Light as a Feather

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Light as a Feather Page 21

by Cameron James

  “I like you.” I agreed, “and sure I might be drunk, but I do, I really like you.”

  “Good.” He whispered, then he kissed me, I gasped into it then began to kiss him back, my hands settling on the back of his neck as he pulled me closer to him.

  Then he pushed me up, so I began to stand, although I frowned at him as he stood me up. He pulled me backwards until he was leant against the wall. I frowned at him once we broke the kiss.

  "You're not getting anywhere if I'm sat down." He said, my frown became more intense so he laughed then took my hand, running my palm down his chest, then slipping my hand into his jeans, he pulled his tongue at me when I looked at him then he gasped when he pushed against my hand.

  We went back to Connor’s flat, when we finally picked him and Kian up from where we’d left them. It was almost as if they were significantly drunker than when they left and Elijah and I, significantly more sober.

  We helped our own best friend get undressed and ready for bed, then put them both into Connor’s bed together. We stood at the end of the bed for a few minutes, once we did.

  “I realised something.” Elijah whispered, I looked from Connor to him, “like just then, one of those, oh my god yes kind of eureka moments.” He said, I laughed quietly,

  “What did you realise?”

  “You didn’t make me come.” He said, I coughed as I looked back at him, he silenced me before I could begin to argue. “So, I thought. You could finish off, then I could finish you off.” He said, then he grinned, I grinned back although mine was completely surrounded by a blush.

  We lay down on the floor between Connor’s couch and television, having moved the coffee table and pulled all the cushions and blankets off his couch and surrounding seats so we had something to lie on.

  We lay, looking at each other, nose to nose, him stroking his nose against mine, then trying to knock my glasses off as he did. I laughed and laughed, trying to move my head back but he held my hair, so instead I kissed him. Feeling his laugh against me before he began to kiss me back.

  We lay with the only sound in the room being our breaths, until I felt Elijah lean his head on my shoulder, so I looked at him.

  “You know what you mentioned when we danced?” he whispered, I hummed although I wasn’t sure, he lifted his head up to me, still leaning his chin on my shoulder. “About when your head got confused.” He added, I nodded whilst looking down at him. “You do not need to worry.” He said, as he squeezed my crotch under the blanket, I swallowed down my yelp which made him smile. “For the record.” He added, then he pushed himself up, leaning on his elbow, looking down at me. “And I am very impressed by your ability to follow directions also.” He said then nodded to me. “Kian was right.”

  “Right? Right about what?” I asked, Elijah grinned.

  “That I’d like you.” He whispered, I smiled.

  Elijah went to see his Dad during our morning lesson. Leaving us to Pas De Deux, whilst Connor recovered in bed.

  Kian, hadn’t wanted to leave him, although I think he didn’t want to leave Connor’s bed more, every time I looked over to him, he was wincing at whatever Miss Olivia was ordering.

  “Where did you end up last night?” I whispered to Margo, as she rose into an arabesque, she laughed but her arabesque didn’t wobble.

  “I went to the first bar you said you’d be at.” she said, then stepped into her pirouette. “I didn’t find you, but I found a very attractive man, so win, win I suppose.” She said, I began to laugh, Kian groaned again, we both looked towards him.

  “Why did you let me get drunk?”

  “I did not.” I replied, as we walked around Margo and Abi, “I was surprised any alcohol actually made it into your mouth, as it was connected to Connor’s for most of the night.” I said, Kian smirked as if he was proud of himself.

  “There will be no talking in your Pas De Deux assessments.” Miss Olivia snapped; Kian winced as I looked at Margo who rolled her eyes. “Gentlemen, pay attention to your ladies as you move into the lift.” Miss Olivia said, I took a deep breath as I held Margo’s waist to lift her, she nodded to me, jumping to help as I lifted her off the floor. Miss Olivia nodded as she passed us.

  “So, it’d appear everyone got some action last night then?” Margo said, I shushed her as Kian frowned at us both.

  “I know you probably found a willing volunteer, but Jacob?” he asked, I laughed as I moved down onto my knee, my other raised, Margo sat on it.

