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Next Move, You're Dead - Book 1 of the Next Move, You're Dead Trilogy

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by Linda L Barton

  Next Move, You’re Dead

  Book 1

  Next Move, You’re Dead Trilogy

  Linda L. Barton

  Inspired by

  Bob G. Barton

  Copyright 2011©Linda L Barton

  All rights reserved by the author. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written consent of the Publisher, except where permitted by law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  For my loving, husband Bob.

  You’re the driving force

  in this writing adventure.

  For it’s in your creative mind

  where our stories are born.

  And a special thank you to:

  Cover Art by

  Formatted by

  Deadly Reads Author Services

  Title Page


  Dedication and Thank You

  Chapter1, Chapter2, Chapter3, Chapter4, Chapter5, Chapter6, Chapter7, Chapter8, Chapter9, Chapter10, Chapter11, Chapter12, Chapter13, Chapter14, Chapter15, Chapter16, Chapter17, Chapter18, Chapter19, Chapter20, Chapter21, Chapter22, Chapter23, Chapter24, Chapter25, Chapter26, Chapter27, Chapter28, Chapter29, Chapter30, Chapter31, Chapter32, Chapter33

  A Message from the Author

  Chapter 1

  The Goddess

  He sat in the shadows, watching the soiled doves stroll toward each car with hunger burning in their eyes. A chill filled the evening air, but one would never know by the scantily way they dressed. Each took her turn, vying to be the chosen one.

  He marveled how one found them desirable, with their unkempt and worn appearance. Just the sight of them made his skin crawl.

  The last time he had partaken of their company, he noticed a new one, fresh and pleasing to the eyes. She was the one he had returned for tonight.

  He disliked this part of the city with its dark and dirty streets. However, this was where they offered of themselves to anyone willing to pay. It amazed them how they gave of themselves; to present your body and soul without question was truly a rare gift.

  Each time he returned to this place, they fought to be the one chosen. He knew his car symbolized money; the one thing they craved, above all else. Money bought the release from the agony they endured. Therefore, each was willing to sell her soul for a temporary release from the pain.

  It was all so simple. He only needed to choose. However, he had already made the choice for none matched her beauty with her skin the color of milk chocolate, and eyes of emerald green.

  “Tonight, she will fulfill my fantasy. Tonight, she will be my Goddess.”

  When he had first laid eyes upon her, he was amazed how one so lovely would be in this dark and dirty place. Even the cheap blond wig and tattered clothing could not hide her beauty.

  She will be a delight; he thought gleefully.

  He leaned back against the plush, leather headrest and closed his eyes. “My dear, I await the moment when I may gaze into your beautiful, green eyes, and share our ultimate pleasure.”


  The sound of an approaching car brought him back to awareness. He held his breath and waited as it pulled up to the curb.

  “Ah, there she is, splendid.” He watched as the delicate beauty emerged from the car, amazed how she stirred such excitement within him. “It’s time for us to meet, my Goddess.”

  He started the car and slowly pulled to the curb where the group huddled under the awning for warmth. He rolled down the passenger window and waited.

  He watched as one sauntered over to his car, and then leaned in the open window.

  “Do you want a date tonight, honey? I can do anything you like.”

  This one was old and worn. She had dirty hair, and tattered clothing clung to her skeletal body. She then smiled, showing rotting and broken teeth.

  “No, thank you. I wish to spend my time with the young beauty standing by the door. Send her to me,” he said in a low, firm tone, so as not to betray his excitement.

  “Her! What do you want with her! I can give you a better time than that little ho!”

  A look of anger burned on her face at his cold rejection. She knew if she did not make some money soon her ass was dead. She leaned in closer, hoping to change his mind. However, before she was able to speak again, he held up a dismissive hand.

  “I’ve already told you what I want. I require the goddess to fulfill my needs. Now call her,” his voice remained flat and firm.

  “Trina, get your ass over here! This prick says he needs a damn goddess!” She stepped away from the car, her anger now replaced with shame.

  “Goddess, what is that crap about? She ain’t no damn goddess!” She said loud enough for the others to hear, and then she laughed to cover the pain of her rejection.

  The beauty walked toward his car, turning her nose up at the others as she brushed passed them. With each step, his desire grew as he anticipated their time together.

  Trina smiled at their hate-filled glares, thrilled how things were changing for her. No one would push her around again. She was the one in demand now.

  Trina reached the car when a shiver of excitement filled her body. She leaned against the car, resting her hand on the door handle. “Do you want a date tonight, honey?”

  “Yes, I do, my dear; please, get in.” He gestured toward the door as his heart beat with such intensity he feared it would betray him. I will enjoy this one above the others.

  “Don’t you want the price? We should be clear on that first,” she hesitated, unsure if to continue.

