Next Move, You're Dead - Book 1 of the Next Move, You're Dead Trilogy

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Next Move, You're Dead - Book 1 of the Next Move, You're Dead Trilogy Page 4

by Linda L Barton

  “That’s wonderful; I look forward to seeing you then.”


  On the flight home, Frank asked again of the mysterious woman George had been seeing the past few days; however, his playful taunts went unanswered. He told Frank how he wanted to keep the memories of the days they had spent together private, but the truth was George was worried he could lose her to Frank.

  Sheila appeared to like him, but she never showed any passion for him. Each time he tried to make a move, she would always pull away, asking him to slow down. Her actions confused him, but he hoped that one day she would grow to love him as he did her.

  George believed her when she told him how powerful men had used her. A woman of her beauty would be quite a trophy, but he did not think of her in that way. He did admit to himself, in the beginning, he had only seen a beautiful woman, but after getting to know her, he had found himself falling in love.

  All, he wanted, was to make her happy, and his heart ached every time she pulled away from him.

  Maybe she was only being kind and didn’t want to hurt me?


  The flight back was excruciating for George; all, he had on his mind, was Sheila and how it broke his heart to leave her. He finally closed his eyes, hoping Frank would leave him alone.

  Frank was thrilled for George. He had always loved George as a brother, and he knew this woman must be extraordinary to him. “Do you think you will see her again?”

  “She said she had some vacation time in a month, and she would love to come to Philadelphia for a visit,” George tried to act uninterested, but Frank could see he was excited.

  “So, do you think this could get serious?” Frank had waited a moment for a response before he continued. “I’m happy for you. Way to go, she sure is a looker!” Frank laughed, then punched George on the shoulder the same way he had done when they were kids.

  Why can't he just shut up, and leave me alone? George sat up in his seat and looked for something to read to save him from this conversation.

  “No, it’s nothing like that. We’re friends and nothing more. We only met a few days ago, so it’s too soon to think that way.” When George noticed a magazine in the back pocket of the seat in front of him, he grabbed it and acted as though he was looking for something to read.

  When is he going to get it through his thick head that I don’t want to talk, George groaned while pulling the magazine up to hide his face.

  “I thought maybe you had more than friendship going on. Oh well, you cannot have too many beautiful friends like her,” Frank teased.

  George ignored the last comment and kept looking at the magazine until Frank realized he was not interested in talking any longer. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, they both lay back and relaxed for the rest of the flight home.


  A month passed with no word from Sheila, leaving George to believe she had changed her mind. He came late to work this morning after an early dental appointment. He never liked going to the dentist, as his mouth was numb for hours from the extra painkiller he always requested.

  George arrived at work a little after eleven o’clock. He was walking past Frank’s office when he heard a familiar voice coming from inside.

  It was Sheila. What is she doing with Frank? George felt anger begin to churn from deep inside of him. He took a deep breath and walked in the door.

  “Well, look at here,” he forced a smile while trying to hide the jealousy, growing inside of him.

  “Good morning, George. Sheila and I were getting acquainted until you came in,” Frank smiled, nodding toward Sheila.

  “Oh George, it’s marvelous to see you again. I was waiting in the lobby when Frank graciously invited me to wait in here for you. He’s filling me in on all your secrets. You’ve had quite an interesting past, George,” she laughed then winked in Frank’s direction.

  Are they laughing at me? George wondered, as the jealousy, he felt stirring inside of him turned to rage. Is Frank trying to ruin it for me? Of course, he is! He wants Sheila for himself!

  “Which secrets would that be?” George laughed, careful to hide his actual feelings.

  “Nothing embarrassing, I promise,” Frank declared. “Don’t worry I didn’t tell her any of your bad habits. Well, not all of them at least,” Frank laughed, flashing George one of his classic smiles.

  “You’re not angry with us, are you, George? I only wanted to learn about you from your oldest and dearest friend. Please forgive me if I’ve upset you. I told Frank that we are friends, and I wanted to learn more about you from someone who knows you well. I hope that’s okay?” Sheila knew she had to be careful not to upset George too much. She still needed him for her plan.

  Friend; is that what she called me? George felt the familiar sting of the term every man dreaded. Well, that explains the taking it slowly crap at the Trade Show, but why would she come to see me if she only wanted friendship? Maybe there’s still a chance?

  “You do plan to stay with me, don’t you? I have a guest room so that you would have your privacy,” he looked around the office, “Where is your luggage? I’ll have it taken to my place.”

  “That won’t be necessary; I already have a room. I flew in late last night, got a rental car, and went straight to my hotel. I hope you don’t mind, but I thought it would be for the best. I didn’t want there to be any misunderstandings.”

  The truth was she had plans for this visit, and they did not include staying with George. She needed to be able to come and go freely to complete her plan

  “I’m starving, what time do you take your lunch?” She looked at George with pleading eyes.

  George could not believe his luck; there was no way he could go out to eat now. Hell, he could barely feel his mouth, so eating was out of the question.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t; I just came from the dentist. I could order something in if you’re hungry?” Of all the days, to have gone to the damn dentist, he thought to himself.

