Mark 2.0: Book 2: Hate

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Mark 2.0: Book 2: Hate Page 6

by Prax Venter

  “Ohh mmyes!” Aurum bent her head back and thrust her chest forward so he could have all the access he wanted. Her hot, soft crotch began bouncing on him again, slowly and he could feel the sweaty skin on his balls sticking to her smooth metallic ass as she rose and fell on him.

  He kept his hands working her nipples, and the demigod of gold eventually leaned forward again, and her furry Vulpath ears pitched forward as well as she stared into his eyes.

  The pounding from her thick thighs and weighty mass quickly began to take its toll on his pelvis, and Mark could tell she was far enough from an orgasm that this solid-gold woman was going to get more aggressive the closer she got. He considered stopping her and flipping so he could pound her, but his eye told him that she might not reach an orgasm unless she was on top.

  She ground her engorged gold lips down into his crotch again, and inspiration hit him.

  Mark reassigned his energy output to summon a form-fitting layer between them with his bare cock sticking through it. He carefully crafted a little nub that pressed into her clitoris when she smashed down on him, and Aurum let out a deep groan of ecstasy that held hints of squealing metal.

  The constant erotic energy electrifying her pleasure center apparently cut the voltage to her limbs, and Aurum rolled her neck slowly as she licked her lips, barely holding onto consciousness.

  Mark reached up to place his hands on her back and pulled the half-goddess down on top of him. Her heavy breasts were making it hard for him to breathe, but he was on a mission, and he would conquer this beast.

  Reforming his ethereal crotch shield a bit, Mark lifted her up like she was a car, and he was simply changing her tire. With more room to work, Mark shoved his cock up through the shield and deep into her pussy.

  Aurum moaned by his ear, her mind finally melting under his abilities. Testing his fine control, Mark extended some of his energy up the base of his shaft so more of it penetrated the weighty woman of gold panting above him.

  She started to lose her shape somewhat as Mark worked his half-coated dick in and out of her clenching hole. The demigod was close to the end, but she was also very hard to please. Mark grit his teeth as he hammered against the slick, syrupy friction gripping his shaft and noticed something about the way her greedy hole spasmed. He would need something more to truly get this elemental half-goddess off.

  Instead of coating some of his dick in a thin layer, he created a full-sized copy that he slowly worked in alongside his own.

  Aurum grabbed the back of his neck with her claws, pressed her hot forehead to his and then pounded his double dicks so hard that he felt the pelvic shield begin to buckle.

  Pouring all the focus he had on keeping his energy flowing, he adjusted the part that nudged her clit to grab it instead.

  Aurum howled into the cave, and the ground began to shake around them. Dirt and a few small pebbles rained down on them as the demigoddess reached her climax. Her hot hole clenched hard on his cock, and when it was over Aurum melted into an amorphous blob of pure gold.

  The pool of warm liquid metal quivered once and then spread to engulf half of his body. He could feel the force on his shield was gone, so he dismissed it and gave her full access to his sensitive flesh. Mark knew actual molten gold would melt through his skin quickly, and she was certainly warm to the touch, but the soft half-elemental felt luxuriously rich and pleasing.

  A groan forced its way from his throat from the intense spinning pleasure she began inflicting on the taut skin of his erection. The lower portion of the whirling blob pulled the skin on his shaft taut as another part licked and slurped as if his cock was in a blender of tongues.

  Mark’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as Aurum’s hot, dripping metal tugged at his balls while she pulled a load of semen from him. She didn’t stop even then, and there was no escaping her constant stimulation until he was beyond dry.

  - 5 -

  Aurum made it feel as if she were kissing his bare skin all over before she slid off him and reformed into an exaggeration of a voluptuous half-Vulpath lying by his side.

  “You three are lucky to have such a selfless Lover…” she said.

  Mark was still trying to catch his breath from the sharp tingling he’d felt on the tip of his still-spasming penis when he looked over and saw Jezebel, Sasha, and Abby all staring at him and licking their lips as if they were about to be handed a triple-scoop of their favorite-flavored ice cream.

