Next Move, You're Dead - Book 1 of the Next Move, You're Dead Trilogy

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Next Move, You're Dead - Book 1 of the Next Move, You're Dead Trilogy Page 6

by Linda L Barton

  He slowly lifted his head and looked at the clock, realizing it was six o’clock in the morning.

  “Crap, what the hell was I thinking last night?” he moaned as he rubbed his throbbing temples. His felt like shit, but he had no one to blame but himself.

  When John stood, every movement caused the pounding in his head to become nearly unbearable. He picked up the mess and decided to bring the empty bottle with him to throw away on the way to work.

  “I damn sure don’t want Kathy to find an empty whiskey bottle in the house when she returns from Florida,” he chuckled nervously.

  Why did I even touch the damn thing in the first place, let alone drink the entire bottle?

  John cringed, knowing he should have checked the bottle for fingerprints, but there was no sense in worrying about that now. He knew once he picked it up; he had contaminated any evidence left behind.

  “John, you let that asshole get the best of you!” he groaned.

  “I can’t believe he was in here!” What if Kathy was home; would he hurt her? I’d also like to know how he got past the damn security system? Did one of us forget to set the alarm before leaving? No, we both make sure we’ve turned the alarm on whenever we leave the house.


  When John and Kathy purchased the top of the line security system, the sales representative had assured them in all the years he sold that particular model; no one was able to breach one.

  “So much for your top of the line security system, you lying asshole. What a total waste of money!” John groaned.

  With his head still aching, John went upstairs to shower and get ready for work. No matter how hard he tried, the memory of the night before haunted his mind.

  You need your rest, John. Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day. “What did he mean, and what does this have to do with the beautiful woman in the email?”

  After his shower, John checked the house one more time to make sure everything was in order, and then he headed out to work, bracing himself for the day ahead.

  Chapter 12

  Pieces Four and Five

  Jim Miller was a prominent trial lawyer in Philadelphia. He had married Alisha, the beautiful daughter of William Jones, a senior partner at the firm where he worked. Jim worked long hours on his many cases, occasionally needing to spend time away from home.

  Over the years, it amazed Jim how several of the men at the firm indulged in the pleasures of the flesh whenever traveling out of town. However, Jim had no need to partake as he had everything he desired at home.

  Married to the love of his life, and with a career to be envied, Jim considered himself blessed. Now the only thing missing from his perfect life with Alisha was the joy of children.

  Jim recently won a multimillion-dollar lawsuit. It was your typical David and Goliath case with the injured and suffering individual fighting against the uncaring corporation. The media loved it and because of his talents, the jury forced them to pay and pay big.

  Jim was out of town sewing up some last minute details when he decided to call home and check on Alisha. He knew she was expecting his call, so he did not want to make her wait.

  “Hello,” Alisha was thrilled to see it was Jim on the caller ID.

  Jim loved the sound of her voice, “Hello beautiful. I wanted to call and let you know I’ll be home sometime tomorrow morning.”

  He hated that he had to be away from her, but he was thankful she understood the long hours needed for his work. Since her father was also an influential trial attorney, she knew the sacrifices made for their work.

  “Great, it means I get the house all to myself tonight,” she teased. “You are coming home tomorrow, though, right?” Alisha knew he was busy, but she had some exciting news and was anxious for him to get home.

  “Yes, I promise. I know I’ve been busy lately, and I am sorry, but this case was an important one for the firm. I love you, and I appreciate your understanding. I cannot tell you how lucky I am you lowered your standards to marry me,” he teased.

  “Enjoy your bubble bath, and I’ll see you in the morning,” Jim closed his eyes, envisioning her in the large tub surrounded with fragrant bubbles. “I love you, sweetheart.”

  “The water is filling the bathtub as we speak, and I’ve already lit the candles,” she giggled. “I love you, too, and I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight and sweet dreams,” he laughed, then hung up the telephone.

  Alisha always enjoyed a nice, long bubble bath whenever Jim was away on an overnight business. She would fill the large bathtub with warm water and her favorite scented bubble bath. Alisha then lit candles and placed them around the room, casting a warm glow in the room. Once Alisha had prepared everything, she poured herself a glass of her favorite red wine to enjoy during her bath. Tonight would be no different except for one thing; she was not alone.


  The man patiently waited. He watched her play with the bubbles floating in the warm water as she sipped her glass of wine. He then marveled at her beauty when she slipped into a silk nightgown, and then sat to brush her long, flowing hair at the vanity in the bathroom. Once she finished, she walked back to her bedroom and relaxed on the deep, royal blue chaise lounge sitting next to the window to read and finish her glass of wine. He watched with a heightened sense of anticipation until it was time for his next move.


  Loved by everyone who met her, Alisha lived her life caring for those less fortunate. When she and Jim first met at her father’s law firm, they instantly fell in love. They married a few months later with the wedding being one of Philadelphia’s most lavish events of the year.

  Alisha was proud to be Jim’s wife. He valued honesty and integrity, and she knew he would never break the promise he made the day he proposed.

