Dearest Stepbrother: Double Trouble - Ultimate Bundle

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Dearest Stepbrother: Double Trouble - Ultimate Bundle Page 13

by Olivia Hawthorne

  Leaning down, he whispered, “She’s got nothing on you, Kelly. I’m sure Asher is more annoyed than you are about her flirting.”

  Shaking myself of my anger – or more accurately, my jealousy – I sheathed my claws and attempted to relax. Not being able to be intimate with the twins had wound me up, and my lack of luck in the job department was only adding to my frustration.

  With an extra wiggle to her hips, the hostess walked us to a table in the back of the restaurant that was hidden in shadow except for a soft flickering candle in the center. A white tablecloth covered the surface and wine glasses and china had already been set out in a beautiful display.

  “Here you go, Asher. I really hope you enjoy your meal.”

  The hostess brushed past him, glancing back to watch him as he sat down. I damn near jumped after her, but Alex pulled me back, laughing even harder after her little display.

  “Sit down, Kelly.”

  Taking my seat, I said, “Sorry. I’m just a little on edge right now and having another woman openly gawk at my man isn’t making things easier.”

  A soft blush colored Asher’s cheeks when he leaned over to kiss me lightly on the lips. “I appreciate the possessiveness, but it isn’t necessary. That girl could do a pole dance for me completely naked and it wouldn’t even tempt me to stop looking at you.”

  A smile tugged at my lips and I felt better immediately. It was ridiculous for me to become so possessive. I was engaged to them and yet I still felt like our relationship was on unsteady ground because of being separated from them while living in our parents’ house.

  “How’s work going, Asher?” Alex peeked over his menu as he asked the question.

  Finally picking up his own menu, Asher shrugged a shoulder, while attempting to hide a sly grin. “It’s all right.”

  Alex cocked a single brow. “Just all right?”

  Putting down his menu, Asher’s smile brightened. “Actually, it’s awesome. I’m learning so much from these guys. We’re developing a background search program that will be used by private investigators and the police in order to perform skip traces with the touch of a finger. Some ex FBI agents who are highly skilled in computers are helping us develop the program. I think when this hits the market, it’s going to earn us top dollar.”

  Making my dinner selection, I looked up at Asher and I was genuinely impressed with what I was hearing. “That sounds really important, Asher.”

  He smiled, but tried to hide it behind his menu. “It is.”

  Like a child competing for his mother’s attention, Alex spoke up. I could see already that the twins would try to outdo each other with their success in business. Normally, something like that would be annoying, but it was healthy competition for the both of them and had been a reason they both had succeeded in life. They never felt bad towards the winner of their little competitions either. Whether it was school grades, sports, or now, business, the twins always felt proud of each other for their achievements.

  “Well, as for me, today I went over the new line of ball gowns being produced by five different high end designers, most of which will be worn by celebrities during the upcoming awards shows. In addition to that, I sat in on a meeting about marketing during fashion week, together with an ad campaign being run in all the high-end fashion magazines over the next six months. It’s insane when you see the amount of money that is being thrown around for clothes. I never realized how important fashion was to the industry.”

  I felt like crap sitting between them. Although I was super proud of both my boys, their achievements made me feel like I had nothing to offer to the conversation.

  “Wow. That’s really exciting for both of you. As for me, I’ve been hanging in my room and avoiding mom like the plague.” I gave them both a stupid grin and they laughed.

  Asher reached across the table and squeezed my hand. “Speaking of which, we have a surprise for you. After dinner, and before the movie, we’ll take you over to see it.”

  My eyes lit up and I felt my heart skip in my chest. I loved it when the twins surprised me. “What’s the surprise?”

  They laughed again and Alex said, “You know better than to ask. We’re not telling you until it’s time, so give it up, Kelly.”

  Lowering my voice to a seductive tone, I said, “What if I offer sexy time for a tiny, little hint?”

  Asher eyed me. “Nope. Sexy time or not, we’re not saying. Now order your food so we can get out of here.”

