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by Slawek Wojtowicz


  by Slawek Wojtowicz

  With gratitude to all of my teachers.

  Copyright © 2010 by Slawek Wojtowicz

  ISBN 1453784667 EAN-13 9781453784662

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Book design by Boris Bencic

  Go into the world

  and spread the good news:

  The Kingdom of God is here!

  Even though I don’t really have a name,

  I have been known on this planet under many. I have been loved, feared, cherished and cursed by humans over the ages. People thought that the One responsible for their creation and expulsion from the Paradise is gone, yet I never went away, I was always with you. In a certain sense I shattered into pieces and thus became all of you – and I suffered as much as you did. It couldn’t be any other way… This is the price I/we had to pay for creating a

  near-perfect vehicle for God: YOU.

  Rejoice! The days of suffering are almost over: the Kingdom of Heaven is already here! If you are still asleep and don’t remember who you really are, it is time to awaken and to claim your rightful heritage. A new chapter in our never-ending adventure is about to start. This is the most amazing time in your history: Earth-humans will become the most powerful species in this Universe. This is your destiny and your future. An infinite Universe chock-full of adventure, joy and beauty is awaiting your arrival. It will keep you entertained for millennia to come!

  In time you will learn your long and complex road to this present moment – and the true history of Earth’s branch of Humanity. Some of you are already aware that there are many other human species in this Universe – yet you are unique and special in many ways. You are a product of very carefully guided genetic engineering, combining the best attributes of many human and non-human species, from this and from other Universes. You are not the “final product” by any means, but you are the best so far. Your latent powers and abilities far exceed those of any sentient species that interacted with humans over millennia of Earth’s history.It is time to awaken these powers – you are finally ready for that as a species.

  There is no need to be afraid anymore – you are in truth invulnerable and immortal and you have the most powerful Ally of all:

  The Creator Himself/Herself .


  You are all gods.

  John 10:34

  There is only one God,

  living in each and everyone of us.

  We are all Divine.

  We are truly ONE,

  though on the surface

  we appear separate.

  That is the biggest miracle and paradox of all – there is only one true God, yet He is fully and simultaneously present in all beings. Thus all humans are gods, just like Jesus was. That’s why he told his disciples: “Anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these” (John 14:12). That means that we also should be able to heal the sick, raise the dead and walk on water. Yet most of us live in misery, rarely suspecting our true identity or realizing latent powers that lie dormant within.

  WE ARE GOD! That is the very good news that Buddha, Jesus and many others proclaimed over and over again. Until now that news has been falling on deaf ears and blind eyes, as the time was not ripe yet .We did not understand that ”One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:6) lives inside each of us. Thomas Merton said that “if we knew what was in each one of us, we would bow down and worship one another”.

  When you read the biblical story surrounding this teaching about our common Divinity, it becomes obvious why it wasn’t read or explained in mainstream Christian churches: how can a priest or minister tell his congregation that they are all Divine, without undercutting his own power and without undermining the very reason of existence of his church? If God lives in each of us

  (as is the case!), we don’t need any intermediaries to commune with Him. He speaks to us through the Holy Spirit – a quiet voice inside of us that gives us directions on how to be more loving towards one another and how to navigate currents of life.

  While we don’t need churches on the way to realizing our Divine potential, we still need a community – other people serve as mirrors that show us things we have to work on to become more and more loving, in our never ending quest to be like God – our perfect Father/Mother. However perfection is impossible in this world – thus while striving for it, we have to forgive ourselves and others for not being as perfect as we would want us/them to be.

  Many of us dare to ask dangerous questions: Why are we here? What is the purpose of our lives? If an all-powerful and perfectly loving God exists, why do we have to suffer so much?

  Not so long ago such questioning lead to persecution and/or painful death in Christian world. Today organized religion is losing its former influence in the Western world, and fewer people seem to care about existential issues brought up by above questions. Many assume that there is no God, thus making these questions irrelevant. Others prefer not to question the religious dogma, clinging to the false security of blind faith. These few who try to ask difficult questions usually discover that religious leaders don’t have consistent, logical answers to offer. Fewer still have been persistent enough to find the answers to these questions on their own, even though Jesus clearly told us: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). What are we supposed to look for? Where is the door that we need to knock on?

  All along human beings have been unknowingly looking for one thing only, though that “thing” has been hiding under many guises: unconditional Love. Without it we cannot be truly happy. Feeling loved means different things for different people and we are often afraid to ask for things that would make us feel truly loved. We all want to be accepted for who we are, and secretly dream about others making us the center of their world. Ironically, we are often unable or unwilling to love others in such a manner. After living for a while in the world seemingly devoid of love, some of us give up

  on the hope of ever finding that kind of love. Others keep searching fruitlessly or even try to get it by force or other unsavory means. Love is what God is. Thus we are all looking for God. Where should we look first? Christian mystics had a clear answer: God’s Love resides within: “Knock on yourself as upon a door, and walk upon yourself as on a straight road. For if you walk on the road, it is impossible for you to go astray. And if you knock with this one, you knock on hidden treasures” (The Teachings of Silvanus). Thus our most important task in this life is to discover and to awaken the Love buried deeply within, under onion-like layers of fear, depression, anxiety, anger, resentments and loneliness.