  “Jacob got some love from your best friend.” She said, as he ran her fingers through my hair, Kian looked at us as Abi curtseyed like she was supposed to when Kian went onto his knee.

  “You slept with Elijah?” he asked, Abi looked at me as I began to shake my head, I redirected it from Kian to her, shaking my head over and over.

  “We didn’t sleep together.” I said, “alright, we kissed a little. There was some fooling around.” I added then looked at Margo and sighed. “Thanks.”

  “No problem sweetheart.” Margo replied as she stepped off my knee, Kian began to laugh.

  “That’s quick. Even for Elijah.” He said, he sounded mildly impressed, “where you asking him about his dick? Did you encourage him?” he asked, I laughed as we walked towards the barre and drank from our water bottles. He pulled his phone out of his trainers. “Connor’s awake.” He said amused, I smiled as I pulled a t-shirt on over my leotard. “So very confused, but awake. I have also been informed that Elijah’s done with his Dad.”

  “No one ever texts me.” I said, Margo cooed at me.

  “I’ll see you two after repertoire.” She said, then blew us kisses, Kian looked at me.

  “Repertoire.” He repeated, I frowned at him as he grinned unlocking his phone again and typing into it.

  Arlo seemed pleased that he’d trained us well enough to come into his class and to begin to warm up on the barre without his direction. He didn’t even check us, he just stood searching through his folder and the tablet he played his music out of, which was why he didn’t notice when Elijah came into our class.

  None of our class really noticed, only Kian and I who both grinned at him as he came to stand between us on the barre.

  “Hungover?” Kian asked without turning to him, Elijah sighed as he took the baseball jersey he wore, off. He had proper repertoire attire underneath and his flat ballet pumps on.

  “Disappointingly not.” Elijah tutted, then looked over his shoulder at me. “I remember every detail of last night vividly.” He said, I laughed it was quiet as Kian hummed,

  “Yeah, you and I need a chat.” Kian said, Elijah gasped at me.

  “Appears I’m in trouble.” He said quietly, I laughed as Arlo clapped his hands, we all moved to the centre.

  “Développé.” Arlo announced, then looked around us, I looked at Kian he shrugged back at me.

  “It means developing movement.” Elijah said, Arlo began to nod then frowned.

  “You’re not one of mine.” He said, Elijah grinned at him, “but as you know the answer, you can stay. Please continue?”

  “A développé is a movement in which the working leg is drawn up to the knee of the supporting leg and slowly extended.” Elijah said, he got a nod.

  “Can you demonstrate?” he asked, Elijah hummed.

  “Don’t pretend you dislike being the centre of attention.” Kian said, Elijah grinned at him, then prepared.

  He looked around to ensure he wasn’t going to kick anyone then brought his leg up to the height of his knee, he looked around again then began to extend his leg, until he was stood his legs creating the perfect right-angle.

  “A développé takes a lot of balance and control.” Arlo said, as he examined Elijah’s position. “The strength in your supporting leg has to be solid.” He said then nodded to Elijah. “Thank you. If you don’t feel your balance is up for it. Please start on the barre.” Arlo said, most went to the barres, I glanced at Kian as he also went. “Jacob?” he asked,

  “Jacob w
ill be fine.” Elijah said, so I looked at him.

  “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

  “Jacob can dance on pointe.” Elijah replied, then grinned at me, so I smiled back.

  “Prepare boys.” Arlo said, I turned to look at him as I prepared my arms. “Raise to knee.” Arlo said, so I did, I glanced sideways at Elijah who was grinning as he also did. “And take your time as you extend.” He said, “do not over extend this can be dangerous and can cause injury. Don’t push it further than it can go, this will come with time and practice.” He said, as he watched the barres.

  “Keep your supporting leg straight.” He added, so I straightened myself then began to extend my leg, feeling as my calf and knee quivered like it did when I went into a long arabesque on pointe. “And hold.” Arlo said holding his hand up in front of him, I saw as Arlo nodded to the barres, probably an acknowledgement that they could lower their leg, I glanced at Elijah then back at Arlo as he lowered his hand. “Very impressive Jacob.” He said, I smiled at him, and I relaxed into first position. “And the boy with no name.”