  “They sure are lucky,” Mark said, patting her thick, solid thigh. He then sat up and walked his bare feet across the treasure to retrieve his clothes. All the monster-women in the chamber watched as he got dressed.

  “Now,” he said, throwing his leather coat over his shoulder, “will you help us retrieve the Crystal Heart shards from your mother?”

  “What?” Jezebel asked. Her intelligent emerald eyes bounced as she worked it out and then put her hand on her armored hip. “You knew where they were already?”

  Aurum sat up, a wave of shock rippling through her reflective features.

  “That ‘a boy.” Sasha gave him a wink as her spade tail swayed behind her.

  Mark smiled. “I didn’t know at first. I only got a better peek after we started kissing.”

  “You certainly are more than you appear, Mark,” the sex-drunk demigod said as she narrowed her eyes and stood from the bed of coins. “You may be gifted, but if I still had my gem-men, you’d never have stood a chance. I say this as a warning, my mother’s primal power reaches far beyond even my understanding. Yet, if you defy all that is known and find me within the elemental plane of earth, then I may be convinced to arrange another trade.”

  “Our current trade remains unfulfilled,” Abby said with a sinister shark-tooth smile. “As your information is now worthless, you currently have a debt yet to pay for Mark’s immeasurable services.”

  Mark felt an echo of respect hit him from Sasha and Jezebel as the petite abyssal horror negotiated with the demigod of gold.

  “She’s right,” Aurum said before he could speak, and then plunged her metal hands down into the glinting piles of gems, coins, and jewelry under their feet. Her magnificent curves rippled as she rooted around, then a tendril of her body rose up directly in front of him holding a gleaming gold ring.

  She flicked it upward, and Mark snatched the object out of the air. It was a simple band with unknown runes carved around the edge.

  “It’s a magic ring,” Aurum said. “When worn, it will absorb a small amount of physical damage. Use it. Stay alive.”

  Aurum gave one nod to his Enthralled, and then the bastard demigoddess of Thomellia began whirling in place, her voluptuous body deforming as she flattened into a disk of molten metal.

  The piles of treasure also began to move as one enormous whirlpool. When the gold candle stands fell over and snuffed out the dim lighting, Mark summoned his mace and waded against the current over to his monster-women.

  “Should we stop her?” Abby asked, her yellow eyes wide.

  “No,” Mark said as he stood close.

  A dark portal formed a few moments later, and everything that wasn’t solid rock simply winked out of existence.

  He sighed as he looked down at the ring resting on his palm.

  “These fucking shards…” he said.

  “Don’t tell me you aren’t having fun in Jezebel’s twisted funhouse?” Sasha asked, pressing her soft breasts against his arm.

  Jezebel clomped over and hugged the succubus under her wings from behind, surprising her.

  “I knew you thought this was fun!” Her luminous emerald eyes shifted to his. “Uncovering the interwoven histories of this land is endlessly fascinating.”

  “Sure is,” Mark said, squeezing them all in an awkward group hug as one hand held their source of light, and the other held his new magic ring. “Hey, Momma Bear,” he whispered, “want to snap a charm and get us out of here?”

  The strawberry-blonde satyr reached for a pocket in her armor and counted to
three before they were all standing under the blaring light of late afternoon. The recall landing zone was busier than usual, so Mark led them off to the side.

  “Now what?” he asked, slipping on his new ring on his middle finger, next to his Lover Class heart ring. He felt something, but it wasn’t anything he could put into words, and then the sensation was gone. He shrugged and saw Abby pull what looked like a cut sapphire out of her bikini top.

  “Abby!” he yelled. “Did you snatch that out of her trove?”

  “I wanted to make sure we received enough-”

  Her words were cut short when several black darts zipped past Mark’s arm. One ricocheted off Sasha’s metal leg, and another struck the abyssal horror in the center of her chest.

  Fear gripped Mark’s heart as Abby went limp, her large eyes rolled up into her head. Her stolen gem clinked against the stone ground as Mark activated his protective barrier and several more darts impacted the translucent membrane immediately afterward.

