Sweet Surrender

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Sweet Surrender Page 12

by Rebel Wild

  “Sir,” Sampson comes in to interrupt. I guess he’ll have to do. “I just spoke to Lon in security. The clearances you asked for have already been implemented. Everything is good to go.”

  “Sampson,” I say before he leaves. “I need your help with something. Reagan and I are now in a committed relationship.”


  “She’s my girlfriend.”

  “Ah, I see. I can’t say I’m surprised.”

  “I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind teaching me how to sign. I’ve learned a lot on my own, but I need to know a few more common phrases that we’ll run across in social situations. You’ve been with me when I’ve interacted with my family and business associates. You’d know what I’d need to make her feel more a part of conversations without having to rely so much on her phone.”

  “Of course,” he says with a hint of pride. “When would you like to begin?”

  “Two hours before your shift ends,” I tell him. “I wouldn’t want to cut into your private time.”

  “It wouldn’t be a bother, but thank you, sir.”

  I arrive early to work as usual, but my badge doesn’t open the mailroom door. Lucky for me I meet up with Mrs. Stream and she lets me in.

  “Did you sleep here?” Mrs. Stream asks Buzz when he stumbles out of his office looking for coffee.

  He’s quite disheveled as he hugs his laptop to himself.

  “These computers aren’t going to secure themselves,” he tells her. “Threats are everywhere.” He looks around the room suspiciously, causing us to do the same before we eye each other and then him. “I’m going to go back to sleep,” he announces to her before speaking to me. “I’ll be up later to give you your new communication system.”

  I frown as to why I would need a communication system, but shrug it off as I rarely have a clue as to what he’s talking about. Knowing him, I’m sure it’s just a new erasable notepad he thinks I can’t figure out on my own.

  I’m about an hour into my work before I’m summoned to human resources.

  “Miss Montgomery,” a woman who looks like she’s in her late-thirties greets me. She’s with Lina, one of the interpreters who work in the outreach program. “My name is Dorothy. I need to orient you to your new position.”

  “New position?” Lina speaks what I sign.

  “Yes,” Dorothy states and Lina signs even though I know exactly what she’s saying. “I’m sorry, I thought you were aware. You’re now an assistant to our interior designer. You’ve already been cleared, so you’ll be moving up to the level II executive offices.”

  Assistant designer? What has Reed done?

  Chapter Thirteen

  I’m whisked away into her office so quickly I don’t even have time to think, let alone respond. The excitement starts to bubble up in my stomach as I begin filling out what seems to be an endless stack of paperwork, including one that gives me a substantial pay raise I almost faint over. I’m given a new badge that displays my brand-new title: Reagan Montgomery, assistant designer.

  I’m officially in the design business. I want to jump up and down with joy as I clip it on. I actually have a foot in the door of the design world. This is what I’ve been studying for the last four years.

  “Let’s get you upstairs for your tour,” Lina signs what Dorothy is telling me.

  We ride to the second floor. I’m excited to see it. I’ve always wanted to take a look but never had a reason to venture up. I was so tempted to pretend I was lost on my way up to delivering mail to the top execs, but I didn’t want to come across as being so incompetent that I didn’t know how to push the three on the elevator keypad. Being only a floor below Reed makes me feel good and I inwardly shake my head in displeasure at myself for thinking it.

  Dorothy introduces me to Michaela, the main receptionist before I’m ushered around to greet different people with whom I’ll be working closely. There are so many, I can’t keep them all straight, but I’m sure I will get to know them in time.

  I’m shown my desk and I want to squeal at the fact that I have an actual desk of my very own with a computer. And it has cute little office supplies adorning the top of it.

  “Let me introduce you to the man you will be working under, Reagan,” Dorothy says as we enter the closest office to my desk. “July Baylis, this is your new assistant, Reagan Montgomery.”

  A tall, slender man with dirty blond hair gets up to greet me.

  “Niiice… tooo… meeeet… youuuu… Rrreeaaggaaan.”

  He extends his hand to me and I shake it, ignoring his obvious slow pronunciation of each word he’s speaking to me. That would be understandable if I’d gone deaf yesterday, but I have been reading lips for nearly seven years now so it’s just annoying. We’ll never get anything done if he talks to me this slow all day.

  “Oh no, Mr. Baylis, your normal manner of speaking is fine,” Lina tells him.

  That’s not like her. Her job as an interpreter is just to… well, interpret. I guess Mr. Baylis must have pissed her off. Judging by Dorothy’s expression, he must have come across as demeaning me. I smile at him anyway. I don’t think he’s doing it to purposely make me feel bad.

  “I apologize, Reagan,” he says to Lina who’s signing.

  “Oh, please look at her when you speak to her,” Lina instructs him. “It’s an important step in lip reading.”

  “Of course,” he says.

  He looks mortified. The poor man is getting it in spades. I almost feel sorry for him. Not everyone’s comfortable around people that are disabled. At least he’s trying. He repeats his apology looking directly at me this time.

  “It’s fine, Mr. Baylis,” Lina says for me as I sign. “I’m looking forward to working with you. I got a chance to view your work when I first started here and your designs are wonderful.”