  “Alisha, if you will do me the honor of being my wife, I promise never to bring shame or sorrow into our home.”

  Alisha understood why Jim had to be away. She had grown up watching her father build the firm, and the time her mother had spent alone.

  Her mother would always say, “It’s the wife’s responsibility to assure her husband will want to return home each day after his work.” She knew it was old-fashioned thinking, but the philosophy must have worked for her parents as they were going on thirty-seven years of wedded bliss.

  Her mother had also taught her to fill her days with charity work in the community until the time came when she had her first child. Alisha had always tried to follow her mother’s advice, so she decided to volunteer at the shelter for battered and abused women.

  Those in charge at the shelter were thrilled to have Alisha working with them. She had the contacts required to raise the large amounts of money needed to keep the shelter open and serving those in need.

  Alisha loved her work at the shelter. She only wished she could do more to prevent the pain on the faces of those in need. She never understood why someone was cruel to those they promised to love. However, cruelty was something those, who came to the shelter for help, knew far too well.

  Jim once asked her why she volunteered at the battered woman’s shelter when there were other charities to fill her time. Alisha told him she knew all the statistics of abuse and the politics involved, but none of that mattered to her. She simply knew they needed someone who cared, and wanted to help them escape from a life of abuse.

  Alisha’s heart broke whenever she saw the sad and tormented faces of the children, and how they did not understand why their mommy was always hurt and crying.

  Alisha refused to turn her back on such pain and sorrow, and even more so now that she was beginning the next step in her life.

  Earlier that day, Alisha learned she was pregnant. She did not want to tell Jim the news on the telephone. She wanted to wait for him to return from his trip, and then give him the exciting news.

  Once he knew, they would plan a dinner party and make the announcement to bot
h of their parents. Alisha was beside herself with joy. Her life was perfect, and nothing could spoil the way she felt today.


  While Alisha relaxed on the chaise lounge, sipping the last of her wine, she marveled how soon she would be a mother. It surprised her when the doctor informed her an occasional small glass of red wine before bed would not hurt the baby. He said it would help her to relax, and after receiving the news of her pregnancy; she knew she would never be able to sleep.

  As Alisha lay back, enjoying the peace and quiet, she slipped off into a peaceful slumber with a vision in her mind of the sweet child growing inside her.

  Alisha floated to sleep, feeling nothing but joy. She had the perfect husband, and now they were going to have the child they had both longed to have.

  Alisha slept peacefully with no idea a stranger had crushed sleeping pills and put them in her wine. She also never imagined she was now a piece in his game of death.


  The man knew she would drink the wine during her bath. When he prepared the wine, he anxiously awaited the outcome this particular move would have on the game. He enjoyed learning intimate details of his chosen pieces. Knowing private information always helped him perfect his moves.

  Everything is proceeding as planned; he smiled.


  Now that she was unconscious, it was time to set the rest of this move in motion. He opened her laptop and began to type her suicide note to Jim.


  I received a phone call after we hung up from a woman who told me our marriage was a lie. I have always believed in your faithfulness, but she convinced me I was wrong. She informed me of your steamy affair. She told me about the earrings she left in your coat pocket, and of the hotel receipts that would prove the truth of your many rendezvous.

  She made it quite clear while I may have your name, I do not have your heart. Then she went on to say I never did. She told me how you would laugh at how easy it was to fool my father, and how it was only a matter of time before you were running the firm. She even said the two of you make love in our bed while I’m working at the shelter.

  She enjoyed telling me all the dirty details of your affair. However, I believe she enjoyed informing me the most of how she wears the necklace with my family crest and a pair of my silk stockings when you make love to her.

  When I accused her of lying, she laughed, and said, I needed to look under the mattress of our bed. Do you know what I found there, my dear? I found the necklace wrapped in a pair of my silk stockings!

  I want you to know I plan to have the final laugh. I will also make sure the two of you never know happiness again. You see, if we were to divorce, I know my father will be angry. The problem is he respects you as a lawyer, so I know he would eventually forgive you.

  However, if I kill myself because of your indiscretion, he will never forgive you. My father is a very powerful man so he will destroy you, both professionally and personally. You will lose everything, and that bitch will get nothing!

  You see, I plan to have the last laugh. I am taking control of things now! I want the world to know the man you truly are, but mostly I want them to know why I made my choice.

  You see, I know something you don’t. I went to the doctor today, and I received some very exciting news – I’m pregnant.

  For so long, we have both longed for a child, but there is no way I will share this child with a lying, cheat like you! I will keep our child with me, and you will live with that knowledge the rest of your pitiful life. You may have made me a fool in life, but I will destroy you in death.



  The man, of course, had not known about the pregnancy when he came to the house that afternoon, but he had to admit it pleased him to learn of this glorious development. It pleased him how sometimes fate would deal him a hand to make a move even more attractive.

  He enjoyed watching her pat her belly while she talked to the child in her womb. The pregnancy was an unexpected, crown jewel in this move, and an added a twist that thoroughly delighted him.


