Chasing Hearts_An Underground Series Novel

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Chasing Hearts_An Underground Series Novel Page 4


  Jerking the dress from her hands, I snapped, “I am a virgin.”

  She shrugged. “So, doesn’t mean you need to look it.”

  “He didn’t have a problem with what I was wearing before, so why change?”

  “To drive him wild of course.”

  I shook my head at her, not even bothering to argue. We would always have differing opinions on how we should portray ourselves, and there was no use wasting my breath on it. My everyday clothing had easily aroused the prince; purposely showing more skin would be showing my hand. I’d rather keep my moves subtle. So I could keep him on his toes until I had him right where I wanted him. One thing I knew for sure about this arrangement, I would be the one with the power, no one else. I was done being pushed around.

  * * *

  METAL CLINKING AGAINST PLATES was the only sound to accompany the awkward silence that filled the dining hall.

  Normally I dined alone in the library or with the servants. My parents were usually too busy entertaining to eat a meal with me. I couldn’t even remember the last time we sat down together to eat, so sitting with them now made the situation even tenser than it should have been.

  I felt bad for the UnSeelie Prince. He wasn’t used to the intensity of my parents. My eyes watched as he shifted in his seat, his eyes darting around him like he was waiting for someone to jump out at him and attack at any moment. It took all my effort not to smirk at his discomfort.

  “So,” my mother finally broke the silence. Her sharp gaze locked onto the prince not missing a detail. “What do you go by?”

  “Excuse me?” the dark haired prince’s brow rose and genuine confusion filled his face.

  “Well, we can’t very well call you your highness now can we?” My mother glanced at my father and me and gave a dirty chuckle. “You must have some kind of name to which we can refer to you by?”

  My betrothed’s face actually reddened at my mother’s question. “No, I suppose not.” His eyes met mine, and I gave him a reassuring smile but quickly dropped it.

  You’re supposed to be making this harder for him not easier, I chastised myself. I couldn’t seem to help myself when it came to this man. There was something about him that just made me want to save him. Whether from my mother or from himself I wasn’t sure.

  “Most of my citizen’s call me the dark prince. I suppose you can call me that as well.” As soon as he said his name, I had to hold back my laugh. I didn’t do a good enough job though because a strangled noise came out causing the dark prince’s eyes to snap to me. I covered up my slip up by taking a drink from my glass.

  “And what about my bride to be?”

  His words caught me off guard causing my drink to go down the wrong pipe. Coughing, my eyes watered as I croaked, “What?”

  “What do you wish me to call you?” His dark sapphire eyes glittered with laughter. “Or would you prefer just wife?”

  Before I could answer my mother burst out laughing. “I had forgotten how amusing your kind are. I will have to remember to invite more of you to my gatherings. Don’t you think, dear?” She clasped hands with my father who had a tinge of a smile on his face as well, but the strain around his eyes told me he wasn’t as happy to be here either.

  “Whatever you say, my love.” He gave my mother a tight smile, but his eyes never wavered from the UnSeelie Prince.

  For all my father’s convincing to get me to agree to this marriage, now that it was actually happening and right in front of him, he didn’t seem too thrilled about it. Or trusting of my betrothed. Was it just fatherly concern or something more?

  Unfortunately, I was unable to answer that question yet because everyone’s gaze turned to me, waiting for me to answer the question. “I… I don’t know.” I frowned hard. I’d never had to think about a nickname. As the princess, everyone just called me your highness anyways or my parents called me daughter. Unlike Erydesa, I didn’t have an outstanding trait like talking too much or body jewelry like Bastian. It was in that moment that I realized how utterly boring I was.

  “Then shall we name you now?” my betrothed suggested causing all of our eyes to turn to him.

  “I think that’s a splendid idea.” My mother clapped her hands together with a gleeful smile. “Since you are soon to be taking my daughter as your own, I think it is only fitting you do the honor. Don’t you think, daughter?”