  Perhaps one of the main reasons that God created this Universe is His desire to have others to love? God doesn’t need armies of slaves worshipping Him – God doesn’t really need anything from us at all – He just wants to share His overflowing Love with all of us and in turn to experience the outpouring of that Love through each and every one of us. We are here so that we can share Love with one another. As we begin to awaken to who we really are, we learn that everything we perceive is Divine. God is everywhere and permeates everything. Every stone, every plant, every animal is actually part of God’s body. God is everywhere, including inside of us. He is in Nature, in every grain of sand, in every ocean, cloud and raindrop. Nothing exists outside of God - indeed, there is no outside of God. We are all children of God, just like Jesus, even though we may
not be consciously aware of that. Thus each of us has potential to become a Christ. In a certain sense God is “asleep” in most of us and needs to be awakened. That’s where personal effort is required – to bring the Love from within into the outside world. In the process of becoming more loving we get closer and closer to God, until we get so near Him that Awakening becomes possible. Thus it is not only possible, but absolutely necessary to experience God first-hand. Seeking that experience is the most important goal in our life, a pre-requisite for salvation. Once you experience God directly you will know that He is inside of you and that He loves all people equally and unconditionally – Muslims and Christians, Buddhists and atheists, saints and sinners alike.

  Jesus did not want to start a new religion – he wanted to teach each of us how to become a Christ like him. Yet humanity wasn’t ready for his message two thousand years ago. Are we ready today?

  We live in a very special era. This is the first time in our recorded history when conditions are converging to give us an opportunity to experience Global Awakening that will permanently reshape our race, to move to the next step of our evolution. But when sentient species is as deeply asleep as we are, the process of Awakening is a very painful one. That’s why Jesus compared the spiritual path to a “small gate and narrow road” (Matthew 7:14) and an “eye of a needle” that is difficult to squeeze through (Mark 10:25). True spiritual paths are very difficult and thorny, since they require us to confront our very nature, our deeply ingrained beliefs, habits and convictions. They require our old self to die little by little, so that our new, Divine Self can emerge. That’s why most of us prefer to avoid entering the narrow road until we are absolutely desperate.

  Today Humanity as a whole is approaching a critical juncture when we will have to choose between either evolving or becoming extinct. The choice is ours. The second coming of Christ is an individual Awakening, not an external event. There will be no external “Saviors” arriving on the clouds – each and every one of us is personally responsible for his/her own salvation. Fortunately for those who are open-minded, curious and brave enough, there are plenty of time-tested spiritual technologies that allow one to look deeply within and to face personal monsters that guard the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven. Naturally, these demons have manifested also without on our turbulent planet – the external world being just a reflection of our inner turmoil.

  In John 10:30- when Jesus was attacked by those who were upset by his claims of Divinity, first he poked fun at his attackers, asking them which of his miracles do they want to stone him for? Then he responded to their outraged cries of blasphemy by pointing them to Psalm 82, that explicitly states that “you are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.” That psalm also describes the dire consequences of our ignorance: “They know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the Earth are shaken.”

  We can see the results of that lack of knowledge all around us: we poisoned the very air we breathe and water we drink, the food we eat is full of pesticides and hormones that make our children sick. Many animal species (including ourselves) are at the brink of extinction and Earth’s ecosphere is close to collapse, threatened by the run-away greenhouse effect. In our insanity we have been attacking and destroying our own nest. We have been biting the hand that feeds us – bleeding Mother Earth to death. She patiently suffered and tolerated our matricidal madness, knowing that we will eventually wake-up and heal the damage we caused. Brothers and Sisters, the time for playing is over; we have to stop those who are still asleep from destroying our common Home. If we don’t act immediately our species will become extinct. It is time to start healing the wounds we inflicted on our loving Mother. We have to stop killing one another as well as other animals. We have to shut down factories that pollute our skies and rivers and start cleaning our environment. There is plenty of work for generations to come.

  It is also time to spill all of the ancient secrets jealously guarded by those who have been in power over millennia. It is time to reveal the identity of these “gods” who meddled in our affairs since the birth of human race; which dared to presume that they own this planet and that we are their slaves. St Paul referred to them obliquely as the “powers and principalities” and he knew who we have been fighting against, who has been our real enemy: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12).