  “My dear, price is no issue. You’re worth whatever price you request.” His desire for her burned at a dangerous level.

  This statement brought the smile back to her lips. “Great! Let’s go have some fun; I’m all yours tonight.”

  Her heart raced with excitement as she opened the door and slid in next to him. “What’s your name, honey?”

  “My dear, let us not spoil this beautiful night with names. Tonight, you will be my Goddess, and I will worship your beauty.”

  Trina did not care what game he wanted to play; money was money. She smiled while resting her head against the plush leather seat. “Okay, honey, whatever you say. We will play it any way you want.”

  “Yes, my dear, it is my game, and I plan to have a splendid time.” He looked at the side mirror and then pulled back out onto the street.

  Perfect, all is going as planned.

  Chapter 2

  You Are Chosen

  “Good evening, Detective Cooper; your table is ready.” The Maitre D’ smiled and then motioned for John and Kathy to follow him to their table.

  “The waiter will be here in a moment t
o take your drink order.” The Maitre D’ waited as Kathy sat before helping her move closer to the table.

  “Thank you,” Kathy said.

  The Maitre D’ looked at John and smiled. “I understand you’re celebrating a special occasion with us this evening.”

  “Yes, we are. In fact, it’s our 12th wedding anniversary.” John glanced at Kathy and wondered if she had mentioned it when she called for the reservation.

  “Congratulations to you both. I hope you enjoy your evening.” The Maitre D’ smiled then he turned and walked away.


  Over the past two months, John had been working on an exceptionally severe case. Therefore, a night out with Kathy was a much-needed escape.

  The case involved the bodies of murdered prostitutes found along the side of the road. John had spent long hours on the case with no results.

  The murders caused quite a stir with those in media. With the discovery of each body, questions arose about the police’s ability to protect the residents of the city.

  Unfortunately, the media were the least of John’s problems. As the weeks progressed, cries for an arrest from the Mayor’s office continued to grow. Then as the mayor’s poll numbers began to plummet, the demands reached a fevered pitch. Nothing upset a politician more than a steady drop in poll numbers during an election year.

  With all the crap from this case, John was glad to have a quiet evening alone with his beautiful wife.

  Kathy had always been the one to keep John grounded. Whenever he would get lost in his work, she would remind him, “John, please remember you only do the job; you’re not the job.”

  John was thankful to have Kathy. She would remind him not to get lost in life’s routines, and forget to live. He had promised her he would do his best to leave his work at the department, but for some reason, he was not able to do it with this case. He could not put his finger on it, but he had a sinking feeling this case would not end well.

  John tried to force the case out of his mind and focus on Kathy, but it was to no avail. The last thing, he wanted, was to disappoint her on this special night as he had so many times in the past.

  Once they placed their orders, the waiter returned to their table with a bottle of red Merlot. He removed the cork, poured a small sample, and then offered it to John for his approval.

  John looked at Kathy with a questioning smile, took a sip of the wine, and then let the waiter know it was satisfactory.

  The waiter filled John’s glass, and then Kathy’s. “I hope you enjoy your wine, I’ll return with you meal.”

  John waited as the waiter left before he spoke, “Did you have anything to do with this?”

  “No, I thought you did. You know, I bet it was Bill and Susan. You know how much they love the finest wines,” Kathy grinned then reached for her glass and took a sip.

  “Yeah, they really are hopeless romantics, aren’t they?” John never understood why Bill and Susan Randall rambled on for hours about the wineries they visited over the years.

  “Well, let’s not let them down. To the next twelve years; may they be as full of love as the first twelve.” John lifted the glass to his lips and took another sip, noticing its distinctive flavor. He typically did not care for wine, but he found this one to be quite enjoyable.

  Once they finished their meal and sat enjoying the rest of the wine with their dessert, the Maitre D’ informed John of a telephone call for him at the front desk.

  “That’s strange, why would someone call me on the restaurant phone.” John excused himself and followed the Maitre D’ to the front desk.

  John stood out of the way, as the Maitre D’ pushed through the crowd gathered, waiting for their tables. He pressed the flashing button on the telephone and then held the receiver out to John.

  John took the phone receiver and then stepped aside, allowing an elderly man to pass in front of him. “Hello, this is John Cooper.”

  “Good evening, John. I hope you and Kathy have enjoyed the wine. It has always been a favorite of mine,” the voice on the phone said playfully.

  “Who is this?” John demanded.

  “I wanted to introduce myself to you John, and let you know you have been chosen,” the voice was now low and precise.

  “Chosen; chosen for what? Who is this?”