  My jaw clenched at being referred to as if I were a piece of property. I smiled tightly. “Of course, mother.”

  The dark prince didn’t say anything for a moment. His eyes roamed over me taking in every inch. I felt a slight twinge in parts I had never felt before at the intensity of his gaze. It caused the dark prince’s nostrils to flare and his eyes to turn stormy. Shifting in my seat, I didn’t dare meet my parent’s eyes. They no doubt could tell that my scent had changed, and that was too horrifying to even contemplate.

  Finally, when I felt as if I could no longer bare his stare, he spoke, “Peach.” The single word caused a liquefying effect on my insides. Not the word itself but the way he said it. Dark, forbidden. As if he were talking about more than just a name. It caressed my flesh and coaxed my magic, asking me to let it in. And Reaper help me I really wanted to.



  SITTING IN MY GUEST room, I ran over the events of the evening. I didn’t know why I chose that name for my future wife. She wasn’t a piece of fruit. But all I could think of was her creamy skin and the way she smelled. Sweet and juicy, I couldn’t wait to take a bite out of my blushing bride. Waiting to take her until she was ready would be torture but well worth the wait.

  I had no doubt in my mind that my future bride was untouched. She blushed far too easily.

  Then there was her reaction to the name I gave her. I didn’t mean to put so much magic into the name. It had just happened. The effect it had on her though was worth it.

  If I thought she smelled fantastic before, the way she smelt after my magic touched her made a primal force ignite inside me. Never with any of my prior lovers had I been so taken by another. It had taken all I had not to jump across the table and take her right there in front of her parents.

  I snorted. Knowing how the Seelie were about sex, I wondered if they would have even cared. Their parties were known to get quite physical. The guests becoming so drunk on faerie wine that it was not unheard of for an orgy or two to sprout up in the midst of the ballroom.

  Thinking of those kinds of parties made me frown. How was my peach so untouched with the world she lived in? The fact that she had not taken a lover or two over her lifetime was suspicious.

  Not that I was complaining. I didn’t want to have to compete with any past or current lovers. Not to forget the thought of being her first and only lover made the alpha in me roar with delight.

  I adjusted the painful tightness that had been constantly plaguing me since the moment I saw my peach. If I didn’t get some relief, I would have a full night of tossing and turning. The morning could not come faster. I wanted to see her again, but this time without her parents or annoying friend by her side.

  If only I could get her alone, then I could put her fears at ease. I was sure she had many. Fae weren’t very trusting. And asking a Seelie Fae to trust an UnSeelie was like telling the sun to stop moving across the sky. Thinking of seeing her again caused my magic to jerk. It didn’t want to wait either.

  And why should I? She was my betrothed. We were practically married anyway. Why shouldn’t I visit her now?

  Standing from the couch, my feet moved toward the door. Once out in the hallway, I froze. I had no idea where her bedroom was or if she would even be in there.

  Placing my hands on my hips, I took a deep breath in trying to find some hint of her sweet scent. I caught a faint whiff. It was old, not something I could really follow. More than likely it was from weeks ago. I doubted she frequented the guest’s quarters often.

  Since I couldn’t rely on my sense of smell, I would have to use my mag
ic to guide me. I twirled my hand in the air and blue light filled my palm. Not too bright to draw attention to me but bright enough that I could keep an eye on it without losing it. I pushed my intentions into the ball of magic, urging it to find the one we both wanted to see. It didn’t need much convincing, it was more than happy to seek out our bride to be.

  The blue ball shot down the hallway, and I quickly followed after it. It took me through many turns and down a pair of stairs. No one stopped me or even paid any mind to the hovering ball guiding me. The Fae I did see only gave me a brief curious glance before continuing on their way. I guess I wasn’t that interesting. Other times, I would be bothered by my anonymity but in this case, it was a blessing.

  One more turn and the ball stopped at a large double door room. I stood before it waiting. Was this it? It had to be, my magic was never wrong.

