Sweet Surrender

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Sweet Surrender Page 9

by Rebel Wild

  “Jesus, baby.”

  “I’m okay now, Reed, really.”

  “I can’t believe you’re not angry. A lesser person would have let this destroy them. How are you so brave?”

  “What choice do I have?” She shrugs like it’s nothing.

  I kiss her forehead as she yawns.

  “Let’s get some sleep,” I tell her and help her get under the covers.

  The room flashes brightly from lightning and I hear thunder crackle in the distance.

  “Is the thunder loud?” she asks, looking out the window before turning back to look at me.

  “No, baby. It’s far away.”

  She nods turning over on her side away from the window and away from me.

  “It’s funny, the things you miss hearing,” she says, already half asleep.

  The weight of her words hit me like shards of glass. I hold her from behind until I’m sure she’s sound asleep then get up to pull the blinds so the light won’t disturb her. The rain is still pelting the window. My mind flashes back to that rainy day when I was fourteen. I can still hear the sound of tires screeching. I can still see the bike flying through the air. The pain of being crushed by metal overwhelms me until I’m forced to push myself away from the window.

  I go around and sit on her side of the bed so that I can watch her sleep. She looks so small and fragile, but I know better. I don’t even think she knows how strong she is. She puts me to shame.

  Wanting to feel her, I reach for her hand. I smile at how it fits into mine like it was made for me to hold. Careful not to wake her, I get in bed. Allowing myself to take comfort in the feel of her next to me. I’m close to actually loving it. There’s that fucking word again. I have no clue why it keeps popping into my head. I don’t want to dwell on it tonight. Right now, I’m content and comfortable, but I plan on taking full advantage of her smooth body next to mine in the morning.

  Chapter Ten

  I turn off my alarm in frustration at it waking me. My frustration turns to elation when I see Reagan curled up next to me with her hand still in mine. I haven’t slept this peacefully since she’s been making appearances in my dreams. I’ve had vivid images of being with her, but last night I had the real thing. It has sated and excited me all at the same damn time.

  I know I should let go of her hand and keep the lines between us clear, but I hold on to it tighter, interlocking her fingers with mine and rubbing her soft skin with my thumb, tracing the heart. I’m playing a dangerous game; one that could end up screwing us both, but I can’t seem to bring myself to care.

  Her eyes slowly open and she smiles when she focuses on me. A soft sigh of contentment comes from her lips and I can’t stop myself from kissing them before getting up. She moves to follow but groans when she looks at the time. I smirk at her as she flops back down in the bed. My girl is definitely not a morning person.

  “Go back to sleep,” I tell her, tucking her back in. “I’m going to go workout for an hour. When I’m done, we’ll have breakfast.” She nods her head. “Make yourself at home. My housekeeper has the day off so we’re all alone here.” She nods again. “Say something.”

  She laughs when I lightly tickle her to get her to talk.

  “Okay,” is all she says and I smirk at her.

  “Come and find me if I take too long,” I tell her. I’m known for losing track of time when I work out.

  “Okay,” she says again and I shake my head, leaving her to sleep.

  I don’t know how long I’ve been working out but judging by how bright the room is from when I started it’s been more than an hour. I’m just about to call it a done deal when the door opens. In walks Reagan like she just stepped out of my fucking dream, freshly showered and in my navy-blue button-down shirt. It’s unbuttoned at the top showing off some sexy cleavage and unbuttoned at the bottom exposing those fucking thighs I can’t wait to get back in between. I stare blatantly at her. She looks good in my clothes.

  “I couldn’t find my dress,” she tells me with a quick hunch of her shoulders. “And you told me to make myself at home so…”

  “I did,” I say, wiping the sweat from my face with my towel before I toss it. “Home never looked so good.”

  I’m rewarded with a shy smile for the compliment as she holds the hem of the shirt down while crossing her legs at the ankles. I eye her like she’s the glass of water I need right now. I hope she doesn’t think crossing those legs are going to keep me from that sweet pussy because both of my heads will be in between them later.

  “I made us breakfast,” she declares. “It took me forever to find you in this mansion you call a beach house. I confess I did find the room where you store your guitars. They sucked me in and threw me off course for a little while. If you find one of your autographed Les Paul’s damp, it’s from my drool and I do apologize.”

  I love that fucking sassy mouth of hers. It makes me want to put her on her knees and stuff my dick in it.

  “Never stop talking to me,” I tell her.

  I can’t believe I just said all that. I’m way too comfortable with him.

  “What’s for breakfast?” he asks.

  I take one hand and hold it out palm up while I move the other one on top flipping it over and over. He smiles at the sign and I know he knows what it is.

  “Pancakes,” he says and I nod, impressed.

  He’s learned to sign so much in such a short amount of time and he did it just to communicate with me. He’s a great boyfriend. Where did that come from? He isn’t my boyfriend. He isn’t even my Dom yet, not officially anyway. But he will be both or my name isn’t Reagan Montgomery. I’m getting giddy just thinking about it.

  He takes a quick shower while I go back to the kitchen and plate everything up. I feel him come up behind me and snake his arms around my waist. I relax into him when he kisses my neck.