  “Look!” Jezebel yelled, and Mark spun to see over a dozen of the short, four-armed Stones dressed in black ninja outfits and closing in on them fast.

  He dropped to his knees, pulled the dart out of Abby, then hoisted her unconscious body into his arms. Mark saw everyone near the landing zone shouting and running from the area, and it was time they did the same.

  “Move!” Mark yelled as he sprinted out of his shield and away from their attackers.

  “Don’t you dare let them escape!” someone shouted, and Mark caught a quick glimpse of a Skeema Stone wearing a suit and a leather hat. Jezebel locked up the closest four-armed ninja in magic vines, and Mark was shocked to see the shorter creatures moving so unnaturally fast.

  He focused on moving his feet as quick as he could toward the interdimensional point of light he’d seen on that bridge on the earth Level. It wasn’t far, and they’d be able to lose their attackers by hopping back through to the Wrongside. Abby curled one of her tentacles around his waist, and he was glad she was alive, but the thought turned to sinking unease when he realized these Skeema were trying to capture them- somehow that seemed worse than trying to kill them.

  Another iron dart whizzed past his ear, and Sasha tossed a Shock Bomb over her shoulder. He didn’t look back, and when he saw the marble bridge around the waterfall, he knew they were going to make it.

  “Take Abby!” he yelled, and Sasha was there to free his hands. Mark coated his fingers with black crackling energy before a small itching pinprick nudged his shoulder slightly. And then everything became incredibly difficult.

  The dirty marble bridge seemed to fly up into his face, and he heard someone yelling his name, but they were miles and miles past the cottony clouds-

  Mark shook his head and snapped awake. He pushed himself off the ground, but it felt as if the sensuously solid body of Aurum was sitting on his back. Drool leaked out of his mouth instead of some question he thought he had, but he took a moment to try and make sense of the soft blankets pulling over his-

  He snapped awake again when it felt like he was punched in the gut. Mark forced open his eyes and saw the carved faces of marble Vulpath flashing by. Enormous furry paws were a blur as they propelled him higher and higher, and gripping the hairy beast next to him were a pair of gleaming chrome legs that ended in sharp black hooves.

  This had to be Sasha, and he was glad she was nearby. Dangling next to him was a small green woman, and he remembered the horror of her falling limp before his eyes. Wrenching nausea twisted Mark’s mind, and the worn-down faces of the Vulpath spinning by became tortuous to perceive. He closed his eyes for only a moment before it felt like he was punched in the gut once more. They were among the shadows of giant wooden boxes, and he heard Sasha aggressively whispering something about “their best option”.

  Then, an instant later the brown furry beast that carried him and those he loved soared through the air over the entire city of Thomellia. There were thatched rooftops, people like ants going about their day, and then it was all replaced with sun-bleached wooden boards.

  Pain exploded in the center of his body, and Mark forced his mind toward the distant surface of reality one more time. The vivid blue sky was blurred by dozens of spinning disks all buzzing as if wasps were stinging his brain. Remaining conscious was agony, and he knew this fight to stay above the warm black waters of oblivion was futile.

  The emerald eyes of a concerned bear with ram’s horns moved between him and the sharp, buzzing blades above. He tried to reach for the familiar creature, but she had to be a hundred… thousand miles…

  - 6 -

  “Help me, Mark. Please…”

  Mark opened his eyes and pulled in a deep breath through his nose as if he’d never tasted air before. He sat bolt upright and summoned his club, ready to defend the ones he cared for- but his throbbing mind caught up to his skull, and his glowing weapon immediately dimmed along with his vision.

  “Easy there, killer.”

  The soothing voice of his ex-AI assistant caressed his ears, and he turned to see his blue-eyed succubus stretched out next to him.

  With a hand to his head, Mark dismissed his summoned energy and slowly scanned the small room of wood paneling. Jezebel stood up from a stool near the foot of the bed, and behind her he saw a wooden door. Sasha was to his right, Abby was sleeping against his left, and the three of them were packed together on a strange bed with blue sheets. His nose felt like an ice cube, and he was thankful to be surrounded by warm beast-women. Outside, he heard a continuous thumping sound echoing to him from everywhere as if they were in a room in the middle of a giant wooden machine.