  “Oh, my, I was wondering why you sounded strange. I understand. I hate the way I feel after going to the dentist.” It could not have worked out any better, Sheila thought to herself.

  Sheila looked over at Frank, “Why don’t we go out to lunch? That way you can fill me in on the rest of the adventures you two shared throughout the years. You don’t mind, do you, George?”

  George knew what he wanted to say, Hell, yes, I mind! What are you thinking?

  However, he calmly replied, “No, of course not, you two go have an excellent lunch. I’m going to my office and get some work done. I’m sure that I’ll feel better soon. Go have fun, and we’ll see each other later this afternoon.”

  Frank looked at George, worried he might be upset with the idea. George was not acting his typical self. Maybe it was because of how he felt after his dental appointment and did not want Sheila to worry.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind me stealing her for lunch?” The last thing, Frank wanted, was George upset with him.

  “Of course, he doesn’t mind. Why would he?” Sheila turned and smiled at George.

  “We’re only going to spend the entire time talking about you, so stop worrying. Now, go get some rest, and I’ll see you later,” Sheila smiled.

  A few moments of silence filled the room before Sheila stood and walked around the desk then grabbed Frank by the arm. “Shall we go?”

  Frank glanced at George, unsure of his feelings. “Okay, if you don’t mind. I promise to have her back early.” Frank stood with Shelia still tugging on his arm.

  “Don’t worry, George; I’m in good hands,” Sheila giggled. She slipped her arm in Frank’s then leaned against him.

  “So, where are we going, Frank? I’m all yours,” Sheila laughed as they vanished around the corner leaving George standing frozen in place, trying to understand what just happened.

  Chapter 8

  The Final Straw

George sat glaring at the computer screen unable to believe what he was reading. However, there it was clear as day. Frank was framing him for embezzling thousands of dollars from the company account. George knew there had been tension between them since the divorce, but to do this was unthinkable.

  Sheila and Frank were married six months after she showed up in town for her vacation. She had made it clear that she never felt the least bit romantically interested in George; that her feelings toward George were merely those of friendship. However, she knew the instant she met Frank; he was the one she wanted.

  Dumbfounded by the betrayal, George swore he would never trust Frank again. How could he do that to me? Surely he knew that I loved her.

  Once again, George had lost out to Frank, but he promised himself it would never happen again. From the beginning of their friendship, George had lived in Frank’s shadow. Well, no more. No longer would he be second, no longer would he be a stepping-stone to get to Frank.

  On the day of their wedding, George stayed home, refusing to join the festivities. Frank had pleaded for forgiveness, but George simply laughed.

  “You have done this to our friendship, Frank. I will never forgive your betrayal and selfishness, and I want you to know that we are no longer friends.” It was the worst day of George’s life and the beginning of his festering hatred for Frank.


  Joy filled the first two years of marriage for Frank and Sheila. They took trips to exotic places, spent evenings dining in the finest restaurants, and attended all the popular events. Everything was perfect with Frank and Sheila until he suggested it was time to start a family.

  Sheila told Frank that she wanted no part of motherhood. She said their lives were perfect, so why change what they had. Frank told her that children would only enrich their lives, but Sheila wanted no part of it. Frank did his best to convince her, but she made it clear that their plans for life apparently were not the same. Having children was not in her future, and if he did not understand then, divorce was the only solution. Frank was devastated; he loved Sheila and wanted a family with her, but she had made it clear it would never happen.

  The day the server arrived with the divorce papers was a dark day for Frank. He had tried everything he could do to get Sheila to change her mind and stay. He even told her that he would never mention having children again if she would stay, but she told him that her plans no longer included him.

  The divorce lawyer had wanted Frank to fight the settlement she demanded, but he would hear nothing of it.

  George was thrilled about the divorce and saw it as his opportunity of having Shelia again. He had begged her to stay with him and promised her anything she desired. He told her how he had loved her since their first night together at the Trade Show, and how it broke his heart when she chose Frank over him.

  At hearing his pleas, Sheila laughed and told him the thought of being with him made her sick. She told him the only reason, she came to Philadelphia in the first place, was learning of Frank. In fact, he was her ticket to Frank and his money. She told him he was a means to achieve her goal of marrying Frank and living in wealth and comfort.

  “Had Frank never asked for children, I would have stayed with him longer,” she said to a stunned George.

  Then to drive the final dagger into his heart, she told George how much she would miss the sex with Frank. “Frank was an exciting lover, something I’m sure you’re not.”

  The memory of Sheila running her hands seductively down her body and saying, “You will never know the joy of having a woman such as me in your bed, George. That is unless you pay for it. The worst part is I’m sure she’ll have to close her eyes, and fantasize it is someone else!”

  As George stood speechlessly, she looked deeply into his eyes and said in a cold, hate-filled voice, “It’s sad that you’re not even good enough to marry for your money. Think about that, you pitiful excuse for a man.”