  “Elijah.” He replied, “Master?” he asked,

  “Arlo. Just Arlo.”

  “Oh I’ve heard much about you Arlo.” Elijah said as he looked towards Kian, so I also did seeing him leant on the barre watching as they spoke. “You’re like Jacob’s ballet dad. Legendary.” He said, I laughed as Arlo did.

  “Prepare your other leg.” Arlo said, I watched as everyone turned around on the barre.

  “Do you guys ever do anything for fun around here?” Elijah said as he walked with me across the field towards where Kian was sat beside Connor, who’d finally recovered enough in his hangover to come and see him.

  “We did that last night.” I said, Elijah laughed.

  “I mean non-alcoholic.” He said happily, “I’m not hungover, but I don’t want to get drunk again. Don’t you have anything like a basketball court, a swimming pool?”

  “Do you?” I asked, he nodded.

  “They allow us to have fun in Australia.” He replied, I laughed. “Just no skating on the school grounds.” He said as he shrugged over dramatically. “Don’t you even have a ball?” he asked, I laughed as we reached Connor and Kian. “Do either of you have a ball?” Elijah stated, they both frowned up at him.

  “Why? Are you looking for one?”

  “Two actually.” Elijah replied, then kicked Kian’s leg. “A football.” He stated, Connor began to nod as he went into his backpack, he revealed an almost new football.

  “Do you just carry that around?” I asked, Connor nodded to me as he rolled it towards Elijah.

  “You don’t know when an opportunity for football may come up.” He replied as he stood, Elijah moved backwards with the football so Connor followed him.

  “I know you’ll play.” Elijah said to Kian, who sighed.

  “The last time I played football with you, we both ended up in A&E.” Kian replied, I frowned at him, “strained wrist.” Kian said, I looked at Elijah,

  “Dislocated shoulder.” He said, Connor laughed.

  “Are you sure you two were playing football, right?” he asked, they both laughed.

  “How did that effect ballet?” I asked, they both shook their heads.

  “It didn’t.” Kian said, “I could still dance.” He said in a shrug,

  “And I went on holiday about two days after I did it.” Elijah said amused, so I laughed. “Come play.” He said, I saw as Connor shook his head.

  “He won’t.” he teased, I scowled him as Elijah turned to look at him. “Jacob hates football. Always has. I’d beg him to play it with me in the home but no…” he said, Elijah turned back to me,

  “In the home?” he repeated, I shrugged.

  “Jack came along sooner rather than later.” I replied, Connor laughed.

  “Come play Jacob.” Elijah said, so I nodded to him, he grinned as I heard Kian sigh behind me, “two on two.” He added, then pointed at Connor. “You’re so on my team.” He added, Kian laughed as I did.

  “Yep. He is.” We agreed as Elijah ran off with the ball.

  “You so like him.” Connor said as we stood side by side watching as Kian and Elijah fought for control over the ball. Connor and I had given up a good while ago.

  “Why?” I asked, Connor laughed.

  “You can tell. You’re smitten.” He said happily, “oh and he managed to persuade you to play football. I tried for fourteen years and got squat.” He stated, I groaned. “I knew it.” he whispered.

  “He likes me back.” I said nodding, “but he lives in Australia.”

  “Long distance.” Connor said, I shook my head.

  “No, no way not after how Cory and Frankie talk about their time apart. I am not strong enough for that.”

  “You are.” He said softly, I looked at him. “But equally,” he said as he looked at Kian, “I wouldn’t do it.”

  “Because of the sex?” I asked, he laughed.

  “Because of the sex.” He agreed then he grinned at me, “and because he’s so gorgeous I’d be worried about being on the other side of the world. I mean, what if I forget what he looks like.”

  “Disaster.” I said, he nodded.

  “It would be a tragedy.” He replied,

  “Are you guys going to help, or what?” Elijah shouted towards us, we both laughed as we ran towards the ball, joining in on the fight for control.


  Chapter 14

  I had been lying in my bed for what felt like hours, but it was still dark out. The room around me was quiet. I figured both Elijah and Kian were well asleep, but for some reason I couldn’t let myself fall asleep.