  “You sore, baby?” he asks after he turns my head so I can see his lips.

  “Not too bad,” I tell him. “The bath I took in your jacuzzi-sized tub helped.”

  He smiles in approval.

  “Good. When we’re done eating, I’ll show you where I keep my toys.”

  I nod and rush over to join him at the kitchen island. I try to hide my wince as my butt hits the stool but he catches it anyway. I wolf down my pancakes and bacon and wait impatiently for him to finish. He takes his sweet time going on and on about the pancakes like he’s never had them before and I know he’s stalling just to tease me. Finally, he takes the last bite and I hurry to clear the dishes.

  We walk through his bedroom to the walk-in closet. The light comes on automatically giving us a view of the room. I was expecting to see a few toys in some trunk tucked away with his clothes, but I can’t believe what he has in here instead. Every spanking toy imaginable is displayed on his walls. They’re all so intricately designed, almost medieval and they are absolutely beautiful.

  “What do you think?” he asks after coming to stand in front of me.

  “I…” A flogger catches my eye. It has a crystal-clear handle with deep black, thick leather straps that look like they’d feel so good. “I’ve never seen pieces like this. Where’d you get them?”

  “Traveling to different parts of the world. My brother helped me store them here as a collection. I wasn’t planning on using them, before you, that is.”

  “I’m honored, sir.” I try to stop the butterflies from spinning around in my stomach thinking about how all of this would feel on my skin. He has excellent taste. I guess his brother does as well. Wait, is his brother a Dom too? “Your brother’s also... um.”

  “Good with his hands?” he grins. I know he knows damn well what I’m asking him. “Alex is also a Dom, Reagan.” His eyes dance in amusement at teasing me.

  “I see,” I say, before tuning my attention back to the room. “It’s all very well displayed.”
I notice the gimp suit hanging in the corner. “Do you wear that?” Just imagining him in it makes me want to laugh.

  “It’s purely for show,” he says.

  “It is a great conversation starter. It adds to the room.”

  “Spoken like a true designer. And you’re all right with everything you see here?”

  “Yes, sir,” I say, but I need to know how good he is at using some of the harsher toys so that I can prepare myself for mistakes. “Are you experienced with… everything?”

  He smirks at me, but I don’t know if that’s good or bad.

  “I’ve been a full Dom since I was 21.” Wow. “I’ve had over a hundred submissives.”

  “That’s a lot of submissives.”

  “Not all of them sexual, most were only to help me train and later perfect my skills.”

  He has to have a harem. He has to.

  “Can I ask a personal question?”

  “If you must.”

  “Are you still in contact with the women you’ve trained with? I get that you don’t have a girlfriend right now. Well, no, I don’t get it. I’m sure women would love to be all over the hot, sexy, rich TV star that you are.”

  “Not many are willing to be tied up and toyed with.”

  “You just haven’t been looking very hard.”

  “Is this your way of telling me I should?”

  “No. No, I’m just curious. You really don’t have a harem of girls hanging around? Groupies, fans?”

  “I have a few from Bay-Hot. When I’m in LA, I get questioned by someone from TMZ who recognizes me. But to answer your question, only one woman hangs around. And before that beautiful mind of yours gets going again, no, I don’t scene with her. She’s Alex’s submissive.”

  “Hmm,” is all I can say as this all becomes curiouser and curiouser.

  I watch as he takes his phone from his pocket.

  “Dixon,” he says, obviously it must have rung. “Why the hell didn’t she call me herself? I’ll let her in.” Her? Her who? I hope he doesn’t think I’m going to be scening with another woman or his brother and his woman. He raises an eyebrow at the scowl on my face. “Relax.” He Doms up on me and I do what he says. “I have to sign off on something. But while we’re on the subject, I’ve had a few threesomes and partner swaps before, but I’m sure as hell not doing that with you. You’re mine and only mine.”

  “Yes, sir.” I breathe, relieved.

  He cups my chin forcing me to look him in the eyes.

  “And I’m only yours.”

  “Yes, sir,” I say grinning.

  “Have a look around. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  Once he leaves the room, I boldly finger the toys, getting a feel for them. I peek in the drawers, looking at all the handcuffs and nipple clamps. I think the ones on the wall are his favorite. They look like they belong in an art museum. It’s all so him. He’s not the type of guy that would order his toys from those late-night thirty-minute TV promotions. But why buy them at all if he wasn’t planning on using them? He said he couldn’t find a girlfriend who was willing to get tied up and toyed with but that’s bullshit unless he picks girlfriends who he thinks won’t like the lifestyle. Is that why he asked me out in the beginning? Does he see his subs differently than he sees his girlfriends? Maybe he sees subs as whores.

  I’m overthinking. It’s probably all to make him feels safe. It was the same for me when I lost my hearing. I felt I had to close myself off, especially in the beginning. There was such a disconnect from the people around me, but being a sub makes me feel safe, especially with the right kind of Dom. We’re two sides of the same coin it seems.