  After completing the note, he left the screen open, and then he began preparing her for the next step in this move. He paused a moment, marveling how at peace she looked with the knowledge of a child growing inside her belly.

  She truly is a thing of beauty, lying there in a silk gown with her long hair cascading on the side of the lounger.

  He leaned down and carefully positioned the locket on the gold chain around her neck. There my lovely, we must not forget this.

  She was still alive though barely, when he placed the last of the sleeping pills into her mouth, then gave her the last small sip of wine from her glass.

  He stepped back and looked down at her. Sleep well, my beauty.

  He smiled, knowing the effect this move would have on those involved. I almost feel sorry for your husband. What will he think when he comes home, and finds the empty bottle of pills sitting next to your empty wine glass?

  Next, he placed the earrings he had brought with him on the table next to Alisha, and then tossed a pair of her silk stockings on the floor next to the bed.

  Once he knew everything was in place, he whispered in her ear. Sleep now, my beauty. You will be with your precious child for all eternity. These words brought a smile to her lips as she took her last breath.

  He was sure the look on her face would confuse the police. Why would a woman kill herself, yet die with a look of complete tranquility? He always enjoyed adding little details such as these to each move. Perfection was of the utmost importance, and this move was perfect in every detail.

  He looked around the room one last time, assuring not to have forgotten even the slightest detail, and then he took a picture of her lying on the lounger for the next stage of The Game.

  Chapter 13

  Even Beauty Dies

  John arrived at work late the next morning. The shower helped some, but his head was still pounding like a jackhammer. He went straight to his desk, as he was in no mood to answer any questions concerning his rough appearance. John reached for a case folder when he noticed something happening across the room.

  What is going on? He pushed the folder aside and walked toward the gathered group to see what was so interesting. As he got closer, he realized several officers were watching the television in the lunchroom.

  The news reporter spoke of a local lawyer who returned home from a business trip and found his wife dead of an apparent suicide. The reporter said she had left a suicide note, and there was no evidence of foul play.

  John’s breath caught in his throat when a picture of the dead woman flashed on the television screen.

  Oh, my God, it is her! He stood with his eyes transfixed on the screen, not sure of what to think about this shocking development.

  Officer Joe Martinez was standing next to John and noticed the strange expression on his face. “Hey John, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I am fine. What happened here?”

  “The wife of some hotshot attorney killed herself. From the report, the husband must have been cheating on her, and she found out. You know something, I don’t understand people. With a beautiful woman like her waiting at home for you, why would you need to cheat? What a waste, she sure was a looker. I guess the husband came home early this morning and found her. Sam is handling the case, but it all seems clear-cut. Hell, from what I heard she left a note explaining everything,” Joe shook his head.

  “Yeah, that's a shame. Well, I need to get back to work. All the damn paperwork on these latest cases is piled up on my desk.” In truth, what John wanted to do was find out everything he could about this supposed suicide.


  On the walk to Sam’s office, John tried to shake the vision of the woman from his mind.

  Damn, she was the next piece in the game, but why? A sickening feeling washed over him. Crap, did that woman die because of m

  When John got to Sam’s office, he noticed a man sitting in the chair across from Sam’s desk. The man was crying with his face cupped in his hands while Sam did his best to console him.

  “Mr. Miller, I know this has to be painful for you, but your wife, unfortunately, chose a very permanent solution to a temporary problem. No matter what you may have done away from home, suicide is never the answer.” Sam knew his words were empty, but he did not know what else he could say to ease the man’s pain.

  “I don’t understand why she believed I was cheating on her. I have never cheated! I love my wife, and I have no idea where those earrings came from or who’s they are. None of this makes any sense to me. We have always been happy,” Jim’s voice quivered as he fought to hold back the tears.

  “Well, apparently she was not too happy finding out about your girlfriend. You read her note, it’s all there,” Sam picked up a copy of the note printed from her computer, and looked at it again.

  “The note, I cannot believe she would say all those terrible things,” Jim cried.

  “Sir, I know this is all very overwhelming for you, but you need to come to grips with the situation. I know a man can find himself caught up in the thrill of something exciting and dangerous, and before he knows it, he’s destroyed his life. You need to accept that she believed you were cheating, and, unfortunately, she could not live with it.”

  Sam saw the man’s pain, and he felt sorry for him, but he knew he had much more to face than the death of his wife. “I spoke with your father-in-law, and he’s quite upset. I sure wouldn’t want to be in your shoes right now,” Sam shook his head.

  “I know my life is over, but I don’t understand how this happened. Alisha would never hurt herself after learning we were going to have a baby. We’ve been trying for several months to conceive, and she was looking forward to motherhood more than anything. She would never harm our baby!” The look on Jim’s face was a mixture of confusion and pain. He sat quietly and looked down at his trembling hands with a voice screaming in his mind, This is a terrible dream, wake up!

  The problem was he was awake, and living in a nightmare of which there was no escape. Alisha had taken her life, and he would live the rest of his life knowing she died hating him.


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