Embracing Forever

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Embracing Forever Page 12

by K. Aten

  “I’m not a detective either, but the police are not going to connect wild animal attacks to a person, or people! Marie has seemed fine the last two Sundays we’ve been out to the farm for training. But I still don’t trust her. And I think that both her and Marcel were involved with vandalizing Annie’s car.”

  Sarah set her fork down and sighed, zeroing in on another small article in the crime section of the paper. “Oh look, there have been a bunch of burglaries in Lewis Center, Orange, and Westerville. So far the police have no leads.” She looked up at Keller. “It sounds like someone is running out of money. And I know you don’t trust Marie. I also think that her and Marcel are working together in all of this. But I just feel so helpless!” She tossed the paper toward the center of the table, out of the way of their plates. Her gut was telling her that the wolves were involved and she feared for her sister’s safety. Sarah wasn’t sure what she would do if something happened to Annie. Even contemplating the thought made things go dark in her mind.

  Keller reached over and gently took her hand. She realized that most of Sarah’s worry was for her sister, the one person in all of this that could not defend herself against potentially hostile werewolves. And after the death of their parents nearly a decade before, the singer was desperately afraid of losing her younger sister too. Sarah’s nightmares had persisted over the past few weeks and Keller had been forced to help soothe her with empathy more often than not. She hated dipping into her lover’s private thoughts and emotions without her knowledge, but something had to be done or the singer was going to run herself down again.

  Luckily she only picked up vague images with the terror in the dreams. A couple she recognized as Sarah and Annie’s parents, and Annie seemed to be most prevalent anytime she mind-dipped. She didn’t want to take a chance of blurring Sarah’s memories of her parents, so she had to be careful with what she did to calm the dreams. The bar manager wanted a distraction so Sarah wouldn’t just obsess over the stuff that was out of their control. “How are you doing at the studio? I know you don’t have any lessons tonight, but are you at a point where you can take a night off from recording? I think we should go out and get a recharge if we can. What do you say?”

  The singer gave her an “oh shit” look. “I forgot to tell you that we finished the post production work on the album. I sent the discs out yesterday to be manufactured. It’ll be around five weeks for production, so keep your fingers crossed that I’ll have the CD’s in time for pride weekend.”

  “Hey, that’s great news! Congratulations, love! Maybe this should be a celebratory night out then.”

  Sarah smiled in appreciation of her lover’s continuous support. “Should I text Annie to see if they want to join us?”

  “Hmm, well I meant what I said about recharging our batteries. I’m not sure you want them around for that.”

  Sarah shuddered at the thought of being sexual around her sister. “Eh, not really. You want to hit Merge, or try something new?”

  Keller looked at her, contemplating what her lover was in the mood for. “How about the circus tonight? All those emoting werewolves would make a tasty snack.”

  Sarah grinned and polished off the rest of her overly-sweet coffee. “Sounds good. Now, why don’t you come shower with me before I head off to give my first lesson of the day.” She turned and sauntered toward the bedroom. Keller took one look at the dog that was sitting next to her chair and quickly gathered the dishes and put them in the sink. The husky that had been patiently waiting for scraps gave a great sigh and dropped to the floor in defeat.

  When their shower was finished nearly a half hour later, both women were clean and slightly more relaxed. As Keller dressed, she filled Sarah in on her schedule for the day. “Joanne and I have three interviews this afternoon. They are all second interviews so hopefully one of them is going to be the new Merge manager. Wish me luck!”

  Sarah smiled and gave her a kiss on the lips. “I’ve got four lessons today but should be done around five-thirty. How about I call and make reservations at Vineyard?”

  Keller raised a pale eyebrow. “Vineyard?” Vineyard was a popular queer-friendly restaurant that had a menu as diverse as its clientele. It was also the place where Sarah and Keller were first introduced. She smiled at the memory of that night. “I think that dinner at Vineyard sounds perfect, and long overdue.”