  Getting bolder, I leave his room and wander down the hall opening up doors to bedrooms until I get to the biggest one. My God, what a room it is. I thought his room was great, but this one is just lovely with its pale pink and soft creams that make it so bright and airy. I wonder who his decorator is. The large windows give way to a spectacular view of the ocean, not as nice as the one in Reed’s room, but it’s enough to make me want to live in here forever. I sit on the bed and give it a good bounce. It feels brand new. I look to see him leaning in the doorway.

  “All done?” I ask him.

  “Everything was to my liking.”

  He holds out his hand for me and I take it. Walking me over to the seating area near the windows, he sits me down in one of the plush seats before taking up the one opposite me. He places paperwork in front of me and I pick it up to read, already knowing it’s his contract. It’s several pages long and very detailed. I’ve only contemplated signing up with one Dom and his was nowhere near as involved. We hit it off in the beginning but he demanded that I let him have me only when and how he wanted. When he said I wasn’t to bother him any other time, I knew he wasn’t the Dom for me.

  “How many girls have you had under contract?” I look up to ask him.

  “Six. The longest one was two weeks.”

  “Just two weeks?”

  “I kept it short and sweet.”

  “Because you were afraid of getting too involved with a sub?”

  “Because I didn’t want to.”

  “I see.” I don’t know if I should be happy or concerned about that.

  As I read through the contract my heart sinks lower and lower. I’m to just stand around and take orders like some mindless, speechless robot. It’s all so business-like. I roll my eyes at myself. What else was I expecting?

  He touches my hand to get my attention and I look up at him.

  “Is there a problem?”

  On my way back up the stairs, I grab one of my contracts to take to her. It needs to be altered. As it stands, it doesn’t fit us, but it’s a good place to start negotiating. I watch her read it and I know she’s not pleased with what it entails. Shit, I can just look at her and know what she’s thinking. My heart starts to pound in my ears, realizing that. I’ve only had that connection with one other person and it was severed years ago. I didn’t realize until now how much I missed it.

  “It’s just so sterile,” she says. “So cold. Nothing like you.” I have to smile at her words. This cold, sterile contract is exactly like me. The me I was before I hooked up with her, that is. “I’m just supposed to stand around all boring like some zombie? And I thought you told me never to stop talking to you.”

  “I did and I meant it. I like you lively and bold.” Who the fuck would have guessed?

  She’s a combination of that shy little thing that I scared out of my office and a woman who knows what she wants. It all turns me on. In all honesty, she’s not to be bound by contracts, but I want an agreement with her. The Dom in me is hell-bent on keeping her and I’m not going to argue with him.

  “Perhaps we can find an arrangement that is better suited to us,” she says.

  “I’m open to negotiations, but there are certain things I won’t lax on. That being said, I don’t mind making people who are important to me happy.”

  “I’m important to you?”

  “Let’s just assume that’s the case. What will make you happy?”

  “Can we go without a contract?”

  “Absolutely not. If you’re going to be my submissive, we need to have a contract.”

  “What’s the point if it’s only going to be for a few weeks?”

  “If we’re going to do this, it needs to be on my terms. I won’t have you cutting out on me whenever you feel like it. I want to have control over when and how you leave. It’s the ‘megalo’ in me.”

  “I deserved that,” she laughs. “Never would I want to bruise your ego. All I’m saying is I can stick around for two weeks.”

  “I want to officially be your Dom.”

  “Just my Dom?”

  “What else are you looking for?”

  “I don’t know. Something different, I guess.�

  “You guess?”

  “Can I level with you now?”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Okay, well, I’m feeling like this: you need me to be contracted as a sub and I know you’re not into getting too close for whatever reason and I respect that. Truly, I do. With that being said, I have to stay true to myself and at the same time be honest with you.”

  “And I can respect that.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “So, let me have it.”

  “Am I wrong in assuming you’d want me to give you my all, like one hundred percent?”

  “I don’t want anything less.”

  “That’s what I thought. Two weeks is just not worth all of that for me.”

  “So, how long are we talking about here?”

  “I would prefer not to put a strict timetable on it, but definitely long term. Honestly, I’ve never been in a contract, but to go through the trouble, I’d like to have time to enjoy it. Two weeks just feels like a wham, bam.”

  “I would definitely thank you, ma’am.”

  “Oh, stop it.”

  “I couldn’t resist.”

  “I guess now would be a good time to tell you that titles are important to me too.”

  “Being your Dom isn’t title enough?”

  “It’s a great title. I love that title, but an even better one would be… boyfriend.”


  “Yes, but only in addition to Dom. Kind of like a Dom/boyfriend combo.”

  “I thought you were a sub.”

  “I am, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want a boyfriend.”

  “Where the hell did this shit come from all of a sudden?”

  “I don’t know. I guess whatever’s stirred up in you that wanted me last night has me wanting a boyfriend today.”

  “Me fucking you against a window conjured this shit up?”

  “Seems so, because I decided I want a boyfriend and I want him to be you. In fact, I insist.”

  “You insist?”


  She folds her arms over her chest ready for me to dispute her. Her defiance is a perfect balance of cute and sexy and I can’t wait to punish her for it. Right after I get out of this boyfriend shit.


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