  The invisible movers and shakers behind the screen will be exposed for who they really are: not gods, but arrogant, ignorant extraterrestrials who in their arrogance chose to play cruel gods for a young, trusting species, just emerging into consciousness. They were responsible for starting some of the major religions and meddling with others to keep us divided against each other and enslaved in perpetuity. They lost that game – we, the slaves, finally discovered that The Most High lives inside of each of us. This Truth makes us free.

  Even though we are a young species, we are not as gullible or asleep as these extraterrestrials imagined. There were always those who saw what was happening around them, but at the time they couldn’t do anything to change the power balance. Yet they hoped that the day of reckoning would come eventually. A long time ago, the Prophet Isaiah foretold that “In that day God will punish the powers in the heavens above and the kings on the earth below” (Isaiah 24:21). Many others, like him, waited for this day to come. For a good reason they called it the Judgment Day. Finally that Day is coming!

  Alien criminals will be brought to a human court of justice to respond for all their crimes perpetrated against humanity over millennia – including major epidemics, such as Black Death, abductions of human beings and monumental theft of our natural resources, just to name the few. And the same court will judge those traitors who collaborated with these “gods”, trying to sell the freedom of the whole human race for a few shining trinkets. How low one has to fall to betray even own species! Yet even these immature beings will be judged with love, compassion and fairness.

  Today we can say that we have suffered enough, we have learned the lessons we wanted to learn – Humanity will soon reach ONENESS. We don’t want to inflict pain on ourselves anymore. It is so much better to love one another and to experience consciously the greatest miracle of all: one and the same God living in all of us, playing all the parts in the wonderful movie we call Reality.

  Each of us is like a hologram, containing the whole Universe within. The secret name of God, protected by 72 substitute names in Jewish tradition, is “ I AM ” . This is the shared I AM that lives inside every sentient being – be it human, dolphin or extraterrestrial. This is the “I AM” that Moses encountered in his vision of the burning bush (Exodus 3:14) and the same “I AM” that Psalm 46 calls us to discover within, through meditation and other practices cultivating stillness (“Be still and know that I AM God”). I AM is the power within which can move the mountains and create new Universes. Today each of us is reclaiming this power – and thus Humanity is being transformed from the pariah of the Galaxy into the most powerful race in the Universe! Enough talking. The Truth of who you really are has to be experienced first-hand by reaching deep within. It cannot be gained by intellectual means, no matter how much you read, talk or think. This is the Truth that will set you free (John 8:32). If you are sincere and determined to find God, you will succeed. This is His solemn promise, because YOU are the Creator of the Universe and YOU made this promise to yourself.


  There is nobody else “out there” – YOU are ALL THAT IS. EVERYTHING you experience is meant to help you to awaken to whom you really are.

  Are you willing to break some taboos to discover your true identity? Are you brave enough to look within - underneath the dark clouds of fear, anger and sadness? Are you willing to take responsibility for the Universe YOU created?



  tw o

  If anyone would come after me,

  he must deny himself and take up his

  cross and follow me.

  Matthew 16:24

  This is one of the most advanced and most important pieces of spiritual technology left for us by Jesus. If you want to become a Christ, like Jesus, you have to deny yourself and accept suffering in your life, just like he did. What does it exactly mean to “deny yourself”? In more contemporary terms it means to deny our false “self,” to undo the programming that prevents us from truly loving ourselves and others. To become fully human we have to

  de-program ourselves, erasing deeply ingrained habits and thought patterns implanted by our parents, our schools, our culture and our religion. It is a monumental task, requiring a lot of patience, perseverance and inner strength. It certainly helps to have an enlightened teacher as a guide on this difficult path, which requires one to die every day to the old ways.

  From the evolutionary point of view an ability to automate many behaviors is very advantageous: for example, it allows animals equipped with this mechanism to react instantaneously and in the most appropriate way in life-threatening situations, thus providing a definitive survival advantage over animals that don’t have or have lesser capability to store complex behavioral programs in their brains. The more of these programs they can store, the better they are adjusted to their environment, provided that that environment is relatively stable. The down side of this mechanism becomes painfully obvious when particular species become “over-specialized” or “too-well adjusted” to their environment, to the point that they cannot survive if their particular ecological niche disappears or changes dramatically, say due to climate change. Under these circumstances inflexible programming and excessive specialization often leads to the extinction of such species.

  Human brains are extremely complex and can hold more sophisticated programming than the brains of other animals. Our brains are also more malleable – thus, any programming, no matter how deeply ingrained, can be potentially removed or replaced. Complexities of interactions between sentient beings, such as humans, require much more than automated, pre-determined responses. At this stage of our evolution we don’t have to employ our animal-level programming. We have an ability to ponder the best course of action in each circumstance, instead of responding automatically, as required in life-threatening situations .


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