Digital Dalliance: A Hotwife Novel

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Digital Dalliance: A Hotwife Novel Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  Her hand wrapped around my cock and positioned me at her entrance. She was on birth control so we never bothered with condoms. Then a completely different sort of warm sheath was descending on my cock. I let out a groan as I imagined her looking down into the eyes of another man as her incredible pussy that had been my exclusive domain since we first got together and that I enjoyed so much, wrapped around his cock for the first time. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as that thought consumed me. As she bottomed out and our bodies pressed together.

  “Fuck I’m close baby,” I said.

  She leaned back and started bouncing up and down my cock, riding me in the cowgirl position. “I’m close too,” she said. “Just do it. Blow your load inside me. I need to feel you inside me!”

  I reached out and grabbed her hips, held them in a white knuckled grip as she bounced up and down. As I looked at her tits, her perfect nipples going up and down in a hypnotic dance. I let out a final groan that was really more of a roar and then I pulled her down against me as I shoved my cock as deep inside her as it could possibly go. I felt every muscle in my body straining. Blood was pumping and it was going so fast that I thought I might actually pass out. Hell, my blood was pumping so much I thought I might have a stroke from the unimaginable pleasure and the incredible thought of another man doing the same thing, burying his cock inside my wife and blowing his load.

  That added layer was making this more intense than any fuck session we’d had in recent memory. It seemed like there truly was nothing that fantasy couldn’t make better.

  Kayla fell down over me, her tits brushing against my chest, and then she was kissing along my face, down my neck, her own breath coming in quick short little gasps and I knew that she was over the edge as well. A quiet gasp, a moan, and her pussy tightening around me told me she was riding the entrancing wave of her own orgasm. She pulled up from kissing me and stared, her mouth open as she gasped down at me. As I continued blowing my load inside her.

  And then I was done. She continued riding the wave of her orgasm for a moment longer, and I thrust in and out of her a couple of times despite the fact that I was so goddamned sensitive that it made me want to go into a fit of giggles as I thrust. But I held it together until she finally reached the end of her orgasm. Until she came down and collapsed against me.

  I wrapped my arms around her and enjoyed the feel of my wife’s naked body pressed against my own. I could ask her about why she turned off the monitor. I could ask her about why she was being so secretive, but I decided not to bother with any of that right now.

  Obviously whatever it was, it was online exclusively if it was in game. Then again I was well aware of how quickly something that was only happening in the game could change to something that was happening in real life. Our relationship was a testament to that. But that wasn’t an issue I was going to press now.

  No, I needed to gather more evidence. Make sure there was actually something to worry about, something to get upset about, something to get aroused over apparently, before I decided what to do with that information.

  So I held my wife and that we cuddled, those thoughts raced through my head at a mile a minute and driving me absolutely wild as a she sighed and rested her head against my chest, content and completely unaware of what was running through my mind and how it might potentially affect our marriage moving forward.

  8: Friendly Chat

  I was keeping my head down pretending to stay busy since Tammy the massive office manager hated it when I didn’t look busy. Then an icon popped up in the bottom right-hand corner of the computer that I didn’t really need to answer the phones but whatever. It was nice for keeping Elassa Chat up since Tammy was also so technically challenged that she didn’t know how to do much beyond send an email and definitely had no idea what Tales of Elassa was or how to recognize the external messenger client for the game.

  I felt a thrill and apprehension as I saw the name attached to the blinking icon. Conlan. I clicked on the icon and brought up the chat window. My breath caught and boy did my pulse really start racing in a major way.


  One word. One single word. And yet it was so weighted with significance because of the name it was attached to. Deep breath. Get control of yourself Kayla. Don’t lose it in the middle of the office!

  “Hi yourself.”

  “Having a good day?”

  “Stuck at work but that’ll be done here in another hour or so. What about you?”

  “Bored between classes. It’s a damn shame that you’re at work though.”

  I glanced around quickly before typing out my response.

  “Why is that?”

  “I was just thinking of a few fun role-playing scenarios we might try out if you were at home and had some time to have fun while hubby was away.”

  I blushed. And glanced around the lobby to make sure nobody was looking. Now that probably looked suspicious, the receptionist sitting at her computer typing away furtively, leaning close to the monitor, and then glancing around to make sure nobody was actually looking to see what I was doing.

  That definitely would’ve gotten Tammy interested in what I was doing on my work computer, but thankfully she wasn’t around. She was probably secreted away back in her cave of an office where it seemed like she did nothing but plot new ways to make the people under her miserable as payback for the accountants who actually ran the firm making her miserable.

  I turned back to the chat window. Back to the fantasy world that was oh so much more interesting than my boring day job.

  “What sort of role-playing did you have in mind?”

  “I think you know what I want from you Maia,” he said. “The kind of role-playing that hubby definitely wouldn’t approve of.”