  Chapter Three

  Dinner was amazing and I ate enough to feed three small children. Asher ordered two bottles of wine that I shared with Alex, so I was feeling a bit tipsy as well. Since Asher was the designated driver, he abstained from drinking, but was enjoying poking fun at Alex and me for stumbling over our feet as we walked out to the car. Alex had more than me, so Asher had to help me walk him to the car.

  Throwing Alex in the back seat so he could lie down, Asher laughed and shut the back door, immediately opening the front passenger side door for me to climb in. Reaching over to buckle me in, he pulled the strap tight and smiled when I winced. Leaving me with a quick kiss on the lips, he shut the door, rounded the car and climbed in to drive me towards my surprise.

  “So, will you tell me now?”

  Glancing at me before pulling onto the road, he asked, “Tell you what?”

  “About my surprise! What is it?”

  His shoulders shook with laughter. “I’m taking you there now. You can’t really be that impatient.”

  “Yes, actually, I am.” A cheesy grin took over my face. “Now tell me.”

  Shaking his head in disbelief, he stubbornly said, “No. You can wait.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest like a petulant child, breathing out a frustrated breath that blew the hair out around my face. “Fine.”

  Seconds of silence passed between us.

  “Can you give me a hint?”

  His eyes flicked to me and back to the road. “Yes. I’ll give you a hint.”

  I smiled again and looked at him with anticipation.

  “It’s something we can drive to.”

  Slapping out at him, I crossed my arms again and looked out the passenger side window. “That wasn’t a very good hint.”

  Through laughter, he said, “I know.”

  Another ten minutes passed as I waited anxiously to arrive at the surprise Asher and Alex had for me. Asher turned another corner and pulled up to a large iron gate, rolled his window down and typed in a code in a small metal box set up on the side of the driveway. As soon as he finished punching in the sequence of numbers, the gates slowly opened and we drove in.

  Immediately, I knew what my surprise was and a grin stretched my lips as Asher pulled up to a building in the center of the apartment complex.

  “No way…” The words fell from my mouth almost instantly.

  “Way,” Alex slurred from the backseat, his barely audible response making me laugh as Asher climbed out of the car to round the front and open my door for me.

  After helping me out of the car, Asher helped Alex out of the backseat and said, “Thankfully, there’s an elevator, brother, because there is no way you would make it up three flights of stairs.”

  With a grunt, Asher pulled his twin into the elevator and pushed the button for the third floor. The elevator whisked us up to our floor in no time and I followed Asher towards our new apartment.

  After leaning Alex against a wall, Asher pulled a set of keys from his pocket and opened the door, reaching in to flick on the lights, but then backing up so that I could enter the apartment first.

  I closed my eyes when I stepped in, hoping that by doing so, I could immerse myself in the entirety of the scene. When I’d taken a few steps in, I opened my eyes and lost my ability to breath as soon as I saw how beautiful the apartment was. The pictures that Alex had shown me didn’t come close to revealing just how perfect the space would be.

  The walls were covered with a decorative paint finish in warm, r
ed and brown tones. The large kitchen was sectioned off by a bar area and contained stainless steel appliances and black, granite countertops. A stone fireplace took up one wall of the apartment and was caddy-corner to a set of French doors that led out to a decent sized terrace.

  I ran immediately towards the master bedroom, flicked on the lights and noticed a second, smaller fireplace on the far left wall. The closet alone was the size of my entire room at home. Finally entering the master bathroom, my jaw dropped to see the oversized, glass enclosed shower with multiple showerheads and a Jacuzzi tub that was large enough to fit four people at once.

  I’d been rendered speechless by the immaculate beauty of a space I would soon call home.

  “So, what do you think?”

  I could barely think, much less formulate sentences.

  “I think…it’s…it’s…”

  Turning to him, I ran into his arms, hugging him so tightly that a grunt escaped his lips. I looked up into his beautiful green eyes and asked, “Is it really ours?”