  “Me too! I’ll make reservations for seven; that should give us plenty of time to get ourselves pretty and smelling nice.” She winked at Keller before grabbing her messenger bag full of music notes and her guitar case. “Okay fang-babe, I’ve gotta go or I’ll be late for Ethel’s drum lesson!”

  A pale eyebrow rose as Keller thought about the seventy-year-old woman who had started drum lessons the previous year. “She’s not dead yet?”

  “Nope. And now she wants to join a band that goes around playing at nursing homes. Apparently it’s a folk band that has two accordion players and a fiddle player already, and they’re looking for someone on percussion. I’m not going to lie; I totally want to see them play.” She grinned and shook her head. Snapping the lead to Duke, she opened the door to the condo. The good-natured dog had been going with her for months. He mostly stayed in the backroom while lessons were being given, unless it was a quieter instrument, then he’d come out and nap by the front window. “Okay, now I really have to run!”

  Keller just shook her head at the wide variety of clients that Sarah taught. But she couldn’t deny that she wanted to see them play too. If only for the novelty of it, and because she had probably been born long before most of the folk songs were written.

  DINNER TURNED OUT to be a surprisingly romantic interlude for the other blood couple. They got ready in separate bathrooms and both made an effort to impress the other. It had been much too long since they had a real date. Sarah felt actual hunger when she saw her lover after they finished getting ready. She wanted to drink Keller down in so many ways. Teeth pricked her bottom lip and she smiled at how lucky she had gotten in life. With so many things and people that had been taken away from her, Sarah was glad that she still had love. Keller dressed in jeans, polished black dress shoes, and a dark gray vest. She was also sporting a starched white shirt with a bow tie the same brilliant blue-star shade as her eyes.

  Sarah was wearing skinny jeans, black knee-high riding boots, and a light gray form-fitting turtleneck. Her shoulder length dark hair was hidden under a dark gray driving cap that was turned backwards. It was typical selection of outfits for two women whose dress-up tastes ran the gamut from beatnik to dapper. When they strolled into the restaurant five minutes early they cut quite an attractive pair to the surrounding patrons. Keller’s black leather biker jacket with its heavy, off-center zipper seemed incongruous with the vest and tie but she didn’t care. Sarah kept it classy with a slim wool peacoat. Dinner was delicious, both women having ordered dishes the other would like so they could share. Once the bill was paid, they still had time to kill before heading to Cirque du Loup so Sarah suggested a new destination. “Want to head to Forno for martinis?”

  Keller had been enjoying her red wine, much the same way she had when they first met. All the sexual tension was still there between them but they were trying to save it up for later. “I think that’s a great idea, lass.” She finished her wine and set the glass down with a smile. As they were leaving, Sarah’s phone vibrated in her back pocket. When she saw who it was, she held it up for Keller to see.

  “Jill is free again tonight. She wants to know if we’re working, or if we are interested in meeting her out for drinks and dancing.” She cocked her head at Keller as the proud owner of the midnight blue Audi TT unlocked the doors. “What do you think?”

  Keller leaned on the top of the car door of the convertible and looked at Sarah with a grin. “I think you should tell her where we’re going and see if she wants to meet us.” Jill was already seated at a table when they arrived at Forno. Keller laughed when she saw the red-haired woman waiting for them
. “She must have texted you when she was already downtown.”

  Jill stood when they walked up to her table. She gave Sarah a long hug and then turned to hug Keller as well. “It’s good to see you again, Keller.” When she pulled away they all sat down. “I’m glad you answered, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to spend an evening out on my own. Of course that means you’re stuck with the awkward doctor who’s more comfortable with dogs than people.”

  Keller looked at her in surprise then laughed loudly enough for the other patrons to turn heads in their direction. “Awkward is not exactly the word I’d use to describe you, Doctor, um, what exactly is your last name?”

  Sarah smirked and chimed in. “It’s Doctor Jillian Cole. We had lockers right next to each other in high school, that’s how we ended up friends.”

  “That, and we both liked pu—” She was interrupted when the server walked up to their table. After Sarah and Keller ordered martinis, Jill finished her sentence. “—Um, we discovered we both liked girls. Of course that led to slumber parties, first kisses, and eventually becoming girlfriends when high school was over.”