  “You have been chosen to be the next Tracker in The Game, John. It’s quite an honor, as only a certain few have what it takes. I’m thrilled to have come across you, John. Finding someone of your caliber is rare. You are the type of person I look for as an opponent. I look forward to our time together, but first I want you to enjoy the remaining wine and the rest of your anniversary with your beautiful wife, Kathy. Keep your eyes and mind open, John. The game begins tomorrow, and I want you to remember things are not always, as they appear. Goodnight, John, we will talk again soon.” The phone went dead.

  John turned to the Maitre D’, “Who bought the bottle of wine for us?”

  “A gentleman came in earlier this evening. He said you would be celebrating your anniversary, and he wanted to present you a unique gift. It was an unusual request. Not only is the wine $1,500 a bottle, but he paid for it in cash. He said this was a special night for you and your lovely wife, and that you were to have only the best.”

  Realizing something was amiss; the Maitre D’ cleared his throat. “Is there something wrong, sir?”

  “Did he give you his name?” John did not appreciate a stranger sending wine, let alone one at that price. He also disliked the idea of a stranger knowing they would be there celebrating their anniversary.

  John had made some serious enemies over his years with the force. Therefore, someone sending wine, and then calling him with a strange message, put him on alert.

  “No, sir, he only said to give you the wine,” the Maitre D’ said as he stepped back to allow a waiter pass in front of him.

  “Do you remember what he looked like?”

  “No, Sir, we were quite busy when he came in; therefore, I didn’t take notice of his appearance. I’m sorry sir, is there anything else I may help you with?” The Maitre D’ looked around for an escape from this uncomfortable situation.

  Help; this man has been no help at all! John never understood how people could go through their lives and never pay attention to the things around them.

  “No, thank you.” John knew he was not going to get anything more from this man, so he walked back to the table and a very confused Kathy.

  “Is everything alright, John? You look upset.” She prayed it was not bad news.

  “Yes, everything’s fine.” He decided not to tell her the truth about the call until he figured out what was happening. “The guys at work bought the wine and wanted to make sure we got it.”

  “The guys at work bought the wine? You mean they know there’s something more to drink other than beer or whiskey?” Kathy laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. “I don’t understand; why didn’t they call your cell phone?”

  “I forgot to plug it in last night, so my battery’s dead.” John forced a smile, hoping she would believe him. He was glad it did not ring earlier as it would have ruined his excuse.

  Thank goodness, I turned it off before someone called; John thought to himself.

  “That was sweet of them. I hope you thanked them for both of us?”

  “Yeah, they are surprising at times. I told them we enjoyed it, and how it added to our romantic evening. You look beautiful tonight, honey,” he said, wanting to change the topic of conversation.

  “Why thank you. Are you trying to get lucky tonight?” Kathy winked playfully.

  “Well, I was hoping. Any man would be lucky to spend the night with a beautiful woman such as you,” John chuckled, noticing her cheeks flush the softest shade of red. “You can’t blame me for trying.”

  “Then let us finish up here and go home to continue this perfect evening. I love you John,” Kathy’s voice was soft and s

  “I love you too.” He reached across the table and gently took her hand in his. The only thing, he wanted now, was to enjoy the rest of this evening at home with Kathy. He looked across the table into her beautiful eyes, “Come on baby; let’s go home.”


  It all came together the next afternoon.

  Chapter 3

  Piece Number One

  When Charles Everett, ran for a seat on the Philadelphia City Council; he promised to make the city one envied above all others.

  However, for him to realize his vision, it was necessary to remove the undesirable elements by whatever means available. Of course, this attitude made him a perfect piece for The Game.

  The recent gruesome murders of prostitutes had only added to his drive for cleansing the city. With each body found, the media pointed an accusatory finger at City Hall; questioning their resolve to stop the murders.

  It did not help that the cut on each victim’s neck was near to the point of decapitation. Then to add a sickening touch, the killer removed the right nipple from each of his victims, as a twisted souvenir. In spite of all their hard work, the police still had no leads or suspects.

  The daily reports in the media upset Charles. He would ramble on of how the current administration allowed the citizens of the city to live in fear by not arresting the guilty culprit.

  With the discovery of the first body and each one after that, Charles realized he could never have devised a better plan himself. Surely this would be the undoing of the current mayor. With the discovery of each body, it only added to his plummeting poll numbers.

  Charles knew this was a perfect way to destroy the mayor and his administration. Besides, the victims were of no significant loss. They were nothing but trash in need of disposing, and their deaths fit Charles election plans for the next Mayor.

  Charles worked hard to create for himself the image of a strong leader. However, he first needed to win the election. Then once he achieved this goal, his next step was the office of Governor, or maybe even Senator.

  Charles carefully planned each move for his career. First, he got the position at a prestigious law firm. Next, he married into an influential family, securing him a seat in City Council.


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