  “You really shouldn’t say things like that,” I typed.

  “You haven’t told me to stop yet.”

  I bit my lip and thought about that. Once again he was calling me out and once again he was absolutely right. Once again he was calling me out and giving me one hell of an out and I wasn’t taking it. My actions were definitely speaking a hell of a lot louder than my actions.

  “You know I’m not going to,” I said. I didn’t know why I wasn’t telling him to stop but I kept right on typing, the flush of a new romance taking over my better sense and throwing caution and rationality out entirely.

  “I don’t know what it is about you, but I feel like a giddy schoolgirl every time I talk you!” I said.

  And I was astonished I’d feel like that even as I said it. I was wracked with guilt even as I typed that out. I glanced at the wedding picture of me and John sitting on my desk and then back to the chat window. There was just something about this man that short-circuited my brain. There was something about this man that made me say the most ridiculously inappropriate things. That made the wedding ring on my finger burn. There was something about this man that made me type things that I was sure would be the end of my marriage if John found out and yet I couldn’t stop.

  “Oh? And what would you think if your crush asked you out on a date?” he asked.

  I blinked. A date? “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking in-game. You and me meeting tonight for an in-game date and maybe if that goes well we can talk about some of those things your husband wouldn’t appreciate?”

  I didn’t think it was possible for me to blush anymore. I was so entranced with the chat client that I jumped when somebody cleared their throat. I looked up and saw Tammy staring down at me and trying to peer at the screen. I blushed even more furiously, wondering if she’d seen what I was talking about. I quickly minimized the window and put on my best smile, though it was difficult with the way I was turning bright red both from fear and embarrassment.

  “Working hard?” she asked.

  “Always Tammy,” I said. “I was just drafting some emails for Michael.”

  I figured that was safe enough. Michael was one of the more prickly CPAs in the firm
and she was afraid of talking to him. I hoped that her lack of understanding when it came to computers coupled with her fear of actually following up would keep me in the clear.

  “Fine,” she sniffed. “Just make sure you’re keeping busy.”

  “Always am!” I chirped.

  Tammy stalked off towards her cave and cast glances over her shoulder at me every couple of steps. It was obvious she suspected something but I didn’t care. As soon as her considerable girth was out of sight I opened the chat window back up. There was a message waiting for me.

  “Still there? Was it something I said?”

  I smiled. At least he wasn’t always as confident as he seemed initially. “Sorry. My toad of an office manager just stopped by and tried to catch me shirking my super important duties.”

  “I figured something was up,” he said. “So how about that date?”

  My face broke into a huge grin and I felt butterflies dancing in my stomach even as it twisted into nervous knots. Even as I felt guilt, but the fact that it was just in a video game made me feel less guilty. If it was just online, if it was just role-playing, then I could separate myself from it. It wasn’t real. I wasn’t really cheating.

  At least that’s how I rationalized it even if I knew John wouldn’t see it the same way. I knew what my response was even before I did all that rationalizing.

  “I should be on,” I said. “I’ll just have to wait until my husband has gone to bed so it might be late.”

  “I can do late,” he said. “Besides, the anticipation will make it so much better. ;)”

  And then he was gone leaving me alone at my desk to think about what I’d just done and whether or not I’d actually be online tonight after John went to bed.

  9: Nuclear Options

  I had two nuclear options available, though I was hesitant to use either one. I couldn’t deny that there was something going on, but the question was what was I going to do about it? Did I press one of those metaphorical big red buttons and take the risk?

  Because the problem, as with all nuclear options, was there was a definite risk of mutually assured destruction. Only this time the mutually assured destruction was my relationship. My marriage.

  And yet I couldn’t stop thinking about the idea of Kayla with another guy. Of her doing one of those role-playing sessions with another guy.

  I was staring at the first option on my office computer. I had complete access to Kayla’s account and she had complete access to mine. It’s not like I was some sort of controlling snoop or anything. It was more a matter of convenience. We never knew when one of us would have to log into the other’s account, when one of us might not be around, and so it was easier to share passwords. And it was never really a big deal.

  Only having access to her account gave me access to a tool Kayla probably didn’t even remember was in the game. Chat logging. Everything she said via private message, though not party chat or stuff she said in general chat, could be available to me at the click of a checkbox.

  It was a safety feature introduced to make parents feel better about their kids playing. Not that there were many kids playing this game in the first place, but the feature remained as a vestigial reminder of a time when the Tales of Elassa developers had hoped, probably foolishly, that they could get a $15 a month subscription out of teenagers who relied on their parents for money.

  And now that option was sitting dormant on Kayla’s account, a simple checkbox buried in a settings menu that almost everybody had long since forgotten about after the initial uproar over the feature, waiting for me to check it and be able to view almost everything she said in game.

  Like I said. A nuclear option.