  With those final words, George felt his heart ripped out of his chest, never to beat again.


  After Sheila had left, George made it clear that his friendship with Frank was dead, and the company was now the only thing they now had in common. As time went on it became harder to get along, and they found themselves bickering over the smallest of things. It was evident to George that the company would never survive both of them being there, and someday soon, one of them would have to go.


  “Frank, if you think you’re going to gain total control of the company this way, you need to think again,” George growled to the empty room.

  George had put up with being second to Frank for long enough; it was all going to end today.

  Chapter 9

  Jealousy is a Terrible Demon

  Frank arrived to work around ten o’clock. He headed straight to his office for a conference call with Jack Snyder in Hong Kong.

  Being in no mood for a confrontation, Frank quickly made his way past George’s office in the futile attempt to go unnoticed.

  Since Sheila had left, George always looked for the opportunity to taunt Frank for losing her. Frank hated the continual need to defend himself against George’s constant attacks. Therefore, the less time they spent together, the better.

  The only thing, Frank wanted today, was to do his work, and then head home for some of Rosella’s delicious pork chops. However, life does not always give us what we want.


  George smiled as he watched Frank rush by his office door.

  Now I know why you never speak when you pass my office door. You’re feeling all the damn guilt! How long have you been planning this, my old friend? I know you believe the company would be better off without me here, but that’s not going to happen.

  “Not today; not ever!” George slammed his fist down on his desk.

  The quickened pace did not prevent the sickening feeling building inside of Frank as he passed by the open door. He pretended not to notice George sitting at his desk with a nasty look on his face, but he knew it was to no avail. Frank had no idea why George was upset today, but he did not want to stay around to find out.

  So, that’s how it’s going to be, huh? George stood, and walked toward his wall safe.

  Frank had no idea that George kept a handgun in his office safe. He had purchased the gun after one evening when walking out to his car; a man robbed him in the parking garage. Afraid that it would happen again, George bought the handgun but never had the courage to carry it.

  Today; however, was an entirely different matter. George opened the safe and took out the gun, holding it gently in his hand.

  It's a hell of a thing of beauty; he thought to himself.

  George took a moment to admire the craftsmanship and sleekness of the gun before tucking it into his jacket pocket, and walking to Frank’s office.


  Busily looking through some paperwork while waiting for the conference call, Frank glanced up when George walked through the door. Great, what does he want?

  “What may I do for you today, George?” Frank held his breath, waiting for the reply.

  “No Frank, it’s not what you can do FOR me; it’s what you’re doing TO me!” The cold, hard look in his eyes let Frank know this would not end well.

  “What are you talking about? What’s the matter with you, George?” Frank was in no mood for an argument today. He had no idea what had upset George this time, but obviously, he was about to find out.

  “You’ve been setting me up, Frank! In all the years, I’ve known you; I would never have expected this from you. Did you really think you would get away with it?” George glared at Frank while gathering strength from the feel of the gun in his pocket.

  “I set you up? What are you talking about, George?”

  “What about Sheila? I had her first, and you just swooped in and stole her. She was mine, not yours! Hell, you weren’t even man enough to keep her. It’s sad when a woman
doesn’t want to have your children and runs away at the thought of it! She was supposed to marry me, not you! You just had to ruin it for me, did not you?” The pent up anger now exploded out of George with overwhelming force.

  “You’re out of line, George. You need to go back to your office and calm down. I never stole anything from you. You cannot lose something, which was never yours, to begin with. Hell, I did you a favor; she was only out for the money. She never loved me; I know that now. Besides, what makes you think she would have stayed with you? I’m sick of all the sobbing and whining because of her. Get over it, damn it! She’s gone! You need to let it go!” Frank still loved Sheila, and he thought of her every day, but he was tired of this same old argument.

  George fought to contain the rage burning inside of him, but Frank’s words only fanned his anger more. He had steadied himself before he spoke again in a voice dripping with hate.

  “You took the only woman I ever loved, and now you are trying to steal my company. I stood back and let you have Sheila, but I will not stand aside this time!” George slid his hand deeper into his pocket, gently caressing the gun with the coolness of the metal giving him strength.

  “I’m not trying to steal anything from you. Have you lost your mind, George? I have no idea where this idea came from, but it’s crazy. If I had wanted to get you out of the company, I could’ve done it long ago. You know I have a controlling interest in this company, I always have. Now knock this crap off and go back to your office. I need to get ready for a conference call, and I don’t have time for any more of this nonsense.”

  As soon as he had finished speaking, Frank knew he had gone too far.

  An expression of pure rage appeared on George’s face. Without thinking, he took the gun from his pocket and aimed it directly at Frank.

  “You cannot control anything if you’re dead,” his voice was calm; his hand steady.

  “Come on, George, what are you doing? I know something has you upset, but you’re not thinking clearly!” Frank pleaded.

  “No, Frank, my mind has never been clearer,” he smiled and then pulled the trigger.

  Chapter 10

  Move Number Two


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