  Sarah laughed. “Short-lived girlfriends!” She raised her martini when it arrived and toasted. “Let’s hear it for not settling down until finding the right one!”

  Jill laughed and added to the toast. “Let’s hear it for finding the right one and still not settling down.” She looked from Sarah to Keller, then back at Sarah, and winked. The suggestion was out there, and the night was still young. The tall redhead addressed her two friends, old and new. “So what brings you two out tonight, looking so fancy?”

  Sarah answered. “Actually, we both had the night off and wanted to go on a long overdue date.”

  The veterinarian made a face. “And I foolishly invited myself along?”

  She was saved by Keller. “Actually, no. We simply wanted to get dinner and eventually end up at Cirque du Loup. We haven’t seen the circus act in a while and thought we’d check it out tonight. Have you been there on a Saturday?”

  Jill shook her head. “No, I seem to always be working or too tired.” She paused, wanting desperately to be honest with Sarah and her girlfriend. “And, well between eight years of serious schooling and my career, I don’t have a lot of close friends other than Sarah, just casual acquaintances.” She smiled and tried to downplay her loneliness. “I’ve always thought it looked cool in their advertisements, I just haven’t had the time or company to go before this.”

  Sarah and Keller shared a look then Sarah said the first idea that popped into her head. “Why don’t you ride over with us when we leave here? There’s room in the backseat of Keller’s car and it makes sense to only take one vehicle. It’s really busy on Saturdays and parking will be crazy unless we pay for valet.”

  Keller raised an eyebrow and sipped her drink. “Oh, we’re paying for valet. You don’t think I’d let my baby sit on some derelict side street, do you?” Sarah and Jill laughed at the shorter woman’s over protective behavior of her car. “Actually, let me send a quick text to Louve. Maybe she can get us in without the wait outside.”

  Jill looked at them curiously. “Louve?”

  Sarah smirked. “She is the owner slash manager of Temple du Loup. You’ll like her, she’s fun.”

  Jill nodded and then read between the lines of what Sarah was saying. “Oh?” Sarah smirked. “Oh! Good, I like fun people.” After two martinis, they all piled into Keller’s car and made their way to Temple. Keller handed her keys to the valet then they walked right up to the bouncer, drawing protests from the people in the long line. All three women had left their coats in the car, so they were really glad Louve said she’d get them in as VIPs. The muscular man wearing jeans and a tight black t-shirt recognized Keller and spoke into the microphone clipped to his collar. Without waiting for an answer he gave Keller a short nod and waved them through the door into the foyer.

  Inside was the ringmaster herself. She was wearing the same outfit as when Sarah first met her. It could only be described as ringmaster steampunk. Her short black hair was slicked back. A pair of goggles rested on the rim of her velvety top hat, and her bow tie was perfectly centered atop a glorious spill of cream-colored ruffles. The outfit was finished by black riding pants and riding boots, a vest and short jacket, as well as her always present cane. Louve was about the same height as Keller, which was significantly shorter than the five foot eleven inch Dr. Cole. And when Sarah looked at her good friend, she could see that the good Dr. Cole was blatantly checking out the Frenchwoman.

  Keller leaned over and whispered in Sarah’s ear. “Well, she said she’s more comfortable with dogs—” Sarah elbowed her discretely and smiled when Louve walked over. The couple exchanged cheek kisses with the Frenchwoman before she turned to take in their companion.

  Louve took a slow look up and down Jill’s body, her roving eye leaving goose bumps along the much taller woman’s arms. “And who is this belle rousse?” Jill stepped forward and offered her hand to the small androgynous woman in the steampunk outfit. When Louve offered her hand, Jill brought it to her lips. Charmed, Louve glanced at Keller. “Elle est magnifique!”

  Jill winked at her and released Louve’s hand. “Pas presque aussi magnifique que vous.”

  Surprise and delight colored the short brunette’s face. “Oh! Tu parle français!”

  The veterinarian smiled. “Oui. Thanks to high school, college, and two trips to France. It is a beautiful country. Though it is probably less so without you there.”