  “Well, aren’t you nice to a nitwit like me,” he says to me before looking to Lina and Dorothy. “Am I allowed to say she’s nice? I wouldn’t want to be smacked on the hand by the two of you for messing up again.”

  A laugh escapes my lips before I can catch it and he winks at me with a smile. I think we’re going to get along just fine. He gets back to work while I get familiar with my desk. I assure Lina that I’ll manage just fine on my own and she leaves me to my day.

  After an hour of feeling my way around, I think I’m getting the hang of it. The two other designers seem nice. They’re a little standoffish but I think that just comes from someone new being around.

  “Alright, kiddo, are you ready for this?” Buzz asks, sitting down in the chair in front of me. I grab my phone to talk and he takes it from me. “You won’t be needing that. I’ve got something better.”

  He hands me a device that’s like an iPad in size and shape except it’s twice as thick. He flips the screen upright, pushes a button, and the thing comes alive. A woman appears on the screen and I lean back in my chair wondering who the heck she is.

  “Hello, Reagan,” she signs to me. “My name is Cora and I’m here to help you in your day-to-day work tasks.”


  I’ve seen this when I go to the ATMs with teller assists at school. They have live people helping but I can’t believe I’m going to have my own personal one.

  “Are you really going to be with me all day?” I sign to her.

  “Yes. I’m your interpreter. The device you’re using will allow me to communicate more easily and effectively what you want to say. There are cameras that give me a 360-degree view whenever the screen is raised so I can see who’s talking with you. For example, even though Mr. Beano isn’t directly in front of the screen, I can see him very clearly and can interpret anything he may want to say to you or you to him from exactly where he is.”

  “She sure can,” she signs indicating it’s from Buzz.

  “This is awesome,” I sign to her and I read her lips
as she says it out loud to him.

  “I’m going to dismiss her now,” she signs for Buzz. “Whenever you need her just press the green button.” He lowers the screen and she’s gone. “Pretty bad-ass, huh?” he says and I nod, impressed. “There’s more.”

  He connects what looks like a flash drive to my computer.

  “I whipped this baby up last night,” he says. “It’ll alert you when you have a phone call. When they talk, the words will appear in a caption box on the screen and when you type, it’ll speak to them for you.”

  “How?” I mouth to him.

  “Oh, I just tapped into a little technology from somewhere,” he says. “Uh… don’t… don’t mention the somewhere. And the iPhone is already set up for you to use too. It has a high-tech program so you won’t sound like C-3PO.” I laugh at his joke. He’s funny this time. He gives me my security and access codes to the computer and sets up my email. “You’re moving on up, little one. And here I thought the boss was firing you. Shows you what I know. From the mailroom to the middle of the ladder. The boss must have seen something special in you. He’s good at reading people.”

  My spirit takes a nose-dive when I remember how I got this job and the reason why he’s going out of his way to help make it easier for me. It’s only because I am sleeping with the boss. I’m one of those women who is sleeping her way to the top.

  I wonder if I can reclaim my place down in the mailroom.

  The day is halfway done and everyone’s being nice to me. A little too nice and I can’t help but wonder if they know how and why I’m in this new position. Before I go to lunch, I shoot off an email to Reed telling him I need to see him and he tells me to come on up to his office. I push the third-floor elevator button.

  By this point, I’m so upset with Reed. I want to give him a piece of my mind. Sharon points to his door with her head and I go right in. I find him sitting at his desk engrossed in something he’s writing. Damn, he looks so good working here in his element.

  Focus, Reagan. Focus. You’re mad at him, remember?

  He looks up from his paperwork and flashes me a smile so sweet I almost melt. He beckons me closer with a bend of his finger. Of their own accord, my feet move to obey him before I can even tell them not to. He’s out of his chair and pulling me into him.

  “Mmmm, Reed,” I moan his name when I feel his hands creeping up my skirt kneading my ass through the satin of my panties. Mad, you’re supposed to be mad, Reagan. Not moany. “Fuck it,” I say out loud to myself, dropping the anger. It goes without much of a fight.

  “Oh, I plan to let you do just that,” Reed tells me. I think he’s turned on by my foul mouth.

  He pulls me along with him and I end up straddling him in his chair.

  “Reed,” I say, surprised when he rips my panties.

  He enters me and whatever protest I was about to put up instantly leaves my head.

  “Fuck,” he says, as he fills me. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

  “The door,” I say, remembering it’s not locked.

  “You better hurry up and fuck me then before someone catches us,” he says.

  The roguish grin on his face tells me he’s joking. I hope he’s joking.

  He shakes his head at me.

  “Sharon has strict orders not to let anyone in,” he calms my embarrassment. “Now, fuck it, baby.” I laugh at his words. Tangling the fingers of one hand in the hair at the nape of his neck, I place the other on his knee steadying myself while I grind into him. “Shit, baby,” he says grabbing my ass and moving with me.