  Absorbing the ball of light back into myself, I poised my hand before the door and let it pound against the wood. My ears strained to hear some kind of response, but I couldn’t hear anything from inside the room. My brows furrowed, and I leaned slightly toward the door.

  “Can I help you?”

  Jerking back from the door, my eyes landed on the very person I had been searching for. Wearing a much different outfit than I had seen her in at dinner, she still took my breath away. While the majority of the women seemed to be partial to wearing gowns that clung to their figures there were a few who wore trousers and tunics. But none of those who I have seen wear such clothing compared to seeing it on my betrothed

  The legs of the pants hugged her hips and outlined her shapely legs making my mouth water. Her neck and shoulders were bare in a long-sleeved cream-colored shirt that tied just above her bust. Suddenly, my mind was thinking of all the ways I could get her to let me untie those ties.

  “Hello?” her brow raised, and she waved a hand in front of my face. “Are you just going to stare all day?”

  Licking my lips, I cleared my throat. Pulling something flowery out of the air, I tried to make up for my stumble. “If the vision was you, then I could gaze upon your beauty until the Reaper takes me.”

  Her lips pursed together, and I could see my words did not have the desired effect. If anything, it made her even more suspicious of my showing up on her doorstep.

  “What are you doing here?” she crossed her arms over her chest and pushed one hip to the side. The sight didn’t help my desire to touch her.

  Sighing, I decided to go for the truth. “I apologize if I startled you. I did not mean to make you uncomfortable.” I ran a hand through my hair and gave her a sheepish look. “I simply thought it might be nice for us to get to know each other without Fae politics getting in the way.”

  My peach watched me for a moment and then nodded. Moving toward me she slipped between the door and myself. She swung the door open and gestured inside. “After you, dark prince.”

  Her lips quirked as she said the nickname which gave me hope. It was possible this wouldn’t be so bad after all.



  SAYING THAT I WAS having a mild panic attack was an understatement. I’d never had a male in my room that wasn’t a servant or a relative. Why I had let a complete stranger in without a thought was beyond me.

  “So, this is your room,” the dark prince drew out as he stepped into my room. His head turned this way and that.

  Becoming self-conscious, I searched the room for any clothing or embarrassing items that I needed to hide. Luckily, though, I am a pretty neat person, and the only things lying around were my books.

  I made a mental note to take some of them back to the library before I stepped in front of my betrothed. “So what did you want to talk about?” I might as well get the ball rolling before he did something to make me lose control again like at dinner. The thought of it still made my face heat.

  His dark eyes turned from looking over my room to meet mine. His lips turned up in a small smile and he shrugged. “Anything. We do not have anyone to worry about now that we are alone. So feel free to be yourself.”

  Be myself? In front of a complete stranger? That was as likely to happen as a faerie giving birth to a troll.

  Clasping my hands together in front of me, I tried to think of something safe to talk about. But my mind was blank. I honestly had no idea what to talk about with this person.

  “How about this, let us have a seat and each take a turn asking a question?” he asked sitting on the couch in the middle of the room. He patted the seat next to him, clearly wanting me to join him, but I hesitated.

  Closer was probably not a good idea when it came to the UnSeelie Prince that already made faeries dance in my stomach.

  He leveled his gaze at me and smirked. “Come, now, I won’t bite. I’ll be a perfect gentleman.”

  I chewed on my lip glancing at where he sat and then looked away before sighing. At least it wasn’t on the bed.

  I eased down next to him, my hands in my lap. The dark prince shifted in his seat and I tensed for an attack. When all he did was cross one leg over the other, guilt ate at me.

  Come on, Lynne, pull it together. You can’t just jump to conclusions like that. You aren’t your mother.

  “So,” the dark prince started, placing an arm on the back of the couch. My body was acutely aware of how close his hand was to my shoulder.

  “So,” I replied feeling a bit foolish.

