neck, as if fearing he was some sort of vampire out to suck her blood. Dusty fought back an amused smile. His sense of humor wasn’t well understood by many. He hadn’t thought it as harsh as it was, just like he thought nothing of killing anything in his path, but seeing the look on a normal human’s face reminded him he’d been close to losing what humanity he possessed for quite a while.

  “I feel like I should apologize for … whatever it is you’re feeling,” he said with what he hoped sounded like a sincere attempt to empathize. “I’m not used to dealing with humans.”

  “I kinda got that,” she said. “You could try a little more not to scare me so much. This isn’t exactly easy being ripped from my life.”

  “I imagine not.”

  “You’ve never … I mean, I guess you didn’t go through the same thing?”

  He was quiet for a moment, his thoughts going to the life he’d lived before the Schism. Damian found him just before and adopted him first as his servant then as his brother, once they were thrown from the immortal world into the mortal realm.

  “I did go through it,” he said, not wanting to disturb emotions he’d buried long ago.

  “Do you want to talk about it? It might help me,” she said hesitantly. “I’m so sorry, but with my gift, I felt you had some sort of pain, maybe you lost someone once, long ago? I felt it in Jonny when our father—”

  “No.” The sharpness of his tone made her jump. “I have to go.”

  He closed his eyes to Travel out of the condo, aware he’d snapped at her once again. When he opened them, he was in his study. Toni was asleep at the computer.

  … Maybe you lost someone once. Her words followed him, and he rubbed his face. He hadn’t thought of his sister or his loss for some time. To be reminded first by a woman who should be dead and again by a Healer of some sort …

  He shook out his shoulders and nudged his XO awake, not wanting to deal with the thoughts. After all, he wasn’t going to live long enough for his feelings to matter.

  “Got something, boss,” Toni said instantly.

  “Good, what?”

  “Intercepts picked up a call Talon made to one of his guys who we know plans his recruitment fairs. He’s planning something big for the weekend, and it sounds like his pop will be in town for it.”

  “How big and where?” Dusty asked.

  “They’re putting out an announcement to every vamp east of the Mississippi River. Talon’s renting out a country club between here and Pembroke Pines,” Toni responded.

  “What’s the event?”

  “Allegedly, Talon’s been given demigod status. Might be a promotion party. Might be something else. We can’t figure it out. But there will be a few thousand bad guys within a stone’s throw of us …”

  “Pull in everything we can from the east coast sectors,” Dusty said. He heard his sister’s voice in his mind again, promising they’d meet again soon. He didn’t have to wonder where he’d die—only how.

  “We’re down to skeleton crews already,” Toni said, facing him. “Everyone’s in Europe.”

  “Make a call to Jasmine in Latin America and see what we can get from them. Have Jenn twist a few arms for details and to validate the intercepts. And ready an emergency evac plan, just in case. Talon’s a violent fuck, and the Czerno-Talon combo will be worse than the incoming hurricane.”

  “Where should we evac to?” Toni asked.

  “I don’t care. Pick one of the spots Sasha identified.” He strode out and down the hall, stopping to pound on Sofi’s door. She opened it and frowned, as if knowing why he was there.

  “Sofi, what can you tell me about this weekend?” he asked.

bsp; “I can’t see much yet on my own,” she admitted. “My crystal ball doesn’t work as well as it should. But, what I’ve seen thus far is that it could be really bad.”

  “Define bad.”

  “Talon’s a demigod, and he thinks he can take on Czerno. I don’t know if he’s going to try Saturday or if he’s just flexing his muscles. Can you bring in someone for me to check their future?”

  Sofi’s skill relied mostly on reading the future of a specific soul by touching them, and he’d not let her within miles of a vamp since taking over her guardianship. She was too young of an Oracle to have mastered her ability yet.

  His thoughts turned to Jonny, who’d been taken to the Guardians’ barracks.

  “Maybe,” he said. “What else?”

  “That’s all I can say, except …” A look of pain crossed her face. Her irises swirled again and her frown grew.

  “I don’t make it, do I?” he asked, even knowing he shouldn’t.

  “You die, but it’s not the end for you,” she said, ever the cryptic Oracle. “At least, I hope it’s not.”

  A chill ran through him. She shook away the dark thoughts. Dusty didn’t pry; she shouldn’t have told him what she did. They gazed at each other for a long moment.

  Damian needed to know. Dusty didn’t know why Talon would choose Miami to make a stand, unless he wanted to take out as much of the Guardians’ infrastructure as possible should he find some way to beat Czerno. Amassing thousands of vamps in the same place wasn’t a good sign. Even the Black God didn’t normally act so brashly. Dusty had maybe a thousand Guardians assigned to North America remaining after he sent all he could spare to the European front.

  “I’m prepping an evac plan for you,” he said, rising. “Pack a bag, just in case.”

  “Darian’s probably going to ask you if he can go visit the cat.”

  “He can go this morning,” he said.

  “I’ll let him know. Am I still grounded?” she asked, pinning him with a cold glare and crossing her arms.


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