  I pepper his neck with wet kisses before resting my lips on his shoulder. The feel of his breath on my ear is sending ripples right down to our connection. I can imagine what he’s saying and it’s making me come. He grabs me tight when I call out his name, pumping into me hard and fast to chase my release. He gives me four deep thrusts before he stills himself inside me.

  “Fuck, I needed that,” he says, when I look at him. “It’s been a busy day, baby.”

  His words remind me of what I came up here for in the first place and my anger returns.

  I hop off him and pull my skirt down all while trying to catch my breath. It doesn’t help at all that his cum is trickling out of me.

  “Why did you make them give me that job in upper management?” I ask him. “Never mind, I already know the reason, but I was okay in the mailroom.”

  “There was no way in hell I was going to leave my girlfriend down in the damn mailroom.”

  He gets up, tucks it back in his pants, and zips himself up. I try not to stare at the huge wet spot I left on him. It makes it look like he peed himself.

  “So, you just force them to give me a position I’m not at all qualified for to boost your ego?”

  I can tell by the look on his face that he is annoyed with me, but I don’t care. This is an important, life-changing decision that he didn’t even talk to me about. I’m his girlfriend. Well, I’m also his sub, but I’m his girlfriend first.

  “Reagan, you’re graduating with a degree in interior design. You’re more than qualified for the position. You were promoted, like more than half the people in the outreach program are. Mrs. Stream was on my ass when the position opened last month before I even knew who you were. It’s the reason she moved you to the executive mail. I blew her off before, but now of course, since you’ve come on my radar, so to speak, I did as she suggested.”

  “Is that really the reason?”

  “Absolutely. Baby, I wouldn’t just throw you somewhere without being sure you could handle the position. It had nothing to do with my ego and everything to do with my confidence in you.”

  Now, I’m practically over the moon that he has confidence in me.

  “What about all that new high-tech communication stuff?”

  “What can I say. I want you to be comfortable.”

  “Buzz’s doing something that he hinted at being illegal. It’s special treatment.”

  “Hell yes. You’re my girl. That means special treatment.”

  “But it’s not right.”

  “Who gives a shit?”

  “Me. And don’t drag me being your girl or my submissiveness into the workplace.”

  “Fine, let’s talk about the fact that you’re being insubordinate right now in the workplace. If you weren’t my girlfriend, your cute little ass would be kicked out the door by now.”

  “For questioning you?”

  “Yes. I don’t like being questioned on how I run my company, especially by my employee/girlfriend.”

  “Well, I don’t like being ordered about, especially by my CEO/ Dominant/ boyfriend.”

  I raise a critical eyebrow at myself because that made absolutely no sense. Two of those three titles give him cause to order me about.

  “You work for me, Reagan, and you are my submissive. That means you’re to take my orders. Simple as that.”

  Of course, he points it out.

  “Well, label me complicated.”

  He sighs in frustration and I relent.

  “I guess I’m not a very good submissive,” I admit, apologetically.

  “The worst when it comes to doing as your told. But that makes for a perfect girlfriend.”



  “I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful. I was just surprised by the whole thing.”

  “I meant to tell you, baby. I just got swamped with meetings. I canceled one just to see you.”

  I like the fact that he would put me before a meeting.

  “Reed, I don’t want things to be handed to me just because I share your bed. I want to earn my accomplishments.”

  “Oh, you’ll earn them, Miss Montgomery. No one’s going to give you a free pass. I won’t allow it, so you better bring your A-game.”

nbsp; “Okay. And thank you. I won’t let you down.”

  “You’re welcome and that would be impossible. Now, speaking of beds, I want you sharing mine tonight.”

  “I have class.”

  “Come after. I hated sleeping without you last night.”

  “I don’t know if I should.”

  He cups me, sliding a finger inside of me and I instantly contract around it.

  “I want you naked beside me tonight.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “There’s my good girl.”

  Oh, God, he is going to make me come right in his hand.

  I whimper when he takes his hand away and sucks his finger clean. He laughs at my sour face when he compliments on how well we taste mixed together. He goes over to his briefcase and fishes out a pair of fresh panties for me to put on and directs me to his bathroom to wash up.

  “How did you know I would come up here?” I ask him upon my return, feeling better now that I don’t reek of sex.

  “I didn’t, but I’m always prepared.”

  “Well, I hope you got yourself some pants in there because… uh,” I point to the wet spot.

  My mouth falls open when he gives me a grin, letting me know he’s proud of it. Not knowing what else to do with him, I head for the door. He grabs my arm and turns me around. It reminds me of the first time he had me up against his door and my submissiveness is on high alert.

  “It’s lunchtime. I’ll tell Baylis you’re taking an extended break.” Yeah, that won’t look at all suspect on my first day. “Go down to that deli on the corner you like so much.”

  “How do you know about...”

  “You don’t want to know.” He smirks at me. Great, I’m in love with some kind of stalker. Wait, did I just admit that to myself? I need to get out of here. “I’ll have Sampson drive you.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I’m so caught up in my own head I don’t even question why he feels I need Sampson. He frowns at my sudden affability but kisses me goodbye before I can change back to being disagreeable.


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