  I kept telling myself that the question was whether or not I trusted my wife. Only I knew that wasn’t actually what the question was at all. No, this wasn’t about questioning Kayla’s faithfulness.

  The problem was that unfaithfulness was just online, after all, and I was a man secure enough in our relationship and familiar enough with my wife and her role-playing to realize that a little bit of hot and heavy textual action in game probably had about as much emotional significance to her as when she role-played going out and fighting dragons or whatever the hell it was they did. That is to say: I didn’t feel like our relationship was particularly threatened at all. She had a crush, and if how turned on she’d been lately was any indication then I was the one reaping all the benefits.

  No, if I was being perfectly honest with myself this wasn’t about faithfulness or a lack thereof. This was about the obsession. That strange desire that had taken hold of my imagination and refused to let go ever since the first moment I had the slightest inkling that Kayla might be getting up to a little more than casual fun when she was spinning her stories with other people in the game.

  And the so real the question was did I want to fuel the obsession or not? Did I want to continue going down this rabbit hole where I was incredibly aroused by the idea of my wife getting together with another man? Hell, maybe even with another woman?

  Okay, so maybe the other woman thing was every heterosexual man’s fantasy. The really fucked up part of this was the getting it on with another man bit.

  I turned away from nuclear option number one to glance at nuclear option number two that was sitting on an old laptop on my desk running when I probably should’ve been working. But hell, I figured what’s the point of having perks like an office to yourself with the privilege of nobody bothering you when the door was closed if you didn’t abuse that privilege every once in a while? Wasn’t that the whole point of getting into management at a young age?

  Nuclear option number two looked fairly innocuous. Just a progress bar on an old laptop that had been gathering dust in the back of one of my closets. It was ancient, but it was still more than able to play Tales of Elassa. That was the important thing.

  I had no need to play the game on a laptop anymore since I had my gaming rig and Kayla was right next to me with that Frankenstein’s monster of a computer built from the castoff parts of my machine, but the problem was that my gaming rig was in the middle of the computer room and so Kayla would know if I was keeping an eye on her. Hence the ancient laptop. It was old, but it would suit my purposes. All I really needed to see was the chat log.

  Graphics didn’t matter all that much when I was spying.

  The second part of the plan was a friend’s old account. I paid to keep it open and he let me have access to it even though he didn’t play the game anymore. It was convenient to have some of his characters still around when the guild needed a particular role for a raid and we didn’t have anyone online to play that role. And one of the characters he had just so happened to be a stealth class, able to go completely invisible and unseen by other players.

  Of course the most important thing was that Kayla wasn’t friends with this account. That meant I could log into the game and she wouldn’t immediately know I was online. I could sit back in our bedroom, fire up the laptop, log onto this account, and she’d have no idea I was potentially spying on her. And hopefully she’d be so distracted by whatever it was she was doing, and I had my suspicions let me tell you, that she wouldn’t come back to the bedroom and interrupt me while I was spying.

  Lots of ifs with this plan. Lots of potential for it to blow up in my face.

  Thinking of what she might get up to, of what I might witness on my stealth character, was enough to make that obsession roar to life. It was enough to make my cock rock hard.

  Shit. I suppose I knew I was going to launch both nuclear options from the moment I opened up this part of her account. I clicked the checkbox to enable chat logging and hit the save button. And to my surprise a conversation popped up almost immediately. I arched an eyebrow. She was at work, but she must have the Elassa chat client installed on her computer. I read through a bit of conversation and my eyes went wide as I realized what she was discussing with this guy. I could only assume it was a guy.

  My cock was harder th
an a diamond as I read through the logs and realized what my innocent wife was up to while she was sitting at the reception desk at her office. I wondered how the office manager or some of the partners in the firm would react if they knew what the sexy young receptionist was up to.

  I looked at the door one more time, confirmed that it was locked. There was no way anyone was going to interrupt me. I knew what naughty things I was going to get up to in the privacy of my own office as I watched nuclear option number one unfold before me with more success than I could’ve possibly imagined as nuclear option number two was humming along in the background. I was definitely going to be using that tonight judging by what I was seeing on the chat log.

  But in the meantime I reached down for my cock. It was time to take advantage of that office privacy I was talking about earlier.

  10: Digital Date Night

  A blinking light showed in the top right corner of my heads-up display. I felt butterflies running through my stomach. I felt my breath start to quicken. Hell, I felt my nipples start to harden and I even felt a tingle between my legs. A hell of a reaction to a chat notification.

  I glanced over my shoulder to where John sat bathed in the glowing light of his massive monitor engrossed in a raid. It looked like he was clicking his mouse over and over, but I knew from the way he was staring at his screen with intense concentration, the way he was listening intently to whatever voice chat was happening over those ridiculously expensive gaming headphones that the entire world, myself included, was shut out. He wouldn’t be paying attention to anything going on over on my screen.


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