  A smile stretched his lips. “I certainly hope so, because if not, we’re about to christen somebody else’s apartment.”

  Something pulled inside me as my heart sped in my chest. It had been weeks since I’d had any kind of sexual contact with the twins. Our attempts to sneak around while at home had always been interrupted because it seemed like mom was always around. A mother hen trying to hold on to her chicks, she didn’t appear to sleep or leave the house unless she was dragging one of us along with her – usually me.

  “Is Alex up for it?” My voice lowered to a seductive whisper.

  Asher leaned down to kiss me, his hand finding my breast and giving it a teasing squeeze. When he pulled away, he grinned. “You’ll have to christen the apartment with him later. He’s asleep on the floor in the middle of the living room.”

  Laughter broke free of my lungs and I shook my head in disbelief. “What about the movie?”

  Asher smiled, his hands running over the curves of my body when he said, “What about it?”

  I liked the way he was thinking.

  Chapter Four

  Asher’s mouth claimed mine as if it were the first time he’d kissed me. We’d been starved of each other’s attention for so long that his touch felt new, my heart immediately racing to know that we had hours of interrupted time to explore each other’s hearts and bodies.

  It didn’t matter that there was no bed or other furniture in the apartment. The floor or wall would do if it meant that we could finally come together again after so much time apart.

  Asher’s hands slid up my body, his fingers gripping the bottom hem of my shirt before pulling it up. I lifted my arms in the air so that he could remove the shirt and drop it to the floor. Immediately, his hands cupped the weight of my breasts, his thumb rubbing over the sensitive peaks as his lips and tongue demanded everything from me.

  Although rough, he was still sensual in his exploration of my body, slowly trailing his hands and fingers all over my skin and sending shivers up my spine from the anticipation and need he was creating inside me.

  I was disappointed that Alex wouldn’t be joining us, but also happy that I had this moment with Asher alone. He was the most emotional of the twins and a skilled lover when he was given the time to explore and worship me.

  I also didn’t mind having the opportunity to devote all my attention to him. With a cut and toned body, broad shoulders and chest that dipped down into a slim waistline, Asher was the epitome of masculine fitness. My fingers loved to explore the dips and valleys created by his physique, loved to run along the lines of his muscles, exploring and discovering new aspects of him.

  I could make love to Asher every single day for the rest of my life and I don’t think it would ever satisfy me. Between the warm heart inside his chest, the gifted brain in his head and a body that would remain strong into his elderly years, he was a masterpiece.

  His tongue tasted of mint and I was consumed by the earthy and masculine smell of his cologne. With his hands, he gently lowered me to the floor, giving him the ability to explore my body more thoroughly without having to hold me steady on my feet. I was trembling already and my body gave into his touch easily.

  Perhaps the time apart had made me more sensitive to everything he could do. His mouth trailed down my neck and I gasped, my mouth opening to release the breath from my lungs as my skin prickled in need of more contact. His skin was so warm against mine as his palms mercilessly explored every part of me.

  Asher was always a breast man and I laughed when he removed my bra and grinned. With one hand cupping one breast, his mouth claimed the tip of the other, my back arching so that I pressed myself against his greedy lips.

  Teeth nipped at the sensitive flesh and I moaned, my head rolling over the carpet and heat pooling between my legs. I was so ready for him, so damn desperate for him to take me that my hips bucked against him with need. He chuckled in response to my inability to control myself and whispered, “We’re finally in a place where we can take our time and you’re trying to speed me along? I don’t think so, beautiful. I plan on enjoying myself for the next hour or so.”

  I was breathless, knowing full well that he meant what he said. Whereas Alex would give me the speed that I desired, Asher enjoyed taking his time, teasing me to a point of sweet torment - pushing me to a point where I thought I would explode - and then slowing me back down again to ensure that the orgasm I finally had was so violent, it would rip me apart.