  Sarah snorted as her ex laid it on thick, and it was Keller’s turn to use her elbow. “Hush, they’re twitterpated.”

  Sarah whispered. “twitterpated?”

  Her girlfriend shrugged. “It’s my favorite word from Bambi.”

  A dark eyebrow rose. “Bambi? You’re what, more than two centuries old? I feel like I don’t even know you!”

  Keller laughed. “Hush! Let’s break them up so we can get drinks and dance.”

  Louve heard Keller’s words and turned to the whispering couple. She tapped her cane on the floor twice. “You have always been so impatient, Keller! But fine, if you wish to move into the temple proper, let us go.” She held out her elbow for Jill, and the other woman was more than happy to twine their arms together. Luckily there was plenty of room for the pair to walk through the giant revolving wood door.

  Hours passed like minutes as the threesome had fun dancing and watching the circus performers. For Sarah, it was a brief respite to all the worry and troubles that had been resting on her shoulders. And because she was noticeably more relaxed, it was a respite for Keller as well. Louve came and went often, not staying very long each time she’d find them. She was the ringmaster and had a job to do. Jill pouted each time the Frenchwoman had to go back to the stage. About an hour before closing time, Sarah and Jill went to the restroom and Louve used the opportunity to question Keller. “Does she know about us?”

  Keller shook her head. “She has no idea. She’s Sarah’s ex-girlfriend from a decade ago, they’re best friends now. Apparently they’ve been what she calls ‘fuck buddies’ for the past few years. Sarah and I spent the night with her a few weeks ago when we wanted some fresh blood. We both fed but we clouded our feedings from her memory. We were going to offer another night to her again but if you’re interested we won’t stand in your way.”

  Louve pulled her close and whispered in Keller’s ear. “Who says we must choose, mon ami?” She wore a wicked smile when she backed away from her old friend.

  The two taller women returned at that moment and Sarah looked at Keller curiously. “What are we choosing?” Her vampire enhanced hearing allowed her to pick up the end of what they were saying. Jill gave her a curious look, not having heard anything in the loud club.

  Keller glanced at Louve, and then turned to give Jill and Sarah a smile. “Louve was just inviting us all to the apartment downstairs after the bar closes. I told her it was up to Jill to decide, since she rode with us.”

nbsp; Jill became the center of attention when three pairs of eyes turned in her direction. She focused on the green ones to the right, looking for any indication that accepting the invitation would be a mistake. When Sarah winked, she knew what answer she would give. “I would love to have a drink downstairs with you.” Knowing what was implied, Jill was a little nervous when the bar closed an hour later. Her nerves faded quickly when she saw the layout of the apartment below the old church. And they disappeared entirely when she realized how comfortable Sarah was with the situation. They had known each other a long time and she trusted Sarah above anyone else.

  Once they were all seated around the tastefully decorated apartment, Louve let her curiosity play out. She had removed her top hat, jacket, and boots when she came in the door and invited her guests to also make themselves at home as well. “So what kind of animals do you work with, Doctor Cole?”

  Jill took a sip from her beer bottle and made a little face at Louve’s use of her professional title. “Please, call me Jill or Jillian. There are no dogs in sight so I’m off the clock tonight!” Sarah snickered. She winced slightly when Keller pinched her side, but otherwise didn’t say anything. “I typically work with small animals, pets and such. Once in a while we’ll get something more exotic in like lizards, turtles, or wild animals. I spend one day a month volunteering at the animal sanctuary hospital north of the city, but for the most part it’s pretty mundane. Give fluffy his shots, cut off some balls, or if he’s too old then give him some blue juice.”

  Louve looked at her in confusion. “What is this blue juice?”

  “Ah, well that’s what we refer to the stuff we use to put animals to sleep. We call it ‘blue juicing’ them. Inside morbid humor, sorry. I’m not very good with humans I guess, I spend way too much of my time working.”

  The French woman rushed to reassure her. “No, not at all. I think you’re very beautiful and eloquent.”


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