  I’d spent the last part of an hour trying to make out the blurred shapes that I couldn’t define because I wasn’t wearing my glasses, and because it was dark, until the bathroom light flicked on. I winced against the light trying to figure out who it was that had gone into the bathroom.

  “Elijah?” Kian whispered when the bathroom light flicked back off, I heard a hum as a reply, then movement, I tried to watch it but couldn’t. I figured Elijah had gotten into Kian’s bed.

  “How was your Dad?” Kian whispered; Elijah laughed softly.

  “He was fine, happy even. He was made up I was home and had made me a proper breakfast. He asked what I was thinking, whether I’d stay in Australia or not. I told him it depended if I got a job there or not.”

  “What did he say?” Kian asked, Elijah laughed again.

  “If I stayed, he’d move over there as quick as he physically could.”

  “With Josh?”

  “Oh of course, Josh in tow, he’s only ten, he can’t abandon him yet.” He said amused, it made me smile. “I like your boyfriend.”

  “I quite like my boyfriend too.” Kian replied, I rolled onto my side to look at them.

  “I can fully see why you’re attracted to him, as well. Have you guys slept together?” he asked, I presume Kian nodded, there was silence for a little while.

  “What did you do with Jacob?” Kian asked, Elijah sighed.

  “I only jerked him off.” He said, I rolled my eyes. “He also jerked me off. Well.”

  “Because you wanted to?”

  “Have I ever done something I didn’t want to?” Elijah replied, Kian hummed.

  “Did he make you come?” Kian whispered just that little quieter, I had it had completely surprised me because I didn’t know that the genitals Elijah had could do that – to that extent.

  “Yeah…” Elijah said, “but only because you taught me how.” He added, in the quieter voice like Kian had spoken in. “You were the one who taught me how to soak the sheets.” Elijah whispered; I felt my cheeks burn red. I imagined it was extremely obvious and was thankful it was dark.

  “But why Jacob?”

  “Because I like him.” Elijah replied. “Honestly. Hand on heart, I really, really like him. Which is shit because I go back to Australia in two days. Kian, two and I probably won’t actually see him aga
in until what? Christmas, spring break next year?”

  “So, you wanted to touch him as soon as possible.”

  “Yeah.” Elijah replied, “and you were all up on Connor’s tonsils and I didn’t want to see that.”

  “I love Connor.”

  “I know.” Elijah replied, “I know you do, and I am so happy for you Kian. But it still hurts.”

  “You cannot be jealous?” Kian replied, Elijah laughed.

  “Since we were thirteen, I have been jealous if someone so much as thinks in your direction, and I can make you jealous. I really can, without even being cruel, I can make you jealous, but I won’t.”

  “Elijah.” Kian said softly, they both sighed together. “If you were to get with anyone, anyone at all, I’d be glad if it was Jacob.” He said, I hid my face into my pillow. “And I know I have no say in who you sleep with, who you like, whatever, but I wanted you to know that.”

  “Thank you.” Elijah whispered back, “and I very much approve of Connor, like to the extent of if he was available, he would be mine.” He said, they both laughed, their laughs were cut off, and I could only imagine that they’d kissed. “I love you.” Elijah whispered; I rose my head just slightly.

  “I love you too. I always will and nothing, or no-one is going to change that.” Kian whispered back. “But I know I love Connor, with all of my heart. It was proven I suppose when you came back, because I do love you.

  I have, and I will always but it’s more like you’ll always have a piece of my heart, you’ll always be there.” He said, “but I think you’re going to have to share it.”

  “Gladly.” Elijah replied, “I better be fucking best man.” He said, they both began to laugh.

  I woke up confused, as I definitely couldn’t remember when I had eventually fell asleep. I sat up, reaching for my glasses then looking around the room. My gaze focused on Elijah as he was facing me, but still asleep in Kian’s bed. I was still looking at him when Kian came out the en-suite. I turned to look at him, he raised his eyebrows back at me.

  “Kick you out?” I asked, Kian laughed then shook his head.


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