  With his mouth continuing to suck on my nipple, he reached down with one hand to unbutton my pants. To help move him along, I lifted my hips from the floor and pushed my pants down over my hips, kicking my legs until I’d worked them down my legs and off my feet.

  Asher chuckled, the sound vibrating over the tip of my breast. He released me to look up at me with sparkling green eyes and swollen lips. “I take it you’re in a hurry?”

  I laughed and let my head fall back to the floor, my eyes staring up at the ceiling when I answered, “It’s been far too long. Taking things slow seems like torture.”

  Another chuckle rattled his chest and he rolled off me, grabbing my body with his hands and pulling me up to straddle his abdomen. I looked down at him with shocked eyes.

  With a grin pulling at his mouth, he said, “Since you apparently want to lead this dance, then by all means, be my guest.”

  I smiled, happy as all hell that he’d handed over control.

  My fingers immediately went to the buttons of shirt, moving quickly to release them one by one and expose the sun-kissed skin that stretched over smooth and strong muscles. Pulling the shirt apart, I leaned down to run my lips over his chest and abdomen – worshiping him as much as he worshipped me.

  His hands traced up my stomach to cup my breasts again, his fingers teasing the tips into taut peaks that sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout my body. Scooting down to sit on his thighs, I locked my eyes to his as I pulled the button of his pants open and reached in to pull out his rock hard cock.

  I gripped and stroked his length slowly, smiling when I saw how he clenched his eyes shut from the pleasure of my touch. Tremors ran over his body and I cherished being the person that caused those small quakes inside him.

  Neediness and greed took me over in that moment, the demands of my body screaming for him to be inside me. I didn’t want to move off him to remove my panties so I simply pulled them aside, keeping my eyes locked to his face as I positioned myself above the tip of his cock and sank down slowly – inch by glorious inch. Fully seated on top of him, my head fell back, the delicious fullness of his cock inside me making my body tingle with pleasure and delight.

  His hands gripped my hips, pushing my body up and down on top of him in a slow rhythm that had me biting my lip and moaning louder than I realized. With my breasts bouncing on my chest, I closed my eyes and gave into the sultry dance, the muscles in my legs burning as I continued to rotate my hips and bounce over him.

  Greedy muscle
s in my core gripped him, delicious heat pooling between us as an orgasm began to stir inside me. I opened my eyes again to see him watching me, enjoying the scene of my body moving above him.

  Leaning down, the tips of my breasts brushed his chest as I claimed his mouth with mine. We moved faster, my body grinding over him as I claimed every last inch of his cock.

  The orgasm grew in its intensity, electric sparks erupting through my body as my muscles tightened, and the pleasure shot through me with such force, his name left my lungs on a scream. Swallowing the sound with his mouth, he gripped my ass in his palms, continuing to move me over him as I shuddered above him, my body falling loosely on top of him as he found his own orgasm, his cock pulsing with every bit of himself that he released inside me.

  Our hearts beat in unison, our bodies slowly winding down as I laid my head on his chest and listened to the strong beat.

  Finally gaining the ability to talk, I asked, “When will we be able to do this every night again?”

  His arms wrapped around me protectively and possessively.

  Seconds passed before he finally said, “The place is ours, Kelly. All we have to do is move in.”

  Chapter Five

  “Do we really have to tell them today?”

  Asher looked at me, his expression blank as he leaned against the wall of my bedroom.

  “Yeah, we do. Alex and I both took the day off to take dad out and tell him first. We need to move into our new place this weekend and we all agreed to tell mom and dad before moving out. We need to just rip the bandage off and get this over with.”

  I curled up on my bed, hugging a pillow to my body. Alex sat on the edge of the bed, reaching over to run his hand along my leg in a comforting manner. I was so afraid of breaking my mom’s heart that I’d been delaying the move because I didn’t want to finally admit to the fact that I was engaged to both Asher and Alex.

  “Fine,” I grumbled.

  Sitting up in bed, I continued to hug the pillow when I asked, “What is the plan?”


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