  “What do you like to do for fun?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh a bit at his question. When he gave me a curious look, I gestured around us. “You can’t tell?”

  The dark prince’s eyes landed on the pile of books I had next to us, and he smiled sheepishly. “I suppose that one was pretty obvious.”

  “You think so?” I teased.

  “All right then.” He turned slightly in his seat to face me. “Since I wasted mine, it is your turn.”

  “All right,” I paused, my eyes staring off into the distance and then I had my question. My pale blue eyes locked with his. “Do you really want to marry me?”

  His eyes widened a fraction. I seemed to have stunned him. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked? No. I needed to know. If I was going to make the effort, then he would too. I refused to be miserable for the rest of my existence.

  After what felt like forever, he finally answered, “You do not waste any time, do you?”

  I shrugged a shoulder. “Best to get the hard ones out of the way. So, do you?”

  “I am going to be honest with you, my peach.” His nickname for me caused my skin to prickle. I forced the feeling back to listen. “When I first learned of our engagement I did not react well.”

  I could relate to that. Seven plants died at my hands because I was so furious and couldn’t control my magic. It had taken weeks before I could finally get it together well enough to coax a sprout from the ground.

  “And now?” I asked partly holding my breath for his answer.

  “Once I realized it was for the good of our realms, I could not exactly say no.” He offered me a small smile.

  “I get that.”

  “Once I was set on it, I could only hope that you were not some spoiled brat that I couldn’t stand. Thankfully, that was no so.”

  My lips quirked up at that. “You didn’t care if I was ugly? Or deformed? What if I had horrible breath? Or my laugh was annoying?”

  He laughed at my questions, the sound of it made me shiver. Was there nothing about this man that didn’t affect me? If I reacted this way just to his laugh, I couldn’t imagine how I would react to his touch.

  “It did cross my mind, but then I thought, the Seelie Queen would not dare to have an ugly child. So I should be safe, and thankfully, I was right.” His eyes glittered as he watched me. “My turn.”

  “All right,” I answered, though, he hadn’t exactly answered my question at all.

  The dark prince leaned forward his eyes darkening as he said, “Have you ever laid with another?”

  The question stunn
ed me. I had expected all sorts of questions. I hadn’t expected him to ask something so personal. Though, I should have. We are to be married, eventually. He should know whether I have been with another. Though, based on what Erydesa had said about his reputation, I had no doubt that he had been with plenty of women.

  “No.” The single word seemed to resound through the room making him suck in a hard breath.

  “Have you ever even been kissed?” he asked getting closer to me.

  “That’s two questions,” I whispered, my eyes flickering to his lips and then back up to his eyes where they had turned into the turbulent stormy blue.

  “I do not think that you have.” His hand came up to brush the side of my face, his voice lowering as well.

  My body burned where his hand was touching me, and the room suddenly was stifling. I leaned into his touch without meaning to; my eyes fluttering opened and closed.

  The dark prince’s thumb slid along my bottom lip, and my tongue darted out, tasting him. It was then that my nose was assaulted with the combination of our scent. It had kind of earthy spice to it. Something I had never experienced before.

  But having experienced it now, my body roared in response. My body alighted with desire and a low growl came from my betrothed, causing my eyes to shoot open.

  His nostrils flared, his eyes even darker than before. It was as if he were a feral creature and not the Crown Prince of the UnSeelie Court. The intensity of his gaze frightened me enough that I tried to pull away, but his other arm wrapped around me drawing me closer to him until our fronts touched.

  “I wish to kiss you.”

  The words were more of a statement than a question. I wasn’t sure how to react. I wanted to kiss him too, but part of me kept telling me not to. That he would ruin me if I gave into him. I shoved that part back and swallowed thickly before nodding.

  That was all the consent he needed before his mouth covered mine. He didn’t take his time coaxing me into submission. Instead, he dove in overtaking my senses until all I knew was him.


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