  “Where are we?” Mark asked, trying to remember how he got here. Wasn’t someone desperately pleading… something?

  “A merchant’s airship,” Jezebel answered, “headed south to someplace called Starglade- a major metropolis. Are you okay? How do you feel?”

  She leaned forward, putting her hands on the bed, and Mark noticed that all she had on was her soft pink t-shirt.

  Mark nodded. “I’m fine- I think. Just hungover. Strange dreams…” He frowned and tried to remember how he got on an airship. “We were attacked,” he began, piecing it together. “Abby went down first. I remember getting punched in the gut a few times… Who attacked us?”

  Jezebel darted her emerald eyes over to Sasha and then back to Mark.

  The succubus sighed. “We think they were hired assassins waiting for us at the recall zone. Zapping that grabby guy’s face finally came back to bite us.”

  “Also,” Jezebel added, “I hypothesize that the foreman hired by the Awysai recognized Sasha’s metal legs. The Stones seem to have a thing for them.”

  Mark looked down at Sasha’s chrome goat legs. He slid his hand down the length of her smooth thigh, his fingers clenching on her solid calf until they were white from the force of his grip. He should have been paying attention. His cursed eye would have probably alerted him if he’d scanned the landing zone... or used his summoned energy to shield his back while he carried Abby… or figured out something.

  He sighed, letting it go and felt fortunate to be in a life-or-death fantasy nightmare with highly competent team members. At least they didn’t get captured this time.

  “How long was I out?” he asked.

  “About four hours,” Sasha answered.

  Abby let out a snore and rolled onto her back. Her bikini top didn’t quite make the rotation, and her stiff, white-colored nipples were now pointing to the wooden-beam ceiling.

  “She has less body mass and should be out for longer,” Jezebel said. “I’m just glad they weren’t trying to kill us. We need to be careful.”

  Mark nodded, just staring at Abby’s flat green stomach and perky breasts as she breathed.

  “Our little thief stole coins and gems from Aurum,” the satyr continued, clomping up to Abby’s side of the bed. “I’m sure we lost some running up the stairs and through the city, but a pile of treasure spilled out of her tiny bottoms after
our rough landing onto the deck of this vessel.”

  “There’s no way those four-armed assholes saw us escape the city,” Sasha said from his other side then leaned her body over his. “No one knows where we are.”

  Her heavy, soft breasts pressed into his crotch as she moved her face close to one of Abby’s exposed nipples. His irresistible sex-demon turned her playful blue eyes up to his and said, “So, we should relax and enjoy the ride.”

  There were still some missing parts to how they got here and where they were going, but all Mark could think about was placing his hand on Sasha’s round ass as he watched her plant little kisses on the abyssal horror’s small breast.

  Jezebel moved to Abby’s side of the bed and lowered herself down onto her knees to join in from the other side. The sight of her emerald eyes locked on his, and her cute freckled face suckling gently on Abby’s exposed nipples drove him wild.

  “Mmmph,” Abby moaned under their hot mouths, and her tentacle began wrapping around his thigh.

  Just as Mark’s stiffening erection began to poke up between Sasha’s tits, a muffled bellowing voice came from everywhere at once. They were yelling something he couldn’t quite make out.

  Abby sucked in a deep breath and sat bolt upright, and both Jezebel and Sasha barely got out of the way as the petite green woman leaped from the bed.

  “What happened?” she asked, her yellow eyes darting around wildly. “Where are we? Why do my pleasure nubs ache? Do I perceive singing?”

  “Relax, sweetie,” Sasha said, climbing off Mark. “It sounds like Captain Duard.”

  “Yes,” Jezebel agreed. “But what is he doing? It sounds… amplified.”

  “Captain Duard?” Abby asked, wrapping her long tentacles around her slender stomach. Mark saw her smooth skin tighten further as goosebumps covered her from head to toe.

  Outside their cabin, eerie droning music began to join the man’s bellowing voice, and someone started beating a bongo that had to be the size of the universe. Their whole cabin shook from its slow, deep rhythm.


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